I i ON WEDNESDAY— State NYA Head To Visit County For Farm Meeting rTwo-Day Meeting of Farm Committeemen Announced for County Feb. 11-12 Largest Mobile Gun Starts East I r It was announced today by I.awrenoe Miller, Secretary of the Wilkes O.A.C.A. that a inee ing: of all rommitteemen. both conn ty and coninmnity. would he held at the courthouse on Wednesday and Thursday. Fel ruary 11th and 12th. On Wednesday. February 11th. the public is invited to both the niorniua and afternoon, mee'ins. Startin.s; at 10 a, m. the meeting wilt go in coniinic- , tion with the R-xten-slon Depart-1 ment. J. B. Snipes, county asren'. ' and an Extension specialist from the State office. In the afternoon the committee will he addre'^sed by John Dan.t;, S ate admintstra- tor of N.Y.A. for North Farolina. on the subject. “Farm Youth in Defense." Immediately tollowinr his address, matter^ in regard to the AAA program in the county will be dlscttssed. On Thnrsday. Fehriiaiy 12. K. Y, Floyd, Executive Assistant of the AA.A for N'or h Farolina. has called a meeting of all county .AAA officials for the purpose of discuseing certain changes in the A.AA prpgram. IN THIS CITY— Scoub Acthre h Observance of Boy Scout Week Event t % j • Scout Service Held Sunday, Another To Be Wednes day; Banquet Thursday • The giant 240-millimcler portable howitzer built in a Milwaukee fac tory is shown as it was being prepared for its trip east to the ordnance proving grounds at Aberdeen, Md. The howitzer is the largest fully mobile gun ever built. IS NATION-WIDE THIS TIME — Clocks Moved up Hour As War Time Comes In Bov Scout Week observance here is under way with several activi ties planned by local troops. On Sunday night a special Scout service was held at the First Bap tist church with the pastor, Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., speaking on the subiect, “A Scout Is Rever ent.” Troop 35 and several visit ing Scouts were present. On Wednesday night members of both Scout troops, 35 and 36, will attend the midweek service at the First .Methodist church. On Thursday night troop 35 will have a father and son banquet at the scout hut at the Metho’dist chuirh. Troop members will be hosts to their fathers at the banquet and a j very enjoyable occasion is assured. Other Scout activities will in- SOME WA|t REPOSTS ENCOURAGING; OtH^ tIOT SO I 12.00 Out of jStOto Japanese Threaten Singapore Japs Threaten Rubber—Gpoidspeed Singapore City After Crossins w Latest Reports Says Japanese Attack Force Checked By British Forces Fresh Russiaa troops from the East led a vigorous offensive be low Leningrad Sunday, seeking, to shatter the whole left wing of the German Invasion army, while farther south other soviet forces converged on Smolensk, and doggedly fought west in the Ukraine.’ Lnll in Libya In Libya there appeared to be a lull, as the British communi- , , . , , r, said that patrols fanning elude specia projwts for Scout I ^^om their positions west and troop ! week. members throughout the, MUCH CONTRIBUTED-i- Campai^n Polio Funds Is Success Quota Raised But The Exact Amount Not Known Un til Final Report# In one war i’«‘oplc of America Maine to t’alifoniia arose hour earli>r tMlay as time went into elfoel. rica-ks were tunietl up one hour earlier tlii-oughout the na tion. giving everyIkmIv an op- |K>rtnnity to sjm‘»*I up piXMlur- tioii one hour and .save elrt’tri- ’ily for war l>rKluet‘oii. War time. me hour fa'fer than standard fhne, is now tlie official time of the nation, n.s »leere'd b’y the eoiigres.s and the president. IVaetieally everyliod.v this morning went to work one hour earlier, lixliisf ries, raili-oads, buses and hu-sine s linns liave moved up one hour. But .all clocks r»‘ad the same. —war :line—and there should b‘ little or no confusion. Kverything is timetl by war time. Ho^yever, in some few iii- .stiuices hours if o|>eration have heem cliangied. Schools of the Wilkes county .system a»v pperathig at I):30, war tiiiie, with eXteption of JIulberry, which open# at i^e. North Wilkejtboro city schdols are o]>erating on war time, op ening at SrlMf. south of Tobruk had failed to make contact with any "impor tant bodies’’ of Axis troops. General Erwin Rommel, Axis commander, appeared to be paus ing for reorganization and per haps new supplies from rear has- The Methodi.st-Baptist troop es before attempting to take To- , of Boy Scouts of America, will bruk and drive the British back la'tend the prayer service at the the remaining 100-odd miles to 'Scout Service At I Methodist Church Fr^sh Russians Fiercely Attack Near Lenii^rad Fighting In Africa In Tempo rary Lull Before New Attacks Begin Under leadership of Dr. A. C. Chamberlain the drive here to raise funds with which to fight in fantile paralysis was very success ful 4nd the quota has been raised. D •• Chamberlain, chairm'^ for the lampaign, said today Jnrat a com ilete report cannot be made [Recruiting Party Will Be In unti returns are in from all coin | FoK collection bo.xes and other sources,' North Wilkesboro Feb- but .that substantial amounts have ruary 13th t to 20th beeii contributed by many people id LEATHERNECKS COMJNG j history PANEL— Marines To Land Patriotic Rally ! In N. Wilkesboro Tuesday Night First Methodist church Wednes day evening in a group. This is , one of the services being held as a part of the celebration of Boy I Scout Week. The minister. Rev. A. F. Waggoner, will speak on “Spiritual ^hlotics”. I At the cloiie of prayer service ’ the finance committee and the I building committee of the church ! will meeU. to forjpula|6Plans^ I the evecrioh' of a’rew eduitltfdtr the Egyptian border. I building and remodeling of the present sanctuary. The finance committee is composed of J. R. Hix, chairman, Mrs. J. C. Reins, .secretary, J. B. Carter, ‘reasurer, P. W. Eshelman, R. M. Brame, Jr., Dr. P. C. Hubbard and Mrs. Meeting At City Hall On , j 15 justice, Jr. HAS SEVEN MEMBERS— Advisory Council U. C. C. Installed On Friday Night Singapore. — Japanese troops landed yesterday on TTbin Island in Johore Strait, half a mile off Singapore Island, touching off an artillery duel that has raged in cessantly over the north shore of this beleaguered fortress since early morning. The boom of guns and crash of shells continues unabated and at the rear positlcii, a soldier’s gramophone is playing “Hang Up the Washing 011 the Siegfried line.’’ Strongest Ta.ste Singapore has had iu strong est ta-jte of war yesterday, hut the number of casualties is not !expected to be large. From the alkaline deserts of the | jgianj ^^s not on the West, America can harvest haU a bniitm pounds of na nral nibber to offset the Jap grab at Indies, claims Dr. T. Harper Goodspeed, Univer- . , . ,. w- igcs, sinking a prowling enemy vpssel offshore. silencing more Japanese gun.s on the mainland. I sity of California scientist. He is I shown here with "rabbit bosh,” the I new rubber plat t, which may reach life-saving status in this war. Moose Sponsor of A Public Tuesday Night, 7:30 and I that the quota for the county has Ibeen raised. Hpwever, if there are those who havi neglected to contribute to the fund they may send their con tributions to Dr. Chamberlain im Kvcrybod.v is invited to a patrio- PERMITS ISSUED— Reports Tire RationBoards For The Week Tire rationing boards for Wilkes Local Council for the North jaunty their regular meetings Wilkesboro branch office of the the past week and is.sued The building, North Wilkesboro branch office of pg^j^its to purchase tires to per- 1 committee is composed of S. V. the North Carolina Unemployment eligible under the regulations j Tomlinson, chairman. W. H. Duh- Compensation Commission and the ling, Mrs. J P. Horton, Mm.; United States Employment Service ^ Major Fletcher Act# For The, Governor In In#taIIation ' Meeting In Thi# City that tires in certain obsolete size.s the linited States tic rally to be held at the city hall Hai'fy Pearson, J. S. Deans, H. *"^***3,®** which are well defined in the regu- M. Hutchens, Mrs. J. B. Carter, jor A. L. Fletcher, chairman of the Once again Marine Corps Recruiting Service ’Tuesday night, 7:30. „ , j is sending nut from its head- The pthering will be opened by »r.d Geiiio C^dwelL quarters station in Raleigh a a 30-minute concert by the North number of temporary recruiting Wilkesboro high school band and parties, one of which will he loca the mam feature of the meeting j Unemployment Compensation Com- . in need of them and that all tires ^ . , , ’ll I A pai iffic yfi wuiv.ii «»»» »jc — w — - d mediately and the amounts will he Xortli Wilkesboro from the will be a history panel discussion included in the report. FORMERLY HERE— Clem Wrenn Dies In Atlanta, Ga. Foraer President Of feank Of Wilke#; Widely Known Here ^ 32nd ANNIVERSARY— Boy Scout Week Being Observed land crippling three enemy homb- I ers. The people are learning to dis- jiiiiguish between the thunder of 'their owfi and the Japan^eTse guns, land are taking it all with sui-pris- I ing calmness. ‘ On the coas'al fronts there has i ^0 ,.tittle Japanese a^ctlvity, and (the defenders have beeiT~abie to* '* ■deal quickly with that. The occa sional Japanese approaches to •siiigaper have received neat hand ling. AT MILLERS CREEK— Patriotic and Safety Program Large Crowd Brave# Bad Weather To Fill Auditori um For School Progfram 13th to the 20’h of February. on Wilkes county and the part its | The Marine Corps at the pre.s- people have had in each major, ent time is seeking thousands of crisis which has faced the nation, men to aid the Leathernecks do J- U- Hackett and J. B. Williams | the Job 'hey started in this war 'viH lead the panel. i History repeats itself! and it is their aim to see that the ' There will be other interesting "pjjg sconts of America js Marines keep up Ihe good work features and all are asked to make ijyjng again ^the stirring days of so rapidly that for those who en list now, immediate advancement C em Wrenn. for many vears a leaf ing busines.s man of this city, 1 diet in Atlanta, Ga. Saturday, ae- con ing to a message received by reh tiv^ in Mount Airy. | ranks of the Marine Corps IV r. Wrenn was t,he son of Mr. E i Wrenn, of Greensboro, and ' , j L late Mr. Wrenn. of Mount f ‘he mos popular and , ^ r. Surviving in addition tp his "ewest branches of *lhe Marine wll I two children, and mother. Corps are the paraclytte troops. . they have done thus far. plans to attend. .WhilUj^tlie Marine sergeants are a' the Post Office in North Wilkesboro it is' urged that all men betwaen W.he ages of 17 and 3 0 speak to the Sergeants and find out the Yeal facts of the Ma rine Corps. A' the present time, the Marine Corps is expanding 3RD REGISTRATION— Men 20-45 Will Register 16th Men who had reached their 20th birthday by December iCU, 19>41, and who will not have passed their " VX1.J u xt jt E'u America was asked to take 45th birthday by Monday, Febru- 1917 and 1918. ’The present con-, flict recalls the service rendered the NaMon when Scouting was on ly seven years old. 1 Now, on its thirty-second anni versary, the Boy Scouts of Amer- ita again serves America at war. These services range from poster dis’ributioii to blackout first aid. Early in 1941, before the Uni ted States became involt»d iI^ actual war. the Boy Scouts of the M ■ iri f n • f iloH fho Ill’ll tubes of all pooular sizes and Major Fletcher installed the ■ . ...» t r not m the obsolete group can be council as a representative of Gov- , , , eronr J. M. Broughton, who ap- sold only to per.son.s wh . a.e de- pointed the members several weeks ^ as e igi ago. The council will consist of Tire rationing board for district I rpnrpcpntincr pmnloves two number one issuea permits to pur- was representing employers and'three chase tires to the following last | friends of the schcml Friday night representing the public. On the "■eek: council A. F. Kilby and one to be Sam Hill Jones, obsolete tires; . » • 1 1 appointed will represente employ- J. E. Erwin, obsolete tires; Glenn and pro essiona e ., p ers; H. M. Hutchens and Dwight CarHon and Lindsay Rogers. lum-'-^®P-triotm safety .Millers (heek schnol au litorium packed with patrons and , when students in the Social Prob- 'lems Club, a.ssisted by several hus- Mayor R. T. McNiel, Mrs. C. T. Doughton and T- E, Story, repre- (Continued on page fbun 1 Arnold Hurley, president of the obsolete'ti^;;'j^nVrankHe7de".’ presided and welcome w^ by s.m and Columbus Glen Williams. Dr. £. S. Cooper ' Resumes Practice In N. Wilkesboro 'Church, obsolete tires; Clifford Dr. E. S. CCooper, who has Triplett, obsolete Tires; Edgar Lee garner spoke the invocation. Tb«* glee club, under direction of Mr#. Fred Cai’her and with Pauline "oal cn i wood: Gordon Hayes, lum ber hauler; Luther MdK'olev Mo'- rison, hauling cattle; Monte Carl • , i j Jones, obsolete tires; Frank Friday M^well as ac.-ompan.s rendered Baiay obsolete tires; Richard Grif-, ‘ Ainen^. The Beautiful and sev- fin, obsolete tires; Sylvan Kilby. uther patriotic numbers dur. obsolete tires; Dwight Gharlie, ' Ben Blakewood gave the history which the audience stood and gave iwo brothers. L. P. Wrenn. of in ^forth Car^mS are loca E. H. Wrenn. Mdint Airy, and Jr, of ReidsTlUe. T le funeral was held thi noo 1 at Mount Airy at bur al taking place -in that city. A t the" time of his death. ted at New River.. This is an ex thiskafter- 2 o’Si^k, I cellent opportunity to one of the ^ost exciting branch es of the service, and the enlisted man who is* a resident of North Mr. Carolina will s'ill be near their home w^hile stationed at the New While the Marines are in North Wilkesboro, it will be an oppor- Wrtnn was engaged in the rejad conitruction business in Georgia, n i River Marine Base I or a number of years Cl^m Wr inn was one of the best knfwn bus mess men of this city. HeAvas tumty for one do enlist In the sec etary of the North Wilkesboro outstanding military organ- B. k L. Association for a number Jxation in the world, of rears; a former cashier of the > ' ~ De] osit & Savings Bank; president HELP FILE RETURNS— of 1 he Bank of Wilkes which failed — « - rff* n in : 927; and one of the founders of,XMY|Vlan I A Kp the Wrenn Insurance Agency, the i » AA ITACUl 1 v A/V nai ie of which was later changed to the North Wilkesboro Insur ance Agency. ir. Wrenn was active in civic affeirs here for a number of ye«», and baa many friends thi Bughout this section who will rej ret to team of his death. REPAIRS Farmers of Swain county are CO, operating fully with the Cov er ment In its request that farm mi chinery repair parts be order ed early this year, reporte Farm At Bonds or bondage? Buy U. 8. Here Five Days A representative of ‘he intern al revenue service office in Greensboro will be at the city hall In North Wilkesboro from February 17 through February 21 for the purpose of assisting people in filing income tax re turns. - Announcement of ’he coming of the Income tax man to North Wilkesboro for five days was made by €. H. Robertson, collec tor of liltemal revenue In North Carolina. just completed an advanced Hemphill, obsolete tires: James r 11 • ary 16, will register on. Monday, responsibility for the distribution ingcourse at one of the nation’s Ha Somers obsMete tires; William K^y.^lTvice presi- Fphni»rv 16 for militarv service posters advertising the sale of leading chiropractic colleges in Theodore SomeA, obsolete tires; ^ Tto is L Losi.. I.*. to •»>. Ell,.,. Lev. .b.ol.t. and those who registered in either ^^oy Scou s put up 1.-,city and today resumed Pract.ee tires; C. C. Hams, mail came. 'in his remodeled and enlarged The regular meeting of Tire , . . ® , ,7, , o .u j: office in the Relns-Sturdlvant | ra ioning board No. .NC-97-2 was “"*1 Woodrow South dis- bullding. ' held Thursday afternoon, Febni- In St. Louis Dr. Cooper studied ary 5, at 2:00 — The following new methods of painless adjust- applicants being issued certifi- Ing and X-ray interpretation, cates which will permit them to of the two previous ^registrations ^ ge. n o required to register. Any 700.000. I Almost Immediately the Office between the ages of 20 and 45 and Civilian Defense requested the who have not previously j^gristered ®®°“ ® ® ' must do so or be liable for severe ®“ helping to collect scrap alu penalties in the federal court. ! P'""™ construction. Regristration places, which have I Scou s all over the United been announced for every precinct, States collected 10 million pounds will be open from seventa. m. un- aluminum—eightly per cent of til nine p. m. j i • County schools will not operate I' IT*®" ^’'® “PP®“* ®®’' which win Insure hie patients of [ purchase tires or tubes, which ev- the benefits of the latest approved er the cer’^ficate calls for: John methods of treatment. Thoma.i Royal, .McOrady. one cussed rules for safe walking. Men who have helped the club I and veterans of the first World War were :heu recognized. P. W. Eshelman, wlio was sche- ' duled to discuss safety in manufac- ; taring, was unable to be present ^ W. H. McElwee His enlarged office has adequate truck tire; Hall-Hudgi#a Truck Vn^ J^"fv;7ment Action in Wilke.sbnro, two Carlyle? Jordan Federal Officer - ^ Carlyle Jordan, who for ‘he past few yeari5 has been a mem ber of the state highway patrol, resigned bis position with the patrol recently to accept a posi tion with the alcohol tax unit of the federal government. Jordan, whose home is in Shew Jnfant Dies u lin illy Shew, age 24 days, aon of .Hirvey and ^therine 'Shew, died, Wilkesboro, is at present station-jl^nday and funeral held this field base in Ariidilb- beantlfully finished rooms, office. X-ray room, electric treatment room,- adjustment room, dressing rooms and dark room for X-ray work. on that date as many teachers will, ^^ste paper. Thousands of modation of patients. help with the registration. [ toM of waste paper have been — North (Wilkesboro schools will ka'hered already by them and qperate as usual a-d registration'‘^elr quest for it cont nues. will be at the city hall. A suffi-' *" ‘*’® cient number of workers ^ve been Scouts are doing thMe things secured without taking the teach- ®t which they are capable to hol ers from the schools here. fh® hom® front in Its fight for the democratic way of life. Scouting prepares boys for many "good turns" and America hag learned through war and peace a* Boy Sqaut Is dependable. I oy Scouts deserve the encour- ment and support and all lib- y loving American .people. quarters for practice and accom-1 Line, North RAY CLINE ENLISTS— Local Teachor . Enters^Corps There are) truck tires and two tubes; North reception wilkesboro Grocery Co., North Wilkesboro, N.C., one ‘ruck tube: George W. Bumgarner, Wilkesboro. ®bs®lete; Johny Myers, North Wilkesboro Route .4., 1, obsolete: Dr. John W. Morris. on War Emergency’’ and W.D. Half acre’s subject was "Our Social Or der In War Emergency.” J. R. N*"t^li Pi'®'’®^te spoke concerning patrio- " tism. All the talks were received J After two other numbers by the . ^ glee club a motion picture depict- , North Wilkesboro, two passenger ^ car tires and two tube-i: Tal J. given through courtesy of Yadkin Valley Motor company. .. 4 —r,., .. ( hsrie.s Pe>-er was the projector f and Fuel Co., North Wilkesboro. ^ ^he picture, along wiOt 14 one truck tire other features of the program, waa. j j very much enjoyed. Pearson, North Wilkesboro,- one truck tire; Nbrth Wilkesboro Ice one Norris Child Dies I Hayes North Wilkesboro, 1 Ray Cline, seventh grade teach-1 truck tire and one tube; Claude er In North-Wilkesboro sdiool, ,L. Gibson, North Wilkesboro. one •haa answered the call to service ; truck tire and one ‘ube; Joncie ,y enlisting In the U. S. army. W. Absher. MoGrady. one truck Ir corps as an aviation cadet. , [tire and one tube. I Mary Lee Norris, infant dangii He left last week and will re-1 Beginning Monday. February ter of GralrriUe and Paesr Wve his basic training at an air-j 9. the office of the Tire Ration-1 of Watauw conhty. ring Board No. NC-97-2 will be Thursday at the ed in Wilkes and ia working with other alcohol.tax unit oSteqis.ia at'Antioch I ^ fisher ' lad Wf" ■ Sar- Mrs. Bight wahnff, of this city, jopon-duly threa day# each week Funeral was hdd ihadtuta teachar.-^tn compiste Tnesday, Thursday and Batur-jSprhigs church,« he term. (Continued on Page FtN)

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