V lOOtS' Officer, Turns Gun On Sell "1 * r; !anr(»t Evoib Test At KtiranK n^temoon, at^ Blirfrwwd Ban^ Cr«gn«,‘Guy «nd HalfacreWilkwpfe Mra. I are One, Two and Three' R.'C. Hendren, who Saturder* *“ Hiffhcat Scorers .[at the home of her daughtea, Mw. . :• . ; ;Amy Combe, in the S]^rgwnirOT*.-v Members of the North Wilkes: I hofo Kiwanls club Friday jioon l^stor of Claimi i^ianef’al H«W ;re heldtm? V : e '■'H :t Foneral sci: >ver Mr. Harley EMis, who has a de fense job in Baltimore, visited rel atives here over the v^-eek-end. Mr. Jarvis Walsh and daueh- ter,^ A^nes, lof Boomer, were visb No^h Wilkesboro Satiir- Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson, of thl-3 city, visited relatives in Boone 'he past week,-end. Misses R uth Tille, and B Hie Payne, of Granite ■Falls, spent the ;week-end here Fith Miss Fster \i?endland. Mr. Robert J>ast few mi nths as a guard Radford. V Morrison of States- i Mr. M. F. Blevins, well known this office Saturday. He was ac jeompanied here by his son-in-law Mr. W. R. Wlute. "i. ■ Mr. L. P. KtVley, of Reddies River, was among those spend ing several hours in the city Saturday. 4” encer. for the feheriff. ha > acct*ted a position Mr. G. G. W’elbo n, who has been selling farn machinery here for the pa.st sevcral| years, having Wilkes deputy at a (efense plant at rginia Mr. 1>. G. Critcher. of Moravian Falls, is able to be out again fol lowing an illness of ten days, friends will’ be glad to learn. bits t ktVtiCtlfc iicavm^ quarters in he Copvard building on “O” street. las nuned his stock to his home or Wilk*boro, Route 2 Mr. Darw liected will n Smilhey. who is con- a hirge construction company engaged In building a de fense base ,at Chtrry Point near New Bern,'visiteo relatives here over the week-end{ I Mr. John (Biin Day has been honoral)ly discharged from Ihe army air ba.se at Savanitah. Ga. He is the son of Mr. Charles G. Day of this city. Mrs. L. R. Smithey has ret lim ed to her home iii Columliia.' ,S. C.. after a vi^it with her parents. Mr. aii.'l Mrs. C. D. Harris, at Mo vian Falls. Dr. Fred C. Hibbard, chief of staff of the M’ilkfs hospital, was elected chitf suyge >n for the Ashe counity hospital in a recent meeting ofi the trustees of that Mr. Ba.xler Smitiiey. of Coliiin- , hia. S. (’.. at'ended the funeral and burial of his aunt. Mrs. ('. D. Duncan, at Roaring River, last , week. institution.; (|r J. Hu Lt. Domdr J. Huffman, of 10.">th Engineers, Fort Jackson. S. G.. has been rdieved of his duties with F coripany jto accept duties ?1 adjutant of 105th f Mrs. A. isebasAaii and little son, Ralphj, returned to their Bo n the front and the iiiteri- ’ or of the building occupied by the Payne Clothing (’ompany was brightened up last week with fresh coats of paint. as personn ? Engineers. I Mr. J. C. Grayson and family recently have moved to the resi dence adjoining the home of Mrs. 1 W. L. Jomes in Wilkesboro. They have been residing for sometime on the Oakwoods highway. home at ; Crewe, West Virginia. Saturday after spending a week with MrsJ Sebastian’s parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Caudill, at Hays. .,lr. and Mrs. L. F. Kiriiy. who reside near Moravian Falls, ex pect to leave in about a week to make their home at Jacksonville, X. C. Mr, Kirby, a well qualified carpenter, has a defense job there FiUSUP T0NI6HT Do this—Try 3-p*rpo»« Va-tro-nol. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) relieves transient tiasal congestion . .. And brins greater breathing comfort. Vou’ll li|te W|#vc Sr 'it. Follow directions in ft'H'-' i VA-TRO-IIOl Ml. Sam Vickery, who has been with the Grayson Pull-Fashioned Hosiery Company at Independence, Va., has been transferred to the Randolph Full-Fashioned Hosiery Mills at' Randleman, N. C. Mr. Vickery is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vickery, of this city. Houston.—Poft-‘'Poken SlierWf Xorficet Hill fatally wouiidef^ Constable Charlie. Graham and then killed hlnjeelf in his o’T'cc in the CTihiinal courts hiiildin.g Thursday. , Graham, slruck by three hiiD lets from the sheriff’.s automnfic pistol, died In a hospital a, few minutes after the, shoo'ing. Justice To;n Maes returned a coroner’s verdic of murder and suicide. I Depufy Wouiiilc.l Deputy Sheriff Ira Saiinder who tried to wrest the g'nn fr^o' Hill, was wounded seriously by Hie bullet 'hat passed thro'ig’’ the sheriff’s chest. Dan Jackson, district attorney, told ill's story of the shooling- Constable Ov^hnni. f fro",„ deputy under Hill, and bawrence Graham. Ihe con“'ahh’'! tto-!i" • went to file sheriffs office at 4;05 11, in. to lei’do'- lnvr'”"'> t'.-o ham’s resignation as a dollar-a- year special deputy. Wlien Graham offered to r- sign the sheriff rose and drew hts iiis'ol. Graliaiii Kan Tlie two Grahams ran onl of the office with the r-heriff follow ing them and firing. Graham fell to the floor hut Hill shot again as he lay on Ihe floor pleading. “Please don’’ shoot me, sheriff; remember I’ve I babies.” ^ Frame Neville, chief critniital ' depiifv. saw Constable Graham fall, took the sheriff hack into his office and attempted to get Hill io release the gun. | ‘‘I got Ills to a chair.” Jackson, quoted Xevill, "and told him to “it down and let me have the gun. ! ‘‘He just said ‘all right,’ and j whipped the gun around a.ga'ns' himself to his chest and pulled the trigger.” Saunders was wounded when I he came to aid Nevill. The .sheriff died in Nevill’s ann%. tiS enjoyed a current event test jAit ^ here. condu^e4«rtlcr on by W. J. CaroonJ who had I Hendren /^flmany y^ra charge of the program. T I i T' It was a multiple Icholce *est liusbpnd un prepared by Time m&azine and f" the. jewelry| bu«^ ^ included 195 questloX. Those' She leaves ^o 804a, Ernest S. Bc'orlng highest were Paul Cra- Hendren, of Mount gan with 78, Rev. T. Slpane Guy, Herrdren^ of Evanston BETTE DAVIS as the lovely secretary of ‘The Man Who Came To Dinner.” She shares starring honors with Ann Sheridan and Monty Woolley in the new comedy open ing on Thursday at the Allen Threatre. SMOOTH—FAST— Midgets Making Good Record In Basketball Here GREETS FRIENDS— Saylors Writes From Hawaii Jf:, With 76, W. D. Halfacre, Louis J. Yelanjian and Paul ;OS- borne. A booh, "Lincoln. His Life In Photographs.” by Stefan Lo rant, will he presented to 'Paul Cragan at the next lunchtso^. eon meeting with the Compli ments of Time Publishing com pany for his making the highest score. Prior to the program a num ber of matters were before the cliih. Pat Williams reminded the club that February is tree plant ing month and urged that each, member plant a tree. He said that if no one objected he was going to pant mimosa trees along the highway between the Yadkin River bridge and Forester’s Nu-' Way service station in this ci'y. C. O- McNiel, recently appoin ted chairman in a drive to get books for the armed forces, re minded the members to give their suppoi”. to the campaign. Dr. A. C. Chamberlain, chair man of the drive to raise funds to fight infantile paralysis, re ported that the campaign had j made much progress and that the 1 goal had been reached. Robert Morehouse was a guest of his father, H. H. Morehouse, at the meeting. Ai]^; J,’' B.‘. Illinois: and one daughter; Mrs. C( mbs. —P’or Vlctorj':~Bu f Bond«-«s Money talk'! Unitid States De fense Savings Bonds and Stamp* shout “Victory!” H O U S E W ■ r’~ You Will IRON BOA 12*48” board, f Steel Reinforc ed legs. Seasoned Boards. Legs Lock Se curely. 32” from Floor 48” Tapered Top. ARES Need $1.79 $1.79 CARLTON’S This B.V I. L. Baker is the ritory of the Mid-j Pvt. Luther D. Saylors, Wilkes-j boro youth in the army and sta-i tinned on the Hawaiian islands, has w'ritten his first letter to this j newspaper since the Japanese at-1 Valentine Eve Dance At Legion Hut 13th IW^ntAds] Mr. J. T. fJacki Brame, 'ftfr [ the past several years a member of the office personnel of Insur- iance Service and Credit Corpo ration. has accepted a position with the Bank of North Wilkes boro and has begun his duties there. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Nine room hou.se on j D street. See D. J. Carter at The Jouynal-Patriot office. 2-9-tf Mr. Paul Harvell, Jr., has ac cepted a civil service position- a.s a photographer and will begin his duties at Camp Lee. Virginia, on February 16. His photograph, ic studio here will continue in operation, according to present plans. 1,^ F)R RENT—one five room Iioum on F Street. One four room , Frank j 2-12 2t house in Toralinjon. Fairplains. FOR RENT: Three-room apart- ^ ment wi'h private bath, steam jheat and water furnished. R. T. iMcNieli Phone 32. 1-10-tf 4 ri ! ^ FOR SALE Major A. L. Fletcher, of Ral eigh. spent Friday and Sa’urday here with his father. Rev. J. F. Fletcher, and sister, Mrs. W. R. Absher. While here M%jor Fletch er. ^x'ho is chairman of the. Unem ployment Compensation Commis sion, Installed the local arvisory council for the UCC office here on Friday night. DEATH RATE CLIMBS— Greeceis Starving UnderAxisControl , - - I newspaper since cue aapai.csc , Valentine Eve dan"e will be gets, that gallant group of sev- j^ck on Pearl Harbor on Decern-i f J®';";' . enth and eighth graders from ‘he ter 7 r ^ Thpre J' ... , I., I T ,• r' Friday night, February 13. There Text of his letter to Julius ^ j^ncing from 9:30 until Hubbard, of The Journal-Patriot.’ , !_• n ,lat«1 Januarv 18. follows: ^)K S.YlCR; HiUf ton panel Foi'd truck, jSood tires on wheels. ,3 extras.! Horton Drug Company. I ' 2-I2-2t Odis Johnson Is Claimed By Death GOOD UBED CARS—Recondition ed and [with good tires. Many bargain.s on hand. Graybeal Mo- buildin g on Gordon Avenue, Tom McNei 1, manager. 2-5-tf ■FX)R SAXE: One good second- hand. 50-galIon Myers spray pump with air chamber. Cost $65: will sell real cheqp. Greene Bumgarner, Millars Creek, Itpd z WANTED aV'NTED — Practical nui-slng. See Y rs. Gray, next to Wilkes Laund ry. Phone 367. 2-12-2tpd Funeral .service was held Sun; day afternoon at Anderson ceme tery near Gilreath for Odis John son. age 22, w'ho died Fridav even ing in a Statesville hosnital after an illnes.s of .several weeks. He was 22 years of age and was a son of Noah John.soh. He is .sur vived by his father, seven brothers and two sipters. Wa.sliington.—Greece is suffer ing a terrible famine, report" reaching Washington from vari ous channels indicate and the situation in tha' axis - occupied country is growing more desper ate daily. At a pre'.s conference yester day Sumner Welles, undersecreta ry of state described the plight of the Greeks as utterly appaling. He said the state department had been receiving famine reports from Greece for some time, from Americans returning from Greece or neighboring coiin'ries and from the government through the Greek legation here. Wcileis said the deparlment’-i information indicated that the Germans had ruthlessly stripped the Greek people of their food re serves andTOft ’hern to starve. He added that the rapidly increasing reath rate among infanta was partieularly shocking. Asked if he though a recently reported British decision, to send food relief into Greece throu^ the Turkish Crescent (Turkish Red Cross) might alleviate the situation, Welles replied he reh- local schools who have combined their basketball talents into one of the smoothest, fa-stesi basket ball aggregations in North Caro lina. Organized and coached la.'st year by Ray Cline, the seventh so often, grade teacher, the ‘earn had an auspicious season, but this year —rwell this is where the story be- gins. The Midgets have won six games and lost one, that one by four poin’s, 20-16, to the strong dated January 18. I cordially invited to You will probably Oiink that I Admission for have forgotten you, but I ^ that I haven t. I think of you ever ‘ You no doubt have talked with my parents and have found out that i am perfectly safe, but 1 wanted to tell you myself. As you know, I have several friends in Wilkesboro and Wilkes county and you can readily realize it is per person. Refreshments will be served dur ing the dance hours. The dance is sponsored by the. women of the North Wilkesboro Moose Chapter No. 47 6. Appalachian high ,^hooI Hgg. a. imimss.ble for me to correspond to gation. Tomorrow night at Boone f /ra North Wilke?boro w(ll attempt to b'e manage it, I would be indebted seek revenge for that lone de feat. Though the team is small in size their feats are great. In sev- ' en games they have scored 202 points while limiting their oppon ents to 58. In defeating Galax. ■Virginia, here last Friday night 37 4, the hapless visitors were held to one field goal. That ough' to have set some kind of record for these parts The s'arting line-up usually consists of Bucky Hjirton. Charles Gilreath. Mac RHeiv Tom Ander son. and Bill Brewer. Ready to take their places are Barnes. Ga briel. Hudson, Caudill. Turner. Grayson. Ray Anderson and Chamberlain. Leading the scoring parade so far is Charles Gilreath wi'h 60 points. He has developed an iin- cannv si c*. that is made ivhile to you if you would let them know North Wilkesboro Beat Galax 39-22 North Wilkesboro high school that I ani 0. K. You could also basketball team won a decisive yic-- mention that Baxter Davis is safe ^fury Galax, Virginia, high, too. ‘‘I hffpe that you understand ,that I am unable to tell you any- ’, thing about the raid, so I will not mention it. But 1 '-vill tell you this much, it isn’t so bad. Every varsity here Friday night 39 to 22. The Mountain Lions plaved one of their best games and the outcome of the game was never in doubt. North Wilkesboro midgets plav ed an exceedingly fast game to Special Meeting Junior Tuesday WtNTEn—To Do A'uur .Altera tions if all kinds. Special atten- - tion given to men’s clothes: Moderp Cleaners, kffice on Ninth D. 6' street Mrs. L. D. Gooke. 2-9-2t H’.AN'TFiD—Used Baby Pen Ci-ib. State Icondition, size and price. Addrtjss "T", dare Journal- A special meeting of North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Order will he held on Tuesday night, 7:30. The program will h^ directed by E. A. Shook, D. E. Elledge, and T. H. Waller and promikes to ‘be very- interesting. There will also ho degree work. AH officeni, members of the de gree team and every o’her mem ber of the eSuncil 1s urged to at tend. ;tainly hoped it '»ould^ ‘going under the basket away Reports from Greek and neu. ^ tral diplomatic sources Taptain Bucky Horton, have told of hun.ger ^-^^d peoplt* dying by the hundreds 1^n Athens alone, with similar dis tress in other Greek cities. Bread is unobtainable a' any price In some districts, and the supply of fish from' the waters around Greece is so far from adequate, according to these reports, that .even 'he heads and entrails of ' fish— formerly used for fertfilizer ' -are eagerly sought as food. Patriot. 2t-pd. W .ANTIp—To Repair Your Radio —Bes equipped Badio Shop in Wilkei County. 90 day guaran tee oii all repairs. Reasonable cost. ; Parker-Triplett Electric Co., Wilkesboro, N. C. Phone 22-W. t 1-22-tf REPORTS TIRE RATION BOARDS FOR THE WEEK (Continued from page 1) MISCEIX^ NEOUS -- I |1 * That scooter you picked up at R. & Grocery company was! ne. lost. Rlease return it. : Phone 276. Bobby M’ells. It JOE PALMER is now with us' eight hours a day. six days a! week for expert radio and re-1 frigerdtor repair service, anyJ make or model. Telephone 630 j for quick service. .Anderson | Electric Co., AVilkesboro. 1-22-tf day. -from 10 to 12. The Board will continue meeting each Thurs day afternoon at 2:00, and all persoibs wishing to apply for per mits to buy tires or tubes should have their applications in ihe of fice by noon on Thursdays. •Any persons wishing to register for Civilian Defense may do so at the Tire Rationing Office in the Bank of North Wilkesboro Building from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m, any week day. Make separate application for tire;.! and tubes. EASTERN STAR MEET Wilkes chapter number 42,' Or der of the Eastern Star, will have a regular meeting on Thursetey evening, February 12. 7:30 p. m, Mrs. Mary B. Toby, district depjity grand matron, will make her official visit to the chapter February 26th instead of February 12 as previously announced. Mrs. Annie Cline Payne, W. M. Mrs. Emma Day, Secretary. dimin- next with 53 tallies, followed by the Midget's wizard at pa.ssing and hnll hnndlin.c as well as hawking Mac Eller. He has 4 2 points. Since Coach Cline’s departure tasl: week. Snoerintendent Cragan is in charge of ’he team. Yes, Sir it looks as if North Wilkesboro is in for some good ha,sketball the next three years. A fine group of hoys, well Coached, keen on team-play: lov ers of the game -- and oh yes, th^y plan ^o heat Boone^ tomor row night. That briefly story of 'he Midgets. one is in good spirits and are tak-,l^**’f Galax midgets 37 to 7. ing it in a magnificent way. ■ i The Mountain Lions w'H i>l“V “I haven’t anything else to say, Boone Tuesday night ami Millers so I will close. Thanks a lot for the favor, and I won’t forget it.” Foster Child Thin Ice Victim Where Hero Son Also Drowned Creek at Millers Creek Thur.sday night. A game with Mount Airy here Friday night has been Ads. get attention—an.i re*olts VALENTINE GIFT Niinnally’s “THE CANDY OF THE SOUTH” — Attractive Boxes — Select Your* Before Stock Is Exhausted BRAME’S Drug Store ’Phone 10 3.—Mrs. Min- near Brady’s is the Quesfions B- Answered State College Questions Use the advertising columns oJ 'his paper as your shopping guide Answered By State College QUESTION: Is composiUon roll roofing sati’factory fpr covering poultry house roofs? ANSW^ER: C. F. Parrish, Ex tension poul'ryman of State Col lege. says some North Carolina poOltrymen have found composi tion roll roofing very satisfactory if dressed tongue and grooved roofers are used. He says thht a coal of roofing tar should bq ap plied to the sheathing before laying the roll roofing. The lap is cemented with the roofing tar and nails are not used except at ^ the ends and top and bottom which edges. . QUESTION: What is the war time supply ^ si'uatipn, with Re gard to sodium nitrate used in fertilizer? ANSWER: Fertilizer manufac turers, as well as other users of sodium nitrate, are noW receiving supplies of the fertilizer under a complete allocations system which went into effect on February 1. according to G. Tom Scott of State College, chairman of the State U3DA War Board.: in ad dition to being used as a fertili zer, sodium nitratefis also used for the manufacture of explosives, nitric acid, potassium nitrate and glass, and in the curing and pre serving of meats. A shortage of shipping space has resulted in the rationing of this material. Is imported largely from South America. New York. Feb nie Ernst lives Point in Grasmere. Staten Island Four years ago her 2 4-year-old son, Frederick, made a heroic effort to rescue two children who had fallen through the ice there and was drowned. Bereft of a son. Mrs. Ernst lavished her affection on, little Robert Bannon, who had been boarded in her home since he was one year old. She cared for him and watched him grow to a stur dy boy of seven. Today—in the freezing dark ness of 1:45 a. m.—the body of young Robert was recovered from the same pond. The boy had been missing since 5 p. m. Monday, Growing anxious when he failed to return for dibner, Mrs. Ernst made in quiries and found he had gone to a candy store. The store keeper remember^ i the boy had been there, '^Jle) went that way,’’ he told Mrs.’ Er-1 nst — pointing toward Brady’s pond. Her heart sank. She called police. They sent out an emer gency crew, erected floodlights around the pond and began grappling operations. The body was discovered just under tiie edge of the ice beneath a small wob^en bridge. HOM" JAPS’ 2-MAN SUBS GOT IN’TO PEARL HARBOR Revealing article which shows how the deadly, little killer-ships were laiMiched from, and returned to their shelters ahdard huge whaling ships, prepafed long ago for their sinister wwk. Don’t miss this feature in the February S2nd issue of The ^.American Weekly, the big mai^arino distrlb- ufed with the Baltimore:'Sunday American. On sale at all news- standi*. ' V This Advertisement Contributed To Promote The Sale of De fense Bonds and War Saving Stamps By MOORE'S MARREl L H. HOLLAR. Owner » B. P. BENTLEY, • WE SPECIALIZE IN FKBSH NATIVE MB> TMS.' JJ KlE,' ■ ~. J . . .

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