I" JmiRKAT.PATRIOT BLAZED THE OP PROGRESS IN THE'^ATE OF WILKES" yOR,pVB» THIBTY-THBEg Y - .;■ . ... -itr., .iW^-r>r-'^•'*-■■ ■ ,. ■^■t-t'.^-^-.:^ • .-.’ —- • •'c^--. ....i ^.-i,,,^'-/. sy ..■.•'*■ . ^ . ••?*•"- . - ■. \\ j-a • ; Important &out Scrap Itou Campaign Meeting WiD Be -- Tuesday Night To Be All Next Week Reorganization of Scouting Will Be Principal Bu»i- j ness At The Meeting Honor Student Reorganization of Scouting in Wilkes county will (begin in a meeting to be held on Tuesday night, January 27. eight o’clock, according to an announcenipnt issued here. In the business to be before the meeting will be nomination and election of officers and selec tion of representatives to the council meeting to be held in Winston-Salerm on January 29. The announcement stated that the meeting will be brief but of great importance to the Scout expansion program and all who are Interested in Scouting are urged to attend. The meeting follows comple tion of the successful drive made here for funds to finance Scout Elxpani’ion. during which more than $1,500 was raised in the Wllkesboros as the local part of the council budget. COLLECTING TAX— Postoffices Now Selling the Federal Auto Tax Stickers $2.09 Buys Sticker Good Un til July 1; Sales At Post- offices Increasing Sales of new federal tax stick ers for automobiles have been picking up at postofflces after a 'Tlow^tart^VarlieV this week. More than half of the original number sent North Wilkesboro pos’office had beer sold today, .-ales being more than 2 50 of the $3.09 stickers. But there wili be more and ev ery motorist must purchase a sticker and have it on his or her vehicle by February 1 or be liable for .stiff penal'ies for vio lation of a federal law. The stickers are ; -muted on the wrong >-ide for placing on the inside of the wind.shield but it is permissible to place them on the back side of the rear view mirror Jolm K. t liuicli. Of .\oi1li Wilkesboro, i.s the newly-elec- ted president of the Slate Col lege .Xgricultiiriil Club for tlie winter trriii. Tlie eliib, one of the largest and most active on the caiii|>it.-, is composed of sliideui.s ill the Scliool of .\gri- eullure. .John K- Chureli is .i son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Church. Many-Merchants Will Buy Scrap All Over County Farmer* Will Be Paid Pre vailing Prices For All Kinds Scrap Metal The week hegimiiiig Monday January 26, has been designated as “Scrap Iron Week’’ in Wilkes county, when a campaign for the collec'ion of scrap metals vrill be conducted throughout the coun ty. By arrangement with C. A. Lowe and Sons, local buyers of .scrap metals. 27 merchants in every part of Wilkes county will buy scrap metals all nex* week and prices set by the government will be paid for the various grades. J. B. Snipes, county farm ag ent, has urged every farmer to gather up the scrap metal abou* his premiseti and sell at the most convenient point. In connection j with the drive, he has asked 'hat | farmers make Immediate invento- FOR FEBRUARY- l^es Allowed 78 Tires In Next Month Allotment 18 Auto Tires, 60 Truck 4 Tires, 15 Auto Tube* smd 104 Truck Tube* ry of repair parts needed for IN THIS CITY— Moose Lodge Is Planning Defense Rally Feb. 10th farm machinery and to place or. ders with their dealers now in order that the parts will be on hand when needed. In this man iier farmers will be able to find out what implements are be.v.ond repair and the metals can be sold for scrap, 1 It is believed 'hat many tons of scrap iron and substantial quantities of other needed mate rials can be collected in the conn- Wilkes Tobacco Growers To Get More Allotment MALAYAN ADVANCE HALTED All Wilkes County Tobacco Growers Receive 10% In crease In Allotment* Will Lead Panel On Hickory of Wilkes _ , I J. . .. ■ ty during the week Everybooy Invit^CtT TXaicKUav county agent has made It clear that the farmers and others with scrap metals are not being asked to donate them but to sell them at prevailing pricey. Many are using money obtained from Loyal Order of Moose in North Wilkesboro has completed plans, for a big defense rally to be held | that -ource to buy defense bonds at -he town ball here on Tue--: and stamps. However, the county dav night. Februrav lo. 7:2(1 agent emphasized m announce- ‘jjj ment of the event that they may A.'v. Nolan, member of the use he money for any purpose Miller.s Creek high school fr ciiliy , thev wish. , , . is chairman of the program com-The following merchants in le mittee. He has planned the pro-. county have been designated a.- gram in the form of a panel, with j buyers of scrap iron during t e J. O. Hackett leading, about week: Wilkes county and the part its | R. C- Jarvis, Cycle; Liis Myers or other r-iaces on the vehicle. ’people played in obtaining and. Cycle: L. E. Woodie. Sniiimii. The stickers may be purcliased maintaining freedom. i G. C. Parsons. Pavsoiivil e. ir at any post office. j The committee emphasized ^ gil Church, Feed and Grocery It was learned 'oday from the office of Lawrence Miller, secre tary of the Wilkes County Agri cultural Conservation Associa tion Association, that an increase of 10 per cent had been allowed on totacco producers in the county, that had been officially approved by the State AAA Committee. New allotmen's showing the in crease due each producer are be ing placed ini the mall this week and any old tobacco grower who lias not received his revised al- The Japanese invader appar ently had been shelled to a halt last night in the most critical Malayan sector before Singapore, but he was developing a danger ous offensive upon the Island ap proaches to anxious Australia. Here, along the eastern end of a 4,000-mile ocean battle line, .Japanese warplanes In waves -- r— - numbering as high as 60 bomb- heallotmtoBts^tjf ^nd telite#n)ttt*lc'^th Snot tremendous power as to snggeet that* they were attempting to clear the way for invasion at tempts. Prime Minister Curtin told the Australians that the menace to that far sou'hem Al lied position was now “nearer, lotment by \he first of the weekjCle^ref ^"1 deadlier than ever" When'going to purcha.se the fed-'that -he meeting is open with j Store, Purlear; Taft Foster, eral auto tax .sticker be sure to invitation extended to all to at Champion: T. W^ kerguson, er We as mU as $2.10 because a ’ tend. K«son: Scroggs ft Company. Mo- maVuK- ,.:h sWdng pur"L to |CONTRARY TO RUMORS- jo. union Grove: Pres. In.score should notify 'he county office to this effect. It was learned further that all growers receiving an al lotment of under 1.5 acres would receive an increase of 0.1 acre. Prom 1.6 acres to 2.5 acres would receive 0.2 acre increase. This same scale applio- all the way up o the maximum growers illotnieiit in the county. ■ The countv committee was nleased to make this announce- cost, ment to ’he Wilkes county to bacco growers. Attacked were Kavleng In the Northern Bismarck Archipelago; Madang, Salamaua, Bulolo and Lae in British New Guinea. Oeenpy Celebes Island And, further *o the west btit still in the Australian zone, the Dutch acknowledged that the enemy had wholly occupied Mina haasa Peninsula in Northern Celebes h'land. although at heavy the colU'Ctor Greensboro. revenue at FOR THE COUNTY— Valuable Load Of Liquor Held No Word From Dr. Bumgarner ' Present Location of Captain In Medical Corps Is Not Known By Relatives Tim Yates and Otho Johnson Last message received by par- Taken With Capture Of Dr. John R. Bumgarner, , . £ , ■ captain in the medical corps with $5,000 Load of Liquor One of the me-i arrested with the capture of a cargo of about $5,000 wor h of tax paid liquor has waived evidence to court and hearing has not been held for the other. It wa, learned today from Sheriff C. T. Doughton who made the arrests. Tim Yates and O'ho (Taterl Johnson were arrested when Sheriff Doughton captured the valuable cargo of liquor on high- , way 16 January 1. Yates filed I bond and waived hearing and hearing has not been held tor Johnson. j Sheriff Doughton has the 'iq- uor. about 260 cases, stored and p will he turned over to the county for sale to liq ,;or s'ores !n wet counties of the state when the case is finally deposed of. I Store, Rt. 3. North Wilkesboro; ! Perry Lowe, Pores Knob; C. A. 'Lowe and Sons, North Wilkesbo- 'ro: Tom Grier Store, Boomer; ! Morris Hendren, Gllreath; W. W. ! Harris Hardware Store, Roaring River; Leet Poplin Store. Ronda: J. Z. Adams Store. Aus'in; Char lie Miles, Traphill; Imnnie Hol- , brook Store, Abshers; W. W. 'Gamhill Store, Dockery; Jesse Templeton. Haye; M. F. Atsher. RFD, Hays: W, M. Osborne I Store, McGrady; A. R. Miller, ‘Vannoy: A. T. Nichols. Route 1, Wilkesboro; R. H. Green, Ronda; ' Mont Jones, Oakwoods; Robert ' Spencer, State Road. ON JANUARY 26— North Wilkesboro B. & L. To Meet Annual Stockholders Meet ing To Be Held At City Hall Monday Night •he U. S. forces in the Philip pine.!, was at Christmas, his father. Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner, of Millers Creek, said today. Dr. Bumgarner entered service ' as a first lieutenant in the medi- ■ vial corps in December, 1940, and was sent to S'ernberg General | Hospital in Manila, capital of the' Philippines, He was there when he sent Christma.! greetings and news of his promotion to rank of Cap'ain at Christmas. Since that time a hospital ship, loaded wih American wounded. sailed from Manila to Darwin, j Annual statement of the Reins- Australia, and the Japanese inva- Sturdivant Burial association re- ders captured Manila. General leased here shows that its mem- Regular annual meeting of the etockholders of the North Wilkes boro Building and Loan associa tion will he held at the city hall 'on Monday nigh*. January 26, I (Continued on Page Five) GET FREE TRAINING— 11 From Wilkes Taken By NY A Eight To Asheville for Sheet Metal Course; Three Welding At Durham 1 NEAR HATTERAS— Two More Ships Sunk By Nazis Off the Atlantic Coast Washington.—Striking with in creasing fury along the Atlantic Seaboard, enemy submarines have sunk the American steamer City of Atlanta and probably the Latvian freighter Ciltvaira. with an apparent loss of 45 lives, the Navy department revealed yes terday. The Tes8eT8~were the fifth and sixth victims of marauding r 'l5oaU which sank their first vic tim in eastern seaboard waters a week ago yesterday. The apparent death toll brought to 75 'he to tal of seamen who have died in the undersea warfare. Only Tlirw Saved Only three of the City of At lanta's es'imaled crew of 4 6 were rescued after she was sent to tin* bottom off Cape Hatteras. N. C. Monday morning. The other 12 apparently perished. The CiPvaira. attacked the same morning off the Atlantic coast, lo.!t two of her 22-man crew. Twenty one of those res cued were taken to Charleston. S. C.. while nine others were taken to New York City. Two of the three known City of Atlanta survivors, Poiiert Fennell. Jr., and George Tavelle. both of Savannah. Ga... said last nigh* in Hoboken. N. J.. where they were landed, that the Ger man marauder whicli torpedoed their ship rose to the surface af ter firing i's deadly missle. and played a searchlight on the helo- less sailors struggling in the icy waters. The shivering seamen, they said, clung to hits of wreck age. shook their fists a’ the U- boat and shouted; “I’d like to wring your necks, you Hein ies Tire rationing hoard* for Wilkes county have received fig ures for the February allotment. For the month the entlra county, which includes botk boards, received an allotment of 18 passenger car and light truck tires, 60 truck tires and 104 truck tubes. This allotment will be divided between the two boards on badis of population of their respective areas. The two tire rationing board* held a joint seesion this morning to consider various regulation*. The meeting was held at the of fice of board number one In th* federal hnildlng in Wilkesboro. Board number two has office tz the Bank of North Wilkesboro building in this city. To date board number one ha* issued tire certificates to the following; G. B. CarltOn, mall carrier; D. R. Parker for Parker- Trlplett Electric company, elec trician : Robert Cleveland Par- due, mall carrier; Dr. W. W. Miles, physician; Samuel Malcolm Fox, hauler of scrap metal; Wil liam Talmage Austin, farm trac tor (not counted against quota); James Culby Walsh, transporta tion of raw materlalc; R. G. Van- noy. mail carrier. Since last publication board number two has issued tire cer tificates to the following; Joncla | W. Absher, transportation of raw materials; S. W. Queen, commoa carrier; Lin Bumgarner, commoa.’ carrier; Jenkins Hardware, plumbing and heating; Hilary York Hutchinson, mail carrier; T-!j:v,Vat0L ,tr!H»w»t*tioa riw£-j materials. According to regulations ■board caiinot fcsue more than one-fourth of its quqota during any one week. Red Cross Home Nursing Classes Rolls Announced Reins-Sturdivant Mutual Burial Association Is Large Organization The following boys have been accepted at the NY.A cen'er in Asheville to take a three months course in Sheetmetal. Grover Dillard, Hays: James F. Church, Hendrix: Es le C. Woodie, Wilbar; Carl Miller. Wiltar; Clinard Ray Johnson, Hendrix; William Ross Hudvou, ' RESPONSE GOOD— North Wilkesboro; Shelley Hol brook. Abshers; Reggie H. Bar- low, North Wilkesboro. Rt. 1. Three others went to Durham Statement Shows Financial Condition; Mem bership I* 52,370 Manila. General Douglas MacArthur’s forces are still holding out on Batan pen bership had Increased'*o 52,370 a.5 of December 31, a total ex avill liVJXUlllg .. ; «ll> Vfl. ww. insula near the fortress of Cor-: ceeding the entire population of Snlendid of the preceding year despite the fact that one of the regular quarterly assessments was omit ted during the year. Death benefits during the year to 279 members who died, to taled $26,850. Over $46,000 of the cash as sets were Invested in U. S. gov ernment bonds and 'building and crea'ing I wish we could get our hands you—." lMe,u-;e load iho following li.sts for your i-amo: Morning olass, Mondays and T'bursd.ivs 9:00 to 11:"0 Mes-j damos Tom Finloy. J B McCoy, Ilolmrt Gililis. E G Flinloy, Hadley Hayes, ,1. D Sehaefer. F. D. Forester. Jr.. Briee Caudle, Bill .Al-lier. Clyde S Litlard, j Jim Crawford. Weaver Starr, W. P. Gaddy. W. H. nnhliiig. Dick I Cashion. N. O Sinoak. Paul Gil-I rea'h, and Misses Mary Hulitt,| Ella McNeil, and Eiila Warren. Night class, Mondays and! Thursdays 7:n0 to 9:iHI Mes-l dames Zella Culpepper. Murphy] Hunt, Jake Church. W. Har.j de.sty, Allie .Anden-on. .Sara Hath-] cock. A. C. Chamberlain. TlpI -McNeil. ..\iidrew Casi^v. Ottal Keeling, and Misses Valley Pen-1 dry. ,r*ansv Green, latis Soroggaj Carroll Moll. Kathleen Hayes,; Elizabetli Heath. Mary Nicholaj Maiile Hendren, Pansy Fergueon and .Mrs. Jim Hauser. Wilkes Hosiery Employes Buying Defense Bonds I Lincoln Heigh's School -Tue^l j days. Wednesdays and Friday*] 11:30 to 2:40. I Roaring River School- - Mon-I 1 days and Thursdays 1:00-3:00. i The classes will he held town at the Woman’s Club houa and every member Is asked to b»j I on time for all classes, as tb«}| will he started on time. If thea Monday January 19, to enroll in a welding class: James D. Barker. Roaring River, Rt. 2; Worth R. Miller. Millers Creek; Millard Lee Cur ry, Wilkesboro, Rt. 1. . vvhkcs , . Mrs. Maude S. Miller. Youth announces today the inaugu-1 please call Mrs W. D. alfacre V Personnel Interviewer, said va- j.j^tion of the Voluntary Pay Roll home. No. 66. between ftve-thlrU cancies occur daily due to the i pjan for the purchase of, and six-thirty in the evening I There is a mistaken idea that to The Wilkes Hosiery Mills Com-, is fur'her information you desll ^ . I_« 11 »» TXT T\ 1 « die to fact that placements on Defense Bonds. . . _ —-3... MA v.ar>«/11v { * jobs are made so “(Youths may apply at the NYA '■ ■ in the court house each ^ y e * 11 4* t 111 , rapidly.! p ^ Eshelman, president of i members of the above elas. SAYS DUrKS SWIM THROUGH THE AIR Wilkes county by approximately 10.000. The association, which has home office here and branches at Spar* a, Jefferson, Boone and Le-, — noir, is the largest in the state, here in 1933 and Its rapid grow'h Coffewille, Kan.-One of the MacArthui's forces to Corregidor and as tar as could be learned 's '’eaUly seen Ity “ ^ jokts floating around in the wake was left at the hospital to care here. Is the w7h of recent heavy Kansas rains is for those wounded after depar- of its kind In the nation ,It opera i„anranee laws I told^ Wa^^Brooks of Coffey- ture of the hoepl'al ship. The association which oper- North Carolina Insurance laws. I X. who savs a flock of ducks Utes mutually, ended the year regidor and close to the entrance of Manila bay. It has not been learned here whether Dr. Bumgarner accom panied the wounded on the hos- pi*al ship, went with General MacArthui’s forces to Corregidor loan stocks, thus crea'ing a serve which not only protects the I f^om 9 till 5. j Tie emnloyee authorizes finances of the organization hut | Wilkes Hosiery Mills Com- whlch adds to earnings by Early Today to deduct from weekly pay terest received . . .i • »» ?n i check whatever amount they want The association was organized j Hoinphlll Home the eomnanv, advises that the em-'will be subject to draft. This ip^ees re-!nonse to the plan is ex-; for community service and not part of the United States Army. t Fire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hemphill In Wilkesboro was dfacovered near a ,rth Carolina Insurance j^wa. « - - wilkesboro fire Report for the year was Issued J ^ ates mutually, ended the year Report for the year was issuea . called. The resi- ^I^”over his"heai in the murky! Many coaples continue to mar- - with a cash balance of M^468 61 by W. K. dence Is occupied by Mr. and S with their W folded, "They ry tor love, not. as do others, to which repreeented a sutatantial treasurer, who ^ h^ of the ^ ww swimming,” explains Brooks, obtain sparring partners. 'increase over the amount at the (Continued on Page Five) in bDTid saving. This amount is regularly credit ed to emplovee’s individual De fense Savings Bond account and each time a total of $18.76 is ac cumulated the company will pro cure from the government a $26.00 Defense Savings Bond and deUter to the employM. Laziness grows on people; it bej gins in cob-ftebs, and ends in ir«J chains. The more business a ma has to do, the more he is able accomplish; for he learn* to., omize his time. “Many men and wd||)^ tto their dogs at night;** Ice Holderby, “but let tbahr dren run around pr were swimming,” explains Brooks, oh'-am sparnng partners. increase over me .-a- ^ — ^ ~ President’s Ball On Friday fRght At Ugm Qabhme for In/antile Paralysis *4-''