ItoeARtHUR HOU)^ Bmb Attack' *1ew Jm Bataan Urire On Suiulny nigiit, March 1, the Mitchell Collage a cappella choir, of Stateaville, will sing in a ankm •wVico at the Firat Bap'.ist church in this city. All churches here will jointly sponsor the service, which wUl begin at eight o’clock. The choir is under direction of E, B. Stinuon and has been highly praised at every performance. TO MEET SATURDAY— Wilkes Pnoltry Cooperative 1$ Newly Organized Forty Poultnrmen Show Much Interest b Qrgani- LETTER TO MAYpR TELLS ABOUT ‘Interim’ Report On Flood Dam V«i’ a natioml hoUda.v. Fehruary 22, birthday annlversjtrj' «•' George WiwhlnKton, will bo Sunday iuMt Monday wUl bo ob served a» the holiday. MUCH ENJOTWD— Scouts Hosts To Fathers At Fete Troop 35 Entertains Fathers and Scout Officials On Thursday Night By J. B. 8N1PHB, Oowity Agent About forty poultrymen mot In the coun'y court hoiwe Satur day afternoon. February 14, and orransed a poultry club. The name adopted for the club is "Wilkes Poultry Froducws Co- opwatlve’’. E- M. Huffman, of Purlear. wrs elected president. Mrs. C^l Hendrix, of Boomer, vice-president: and S'. F. Miller, Ferguson, secretary-treasurer. A discussion, which las“ed for over an hour, brought out many points which indicated why the poultrymen should he organized All poultrymen were 100 percent for such an organization .-nd pledged themselves to do what ever possible to develop such an underUking as to promote poul-- numl try business in the county. | banquet at the Scout hut at the Since it took the allotted time Methodls' church Thursday night, for discussion and organizing the] Total attendance was 35 'u- clttb, U was decided by th?. offi- eluding members of the troop, cers that it wa» wise to call an- their dads. Dr. John W. KincUe- other meeting tor Saturday morn- loe. Jr., pastor of the First Bail ing, February il. at 10 o’clock,tlst church; J. M. Anderson and at the county court house. At t. E. S'ory, chairman and vlce- thla time we expect to have some ' chairman of the Wilkes Scout of the poultry specialists here district; J. B. Carter, bf the dis- from Raleigh, and discuss with trict committee; Cyrus 'McNeill, «s the egg and broiler outlook of the court of honor: and mem for-the country and ?Iso many jjers of the troop committee; H. other potnU In the poultry busl- b.^ Clark and A. M. Church, ness which will be most worth scoutmaster and aasistant Scout- whtle for all our poultrymen to master. Banks Here Will Be Closed Monday banks Jhere An ‘•interim’ report on war department InvMtlgatlons of thf Wilkesboro das) phase of the will W 1 Yadktn-Peeda* flwd control pro- ' ' ^ 2S, which afOl b*« obseprefl t ] Office (jf tte the war department February 15. A le ter from Major Genera} E. Reybold, chief ' of engineers) to Congressman R. L. Doughtou. relayed by Doughton to ' North Wilkesboro’s mayor. R. T. Mc Neill. said a Boy Scouts closed Boy Scoi'‘ Week observance here with troop number 36 giving a father-son Registration of mob Tor selective service. totaled ' 1^)^ in Wilkes county Mondtiy, aecdrdh^ to''flgr-'| urea compiled 1^ limr.liro draft, board offices) Board area number 1, yrtiich has office'in'-Wilkesboro, had «,a regis tration of 816. Board nrumber two, with office in N’orth’ Wilkesboro, had 1,167 registrants; Registration was in progress at one or more places in each precinct from seven a. m. until nine p. m Teachers and other volunteer workers handled the work of reg istration. The coupty schools had| oadets st only bombae* a holiday in order that teachers trafaiinc air corps sdvaaoed could help and school buildings flying lebsel fat (fie country, hi Al- coulu be used as registration ir. M., carry secret bomb points. aifMs In sipper bag before taUag Men between ages 20 to 46 vpho qb, had not previously regristered were FEB. 24, 25, 26— included in the third selective ser vice re'gistration. Thanks Expressed Both draft boards today issued a' statement of appreciation to^ sdiool teachefs and others who volunteered to aasiiiA in dm tsgis- trotion; They refleiyed i» pay for*- p - I . ,1 , II , I -■ ■ Dairy Meetings AreAnnouoced Washington.—The army yestor-' day reported the beginning pt » and perhaps cllrasotic, Ja|s- ' Inaie drive upon the battera* troope of General Douglas Arthur on Bataan Peninsnla. New enemy air units -were bombing the American and Fili pino forces "almost constantly.* New Japanese artillery battertea {with incratsing intensity. Ani pounded the defending positions meanwhite, even more Japaneee forces were lairing at nearby Subic bay. The army communique also ra- 'ported a successful attack upon Japanese shipping in the Dntdi' East Indies by American Army pilots flying four-motored bomb ers. Direct hits were scored on s big tramport and a small one, and both were believed sunk. Two enemy bargds were destrvqr- ed. None of the planes was dam-- aged-.' Telling of the flghting on Bar' tasA, the communique said three*' bad been another air attack upon ■ a refuge cai^p at Caheaben her . ■hind Ibe romblned repow ' E. HU§yiMP80N,;Choir Director ON March ftb— Associational S. S. Meeting F*THinr*lWil Ifo' AtdWaeJ How To Secure Great er Milk Production _ nror hear. Short talks were made by all Onori tttin.3 wr-ic kucauc had a nice crowd out for pjests and the occasion was 1X70 nrp a the first meeting, and we are ex paettng many more for the second meeting. In addition to the pouUnmen we are also inviting the Uveetock produeen to be present for the meetlng.This will be a joint meet- ling *etwen the poultry club and the Uveetock dob. very much enjoyed. H. B. Clark, Seoxrtmas'er, wss toastmaster at the banquet, which was very much enjoyed. here MARCH 9— District Of K.P. Lodge TO LEAVE 2:00 P. M— Train Schedule to Change Mar. 1 District meeting of Knights of Pythias lodge will be held with the Kbrth'Wlliedtoro lodge on Mkreh t, it was announ ced Iwt* today. OJiO. Lnitrlg. of Lenelr, dfs- trlot dhUWy, ffHl ^ in charge the meeting and all mesabers m diced to make piano to attend. In the meeting of tke North Wttkeehoro lodge Monday nigh*, Febrnnry M, fhe mi* .of Knight wUi i»«eitf«Bred on J. Q. Gemble. All mentbera.of *** anked to b* »reeent Eflec’ive Msrrh 1, the outgoing train here will leave North Wilkt'Sboro for Winston-Salem at 2:00 p. m. Instead of 3:30 p. m.. Southern Railway offlciala said today. There wUhbe no change on the Insomlnlf scbednle, with the train arriving here at 10'40. At present the train leaves here at 3:30 p. m. on week days and 2:00 I'. m. on Sundays. Beginning on March 1 it will leave ft two ev ery day. W. E. Jones, station agent here said the new sbbednle will pro vide better connections and faster mail service north,east and south, and will deflnltoly be an ImprovemmttoyeE -piesent outgotuK sebeiiiile. ' , covering all phases of the Yad-' kin-Peedee basin studies was ex pected about July 31 but tha* an "interim report dealing specifl- ca*lly with the proposed Wilkes boro dam’’ should reach the office about the middle of this mon’h. Further Review "Immediately upon receipt of the interim and final reports by the department,” General Key- bold wro'e, ’’they wllf be refer red to the board of engineere for rivers and harbors for revle^i' as required by law prior to their transmission to congress with the recommendations of the depar*-' ment" *’Af er the reportt have been transmitted to congress,” he con tinned, "further rction by the department on any project wHlcli may be recommended therein will depend upon Ihe-*' authorization of those projects by congress and the appropriation of the necessa ry funds for any pj*opoeed work.’’ General Reybold .said he.jrould make the' Interim and final re ports avallahle to Congrwsman. Doughton- for study as soon as NAMES GIVEf^ Board 1 Men To Service ■The following named men are the most i-ccen’ one*i to heve been called by Wilkes selective service board numiber 1: Albert Ray 'Staley, Rond" Woodrow Ri’flsell) Richard. Jack' son Tevepangh. 'James Roland. Scroggs. Lewis Benonia Prevette lYayne Forrest Church. Joe' Cal loway .Ashley, Chester Ijee Coffey Arnold RO'bert Wilson, Ro." Stephenson Godfrey. JrKe Len- nice Cox. Archie Everet* Hollan-i, R. J. Michael. Anderson Edmond Laws, Lealie Oliver .Wooten, Ot- tle Woodrow Allen,* Marvin Har old Bowers, Woodfow Wilson Hamby,,. Herman Taylor Kilby. Bv J. B. SVTPE8. County .4«ert Eight dairy meetings have been (Worked up for the purpose )f I stressing to the farmers be'ter Teaches And C»fitor* « ^ management and ■ feeding recruiting offl Brushy Mountain Asso- of their livestock. J. A. Arey^ ciation Will Meet Extension Dairy Special^, will forwarded nine young men — ha present at these meetings and recruiting office at Raleigh Mee’lng of the Sunday school sl*w slides on Good Day f^^ physical examination, officers, workers and teachers in Prac'ices**. B. B. Broome, of the killed add tt weuhd^ ■ t** RECRUITERS HERE— Many Joining Marine CorpsI the Bruahy Mountain Baptist as- Coble Dairy company, will also a socl^tion will be held at the tend some of the-meetines md Wilkesboro Baptist church on explain to the farmers the new TTiursd.ay. March 5, 7:30 p. m., i milk plcnt and some of the things according to an announcement by that they would like to help he C. B. Blley, a.ssocU‘lonal superin-j farmers accomplish, since milk tendent, and T. B. Story, moder- and butter is on the ton of the tttw of the eaeoclation. .list in the food essentials under Representatives of the Baptist the defense program, and sine? Sunday school •board in Raleigh'we are trying to develop the dat will be present 'o direct the" meet- ry interests in our county we ing and*lead dlscueslons. Every hope that a large number of the church in the association Is urged farmers will attend the meetlnes to send its-Sunday school superln- and present their problems a- ♦endenU, other general officers this time. and as many teachers as will at-' The foliowlng farmers hav.’ tend. Other members of ’be been visited and arrangements chuyeb and Sunday school will made with them to hofd tb’ be welcomed to-the meeting. The jneetings in their homes.' so ; II namoy,,. nermaii mjjui rvnoj. uo « lames Franklin .JOfnes. John ' purpose of ..the meeting WIH-be. Ujo. farmers are. asked to chec_ give inktriicfioiui And sugifSs- th’e lists'of farmers springs lavinu 1 imnwivhig'' the S'unday the meeting most convenient; i Those who left here for Ral eigh were; B. B'. Bauguess, J. D.' Mcl,aln, M. L. Richardson, T. G.; Billings. C. W. Shumaker, J P.; Nichols, H. T. Spicer, B. M. Hu6-; bard and Fitzu Richardson. The marine officers will be the city hall until Friday noou. On Friday they expect to send' 12 to 15 additional young meuj ■o Raleigh. Applications harw-: already b8en received from 1*L and others are expected Friday morning. _ - On Tueadry night tb«, tecralb-i ing officers showed a picture afi the city hall before'* a' lar crowd of young meh ' .and. nesday,night the-;M»A sh(^_^jf* presented heforeilbC member^*' of the C. C. ’CA'tttii 'it i*iT Smlthey. they were received but pointed ^ Maurice Dudley Davis, 25eb Be- out that “it 1* ' understood of shears, W. T. Martin, Earl King course that the material contair- Jarvis. ^ ed in those reports will not bel Sherman Mathis,’' Vftn' nomsico give iubh utnuM ^ -- — - ■Wilsh. RicM-'-rt Pressley Blevins, tlons lor ttahroving the Sunday the meeting most convenient. Abram Mathis. Alton Turner]schools. ‘‘Pleaw a'taiid In large' lo-no C. Hamby, Clate Perdue Smlthey. numbers”, anaouBCpliieBt of the meeting said. RatuAi. to Rvu? «U iU LUUOt; WlAl llUt. 1/T7 t made public .prior to their trass- Cll&FilO',CAJrktHl mission to congress by the Secr.»- — » «- —A 4 tary of War.” Aisoared Study The chief of ’"englneeers told Doughton that englneeers toiff Clmrlie Cadtoo, Stonj uougnton mat "yoTmay be a« sared ‘hat every effort consistent' when j«*l^ SATURDAY NlCHT— Democrat To Att^d Rfdiy with the necaasHy for sound en gineering analysis, study ^d .re view of the problems Ittrolved te-moW being made to complete the Interim and final reports at the earliest practiUmble drte In brder that thay .may be aohmitted to Congress wUkoot delay."* The revorts aW being prepar»i by ^ol. John #.)BiMdon, dlviiibn' en^neer of tmi wuth A'tanttc Division, and IdMfiniant CblOhet Reading WilktnsOtfl* dlatrlc* eu- gineer. Charleston- 8. - C. * Congresarnsn T^nughton relay ed a copy of the Reynolds letter to Mayor neck was partly ent in an alterca tion with Aries Greely Church In this city, left the Wilkes Hospital yesterday and returned to fain Fight ,’|iiiQ^totion. "What aro yea dpfmr in tfae .ban- trr, wauer*:' T yeaieraay ana reiurnea mn v --«eutlve home. His condition has improved that manv rapidly despite much loss of blooff Mack Moore Buys ^ ’ "»oore lUYCir ran^ i « ~nP u .J .i. arreiige ^ra*w!jiB«0«on lack Moore ha#‘ purohnsed the Mack Moore ha#^purohased the Madr Muoro, Si&i ffirfa^Jl^oin the tehv of his uncle, the late Mack jloprer 6r.,. vrith whom he Vriw as sociate i'n farming unUl his deidh. ^ Mr.’' Moore, familiarly known u 'Made Mooro, Jn. bought the tire fartti which consists of acres ami 'includes some of.,,— taoqtl fertgfie Tadkia vaUey kmdala the cooEty.': He wlQ eontinue’ Chainnaa J, R. Ro«m®«* Haa Tickets. .Will Anntnfe Trsuiiportaftion J. R. Rousseau- chairman of conunTtee. e*W tofiW- from ’Wllkse are plannlhg to at- tefiff the WaSlrtngtoh Day dinner Hi Winston-Salem Saturday night. 4 - _ . ilekets » hafliadia for'thorn i^wdah W Jawhffd and dn’wft have any wny’.of transportatlird. Senator Qpt&p Gray, of Wla- ston-Salalfi^ fc iWhnkin* to* din ner, which I* SBptotod to be an Mtstondlag piHtr fMhertoW, Jin artfiBle oti t>«ge two of neitope^. ' ' February 24th: 10:00. C. r j Alexander at Roaring River; 2:00 ‘ J.’ J. Hendren, Brushy Mountain: ^ 7:30, James Pardue. 11 miles on Highway 421 toward Wlnstbu Salem. . Febr.-«ary 26th: 10:00, Mack Moore, 2 miles on Ferguson road: 2:00^1 Dan Shuma'e at Lone .birtiom: 7:30. John Wm. Hurt Ronda. , February 86th: lO-.OO, J. M German, at Boomer: 2:00, D. B. Swaringen, Tnq?hill. ' I FUNERAL' FRIDAY^ E. H. pock^ Taken 1^ TD BEGIN TUESDAY— Yaikb VaDey E>u:ene H. Dockery, known citisen of Rof^- boro, died'Wednesdhl^dfhl,., the Wilke# hospital) ill for about three weeks several day# prior' to Aa tie hope was hdd bw Mr. Dockery ’ffia* ^ Wilkes, being h’edh rf thd't, Jolm L. and LwiSs* E eiy. For many ysA hi lumber pwchaslut "" Chair etnnpmiy afld jyfib known in tint type' > Sorvtehag Mr. DoikifiiF^ari^ Some of toe »at. hwhethaU ^tjoilr, Mto. — in Wfflcoe cssphto vdll to^ e*y, eilidlnUy^ _ ^ ^ is the Yisite Ya8«r tonraa- »,*. ffeA mmt tybe«te In BSUn on Ihesdsy. mmI Mrs. P-' «' FeriWary 24th.>v ^ Tampa, Flmdda. * ' ftworite teams a*e scarce FuaeiW'aeririce Fffl fa* .the tournament and ,th«re aye sev- iftmoon, thmt wniyi with records good enowgh iriKcate that they cep take home^y^^^|B^ Mtstondng pany gwnei^ )«gt-atp that they can take home Jjlartitiaf detslle mar b*!i:f(mnd ‘“W won. The tooroiiiieiit .G.',.. ^4C e.M twn nf this ^/T ... i j i.- sMKpto to* ’■Stv for great^a . *dii£ detamined bf In isawn wMhlat the eonfsr-*' ■ 'f. ^