*mm$ Scrap to l^ap the Jap Tffc- ^ \ Si4C/-/WCUUT 'EM fVWE OUH- SCR.AP/.> si^^feoithT J^y !»OW r-4^-’ a.' RADMt snMrWi«4to'.- ttaMK^rteftWr Hh* t«ow tKlv» 8B«» ii^» w«ifc.e»n*ed vd»aiwoB» for >ilMrt& .„, ^ ^ • W^HBPIk-fliW tU»aA*PrfaoiMr i’Ihe clortttg of la* Wniw* eoiiniy ■ WUketaoro irtool* .jAecldod to •choolB and Worth Wllkooboro j Clfwo on*ll wedn«#«y bocaoaO Whooto nnf 11 Wadnooflay morning; |4bo«t M. high achool stndente ■"finow began falling at eightitranajwrted from tfto Mulberry 6’elock this mothing and In the i dirtriit would he Wt Tueaday hart^ftr. /ohtt R, Bumgarner, Of late afternoon had already iawt It would he dllRmilt for many NoffT WlHwaborOi lilted me a 'ni'e War pepartxnent does not Wwfn ef America—Uncle Sam Needa Ton Scrag Iron! Scrap iron from Willcea county famu is a’.ding in the fight wgainat the Japanese and the other two Axis na tions. Prwlinainary reports from over the state show that already thousands of tons of scrap iron have been oc41acted by farmers and started on the way to sgeel mills for the manufacture of arms. Wilkes county far mers have joined in the scrap collection campaign by fumisking thoaisimds of pounds, according to County Agent J. B. Snipes, Secretary of the Wilkes County US- DA War Board. OBJECT: SALVAGE IMPORTANT MATERIALS— County Salvage Group Formed Meetii^ To Be yeached a depth of eight inchm oh places where uone melted he the first fiakee fell. The snow was almost Ident ical with that on Tuesday of lest week, co iing out pt the east and beginning about ;the some time. The snowfall whs so intense today that the depth increased one Inch per hour dur ing part of the day. County schools were closed tt noon today and the buses were f started on their homeward trips small children In the cHy to get casus^, prisoner, lost:, or mla»^ JL^ 4# ffhls mvwvaw* . fst^ . AJhA/aae^vtap -frs r'f«i#VlMe«a4lrkn to the echool If th§ snow’ con tinues to increase in depth. The city hoard of edWMDtkm met short. klV after *000 toiler ?isd decided W to Irnvo s^oot-lK»esday. Umees eoow cOirtlnues Tues day, all scho^ wni reopen on Wednesday. - S' ifighway forces began about ingr, fording to Information furnihbed his parenta. Rev. ' and Mrs. Ji L. A. Bn^igam^ of Mil lers Creek, through, the Ameri can >R^ Cross. Dr. Bumgarner, who pnUsteiced medicine here ibefor* he was called Into service In December, 1940, as a first lieutenant In the BylpBdtor lUt Richard Johnston Now In Australia A. B. Johnston today received a cablegram from his son, Ueu- tenaat Richard Johnston., from Held oil Tuesday of the message was?!- - RMiCHBD AU8TRAWA. ORAND TRiP OVER, FEELING FINE. Llentenant Johnston la a pilot in the army air corps. IN A RESOLUTION— ^wanians Ask Construction Of Dam On Yadkin Resolutions Points Out Pow er Could Be Used for Man ufacture War Materials Pointing out, timt power generat ed could be used for some type of war industry, and also calling at tention to the prottetion to agri- C^tural and industrial interests, North WiDtesboro Kiwanis Chib Friday unapinipnsly passed a resolution asking the govsnunent ii OHini imil I l^jii^fnnfTid dur or tte-Vadkin riVsr noon today the task of clearing medical corpe, was assigned to and keeping the roads clear of fitemberg General Hospital In Manila, P. I., and was last heard from by his parents at Cbristm.is He had been promoted to Captain in the medical corps. The rUmor circulated here that his father had been notified that he was a prisoner of the Japanese was entirely without foundation, iRev Mr. Bumgarner said. It was thought here that he would have been heard from had snow. I LAST FOR MOkTH— ^Boards Allow Purchase Tires; Three New Cai^ ____ (Continued On Page Eight) ^ Full Time Clerks Appointed; 16th; MATERIALS HAVE NOT ARRIVED— Mcx>re Resigns From The “ Judge JaHas A. 'Boavwaa, of tbi* cttly, has filed his notice of candidacy for a pettmA term wiUi the State ele^tSono board. Judge BtMisseaa wiR be a can didate for the Democratic nom- 1 nation for judge-for the 17th JudUcial district, DrUch is com posed of Wilkes, Tadkin, Davie, Avery and Mitcbeil coantiee. He was elected tor an ri^t- year term in 1M4. Board And Is Clerk For the last week In February Wilkes rationing boards issued cerflflcates to eligible persons to purchase the few remaining tires r-« 1 In the monthly fiuotf end ieeued i TiUrtSeil CaiVe certificatee te.thpee gersons pur chasing new aoHnikl pensdaf wnrTKl./ Aircraft Courses Here Postpofied * • Representatives of Many Or- WEDNESDAY NIGHT— iKhle Courses In School Talked ganixations Will Make Up County Committee V. Tomlinson, chairman of the ^er one allowed AIRCRAFT OQURSEH Arrao^emenb Are rpsolutidh, prepared by S. 1 Prf»rjp J^rary ^ grtirpiReh ffiftt, Salvage commlt'ee tor county will be organized in a meeting to be held on Tuesday night, 7:30, at the city hall. The salvage committee I Wilkes is one of 100 to be orga- _ _ . j ulzed throughout the state to seek P.T.A. and Mmwtenal Asso- collected and mar- Move- i keted the vital war materials I needed by the nation. Particu lar emphasis will be placed on rubber and C’ j located In the Mulberry coBimii- j Public affaire committee, was di-iored. to Ket a Mr wWch he had -, stnrdl- lected to the senators and repre- Purchased last fall. Board num- 'sentatives of North Carolina in ber two Issued ewt flutes to P. congress. The resolution was read W. Behelman, of this city, and , , „.,i. «nd there have to ihe club by J. B. Prevette. | Conrad Pearson. Jr., of Greens- ^rmale caSes among p W RrlwAitis was 'Drofirram boro, to ?ret cars which they, been only two “X V™, SnT p.rol.M.a b,„ I. I»41. •»«« Ka presented Earl B. Garret, of 1 For all Wilkes county the quo- farm. Raleigh, who made*a very timely' la for March will be 23 passen- ciation Sponsw ment in This City On Wednesday night at the North Wilkesboro Methodist church a union service was held for the purpose of discussing in troduction of Bible classes in North Wilkesboro schobls. Rev. Watt M. Cooper, pastor of pastor, also participated in the t‘on and sale of scrap materials service. Dr. David L. W'oodward, pastor scrap iron and steel waste paper. N. E. Edger on, chairman and James B. Volger, executive secra-1 tary, of the state salvage com mittee, have appointed J. B. , Snipes. Wilkes county farm age.it ^ as chairman of the Wilke.s co:n-1 ger car tires and 19 tubes. Trucks DIRECTORS ADDED jwill get 98 new 'ires, 42 retreads | .'and 110 tubes. These figures to-' j day had not been divided between i the two boards. j Boards have asked that dealers j return part C of the tire purch- ! ase certificate: to the board which issued It promptly after tlferv are (Continued On Page Eight) FOR ARMED FORCES— Book Drive Will Close Saturday I iSHUkSQ Ik yi uilipi DC. T- delivered. J. Mack Moore has Boy Scouts To Make House- To-House Canvass As Close Of Campaign which are badly needed. Included on the county com mittee win be the following: Mayors of cities and towns, chair man of civilian defense, fire chiefs, police chiefs, farm agent, representatives of Kiwanis, Lions, fraternal clubs and other civic organizations, merchants associ ation, home demons*ration clubs. 4-H clubs. Boy Scouts, Girl i The Victory book campaign, which has been in progress here for the past few weeks, will end on Saturday, March 7, with a can- and will be full time clerk to.the board. The vacancy on the board has not been filled. Mrs. E. A. Shook is full time secretary to board number 2. l,ast week board 1 Issued tire Directors 01 Cooperative In Meet Saturday Already More Than 60 Have Registered For Training Classes Here Defense courses in aircrrft sheet metal and riveting, which were scheduled to begin here o- day. will begin on March 16, Paul S. Cragan, superintendent of the North Wilkesboro schools, said today. Postponement of beginning of ^ Ipdietmoiita agafnst WUke* CMBty commissioners* charging Bdlato to perform their ottdaA duties were no! prossed in Wtlkea I court today by Judge J. H. Clo- ment on motion of Solicitor Ava lon d. Hall. The Indictments, which wero prosented to the grand Jury at the March, .1941, term on order of Judge T. Donald PhllUpt, thargel that the commlssloaers And failed to make certain im- provements In the jail and court bouse. Dismissing the matter in court today. Solicitor Hall said that all . the orders for Improvements snd repairs had been complied with and that the coramisslonene had 'been handicapped because of lack of fuhds or the Improvements would have been made earlier. Judge Phillips in his order from the bench that tbe-oomssls- slonere be Indicted cited an ■or der made in August, 1939, by Judge Frank M. Armstrong, In which Judge Armstrong ordered that a heating plant be Installed In the courthouse and that certain other improvemen*® be • made. Judge Phillips said that he had found "the Jail In deplorable condition, with no way for the piisoners to take a bath and with no way to properly heat the buildinj?.” ' ComitalBsioners serving In If 39 were M, F. Abaher, Df. T^iplsgt fud -C. ,C. SWiit and ^ in DeeenffMf against all five were nol picesed today. A central heating plant has been installed (n tbe courthouse, and new plumbing has been In s'ailed in the county jail. The In terior of the courthouse has been reftnished throughout and sever al other Improvements have been carried out in the past several month®. Court opened today for a three weeks term. The first two weeks are for trlrl of criminal cases. Judge Left Johnson, of Clinton. Wilkes Farmers Cooperative Chartered As A Corpora tion In This State Directoi-s of the newly organized Wilkes Farmers Cooperative, Inc., in meeting Saturday afternoon of the First Baptist church in Sal- Isbary, told of the meeting and purpose of Bible classes. BiHe teaching is now going on in Salis bury schools. Miss Jane Grey, who teaches Bi ble courses at Salisbury, told how the courses have progressed there. ViUliU from a Bible student in the Sallabnry schools were expressed Scouts, American Legion. Legion by Miss Mary Ruth Johnson. I Auxiliary, newspapers, Parent- Movement to introduce Bible Tescher associations, superlnten- stady la schools here has been un- lendent city schools, superinten- for the past few weeks in dent county schools, representa- tbe Parent-Teacher Association, tive Duke Power company. Mlnlnterial association of the Further explanation of the far- Wilhasboros has endorsed the, reaching purposes of the salvage movement and much Intereirt has goujmjj-ee^are contained in the been rfwwn by many people in the letter received from the city, ' I state committee by Dwight Nlch- _ _ ' |ols. news editor of The Journal- AT WILKESBORO— Patriot, and which will be recei- I ved by other members of the Wilkes Salvage committee: I ‘‘You have been notified of your appointment to the Local Salvage Committee in your coun ty. You have been chosen for gonday school officers, teachers your ability and willingness to i morkers of churAes in the serve youi-country In this present R-.-w Mountain Baptist associa- emergency. If our committees tiar wOi meet on Thursday nii^t, throughout the country do ‘not 'Mfirth 6 7‘30 o’clock, at ’Wilkes- properly function, the boys in chnrc^r. 'he front lines will not receive T E Story, moderator of the the necessary ammunition to de- aanticiation, and C. B. Kler, asso- feat our enemies, etattkmal Sunday school superin-1 “You have been selected for a tendent, have «*ed that every position of trust which will show be well represented by lU effeoto In aU parts of the 'Snaday achooh officers, teachcars world, wherever the Amertoan ami pMton at the meetiag, whidi Fag files. We know that It U nn- r «riB hy voikm sent neeeasary for as to urge yon to eat hy the Staday school board of attend ovMy asoetlng to h^p us Baptist convention. ... t (Contina^ On Fnge^JXgfat) purchase certificates to the fol- ... v n „ if lowing: Maynard Odell Miller, ihc-ard a representetive of the vass of the ci^ by Boy Scouts. ^^^^d of educa- Farmers Coeperative Exchange vas announced today. !f«on fsehnol bueesl* Donald tell how'the buainess Is handled. Headquarters for drive have Minton, 'Wilkesboro*.' The Wilkes organization has classes. J*'® rosiponemenv oi uesininuft classes was caused by delay in vtill P*"®® ® be tried equipment when civil cases will be tried. ON PHILIPPINES— Bataan Warriors Push Japs Back In Surprise Drive Washington. — An Amcrican- Filipino guerrilla force, operating from a mountain fastness in obtaining - sufficient to begin operation. Q. E. Mathis, director of the defense training division of vo cational education department. Raleigh, was in North Wilkesboro Thursday and completed ar- rangemen'B for operation of th':" desses at the school. Youth and men from 17 3-1 years np will be eligible to take the training and already more than 60 have registered for the neauquar^xs iv. ....... Minton. Wllkesboro;' The Wilkes organizauon nas classes. lue .j. —^ mountoin fastness in been set up at ^ OrovL Cleveland Hamby. Oham- been chartered with an authorized service office is Northern Luzon, ha.s attacked and Library in the ci^ hall,, boxes Pur. capital stock of $100,000. Officers j registration and selection of iho.^e j.panese out of a river where book donations may be pla^ ; ® Shenherd. Fer-'are: Ei M. Huffman, of Purlear who will take the classes. the War Department said S, S, Meeting Thursday Night . , .a f iear: John Green Shepherd, Fer-'are: E; M. Huffman, ^ ^rlear 'who Win take the Classes^ ed are l«ated at sev^l conv^- williams, Nori.h |president; Mrs. Carl Hendnx, of. Beginning on March 16, there lent points m .he _ Wilkesborw. i.,.. __„te ,i,ree. , Boomer, vke president; and S. F. • .,,111 be two eight-hour classes The boolM collected will be used by j nUo’wed tire purches- Miller, of Ferguson, secretary. In beginning about 3:30 in cSs!" The’‘^TO"np^nso?^"h5 ®« ‘“e following J. A. 01111^,1 addition to the offi®®«-f ®”_Y„® the af*ernoon and ending at the'^American Library association. Hays: J^^^ley Red Cross and United Service Or- McOrady: Albert Crews Wagg^ , , fear ©then directors: Fred Vaimoy, gjght o’clock a. m. After the end of Reddies River; T.J. McNeill, of school about June 1. plans are. driven Japanese valley, the War Department yesterday. C^bus. second la**-* ■■'t city in the Philippines, was shelled early yee- terday by a Japanese warship ly ing five miles offshore, a Reuten . . XT-1 • er Nor'h WUkesboro* JaiiieflI tioAong Hiver; J. M. German, of nialntaln three WUkTsX'irman '' Pr’esley Roberts. McGrady: felll'Hoomer: and Jarvis Walsh, of «««» during the summer nton hs it tos bSr pointed out that Dancy Vannoy; William Clyde I«®‘tnc’.ors from aircraft books, not magazines, are needed. PewBon, ^^orth WtlkMboro; Lin j Th« 0^ . , School textbook of aU grades will Buipgrrner. North Wllkw^ro; a po^ dob “ter be accepted as well as good fic- S- V. Tomlinson, North Wilkes-1 ch» aert -dto co « tion written in recent years. boro; M. B. Miller, North Wllkes- .All who have books which they boro; Ochus Odell Absher, Halls can give are asked to have them Mills; W. K. Sturdivant, North ready for the Boy l^outs 3atur- Wilkesboro; Charlie Franklin day or carry them before then to Couch (obsolete tires).. State the Library or noose other place Road. With excep'lons of Oilllam, where boxes have-been placed to MoGrady and Waggoner. all receive them. 1 bought truck tires. . •!; Includes livestock producers. 1 Another meeting wul be neid in the near future. I COST 25 CENTS— Get A License To ■ ' special correspondent with General eight hour. reported to London. I Although shelling continued for more than 15 minutes and about 24 shells were fired, officials said there was virtually no dama|^. /While army experts hsnrdiB- counted the military valasaof^tt* MacArthur maneuver as DECIDED TO GET IT OVER WITH— Two Brotibrs And A Ne^hbor Get Same Deration On Tbe Saine Day Two brothers aoidi a iie*shhor who Hres In the Opc^ oobuM" nity la the Hsatrm part of . Wilkes walked- tato the Wilke® bospttol Isere j$g UM; same time one Akf last ««Nic for the same opeetitloaL . ' Fewdc aiad dbartto Myers and dmiM Wa«aaHr» o' cr*p eratiiMHi for s«wie tlmo. Last weeih lliey got together sad de cided to get tt optr with.- lliep caate/to the hospital togetlier wild foBowed fiaefc other ipto the room, They were fa did^'aMpe'' waiA. ami; all'dmsa are rswsrtag ssJUk plants will teach the classes and materials and equipment Identi cal wl'h those used In alrcraf' plants will be used in the train Ing. ' Those who Uke the trainin'* must agree to accept employ- ^JI^^,^nce," they ^ emph»^ ment In aircraft plan's after the evidence of ^ih'-op-. completion of the course, which the invader carried m will ha from six to eight weeks, j^y natives and troOp oiibdte Ba- or perhaps less. taan Peninsnla Where' Onnadl The employment service al Douglas MacArtlnir’s mainiay ready has calls for an unlimited jg making iti stand. ; number of trainees and those who, ^imwZil''' Miss CaudUILktonsiii# Agent comptot. the c p fij can be MBured oi immeottTa for jployers. Sellers ene |bfflployimeat , Ui^ Rgploeiveo V/Or» vBuuui, . clerk of WUlnfl. snpeslor court, has t been ap^tnted Ucouing agent for! w. J. Baiion^ ear sapkMdTfis in-.WUkes eounty* BWurdar night on Uads** fa emerfsw» wer-tinw ai^ w«| found two I*)f, svsficy fAut0 Stoka Her© Miu'^Cors Caudill, assist^, AikI !• Returned In addition to^ "sd Thartdig la‘; curs was stolen Main street _ hours later WHkB^ Vhy.'bnys, sell* near whore it -was takoa. It had first as- not hsfa damalM* ^ eaijsjhor a iisp to vfctory. t 3