ioo ■h' , NIGHT-^ PfTA. To Tai 12di Yeai- In Tlo Sdbo^Here COBLE DAOnr^ROOl PLANT ■ Ti s’ ■ ■ -Jit Cify tfor: Vi.X ,■>.- •! IV gotmii T*W* pbcttMioo To Footuro IMi GiroBo A4li- aM To The School* M ciattO' '{»i^nefc>Te*chers AsrocUtioo N(t& l^akwbore ecJ»A^ v*U feieHts itf tD~% promt it ft tBOttaif to '^le hd4 In th* srfinol *uKtortoin on .Unt* dfcy niftht, 7:80, for a round toWe disGftssion » th« suljjec^ of addi tion of the 12th year in North 'Wilkdahoro schooia. The quaation ia docribed as be- in|r of vital importance and a large attendance of school patrons is raqaeated. Parents, members of the city board of education and faculty members will particii»te in the dismssion. PtW to the discnssion the glee club, under direction of Miss Ixtiise Younce, will render a con ceit In spite 4 sewtwe winter weather, pr6(r«*/'is being made on erection of CoU« pairy Froduct* emiipany!* milk plant in WilkoftiKirp. Flan* are tp comply Jhe plant by the middle ol ApcB. The company tnU manu facture poeydered milk'and milk route* to purdcase milk from farmers of Wilke* and adjoining cmm^io* are be ing esUbliahed.' (PhotobyUwightNichol*) Charlie Miles Has SOME NEAR CirV— liqirorHonses Not In Corporate limits This City Figure* On Liquw Sale* By One House Given In Ar ticle By W. T. Boat 1C iva..^ ..saw foreman;s rei^rt— Registered SheepjCmnil jlity FflldS County Pi^rty hi Go^ Condon Charlie Miles, of Trsphill, be- . Heves he has the only registered j sheep in WHkes county. If atty- lone else has one, please get in touch with Mr.‘ Miles. Mr. Miles has registered with Americtan Hampshire Sheep esso- ciation, Sam No. 1, which has serial number 162007. He now has a total of eighteen sheep. The Jou tUCB Xl -'A.ia: 6Auu«hi|aiii^ ' 'tSftm. h« >WWB article*? be a great in Wilke* o«u The Conijjty l|Ke to e^p preciatton cflHiperaflOB riot in 'hriu to the farm coBceim the' further assi oBieft and th* In lotting tbto riot appreijic lo tw ^ &oiifc •retary'oTthe ,.eouu^: ■ V'(; ^j^ctosing two we feel wm to the farmers Figures on sales of. tax-paid liquor to dealers in Wilkes, as pub lished In ah article iu thg Cmehs- bmro Daily News by W. T. Best and rephnted in The Journal-Pa triot here last week, have been the subject of much comment. Boat in his artjcle stated that aalm by one liquoii 'wholesale hoQua in anotbor Mkte sbourad that tX/M'. mobma 'hf - ‘ ___ - d^jng^ tbs "month td Deowdter. While the figures were not ques tioned, it has been pointed out here titat while the dealers may have used North Wilkesboro as HERE ON FRIDAY— Saun^rs Urged Mucli Activity By Kiwanians ittee would lir grateful dp iHiole-hdir'ed lo Jonrurh-Pat- iportant news ’{his uonnty that Program, slid ; the county nty, Comulttos of news to qaickeet nsan- er time would ,, Itobert Chatham, resident of , MUtkftftftMm Wilkes ehaiged sriili [ ^Ihe Idlife ftlayfng of RoyaT KeCSup-t tef in Wi&eslxHro two moudu ags, ehtared a plo* of manslaughtw iu W flkita court today anktlw ykft lyus^^ accepted fay ^licitor Aiwu B- Hail after some of the evideuM noi •ner pbisVbie, wh not permit the %iunty office to write lndivt4ual 1et‘e^ to all persons concerltod. The Journt^atriot no doubt realises ttiat the Agricultural Courthouse. County Heune, program wlU bring In o Wilkes :;:S.TuU«SrS[o.pital ap^nmnuately ,120,000 .:u| OewBm>*»* H.-»»;ib*u* uftpto toofter Mww'whiofti aMackel’mI ptobablr tank a German Mitonftrtoe tbe Attaftttc oeutt, Lettetftaf.oeinusepto were given llie orew, Use oldeat ef umea# la 2ft* Offioqftu ye, k^t* V*- Brig* Krejofsd, B^sr .ftdin. A.tedreie, aaft Lieut,QM-’flftfth Orum. Mother Of Mn. I Landon Oiet In I MilledgeviHe, Ga. and Camp Inspected Grand jury in Wilkes Superi or court euihmitted a brief report setting for'h the nmAber of bills toramined and- the condition of county property. The grand jury examined 42 bills, found 32 true, three not true, seven were continued and One presentment was m»de. The grand jury visited the offt mother of for the year 4ft41 In cash, seed, | g Bnnis, fertilizer, limwtone and other j .Henry Lahdion of this city, m)aterlal*i that rare a rr.luable , at hf^r hnmgi aJt Millfidee* aid, in the'county. We appreciate the fact that’the Journgl-Patriot further yealto**' that through this prof^UB lie farms of Wilkes been greatly im- county tore proved, '-i Hie Afteociitlon pppreclales the favpfif,«n#^e fact that The | Journal pittMtidoes stress the! program «ot3M* members of the j r»* M—- M. w ~ r m - Aj 'oes in the court house, the coun-lpress haye not-considered some Dutrict Kiwama Leadur Ad- ^ tubercular hoepIfiT, the jot ‘he toftt^rmatfon «« important Jail and prison camp, reporting k41 in good condition. Robert Sbencer was fpfftittftn df- the grand jury and W.,4i.‘RlMkhttm stoa^tory.^;;^'' died at her home at Mllledge- ville, Os., yesterday, acewdiug to new* received here by Mr. Landon. -i*’- Mrs. Landon land daughter. Mtos Sue Landon, were present when Mrs. F.nnis pamed away. dreaaea Meeting Of Noftth Wilkesboro Kiwanis Chib “Vtetory By United be our mottoT, . Effort Myron nto* dltoitot governor of” Klwahte. told the North Wilkesboro Ki- wanb club in meeting FrlA.iy noon. The progifem was In chareo toek i^stoffice' address,' and that of Pat WlUiami, who in roduced much of the liquor may have been the speaker. The district gover- hardled near North Wilkesboro.; nor delivered a iorcefnl address, that the bootleg busines did notjse tlng forth Kiwanis’ part in the go on in the corporate limits of (war patter.i. He said that “We North (Wilkesboro and in the ju- ,r,eed not lees of Klwvmis but risdiction of North Wilkesboro po- more”, and that major commit- lice as a law enforcing body. , tees. Including Ci'lzenship, Boys In all faltness to the town of North Wilkesboro and its police department, it has been pointed out here that the article calls for more talk, esneeially a statement thpt the liquor houses are not In the corporate limits of North Wilkesboro. ^ The article by Bost gave many interesting figures of the volume of liquor handled by houses in Wilkea and other counties where liquor cannot be legally sold under state law. His article stated that nearlv 3,000 gallons were billed by one l|iquor house to a dealer at Purlear. It was pointed out in the article that the fegures were for only one wholesale liquor house there are 3,500 where and Girls Work, Public Affairs, Agriculture, Support of Church es. Business Standards, Vocation al Guidance, the Underprivileged Child, and others can render valurble service, not only to tlie communt'y but to the nation. Lieut. Governor W. M. .Allen, of Elkin, spoke briedy. telling how civic clubs of Surry county (ire giving drafted men entertain ment before they leave tor army posts. The club approved a resolution and vltjal to th^u Wilkes county frrmers a* some Sther Iwa! items In behal|iof toe Couaty Cooi- iniuee am? . thift COWllt* lAi FOR JUNIOR ORDER— Rangers paMilng On ^ VALUABLE ..CAUGO— $3,500 Loaa Of Liquor TfJten / By PItroImen N«w Truck 176 Cases Taken On Moravian Falls ' Road Friday Evening State highway 'pstrolman cap tured a $3,600 loud of tax-paid li quor between Moravian Palls and Wilkesboro Friday, Highway Ps- trol Sergeant Carlyle Ingle said % BBS hsftid. Judge J, H. Clement has fSMMd sentence. '' Next of the six murder eplendured for trial this charges Monroe Sfanmste.witli toe murder of John Miles st DockarP two months ago. Shuuu^ Is charged with stabbing Miles in the throat u few hours after toe twe had some trouble at the Shmaato homei The itate is asking a ver dict ot Second degree or maa- siaughter. Following are cases in wUeh judgment was rendered daring toe latter part of last week: Luqy Rousseau Whittington ver sus Rnssel Whittington, divorce. George Shew, operating car uduls intoxicated, four months oa roMds. Rtynolds Roberts, operating car while intoxicatod, not guilty. Gordon B. Comer, operating car, while intoxicated, four mowtos suspended on payment of $50 ai4 Negro Aslanlts White Man Here to m infh^«r a?d sure W r^dfered ftiitoe future..^ grtfing this vPpI neWs to farmers hi toe county and which will a!^t in the production of fiod and feed and will indirectly the Junior GiMer |^ be sponsor’was . and will use the {unijts frrfm the E. Isc admission chargee of 20 and 351 was owned Roper,, the ‘ ' Troy Cockerfaam Get* w|n the vfar. Months For Knife Assault Jones Bowles Saturday Trov CocVprh!*m. 'o"nl colored man. was sentenced in city court today -to 18 months for assault with deadly weapon Saturday night on Jones Bowles. He received 30 days on a charge of drunkeness. . h''\RD.«! meeting— Gi^ Information On Sugar Stamps When Available cents. c*; |North Wilkesboro. h. Hinshaw. violation proWbi- The Rangers, who have delighr dnVer, gaw bond fOT hearing county hone; ed large audieneee-' in several'be hto. Mo^y ^ore ^ j,’ ami 90 days suspended,. I tpteR snd have apperred her?, Jentiin^ in WiIkcsdoto. | Weae,* ariraiaAi will be accompanied by Grady Quor was billed to Iteperts Inn at Cole, radio announcer and com mentator, and Myron Snyder, pi anist, all of WBT. ^ most enter- tainin.g program is assured >'11 who will attend. .j , Ulenn West, violation pwAlbi- quor was billed to It®P® * . (joh law and assault on female, six Morganton and the load insisted if 176 cases. I jgsse Charles Ward, carrying ... ..,.1 wi-c 'c.iicealed weapon, three months CONVICTED IN WILKES “.suapended on payment of $60 fin* (■’..-i p.'i-u.-. i f>s,,r ' n'fo I ■ Wil'tes countv’s two rationing wounds on Bowles Saturday night J! ore making arrangements | Princess Cafe when Bowles was to handk sugar rationing, which is Dokies Club To Dine On Friday _ North Wllkeahorn D. 0. K. K. attempting to prevent Cockerham pwe^ted to begin soon. have a dinner meeting from attacking a man after a C. R. Eller, countv superintend- Friday, March 13, seven o’clock. quarrel started. ent of schools and who is also a at the K. of P. lodge hail. Dr. A Bowles received two'cuts on his member of rationing board num- C. Clii mberlaln and John IValkei head, one on his chest and one on her 1, said todav that the people will liiive charge of the program' his left thigh, after the negro ha'l would be informed throutrh the and Urwley Myers wtll he in asking the government to exer-' struck him on the forehead with pewspapers and through the charge of the dinner arrange- and that bootleggers can buy tax-paid liquor to be brought into North Carolina. ’ °f Reading. Pa. _2 I Cardwell: Rev. M. else efficiency and to be econom ical in non-defense expendlture.s. Guests at the meeting were .-.s follows: R. M. Houck with Dr. F. C. Hubbard; Charles K. Kane, with Genlo B. Lackoy TVAV*1 r« «3 ---- - ——- - some object and dazed him. For- .schools of the arrangements made men s. tuna‘ely, none of the cuts were to register people for sugar rc- dangerously deep and he was re- tioning and any other information The uangerousi.v ueep «... t.v co.,...* »..u »», - - leased from the hospital after his will be announced just as soon a.= for man. 1c the yr»sti»st coffe® wounds were treated. ® available. consumer in the world. Gets Parole So He' CanJomtheAnnyl and costs. Ward was acquitted of the murder of Ora J.' Holder at a former term of court, Russell Hendren, operating car wdiile intoxicatod. Four months (suspended on payment of $50 and Ted Pitt* Granted Fejeedom costs. So He Can Report To Se lective Service Board Raleigh, March 5. — Governor Broughton has granted a parole to^ a State prisoner so that he can be drafted into the army. Paroles 1 Commissioner Edwin Gill announc ed today. The prisoner was listed as Ted Pitts, who was convicted of break ing and entering in Wilkes county MARCH 31 DEADLINE— Sip Now For -42 Farm Program SNOW OFF ROADS— County Schools with J. B. McCoy; J. D. Holcomb of Elkin, and the speakers were visiting Klwanians. YES, THE SNOW WAS DEEP LAST WEEK— DRIFTS HIGHER THAN AUTOS ON HIGHWAY 421 n last December 8 and sentenced to jfiom one to five years in prison. Ijt was announced today from the county AAA . office by Law rence Miller, secretary, that March 31 was the deadline that applications for payment on tb* 1941 program would be accepted iln that off’ce. Information has H.wRr0peMjw;jt.JS"”s„. Crimson Clover Seed All Wilkes county schools, which had been closed since last Mondav aftornoon ■ because of snow and bad roads, re-opened today, C. B. Eler, comity superintendent, said. Higdiway officials said snow and drifts had been cleared from all .dn Wilkes and from all the highways in the mountain coun ties. Hjere was some delay in remov ing the 12-inch e"ow from se-o- dary roads in Wilkes last wv»ek because of the pressing need for eqnipnient to open snow-blocked hiehwavs in the mountain coun ties, where snow had drifted on highways tp a depth of several feet at many places. Quartet SingmsT At Pleasant Home Jliimers who have c -imi’on clover should plan to. hprvest crop for seed this year as large supplies are needed for seed and a good market price is assured. E. Y. Floyd. State ExecOtlv ; Assietant, furnished the above in formation to the office ^f the Wilkes C.A.C.A. and stjated' fur her that the supply of crimson clover seed for seeding next fall will be short. Home grown aeed must be provided to supply the need of leguminous crops In this county. Tested seed dellViered In bags to designated handlers will bring a price Of 11.6c per pound if the germination Is 90 per cent or more to farmers Who would •GUI said that Pitts *;jnst prior to ^ ^ the above convmtion had received B^ecutlve Asstflint. to the notification from the ‘ effect that It will be neceesary Mce board of Mecklenburg county theVork of the Bx- to report *" amlnlng SeeMon and General An- id forces of the United Stetes^. . Washington,D.C„ Now before. ^>»i “ within the next 45 days, to srake fficials of the Selective Service Departmeut and for his reason It is neceeirt-; iLm isoner in order that he mig-H ^ appllc'ttons. be signed S tomply with these previous ^ers. ^ ^ : appears that the prisoner bore a ' ' X -vwl. character and reputation producer who has nof ra^ ’ ^Hor to the above SUte offense. ^ ^ - ' I I payment should conta*' theeuuA’, J. R. Rousseau S* * i ty office immediately In e«tof• iXE* f- I the records might he . . 'txica IS LiOCaieu ^ to determine whe'her they a*e»fl Ovet Tomlinson’s'to receive payment or fyt. The offkfe ‘TTr. Hommean. WEDNESDAY AT lljSO— stote nbUactor of revenue .in Wflkra* hue been moved from over ty Bftidk of Morto 'WSkeftboro ^ buili&w to second floor of the TomHnson "Pepurtaieftt fttore like to sell their seed. I Several farmem in Wilkes OnuBtet stagln* toUl h® at the counto secured crimson ctover Hosw Baptist church ^ March 16, a* 1:$0 p. eoncOrns in 1941 aud thsse far- « All quartet* erja. «*« fekSL to attend. Pleaft- safte^tote* ^ M tocftted ftftur enoftth W snfipUed tor the ' , * heeSft of thj* county, 4 - ^7*: .. JmH. to woelb Dwi^Flfliifoift, of bttil^Oif OB Muin street, fennmr lo cation of toe dHrisioti highway ^ *fc«a.-- v' . Ronssean ■wiH be hi Ms ftf- fice «|I tiiis 9^ Tueedsar'Miimto and iatoa^Ne tex “"-d ’ i>T ' I '—' *7 Quills Gl*o..chib Of wR) remStikm. . (WUltesfaero ,1 J ■xd’fstsely dr^ to

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