>n Come Off Press ,m Local M^^M^ve For Beiio(Hida lsl« vhc ' Among tbO focsl n liare >«ft WU^^octlnty 4ritlitij ,ijle DMt feir. im formwork, on |Ot«himont pr9^ts ^ Bermuda ’♦ere: .eJydo ICwniBtJi iMMihoniT, Rkyaa^ 'iWlea, ftMler ^lier, John iVette Jr., and *d- ward Woods. Jakli J. Oeviny, acttag pnblk! printer, and LeM Hendersen, price nd* ■Mrtialir (rigfct). the first sheet of ration cards leaving tfas prawn at the government prinUng office In Washington. The prlatlug M war rsttw beaks No. 1 is the biggest government printing Job in histerj. The books, if stacked, woald form a tower IS miles high. THIS CITY GETS 12,981 GALLONS IN MONTH— Huge Quantities Of Liquor Billed To Dealers In Wilkes PASS RESOLUTION— CityCoi^cHIn Meeting Tuesday Ask Rood Dam RguresFor One Whtdesaler Only Part Of Amount Gsdloiu Bill«d To One Dealer At Purlear By One Wholesaler In Month Have Lisfhts So Blackout Can Be In One Minute By order of Theodore Johnson, state chaiman of civilian de fense, all lights most be so ar ranged that they can be blacked oat at a moment’s notice, W.H. McElwee, chairman or the coun ty civilian defense council, said today. (By W. T. HOST, in Greensboro Daily New*) Kaleigh.—Greensboro and High PUlat, twin metropolises of the state's cosmopolite county, Guil- fotd, jlptnppd W P« cent tedjWk bociUet dpsw^ fur TO PAY FOR WAR- Treasury Adcs DouUe Tax Point Out Benefit and Say Power Could Be Used To Make War Materials Commissioners of North Wilkes- boro in March meeting with Mayor K. T. McNiel passed a resolution asking the construction of a flood control dan? on the Yadkin river. The resolution, directed to the senators and representatives of North Carolina in congress, stated that power which could be generat ed from a dam could be used to manufacture war materials or in other industries. Protection the dam would af ford agricultural lands and'indus tries in the Yadkin valley was al so pointed out in the resolutions. The board, composed of A. ,P. Kilby, Ralph Duncan, H. M. Hut chens, R. G. Finley and J. R. Hue, transacted routine business for the month. ii^eadway Honikide - Cabea'.Tj^Be^''Biipid Ffrat rf N«*t' Wwbfc*, Jbdfe J. H. Cl«tne«t Pranding 10B% Vo|. ramtewK^ayMBl^iiNiffietioa • Despite the deep , snow which dings tenacioasly tn out country sides and to many of the county roade, supafior court in Wilkesboro has been moving along very weH this week and many minor cases have_been tried* Judge .1. H. Clement is presiding and Solicitor Avakm E. Hall isj prosecuting the docket. Trial of criminal cases will continue through next week and the~1hird week will be for trial of civil cases with Judge Leff D. Johnson, of Clinton, presiding. Six homicide cases, five of which originated since the last term in December, will be called for. trial during the early part of next week. Following were judgments in cases tried this week: L. B. Howard, violation weights end measures law, verdict not guil- Beoeml w« oomjfimp'- eiimfoyf Apinivivimawi- 1^ TOO people^ aisk Thmaffiqr «t Bnoob '.HriKlv ^ - meot anhoMimii tlw 100 pes^ oOiit' emiiltemak«g.anidBr" Im» ■ f- Tho^aetlcm of sjlm easyfaqroee wSm' mthwlg vo^mta^ aoA SUPfiku well die aptadM pmtriotita of dMoe yaople. Tbfa iedm Unit kKt«aMi44daat in tbto cbnusaink^ to cJatw this Meo(dk ■ B^iqjjloyeea of Vllkea Hoolnry Mills hMt«.'WhtMNm eoweptlosi, supported every patriotic move- meut under why locally.'’ U'^Canididllkte Tiipi X** Boone Rereale Many ^ InlfrBitmg Facte Ab^mt thU Week’s Blixunl ty. Hege FerguSon, colored, assault with deadly weapon, judgment con tinued until next term on payment of cost Hill Allen, white man in dicted on the same charge, was ac quitted. Tru^ bills charging murder were returned against John Goss, 'Wil- nier Byrd and Robert^ Chatham in separate cases. Arnold Gilreath, yiolation pro- MARCH 9 Tf} 14— Girl Scoot Wedc To Be (^rved In N. W^esboro Emkibit of Work By Girl Scottto Will Bcr Sboum On Monday Afternoon BCpraentatlye W. O. Bnrgin of l/oxtugloii, who has filed as a candidate for aaoUter term in oongreas from the eighth dis- tilce. BepraeatatlTe UerglB'g auBOanoemeat as a candidate for (he Democratic nomteathm wa« mede In > Washingtoa Tmaday. Girl Scouts hew wiU observe Girl Scout Week March 9 to 14, it was announced here today. A special feaiture-Cf the obser vance wm be an mdiiHt of work by diri Scoots, wkieh vrill be in the hibition law, four months cm wads bqfldkig of the.-Pres stispended. Averv PilHngton, op«mti« q»r ' ’ itlis mph bytprian rimreh on. M(mday_ ^tarj- noph, March ' —‘ — - iht- IN WASHINGTON— Bnrgin FUffi As C^didate For '(^ngress In 8th botlited communities tn nortil- weeWrh North Garoliiia today wow still digging oat from the heevy sadwfaU and OUssardMoiu day, Monday night aad 'Fueadky. With bfialpment needed to q>ea the main highways in the moue- talnfe, andnr yesterday had liot beea cleared from many -or the secondary roads In Wllkoe and opening of the county school iy»- tem was postponed until Monday I Of next week. North 'Wilkesboro schools reopened Wednesday. . Snow here ranged In de^b from 11 to 13 inches. In Boons the average depth was reported at about 22 inches but that waa not the half of It — the heavy winds Monday night and Tuesday drifted the snow to great depths in many places, closed the roads ' and isolated the people. The same held true for Ashe and Alleghany counties and fOr practically all the mountain aec- tlon of the state. Highway 421 to Boone waa opened at seven o’clock 'Wcdhot* day evening. eagiheer Zeb Highway divtsibB V. Stewart paffido* filly directed the B^een tltem, Grmnriiow ^ have been receiving WashiiiitMi^lfaiiob S. —- Secre tary of tiie .lSwMmry Heniy jSfor Jr., that krill' High Point about "IfiOO gaflona monthly from joat one of the 2,600 liquor whole salers in the country. This one house, which furnishes a sort of barometrical basis of calculations, untfl December, 1941 had been the only dealer whoae figures are available for public use. It is _ one of the biggest whisky coi^r^ another $2,M2,002 000 more a year tioDB of the country^lmt i extendinif the Social Security be pretty good to furnish North payments. t?t^site^^or‘*N:Ser^2^, ^ So- gallons of whisky,’afid Tor Decern-|■C'8l becumy payments ber- brag drinking month of the genthan cheaper to win frian to lose, today asked Congress to double income taxes of persona earning under $10,000 a year and increase other levies to raise an additional $7.- 600,000,000 annually in war reve nues. The Treasury Secretary recom mended that Clongress also raise INDIES wMC 5 Sng’ ills-' year, it sold to dry territory 69, 976 gallons. Of the November ship ments, Greensboro got 4,415 gal- loas and High Point 2,836. But these towns dropped dizxily in De cember. Greensboro used only 1,- 876 gallons of this one wholesaler’s ■product and High Point only 1,026 galkms. Again should it be sard that these illicit operations in the state represent only one foreign liquor house. There may be many such sales made by other big dealers. A new co npany has come into the utafts’a illegal liquor liqfior com- ' mSK«. One company sold 1,423 in December, but these are hat two of the 8 600 companies in tlie eoontry which coidd be sup- North (Carolina. jAfcry gallon sold and reported hytjila company came to dry terri- figiy in North Carolina. North Hm*fiboro, which struggled along vfe'f,060 gallons in November, 12,981 gallons in Decem- ,, 'TNro dealers compete in that j -Witodf dry county which voted jafaihst the repeal of the 18th yytwijlimmt in the ratio of 1,980 4,536 against it. wnkesboro’s population in . i{4f ina 4,478. If it Qhiminstc^ . the reader any it should be s.iid w \thki Purlear in Wilkes county, with -t"* pi^alstion of 50, received for PSbeiriSer 2 392 gaflona and Cycle tadkin, neighbor county, got 2,- ^XM7 from this one dealer whose •^A^^wiewta counties totaled WjnS. Cy^ has a population of lift Htla, a Sorry town, uaed item tBtt one hoose 1496, and Er- 'j^er, nriB sabtiih of Lexing,0n, 7,470 gaflsns few December. ■ Tbis s *g a rise over November, Wllkk vied 6.7M. Troy, Montgwmery county, with ii 1,861 population, reasalned firm.; It jmmstimes vailea reeeiras, 1^^ ^sw senders. And its intake Is. a around 6/WO i. For Koerabar tt ****^[]j|| would in crease Federal revenues by more than $9,000,000,000 a year and reach the goal of $27,000,000,000 j ■ , . .i, , T. -J * T ,*. • u- today, and so imminent was thn by President Roosevelt in his , , ., j.... j... A m"ss movevent of all the of- fice.s And foreign assets of the Dutch In the Bast Indies to the Dutch West Indies, within the United-State®’ Carribean defense: orbit, was disclosed last night as the Japanese were fast overrmi- nlng the last Dutch strongholds in the Eastern Hemisphere. Meanwhile on Java the Japa nese have thrown back *he allied line in some' seetor^ In their first advance of consequence aince the beginning of the invasion, the Dutch command acknowledged budget message. Morgenthau described - the stiff slice into the earnings of all Americana to the House Wavs and Means Committee, which will draft the new bill. He said: "The new taxes will be severe, and thftir impact will be felt in every American home. "War is never cheap; but . . . it is a million times cheaper to win than to lose . . . Our task is to make the tax program an instru ment of victory.” Morganthau said that the nation island’s peril I bat the defenders already had completed most of the job of demolishing all upon It that would be of value to the enemy. Alliw Fight On But stripped ‘hough they were of much of the Dutch fleet strength and oatnumbered aloft and aground, the allied forces yet fought savagely on—holding the offenaive in their unbroken ag- greosive spirit, tragically un.^ble though they were to hold - It In fact. The move to the Dutch Wea* can halt inflation only by coupling, Indies announced by the Aneat the steep taxes with complete ra tioning of consumer goods. He satdr • "The sooner we come to plete rationing the better.” news agency embraces arrange ments endorsed by the Nether- mpfiths Tended oil ^IQfifnent »f $50 five, driver's licera related. Oorge Shew, .operating car intoxicated, four nionthg. Gordon H. fkihier, operating carj while intoxicated, four months sns-j pended on payment of $80 fine, 'driver’s license revoked. Conley Faw, larceny of meat, 12 months. Gwvn Bussel, reckless driving, .oravpr for judgment continued on payment of $14 for Charlie John son. Frances Jarvis, violation prohi bition law, four months susoended on osvment of $60 'fine and cost. Bill Smith, larceny of tires, 18 n'onths. T. G. Whittington, operating car while intoxicated, four months suspended on payment of $60 fine snH Payment of $60.26 for D., S XVhHlev. Ijawrence Brooks, violation pro- Mhition 1--IW, four months suspend dl on payment of $25 fine. Ouin'-v Ode'l Clearv -operating car wHle intoxicatcd,.f*ul‘ .moiqths so'shended on p8vment’’ol' $60 ^e. Ves'-al Faw. riole*tbn nrohibltion law. four months; Mrs. Vesta! Faw in same case, four months sus pended two years. Carl Boyd, operating car whilgi intoxicated, four months. .Albert Wiles, operating car Preawfit Rv||reaenUthre Will Be To 5ttccvp|i the important higfaM^ the snow plow thro'j#h, Jth%* j big drift about eight tnllea ( of Boone. ' Tw» representa'lraa of Ratriot .went to ekiMbtt, w-m .nitarosthig srHciffi w*H pd. Girt Scouts are asked to wear tbeir uniforms. Are Not Beaten, Says DnMii Queen London.—Quneen Wilhelmina de clared defiantly tonight "We are not beaten and for us, the straggle is not at an end.” in a personal message to the embattled Nether lands East Indies. "In order tj help the East In dies in the great struggle we shall do the impossible since we know tbat only he who accepts surren der is beaten.” Baptist Pastes Meet Monclay 10:00 All Baptist pastor* in Wilkes county are invited to attend the reguUr monrhly meeting of the WiOte*, Pastors . Conference at ROInw'^StuIrdlTan’ 'a ,iphf Ilhi Upn- day MlJh m* Saving THote).. ^ progH^s na^ been ar- , raiig^ for mo»lngd^ aftqrr |noaft I — J . -iSflflnftA —ftmgnktwnaa ‘Wil-' terhoon fw, 8mWnui| D. Burgin of Lexington, yes- tlon about worst bUiihriS J« tfixday formally tossed his hat into that part of the sUta slnoa 1»J8 the ring by announcing that he and possibly the worst In half , a .wiU'bh a candidate for re-election century. , as j^ireoentative from the eighth Although the enow, had meltbd North Carolina district. slightly and had settled terafi *T am -today filing with the state depth, many drifts were tan ffiaf. t board of elections my notice of deep and at some places od the candidacy,” Bui-gin stated yester- highways were more than 200 day. "Since I came to Congress I yards long. Crews wl h giant ' have endeavored to serve to the snow plows and with smaller best of mV ability. I have support- equipment were working from , ed President Roosevelt’s foreign Deep Gap toward Boone and policy as welL as measures for our from Boone toward Deep Gap. national defense. This I shall con-;T7iey met at seven o'clock near tinue to do. The only future we [Grand View Service station, have lies in victory, and we must In Boone the winds of high achieve it.” i proportion which followed the 22- The one-time mayor of Thomas-’ Inch enow had drtfed snow on ville and meinber olj the state - the south side of Main street to ' house of representatives, came tola depth of ten feet. Snow was Congress in 1938, when he was]higher than the windows and elected by a narrow margin of 6,- i doors of the business bouses aad 670 votes. [narrow trenches had been shovol- He was re-elected to the 77th' ed through the drlfis to the doer*. Congress in 1940 by a majority of giving the scene the appearance 29.647 votes. (of igloos of Eskimos. The town Burgin is a member of the House foreign affairs committee. MayGetFack About Prisoners while intoxicated, four months lands exile government In Lon. gusnended on payment of $60 fine, dtfh for the transfer of operat-/) Fred Shumate, violation prohl- loaal bases bition law, foUr monrim. Girl, Rian Leap From Window # Prisoners of Red ™ Ru^ia Want JTo Lo^te Fottr Registrants Wilkea draft boantn»mb«r wants to locate Lana Alton Larry 0»'e Whitley, Don The Wsr and Navy Depart ments announced jointly today that a Prisoners of War Informa tion Barean and an Alien Enemy Informatton Bureau have been established ,in the office of Pro- voat Marshs 1 Ooneral in the War , department. bad had no newspapers since Mon day and the two visiting newtga- per men from here carried 'hbia their first newspapers' since the blizsard. .No coal had reaehe(| the town and many families won out of fuel, being forced to buy-, or borrow from ’'righbora uatO such rime as rddi tonal suppilea ' may reach Boone by truck. Loaf bread supplies were .ex hausted and Boone hoaaewlra were making more biscuits than.' formerly. At many points along the high-. way the wind had ttown all snow from nerrhy fleWs, The .snow Wfifi i^.4' New York—A young woman and a* man leaped from the fourth floor nf a rooming house off T7miM Square at noon today after gn ar gument which a third person sought to halt. They landed on ai* extension o'' the third floor 16 feet below. ’The woman, Kay Harris, former dancer and now a waitress, who said she came hoiw from Youngstown, Ohio, wfis taken id Builevua Hospital with a poeaibto spina frsctiire. - Her companion, Richard Nar- esrro, who came here from Dayton, Ohio, suffered an injured a^e but refill medical attention. Police srid Leonard Kaker, superintend- ^t of the building, bold them he ..heard the pair aiimibg in Miss gaBona ..a Bfarria' rbom and entanfid.- -Osttoway IUorin»,,’and Jd« Daniel*]. >4toong their duties I**® deposited by the high vjieed wlml MetiMn. Any tofoirinatfiqn i^ut | effiteetton a^ dlssemliiatlon of ^ highway and latai b^^prefiMoit ^ lalbftoaUon from raviagg, leveHng the svtaoe of,' eotMndDg AmericaM. either oi *frhQ tadfthcAf tminea trill ha. turned aver tq «« dlatrlet attorney for inveatigatfen. _ -''..'-.Si’ Mr. Coffey Make* Hi* Skoe* Non-Skid ' C. D. Coffey, 8r; ha« neb risked dangerous fMla on «now and ice this wnek, Hifiafi weaf-, bp .chains, ; . By placing • » antomobllw ehattt-' fir^ad - Ms shoe, he has beqn eertalg pare ling. Tke^deriee .wfla* waU anf aocorapUsbbe thr^Olw* Jeealts. IlyEfiT. Srimson ordan Amy vaednated boffit-ttefipiared -safiMFll^M. ptotara. J«t raribrad trmt toaien, Mmmw a priaiasrs keffif autrehed M Ifea^Hipr of a stMd IF tw vailaat iffil itfffiy st ~ ■ kfiofe the' pmt'Om.yiim'' Flt>EUS FRieih class Ori church jprill night, 7:lf, dt’ T-,-- mili'ary w cifvilian status, have, been captured or Interiiad by the enemy: ' AH request* for inlonnatlon and, .corroepoBdence reletive to Aswricans who have . been cap- tur^ or Interned by the enemy, thqfald ha addressed to: . iiftifHtJtfDa Darawi American fiMrioft 0«ce of tHa Provost MtamM aemeni. War Depari-^^ tfasUMglni. TK'"0-- ■nm two bgraas axpect-to «t- ekangg taftmfia'tefc with- enemy countries, throndh the Interna- tj^f'Xtod 0riiM eommittea .at (tojMpra, m sacordanee with thn Ofisgya pri*»«» .o* rea^l^ of 1»*6; date very Uttls tafonnation left ftg«fBlUd>la f* memhar* Me Dfidtad autea amed foraa takj* ^!l* IP 48 elriliaaa la the the eonniryside. The wind, after Mowing the snow off the ffylds. .pl^add^i ddbt froia the froeen aad; posited It OB the.tspow,,^.gi(^^ places giving it an anufihdl color. Highway foKos worked to clear the hiriiwaim TwosM$ lemmee ' crews helped enffiloyaes ei jW-,' ersw* worked d% whUe ptoWB wont, . k«^ dritiM fib, oth^' inio'aaow i®ft msTOMMsd in, Boone, son 4*d other towaez | driver: o> a local waa -Mnurfed' w*%' drifra 'ih''M9dihb(-;'

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