p'riA.- - gg^. BLAMED THE tmjli OF PRQ( ^ WtotlS” mut^l sdVfOrtAgi do #fl«r buTlftf 5l^ilkesboH>i t)ie grot^ag trading ceater of Nffth western North Carolina A iM . Cont Red ■ ■ 1-., -- ' timd. adio ^^.VOL XXXIV, No. 84 1»AUL WALL KILLED— Hind Man Is.Held For Shooting At Dooghton Sunday SUte Road Man Die* of Bui* let Wound Inflicted By John Gom On Sunday Brazil’s Contribution ,,tQ Hemisphere Defei^ i'.: ...•’■■V . l§.N. Increase ' Klkin.—Paul Wall, 25, of State , Road, was shot and faUlly wouu. ded yoBterday afternoon about'- 3 o'clock at the store of John, OoBs, at Doughton. He died in ^ an ambulance en route to a hos-1 pital here. j Sheriff Claude T. Doughton, Coroner I. M. Myese, and Deputy Sheriff R. C. Jennings, all of Wilkes county, Inyeatlgated the shooting. They are holding John Goss, blind operator of the store, in Jail at Wllkesboro pending outcome of the Inauest to be held at Wllkesboro Wednesday. The officers reported that Goss and Wall engaged In an argu ment oyer some change. During the quarrel. Wall te said to have thrown a bottle at Goss, which missed him. Goss, the officers said witnesses told them, then fired twice at Wall, one bullet passing through a leg and the other striking him in the region of the heart. Inquest Held A preliminary Inquest was hold at Doughton and here by Coron er Myers. The inquest was ad journed until next Wednesday, after a few witnesses were heard and the body was viewed by the Goss haa been operating a store at Doughton, at the foot of Stone Mountain on the high way to Roaring CKiP. for a^eut five years. He formerly resided In Ashe county. Wall was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wall of SUte Road and had been employed by Hayes- Speas Funeral Home here here for the past 18 months. Surviving are the parents, 3 brothw, Foy Wall of State Road, Boyd Wall of Mountain Park- Sandy Wall of Fort Sill. Okln.l and lour sisters. Mrs. Carl Mur ray of SUte Road: Mrs. Charles Couch of Elkin; Mrs. Ethel Bar nett of Elkin, and Miss Pennle Wall of State Road. m . -S V.-.' ■ ■ V ^ Bdiween, June 30 And 'Def^ .' jlst,' Deposits Here In* V creased $1,209,000 At Mexican Border "T" r X An impussWo view of ihe’mUlUry airport in Rio de JsitUro. Brasil planes of UeBiasUlan air force, most of which are of D. K mannfactiire. Briw; Ttoee ^ so^rines, at their base at Lnakes IsUnd navy yard, Brdril keeps these submarines, aU of which were buUi in Italy, in tip-top shape, ready for any eventuality. • 4-H clubbers— Mulberry Club Well Organized Won Prize Last Year For Having Best Program Of Work Among Clubs SHOW PATRIOTISM-,.. \Giyei 50 Pounds Of All Lions Pledge I Rubber Shoe Heel To _ I II C United Support In Victory Meeting Telegram Sent to President; Each Member to Purchase One Or More Bonds TV-xt of a telegram sent by the Wllkesboro Lions Club to Presi dent Roosevelt was as follows: “WE PLEDGE TO YOU AS LBADiESR OF OUR COUNTRY THE FULL LOYALTY AND UNITED SUPPORT OF OCR LI ONS CLUB. THIS IS DONE IN ukifir ONS CLUBS IN THE TJ STATES HOLDING VICTORY meetings THIS' WEEK". The letter was sent following the meeting on Friday night, when a most enthusiastic patriot ism was evidenced throughout the program. Each member of the club present pledged to pur chase one or more defense sav ings bonds. U. S. tiovernment Charlie Dancy, proprietor ot the 0. K. Shoe Shop, said today he wae donating 50 pounds of rubibcr to the United States. The rubber is contained in 50 j James Robdrt Chatham Held I pound shoe heel which was made p. pu _ r MitrHw Fol- 'up for advertising purposes On Chargi^of Murder Fal* I lowing Death of Victim Funeral service was held Fri day at Liter'y Grove Baptist church for Royal McCarter, 25, resident of the Knotville commu nity who died Thursday in the Wilkes hospital from kUfe .llwOBuds iaflicted In an altsKS Resources of the banks In Nor'h Wllkesboro show large ^ ■ gains during the past six monthfi'.i I according to etataments pi^lishaff; here. The Northwestern Bank, which has home office here and branch es in Sparta, Jefferson, Boone, Blowing Rock, , Bakersvllle, Burnsville, Valdese and Taylors- vllle, listed total resources'at $6,- 377,476.19 on December 31, an increase of 1741,697,45 over the toUl of 16,636,778.71 on June! 80. Deposits Jumped from |6,076,- 850.33 on June 80 to $5,782,270. 38, an Increase of $705,419.76. The Bank of North Wllkesbo ro had proportloustely large in- creases with td*sl resources go ing from $2,013,662.10 on June j 30, to $2,769,360.68 on Decem ber 31, an incrgpse of $765,808.- , 67. Deposits Increased more than half a million, rising from $1,- , 974,622.18 to $2,478,795.38. Both banks experienced greater growth than at any peri- wT mf wmj I a |o4 during the history of the city, KniTP WAIindc AYP indicating that vast buying pow- IVUUC Tf UUUUd p^rt of the state and, that business experienced a prosperous half year. . it'd:- GRUESOME AFFAIR— Wilkes county 4-H clubs are well organized and are ready for a most active year, H. C. Colvard, assistant county agent, said today. This year the clubs will feature the ‘‘Food For Freedom” theme, which is predominant in all farm operations, Mr. Coivard said. In the first of a'- series of 4-H AMOUNT IS RAISED— Lions Give $100 To T. B. Fund when rubber was plentiful. BY BOARD NO. 2— Tires Issued To Five Saturday Fatal For Royal McCarter Jan. Presbytery Will Meet Tuesday i&'nNo. 2 of Wilkes -bottMy' was held In their office in the Bank of North Wllkesboro build- of Union Grove' Monday evening. Rev. A, B. Hayes conducted Olilin. OA S’scys ku vv rvev. Ar O. oa/co wumwvvv/s* ilng Saturday afternoon at 2:00,^fjjg service. Surviving the young All *nAwi'KAi*o WPTP nrf^R. n.*t^ TM/xfhar o’clock. All merabere were pres ent.. The following applicants were Issued tires: R. R. Cra'er. Honda, man are his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. McCarter, two brothers and eeven sls*ers. Chatham Is being held In the N. C.; ,L. G. Watkins. North Wilkes jail on a charge of mur- Wilkesboro. N. C.; C. A. Johnson, der, pending preliminary hearing. North Wllkesboro, N. C.; Tal J. McCarter was fatally Injured In Pearson, North Wllkesboro, N.; one of the most gruesome alter C.; John C. Billings, Lomas, N. C. Tire Rationing Board No. 2 cations In Wllkesboro. the long history of MsJ. Gea. Price of the U. 8. ms- rine corps (left) visits Gen. Conire- rsSf oommsiider of the second mlU* tsry tone of Bsjs, Lower Cslifor* oU, In Tijuns. Photo relessed by DBvy. AT LOCAL OFFICE— Sale Automobile; Truck License Far Fifty Gafher’i At Breakfast To » Laundi Movement' Wflkesboros Roise Part Of Budget tot the' Scout Ex pansion In Norjdiwest TabnlntJono of ca/#i and «iB* script km* late ttml^it tidnieff over 81,000 in the Hoy Booub drive, and dtmstions an es- pected to Increeae the amemat (b 82,000. ISolIowing » IjitaMbsi at Ht^ tel Wilkes this morning o amn her oi bMaMsr men began •»- Ueitbig in the commaaity and work was done ao entimola* tiCBlIy that the drive to gotag over is a Mg way. With a large mmjber of peo ple yet to be solicited, it Is ex pected that the sum of $2,000 will be raised before the end off the week to be used In promot ing Boy Scout work in the oonn- ty. Drive to raise a substantial 'sum of money for expansion of the Boy Scout program in Wilkes ^1 I « « I county was initiated this mom- AnPSkH I JICl iPAP.ihg at a breakfast of 50 persons AUvdQ IjCIoI 1 Cell interested In this move- ! ment. Report Through Jan. 8th p. w. Elshelman Session Will Convene At North Wllkesboro Pres byterian Church Quarterly meeting of the Win ston-Salem Presbytery will be held #Mb QWkfffld?* Jinn'll '-’V.S'K .■'The PrAbyteiry At which aUen* dance of 60 inlnlstert and officers Is expected, will begin at ten a. m. Dr. George Manza pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Winston-Salem, will deliver the sermon at 11 a. m. Ladles of the local church will serve lunph at noon and the Presbytery will contlnne through the afternoon. Rev. Mr. S'‘ark, of Lansing, will Showed Increase of 1,770 Over Sales Year Ago Sale of automobile and truck plates at the North Wilkesboro branch of the Carolina Motor Cti^. license bureau, were 1,770 ahead of the number sold on the same date last year, report of J. C. MqDbufmld; manager, oa^ Jsn- chairman ot the finance committee, and now scout commissioner,' presided at the meeting, which was held at Hotel Wilkes. Talks were madeby W. B. Vaughn-Lloyd, Scoot exeentlvo ^ i of the Winston-Salem distriel».^ | and Herbert Stneky. of Atlaata. 'll deputy regtonal ,;^eg8e«t^ who &-beU^ ' tp ■of wy 8 was 111! Ai i conSired, ' wl‘h 5,341 on the same date last j Scout Council tor this district dn the employment of a Scout eseOr ’ i In addition to the number of ‘o lend his complete effort* | in aaaiLiun uumu^i t/* state licenaes sold, the bureau | to organization of more Scont of had issued 475 North Wllkesboro | troops and the strengthening city tags existing troops. The last three days of 1941 1 It was pointed out at the meet- were the busiest in the history | mg tha^ a survey of boys in of the office here and records j Wilkes schools resulted In flnd- Mr ?*ark of Lansing wm were broken tor each day. The of-! Hng that many hundreds of bo^ be moderator Rev J M Wells. Ace to date has handled 863 titles ii*'ould be Scouts if they had the « XCs.l.m: i. r.iw.8,.t 19« pl.l.. opport„l,y to jolo ,„J t,»„. Chairman Says Funds As sured For Equipment For Tubercular Hospital North Wilkesboro Lions Club directors have voted to donate uiH - — - $100 *o the tuberculosis fund to club reports, the assistant agent {,g „sed for the purchase of fluor- listed the members and officers ogeopje and X Ray equipment for of the Mulberry club, which during Wilkes county tniiercular the past year received the award hospital. for the best work program in the amonn's previously collcc- county. ‘pd in the Christmas Seal drive. The membership of the club,! jhe bond sale conducted by the along with their projects was list- jaycees. the $100 donation by the «d as follows: Ralph Wyatt, hogs; ^jons Club and a donation by the Rex Huie, hogs and garden; Thor- Kiwanis Club will assure the lie Adams, Billy Shepherd, Her- pay,Jent of the desired equip- schel Brooks, Billy Key and Joe „,en‘,-Mrs. Boyd Stout, chairman Deal, poultry; G. A. Adams, cali; j^he Christmas seal drive, said Gny Hayes, calf and com; Don Kilby, calf and poultry; Ralph, g^ld that a complete re- Kilby, calf and poultry; Dewey,,g „,ade soon of funds Prevette, Charlie Byrd and Morris gu gonrees and urged that Dean Shumate, com. any who wish to contribu'e or Officers of the Mulberry club jjave not reported from the wx *_ AV,.L.«m wwAdiwiawF • Tlm’i. . • . SI __ «w».14a ksAV* ot aw: Doris AJbsher, president; Don ald Kilby, vice president; Blanche Smith, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Otis Barker and Miss Margaret Keeling are adult leaders for the club. Daring the year the club was very active. A program featured a forestry motion picture. Mem bers won prizes cn com at the county and state fairs. Two mem bers attended the 4-H camp at Swanannoa, The January meeting of the club was held on January 5th at the schooK Zero Here Sunday seal sale to call or write her at North Wilkesboro as early as possible. Steelman Death Funeral service was held Sun day at Ebenezer church for Pearli? Mae Steelman, age 56. who died Sa’urday. Rev. Gilbert Osborne conducted the service. Surviving are her mother. Mrs. Elia Steelman, and one sister. Mrs. Ernest Miller. Mrs. Jessie Jordan Claimed By, Death The bottom almost fell oht of the thermometer here early Sun day morning. Reports from numbers of peo ple Sunday Indicated the temper- Funeral service was held Sun day at Pilgrim church for Mrs. Jessie Foster Jordan, age 55, who died Saturday at her home atore was around zero. Some had in Elk Township. Rev. A. W. Bl- Jt up As" far ae above sndjler conducted the service, some thermometer* said as far) Snrviving are two sons. Coy iM five below. The avenge of all Poster, of Buck, and W.njle Pos- was approximately lero. ter, of Pergnson. 1...9 — - The cutting took place on the may issue tires only to the peo- sidewalk in front of Gray Broth- pie living in the following town- ers’ Furniture store and the side- Bhips; Edwards No. 1, Edwards ^^Ik pavement was stained with No. 2. Edwards No. 3, Mulberry many splotches of blood. Chat- No. 1, Mulberry No. 2, North used a pocket knife with a Wilkesboro, Rock Creek. Trap- blade and Inflicted deep and hill No. 1, TrapUlll No. 2. io„g guts on McCarter’s left arm Board No. 1 for all other parts of his body. Wilkes townships, has office in ^ tj,e two men the federal bulldinig in WiHfcs- down the street as if boro. nothing had happened and stag- The next meeting of Tire Rat- Newton’s Drug store. ! ioning Board No. 2 will be held .... Thursday. January 15. at 2:00 moderator. J. R. Finley is com missioner from the North Wilkes boro church. PATROLMAN GIVES— Warnb^ About Theft Of Tires Sergeant Carlyle Ingle, of the State highway patrol, said here " „ , 1, o today ‘hat there have already .\11 the way McCarter had left a ^ p. m. in the Board’s office in the Bank of North Wllkesboro bund ling. Those personrt wishing to ob and when he store, apparently helping ham, who was intoxicated, to stand erect, others present saw the sidewalk I*®®" reports of tire thefts and .1 H inTo fhe urged that every person record wa.ked t^e trade name and serial number and Issued 1,360 temporary tags, i were within reach. Mr McDiarmld repored that! The Scout Council budget for 75 farmers had taken advantage' the year is $15,723. of which of the one-half price With mini-1 Winston-Salem will furnish $8.- mum of ten dollars for plates for | 000 with the remainder to be on the raised in the Wilkesboros. Boon^ West Jefferson, Elkin and Mount Airy. trucks used exclusively farm. He said that the office had re coived ins*ructions to iovue no li cense for any new vehicle purch- 1W. B. Link’s Home ased after January 1. However. i i « i license may be issued for new I Destroyed Sunday of all their tires. He also asked that persons tain tires may apply at ‘he office of the Board on the second floor ot the Bank ot North Wllkeeboro building. They wlU be given an application form which must be filled out by themselves and en i ggjtjng big knife, au'horized tiro inspector. This ^^o had come to form is returned to the tire board l physical examlna- whlch holds-A..Jioaring on the ap- ... - ... plication and either lasuee a cer- . , , refrain from buying any tires if the blood and quickly render d numbers have been de- first aid. McCarter was ®®rried jj,g the Wilkes hospital and off e number of anv person en- arrived. Chatham was arrested selling that kind of tire, after some difficul y experienced spoke of arrests that have been made for failure to tificate, allowing the applican to buy tires, or denies the appli cation for certificate. The regula tions of tire rationing program allow only persons engaged 4n certain types. of car operation to have tires, and the great ma jority of the public Is ruled out completely. The offices are kept open from 10 to 12 every week day, Monday through Saturday. Man Is Held Here For Many Thefts Police Chief J, E. Walker said .today that Thurmond Horton, colored, has bOen arrested here and charged Flth many ♦hefts. Horton, -who left this commu nity 22-:yeaiVi ago and returned a few weeks sgb to become the chief worry of store manageys. Is charged with taking radios, elee'rjjl irooa, coats, watches, *nd^sei«»itif.otlisr artlclea.^in sev^ Kortb ^keeboro s^irefc He is^^ng keljl ^ coairt.-^':-s - .;• . ' ,4./. ■■ J'. - tion tor the draft, and McCar'er were described as the best of friends and little could be learn ed about the cause of the alter cation. HAS GOOD YEAR— StockhoIdets.Of Bank Will Meet purchase and display 1942 state license. He called attention to the fact that U Is a violation of the law not to have new license displayed, even though the license have been purchased- Mrs. N. W. Coleman Claimed By Death Mrs. Hettie Susan Coleman 65, wife of N. W. Coleman, of the southeastern part of Wilkes, •"died Sunday. Funeral will be , , field Tue'day. two p. m., at Mt. 4nnual Meeting For Bank or pjgg^h church. North Witk«b.r. To B. , s.. •“..‘.’“b Held On Thursday following sons and daughters. Hugh and O. H. Coleman, of Stockholders of the Bank of Gfgensboro; H. V. Coleman, of North Wilkesboro will meet at g^j^y^jj^urg, S. C.; Roy Coleman the bank on Thursday ‘ morning, L„a Mre^ E. H. McCarter, Union January 15, ten o’clock. | Grove; Mrs. L. P- Snow, State The bank has Just closed the j Road; Mrs. Zeb Nichols^ and most successful year in its his- 1 Mrs. E. I. Lunsford. Union Grove vehicles purcha.sed and delivered prior to January 1. This order i> in conjunction with the govern ment ban on sales of new auto- motlles and trucks until a ration ing system Is put into effect. many~needed— Civilian Defense Wants Volunteers Girls Taking Registrations All This Week In City Hall; Register Now Mrs. Pons Johnson, of North Wllkesboro rou’e three. She was a sister of Ed Harris, tory, during which resources gained more than’half a million In the last half of the year. After meeting of ttue'. itoekhol- .. ders, when dlreutors sf^tlle elec- North Wllkesboro ted ter the and perfect 0 Tlie home of VV. B. Link three and one-half miles wie.st of this city on highway 421 was totally destroyed by fire Sunday. The fire, which was discovered by neighbors about 10:30 a. ms' \vhile Mr. and Mrs. Link were at Sunday school, apparently started near a flue and the home burned rapidly. Only a few of the house furnishings were saved. 'The loss was only partly cover ed hy insurance. The North Wilkesboro fire de partment was called and the fire men saved other homes nearby by keeping the fire from spreading. . . The home of Dwight Nichols' W. H. McElwee chairman of T'’ilkes Civilian Defense oonncil. | firemen. Real- said today that few people „f Ed Brookshire, Bart regjs'ered as volunteers In ci\ ' Alonzo Faw and a new ian defence. house recently erected by Harold He said many more i Hartley could have been destroyed i are needed and urged rtat department here not who can register this week . ya assistance in keeping the clerical workers will be n from spreading. City imU all ^®®^ *-® *‘®s'®f®'' Tirfiinteers. Chairman McElwee said *hat J. B. McCoy has appointed air raid wardens for all sections of North Wllkesboro and that Paul Osborne is handling appointments for Wllkesboro. No Fire At Home Of Insurance Man Firemen ’Thursday answered a call to the home of J. B. Williams fire Insurance eiecutlve, but of Wllkwiboro. L A. Harris._cf foun^o a™. G. Harris, f Persons pawing had noticed and Mrs. Csrrie the vapor rtoisg from the roof North Wllkesboro shin*!** and tad tum^ In the route thfae. ****»• I' . Moose Will Meet On Tuesday Night Loyal Order of Moose lodge here will meet on Tuesday night. 7:30, and lay plans for a, open meeting to be held on Pebro*',^ ary 3. . Preliminary plans for the in^ on February 3 include, an dress by J. Gordon Hackett, will lead a panel on-Wllkoa . , , ty history, particdluriy ■Wilkes man^ played'to itar ‘ thm and tiie'formatioh ef^ , at t|I* aa^iaiff i