tHE 1,' A'w ' -/ ■^ '■ liiw -. -::-'0t wmBn tikim f -r Ipor ‘, idvantag* do your in North Wilkesboro, tWfc growing trading center of North western North Carolina ^iN THJ!'*‘S‘rATE't)ff«WILKES” FOR OVHl M:, M r-THSEE -...■-iak k0mtribii1li(8 JWW to ^;; ’’5®W: - '* U- i •. . , ■ f^ X I Bed Cross ^ar ' fiwd - ■^ho'are VOL. XXXIV, No. 85 NOW ORGANIZED— Workers Named to Handle Drive For Polio Funds Dr. Chamberlain. County Chairman, Say# Ball Will Be Held January 23 Published Mondays and Thursdays ~ NORTH WlLK^ORj^, N. €.. ^TBE^RSDAY, JAN. 15, 1942 - -»i.60 In t^^^ — fg-OO Out of Wilkes Exceeds Red j PreAytery Has ' ' “ I a 0 . • A . V Dr. A, C. Chamberlain, Wilkes 'chairman to raise funds to fight. infantile paralysis, said today he, Cross Quota $4,000 Most Successful jcrman Baron Jailed Campaign Carried Out In The County cr.,T^“;W.r Relief Ch.™.» Kilb, zation and that plans are well un- Expresses Appreciation der way for the drive. Success of Drive The march of dimes, coin bo.xes, personal solicitation and other j p Kilby, chairman of the means will be used in securing do-1 jjg.j cross war relief drive in nations. He pointed out that much said eoday that an « ,t —:11 STI . ziauoiis. UK jjwuivtv* V**—- . w iiAea, aaiu — of the funds will remain in the L^gunt slightly in excess of the county for relief of infantile para- j t-Qunty’s quota of $4,000 had been lysis victims. ' ! raised and that the quota has Dr. Chamberlain also announced bggn forwarded to the national today that a President’s Ball will chapter for use in war relief for be held on the night of January 23 ).jjg armed forces on the war at the American Legion and Auxi- fronts. liary clubhouse to raise funds. For gg gaid that he wished to ex- the band he has secured Paul tend an expression of sincere ap- Pettycord and his club men, with preciation to all who contnbuted Reginald Marshall, lyric tenor, tojjj, any amount to the fund and*to famish music. Tickets will soon the many workers who solicited be on sale. . ^u. Chairmen for the various com- munities were announced as fol- Meeting At Local Church Tuesday Dr. Mauze Delivers Excellent Sermon; Commissioners To Assembly Named Forty.flve laymen and minis ters were present for the winter meeting of the Winston-Saiem Presbytery held Tuesday at the Nor'h Wilkekboro Presbyterian ■church. I Rev. Carl Stark, of Lansing, was moderator of the meeting, ; and Rev. Ralph Buchanan, of Pine Hall, was elected modera fODAY AT NOON— Area Instittfe N.' C. League Crippled k HiU^ i tor tor the next meeting, to be held at Lee Memorial church In Wlnp^on-Salem In April. The Presbytery opened at ten a. m. and the sermon in the ! morning session was delivered by i Dr. George Mauze, pastor of the First Presbyterian church In Winston-Salem. Ladies of the lo cal church served lunch at noon. Besaty Queens from four of onr good neighbors to the soath mro pictured here, gathered round the Liberty Bell in Independence hsU, PhllsdelphU. They are, left to right: Elene Qnlnonex, of San Salvador; Icrcedeo Lncy Sanez Dsvills, of Colombia; Florencla Peres Cisneroo ;uba, atid Marie Souza DanUs of BrazU. Routine business, Including com- contnbuuons during the campaign. ' mittee reports, was taken up in The very successful drive was the afternoon. j muniues weie -■> — carried out soon after a vigorous Ernest de Meyer, reputed Ger- Commissioners appointed to lows by Dr. Chamberlain, county roij gall campaign when over $1,- nan baron and alien, who was sr- ! represent the Presbytery at the chairman, and Mrs. Hadley Hayes, gQo was raised througnout the rested in Los Angeles for a traffic ! General Assembly at Montreal in vice chairman: North Wilkesboro ggunty. violation. Police became snsplclouk may included Rev. J. W. Luke, -Miss tois Scroggs and Miss j qhe war relief drive was carried jf him when he attempted to change HaLlDD kUI» OWlUggO «M»VI I i lUJ wai ICIKTA VII I ^ Mary Jo Pearson; Wilkesboro— very efficiently and the total ;rom an army Jacket to a civilian Mrs. C. T. Doughton and Miss contained many coiitriuuuons inui ;oat. A short wave broadcasting numerous peopl Lena Culler; Ferguson—^T. W. Ferguson; Millers Creek—Prof. R. V. Day and Miss Hester Tulburt; Hays—W. J. Templeton and Prof. Zeb Dickson: Champion—Mrs. Taft Foster and Prof. P. W. Greer; Mo ravian Falls—Mrs. Walter Revis; Roaring River—Miss Zelle Har ris; Traphill—Miss Verna Mc Cann; Boomer—Mrs, Tom Greer; Ror'la=^Mrs. Dean Bentley. A meeting of the workers was held night to lay plans for the campaign. Mr. Chamberlain also announced that a dance will be held at Min IN WILKES COURT- set was found in hls apartment, as ivell as data on coast defense. of Glendale Springs, Rev. O. V. Caudill, of Elkin, and Mr. Maslln of Winston-Salem. SHOW PATRIOTISM— Damaw Action . Students Here Judge Clements Sustains Mo- - J l/Il JdlC In Case About Flood 5 1 IfCS KeCOVCred ON HOME FRONT— Registration For Ci^ian Defense Is Urgently Asked Radio Announcer and Com mentator Urges Wilkes People Register Now The appeal for registrations for civilian defense here received a boost Friday noon when Grady Cole, popular radio announcer for Representatives Of Several Counties Attend Lunch eon Conference Here HAS BEST YEAR— Stockholders 0 f The Northwestern Bank b Meetii^; Membership On Board Of Directors Is Increased To 14; Good Report Heard tion Damage To Furniture Stockholders of the Northwes tern Bank in meeting at the home office here heard reports of a most prosperous and successful year station WBT in Charlotte and jand elected directors to serve the western N. C. Civilian Defense | bank through 1942. chairman, urged that Wilkes peo-1 'j>y,e Northwestern Bank, which cutive sccrerary or i pie take advantage of the oppor- j^as formed in 1937 by merger of Carolina divi.sion of the organiza tunity now to register for civiliannumber of banks in this part of tion; Major Charles H. Warren, di Ithe state, now has branches in rector of vocational rohabilitatio" He was presented to the Kiwan- ■ Sparta, Jefferson, Boone, Blowing is Club and members of the county | Bakcrsville, Burnsville, Val- Area Institute of the North Car olina League for Crippled Children was held in Nprth Wilkesboro to day with representatives present ^ from Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Stokes, Watauga and Wilkes counties. Purposes of the institute were: to bring together individuals and agencies interested in physically handicapped; to secure authorita- ■I live information on possibilities | and limitations of programs for aid; and to counsel together for more effective “bridging the gap** in treating, training and finding employment for those who aiu I crippled or deformed. * Included in the 60 persons pres-’ ent were representatives of wel- J fare departments, health depart ments and civic clubs. North Wilkesboro Kiwanis Club, whiA' has been outstanding in aiding^ crippled children, was represented by several members of the board of directors. The meeting was held at tbs Woman’s Club house, where mem bers of the club served luncheon., I C. B. EHler, superintendent of/ Wilkes schools, presided. Those who led in the interesting-1 and infot.-.ative discussions were: Harry Howett, of Elyria, Ohio, di- | rector of social service in the Nat- | ional Society for Crippled Children; C. B. McIntosh, of Ohapel Hill, £xe-J cutive secretary of the North 1 Three Colored Men Tt cire„.T? wnbl! Th.,,. T«.. I. Not A Pi«l IS ulUD aim iiieiiiucio wx jUOCK, oaKuisviiic, i>u Defense Savings Stamps To civilian defense counncil by W. H. ijege a„d Taylorsville. iMcElwee, civilian defense chair-i — .u. Find Be Sold At School Every During the past year resources kuai, a ^ —j. H. Ulcinem. m. wimt-. tqn’s, _ place nqar Boomer on thel^^^^^ yesterday in the case of night of .January 31 with part of iuiniUire company versus the proceed.^ going to the benefit a.,uthern Railway company. fund. NAVY REVEALS— U. S. Fleet Intact Southern Railway company. The non-suit mot on was sus tained after much testimony had been heard. Counsel for the plain tiff gave notice of appeal to the L'supreme court. | Fred, Ralph and Raby Fergu- . The plaintiff sought about $1,- ^11 colored, got a year each In The War Area^"" " ^ Police Chief .1. E. Walker said .schools evidenced their patriot- Vulay that three tire thieves here i if^ni Tuesday by buying all the have been arrested, convicted and defense savings i=tamps piaesd sentenced to a year each on the on sale at the school and rushing of the bank made big gains and the ion for civilian defend rennurces Stude^"^of North WilklsbororTK&^Ai'e malty thfil^ roads. to the postoffice here for more after school closed in the after noon. Washing'on.—The P. S. .Asiat ic fleet is initaet and is cooperat ing with the Allies in the Far East. It was said nigh’ on the basis of informtion received here. Admirai Thomas C. Hart's ine piaiiiLiii t-, gon, ail ccioreu, got, a year eacii 800 damages to fur /ire in rail- .S tires and wheels which were A supply of $50 in stamps wss way shipments during the August, froni a pickup truck be- taken to the school Tuesday for i/wA 1 I, . . 1 fgx thin AhiIHrpn and thf^V individual can do and early regis tration is urgently requested. Howell Youth Is Accidentally Shot state department of public insti tion, Raleigh; James Barnes, f retiuy of the children’s bureau the state board of health: Mr^j Bertha Bell, Wilkes public healt who has been very active crfppicd ffifldrcn In the discussions it was po« ed out that there are 10,0 crippled children in North Ca_. lina and that existing facilities fo their treatment are far from ad€ 1940, flood. I lon.ging to Silas Shiima'e, keeper Court began a three weeks term ^ jjie county home, were found Monday for trial of civil cases, jjj tjjgjr possession. Jack Bailey The following divorces have been colored, was said J. - J. vpr>GllQ .... lae loiiuwiiig ...... aigQ colored, was sain to have granted: Velma Cockerham versus implicated in the theft but (Troy Lee Cockerham; Lee R. Fox been taken, v'ersus Rena Fox. E. Hensley, . , , Hemsley; Jeter M. | Don Howell, son of Mr. and ; Mrs. A. W. Howell, of Boomer, sale to the children and they was seriously injured on Sunday quickly bought up that amount aftemoon when a gun In the hands of a Swanson youth acci- denUlly discharged. The bullet from the rifle broke Howell's pelvic hone and inflic and wanted more. The response to the Manila Ray area befor-' the Japanese invader.s occupic'i the Philippine capi'al. The intormat1r,,i showed In' not only the combat ships. Imt the entire fleet train—consisting of supply, repair and oilier auxil iary craft—was alile to transf. r 3^ J versus Carie tiensiey; aeier m | Shumate's pick- mada succeeded in moving oat of ^ a^khurn versus Edna McFee „ Blackburn. Army Regulation About Marriages up ope- night last week when it was m./ked On the county home grounds near this city. the sale of ' defense savings stamps in the school was so great I hat Tuesday and Thiimday each, week have been designated as stamp selling davs at the school. This system 270.09. The capital account of the bank was increased from $450,000 to more than one-half million and dividends paid during the year to taled $24,000. The stockholders voted to in- quate. crease the board of directors from In that connection it was po'n 13 to 14 members. The added out that the sale of Easter seals member is J. D. Brinkley, of Val- aid crippled children is very im He is mayor of the town portant and that a contribution and is prominentlv connected with I only one cent from each person i thriving manufacturing firms 1 the state would raise a sum suffi there. W. F. Hughes, of Bakers-' c'cnt to accomplish much mo ville, was elected a director, sue- than can be done with funds a reeding G. W. Greene, of Baker.s- facilit es now available, ville, term had expired. ted other injuries. He is a pati ent at the Wilkes hospital and da.vs at the school, inis system ein. a., .oTNirted will encourage systematic saving some improvement po among the students. ' in hls conoltion today. I New regulations have t)cen issu- fo anoihei- thea're of operation ==. led by the selective service head- The shift was accomplished with 'quarters regarding the status of the los.s of only one mmor ship — married men who are subject to the 23-ycar-oid niinesweeuer being drafted into the service. Penguin 1 Present new rule provides that Rtniiarkable Feat j married men formerly placed in a Naval expert.s hailed the s -c- deferreti by reason of their cessful transfer as a remarkable inari vigc prior to December 8, feai particularly considering the 1941, .shall remain as classified, fact that the Japs control the Marriages which took place after China Sea and their naval December 8, 1941, are to be no s'rength was far greater than cause for a deferment, and if there the Ashatic unit. are no other reasons for deferment The cheering information fol-1 they will be put in class for^mili- lowed a press conference warn- ’ ' ' " Ing by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox that Nazi-inspired stories of unrest in Germany an- taiy duty when their number is reached, their class being 1-A. This ruling sets at rest the con fusion that has existed among paren'ly are designed to „ - - “the fine edge" off America's war status, however any rule is subject effort and its sense of urgency. Knox declared unequivocally that Adolf Hitler “still has the greatest mill'ary machine in the world.” I He said he did net think “there is a German rout in Rus sia.’’ “I think it's a withdrawal." he added. “Perhaps someone has befen hasty, but I don’t think this means they are licked.” Girl Scout Council Will Have Meeting to change as the situation may de mand. Furniture Makers Representatives of furniture manufacturing establishments here have returned from Chicago, where they attended the furniture expo sition. They reported that there wa.-; considerable activities on the mar ket, despite war conditions. Those from here attending were ,as follows: N. 0. Smoak, of For- Girl Scout council will • meetjgg). Furniture company; J. R. Hix on Monday evening. 7:30 o'clock, jaud A. B. Johnston, of American at the home of Mrs. Robert S. jpumiture company; John E. Jus- . _ — a «1 — — - n-wtn asBPAA i * _ A ’ ‘ ^ — —.»— M. •• • at lIHJ uumc* tfs UXI111»U1U Gtbbs, Jr. All members are asked tice, of Oak Furniture company; a X. -S TJmmmf n vw] "O rt LTrvavvms* nr to attend. i>Bn?D A new method of drying sweet potatoes has ibeen developed at the Alabama experiment station by using cheap drying surfaces Henry Moore and Ray Hoover, of Home Chair company. Highly important for wartime needs, approximately 450,000 tons of waste paper have been oy uBiiiB = collected in England since the and nature Instead of machinery, war began 2 months ago. NORTH WILKESBORO AIR RAID WARDENS Zone No. Name and Phone Address R. No. Phone B. No. North South Boundary Boundary Elast Boundary West Boundary 1 Watson Braine 590 407 Fifth Street 9 Southern RR. Yadkin River Fifth St. to Yadkin River Reddies River 2 J. M. Anderson 563 812 “D” Street 76 “E" Street Southern RR. Seventh St. Reddies River 3 W. J. Bason 306 1108 “E” Street 454 “I” Street “E" Street Seventh St. Reddies River 4 Edd Caudill 369 1212 Trogdon St. 26 Elizabeth St.'T” Street Hinshaw St. Twelfth Street 5 Mrs. L. L. Carpenter 641-M FMnley Park City limits Elizabeth St. and N. C. 18 City Limits West End Blocks 1-2-4-6 1 6 1 P. W. Eshelman Locklyn St. 276 N. C. No. 18 “L” Street Third Street Hinshaw Street and N. C. 18 1 7 Monroe Eller 464-J 1009 Hinshaw St. 99 “L" Street ‘T’ Street Third Street Hinshaw Street 8 R. T. McNeil 163 604 Sixth Street 32 “1“ Street “E" Street Third Street Seventh Street J 9 F. D. Forester 561 “C” Street 61 “B” Street Southern RR Southern RR. Seventh Street 10 Jake Schafer 55 411 “D" Street 26 Southern RR. Yadkin River \ Yadkin River Cleveland St. 11 John Johnson 440 Duke Power Sub Sta. 440 “L” Street “B” Street Ext. East City Limits Third Street 12 John B«J>wn (Col.) Rock Bowl It Flint Hill Rd.“L” Street 'Ext Bast City Limits Third Street The re-elected directors are as follows-; R. A. Doughton, Han-y Bailey, W. C. Berry. W. B. Collins, R. L. Doughton, Ralph Duncan, W, D. Farthing, M. A. Higgins, W. W., J. T. Prevet.te, M. E. Reeves and N. B. Smithey. Directors met following the stockholders meeting and re-elect ed the following officers: R. A Doughton, of Sparta, president; Edwin Duncan, of Sparta, execu tive vice president; .John C. Mc- Bee, Sr., of Bakcrsville, vice pre.s- ident; D. V. Deal, of North tVilkcs- boro, secretary. Bank officials and directors are anticipating another successful year. North Wilkesboro Man Injured In PROGRAM PLANNED— Fruit Growers Meet Jan. 22n Meeting Scheduled To Held At Moravian Falls Community House The Jaiiuaiy meeting of t!i^ Rrushy .Mountain P'rnit fJrower will lie belli Thnrsdav. .Teniiarjl 22. at 10::’0 a. m. in hi> Moravll an K'all.s rommiinily House There will be a liowinu: o4 ■sound mnlioii pieiure. "Gomhat,’| under the direction of Mr Kelt of th«- C.eneiiil niemh-al eonipa| ny. It is also planned in shov Ipietnres of he working parts oj _ , _ . . ilie Bean Maniifaetiiring comps Twin City Crash' Winston-Salem. — A North Wilkesboro man suffered a leg in jury Tuesday as the city recor ded another casualty from the icy streets. Vernon Church, 20. of the MU lere Creek section near North Wilkesboro was riding on the tai' gate of a truck which was s op- ped at the Dockland and thorne intersection. An approaching truck driven by C. W. Hartman, route four skidded on the ice as the driver attempted to stop at the inter section and crashed into the parked truck, the police reportf .showed. Church suffered a probable fracture of the leg and wa= tak en to the hospital for treatment. TTie vehicle which struck him was a light panel truck owned by the Winston Steam Laundry, the accident report showed. j ny's spray machine under the su| Ite'-vision of Mr. Blackwell Discussion of llte 1942 spral calendar and other, proltlemi^ ol the local fruit growers will be cliarge of Carl E. VanDeman, B. Snipes, and .Mr. Hohson, an^ this will be followed by the at nnal election of officers of hi association. A recess at noon, when thl Fruit Growers will serve hot co^ fee and when sandwiches will on sale, will give time for and business contacts. All fruit growers of the Briisli| Mountain district are cordlaF Invited to attend. demonstration Moist of the hens in farm dem onstration flocks on which rec ords are being kept in Cumber land' county are reaching the 76 percent of production stage, re ports aaslsUnt Farm Agent L.B.^ LhVs. Edwin Duncan Is Elected Djrector Of Salisbury Bai Edwin Duncan, executive president of the Northwest Bank, has been re-elected a nw her of the board of dlrectow^ the First National Bank In’l bury. He was re-elected in the ■ holders’ meeting' hold ■ day. He hu been n the hank there tef the oral yehre.