North Carolina fanners have re- ^ unds i J.mugh swap meU^ on farms of sponded enthusiasUcally to the /’ national need to r^r farm ma- of much I terials, to make more battleships c'ijiery and to sell scrap ™etel, in ^e S .^gped from Tar;than there are in the world today, according to reports made to( the more to be K be-'^r enottih 2,000-pound bombs to state USDA War Board. Machin- Heel farms. New appealilf'l be- .w enoBgn z.uo p ery must be. in tip-top shape for jug made for more production of urgently needed war f.’rms by the w r ^ atata- Ml - eMtthriaeion tintit on highways 4U. from the intersection Wth }16 through the. jWilfceshoros and west to, Millers dreek at 46 miles per hour. ‘ .* Ten miles of that busy artery of travel in Wilkes was listed in the restricted speed zones as set up last week by the highway commis sion in Raleigh. The comnrission listed 180 re stricted speed zones in the state. Of that number 116 will have 36- miles-per-hour limit and 25 will be in the 45 classification. > North Two Oth«.*; Cartrfma 'ftKW^ Consitlered North iWilkesboro is being eon sidered as tile kxiation for a large poultry dressing plant, J. B. Snipes, county agent, said today. Representatives of Swift and Company Lave visited Wilkes and The speed zoning was at tne , '~~r ' ‘ . . ■ suggest^ of ^mor J. m. ‘^is iiectio^umter consitte^ BrSton, who urged the meas-|?'°" ure in the interest of safety. U. S. 421 XBoone Trail) carries! have conferred with repre- f from drop 3 a minute for more than ^ amount of traffic through j sentativea of the extowion service action I tk*ee years; or enough 100-pound Wilkesboros and west to Mil- have learned that Wilkes is mops this year, and scrap metal is essential for steel mills pro- slewing down due to laca oi w rap ^ _ are!bombs to, drop one every second ON LAST DAY WILKES COURT TERM- Three Slayers Penitentiary Terms €osSy Chatham, 29 inducted By Qgji Wiikes Selective Service Board 1 office Of Parkway I * ^ Byrd Sentenced Bus Company Here Office of Parkway Bus com pany bail been moved ijlpm M'O Brooks building east of Wllkes- htehway:..,JlLwtft of Ninth and A streets. Shop and garage of the company will re main at the Brooks building. W. A. Hardlster is manager of the office, which is well equip ped. His assistants are Chalmer ’ Dyer and Miiss Maiie Woodie. r Chardi let» i* M^tha For Nowrly Fatal Aialullt On Charlie CirUoA Here Defendants in three homicide esaes were sentenced for man Slaughter at the close of court. I(j,j„ghter of E. O. Woodie. who is Judge J. H. Clement meted sentences to John Goss, Robert | Chatham and Wilmer Byrd of the company. It w-.-; re ported at the office today tliat local bus travel has greately in creased On account of many w'hn are conserving tires :,n their an tomobiles. Goss, blind merchant of the Doughton community who fatally short Paul Wall, of State Road, at Goss’ store, received a sentence of from two to five years in the state penitentiary. Goss was convicted of manslaughter. Robert Chatham, who entered a plea of manslaughter for fatally stabbing Royal McCarter in Wil^ keaboro, received a sentence of 12 r« to 14 years at hard labor in state Entire Building Renovated, piipjn*. ! Large Stock of New Mer- Wilmer Bynd, who fa rUy sho* : Purchased J. D. Wiles, Dockery youth, plead gi-ilty to manslanghter and was' sentenced to 12 to lo years in jamaged by fire several Wilkes draf* hoard number 1 lists the following as most re cently inducted into the erroed forces from that draft board area; Cyrus B. Whittington, Joseph Clemans Miller, Cla.ude Roose velt Estep, Hiram Joseph South, er, Arthur Gentle,‘Thelma Cleve land Gray, Wtiliem' Hobart Boater Johnson, Earl TrtlM^ Monroe Call, John* Theina* Byrt! Alfred Roea ChoMh, James Gor^ don Kilby, 'Ray Ltnsey Hnyes, Carl Ford Teague, Clanton Pre- vet te. David Wilson Mllle.% Chrrlle Worth Haynes. Willard Conley Land, William Eugene Jones. Roger Olbhs Welborn. William Odell Haynes, Wayne .Vinton, Vender Thomas Muyber- ry. C«rl Calloway, Lloyd Elmer Johnson. Arvel GraV.t Dyer and Thomas Wilson Lendermrn. Bare’s Fair Store to Reopen Friday lerr Creek. Over that ten-mile section there are many curves to mak..i hazards greater. Othei^ restricted speed zones in this part of the state were listed as follows: 90 through Hiddenite and Stony Point in Alexander county; 221 from Jefferson to West Jeffer son in Ashe county. 8:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.— Register Now AtBmployment thei Duke Pbiw.coiaBaiiy touUd- ing Jn thto cltit' 4ni ^ -8:30 a. m. regiitpatHm All dpy to 5:30 p, m. .4 Previioutly fhe owtee had been open all day but from 8:30 to 1:00 were deslgna'ed as hours to accept applications tor work. PUBLIC INVITED— District Welfare Conference 31st one of the largest poultry produc big counties in the entire south It is understood here that three ether'North Carolina counties are being considered for location of such a plant -and that efforts will be made to induce the company to locate here. The matter was brought up in the meeting of the Klwanls club here Friday and was referred to the Public Affairs committee for immediate action. The Pailjr Capadt|r Can Bi Dtmhled Or Increaii^ Half MilUon Pounds Rochester man’s three sons were killed in naval action. Members of American Legion post unneh first actual training of civil ian defenae anxiUary fire depart ment at the Chicago fire depart ment’s training school. Here class members learn beyf to handle a hose line while on a -Mdder, Def^ officials hope to train U,a smoke esters In Chiesgo. GAVE NO REASON FOR TAKING OWN LIFE— Nursing Class To End Thursday Mrs. Zora CSiurch Nichols, age 87, died at the Wilkes hospital here Friday afternoon from a dose of idrychnine which, she had just purchased at a local drug store. She is reported to have called for powdered strychnine at the drug store, saying that she was getng to use it for rat poisoning. A short time later .she (old an acquaintance nearby that she was U1 and he carried her to tlie hospital, where she dlid in a very short time. At the hospKal she .‘4ated tlmt she had taken strjchnlue but gave Eighteen Members Of Cross Home Nursing Class To Get Certificates Red Cross home nursing fiauiv Ittiuagcv* w.v ril.'ih ivw iivrt**w tate prison. . , ago, will re-open for busi-'dass will end here Thursday mom- •_ here "css on both floors Friday, March jj,g when certificates will be pre- ed Charlie 20. ' rented to 18 members. Febmary 14, Ppni,in«rton The building has been renovated At the final session demonstra- of 18 months. Bru ^ . ,Vroughout and new fixtures have jiop woik will be carried out and a srfdier on ” been installed.The new equipment tj,e public is invited. , to Mountain Ci F, his purchased and installed with: Wor.'t of the class vyas reviewed ^ ^*”ju^ter* vein “ntB he » ^ Riving a modem, con-j at a lea at the Woman’s Club Northwestern North Carolina ; district welfare conference will be ! held at the Robert E. Lee Hotel in | j Winston-Salem on March 31, be ginning at ten a. m. A. W. Cline, president, will pre-j side. Speakers will include the — ^ .following: , Fred A. Hoehler, ofi Rev. Mr. Vestal D I Chicago, director of the American . . , — Welfare association; Mrs. W. T.j Claimed By Ucath ' Bost, state superintendent of wel-! fare: R. Eugene Brown, state di-j Rev. B. H. Vestal, of Wlns'on- rector of onblie assistance; and | Salem, evangelbt who conduc Di-. Frank P. deVyver, merit exam- j ted several revivals here and illations supervisor. i nearby, died Saturday. All persons interested in public j He was well known through- i welfare are asked to attend. | out this section of the state and Those in Wilkes who plan to go! many friends receive *he news of should notify the county welfare'his death with sadness, office prior to the conference date.' no reason for her act. Mrs. Nlriiols was bom nitA reared in the fongo commu nity, a daughter of Z. R. and Mira Jane Poster Church. She obtained a divorce .several years ago from her husband and had been making her lioiiie two nille-i west of Millers tVeek on hlgliway 421. She leaves two daughtei's, Inez and .\vis Xichols. t'unenil service was held Sunday, tliree p. ni.. at I’ilgriiii Baptist cliurch witli Uev. A. W ■ Eller in cliarge. reached the hospital. . Kay Davis, for assault with *55 weapon. ««eived a two- Mr. and Mi venient and pleasant merchandis- house Thursday when several guests were present. The class presented the nurse. Miss Erkson NOT ALL THAT BAD— mr. aiiu G. T. Bare have pr^Lsenteo tne nurse, misci k,i«;ow,. — ' J ■ 1 bteu the merchandise markets ^jj}, ^ present in appreciation of yMr r^ the *‘®ve purchased thousands of her work. A merchandise.! ca*^ ^ M. Joines pn-.-h of which was secured at old gii^ Joines. price quotations. Thesu savings thTtarm Judge I "'1! ^ passed on to ihe customers the third week of the term. J»dsej ^ UM D. " I aH%« i.viud u. vl.ft th. r,. prealdliig ana novated store. Further details on tMfore the court K opening may be found i: an advertisemept elsewhere in this newspaper. WALNUTS Thirty-one 4->H Club memibers of Duplin county have set out 300 black walnut tree as club projects, reports L. F. Weeks, assistant farm agent. BARLEY Lincoln county farmers ere rapidly increasing their acreage of barley, using new improved ■yarletles, reports J. W. Webster, assistant farm agent of the N. C. State College Extension Service. Judge J. H. Clement, who pre- over court during the past ■ t^o *eeks, 1s holding court else where In the district and Judge Johnson was assign^ by the - . . governor to Wilkes this week C|j|c|(e||S LOOSC III SPRING HERE AND- Liquor Authorities Say Big Booze Loads Sot Going td Small Places Raleigh.—ABC 'oflleers who pe- r piedmont shipments will be fotmd,ia greatly sim^^ ^ * V . • - . «r * • 11 aV-4. PMf fK* A^BC offi police Here Raid Ida .Redmon Home ruse the booze statistios fpmished in Qiose small towns, tlmt Troy, seasonally by the Oraetwhoro Dally, Montgomery, does not receive any News, inform repsfs*i«tetivea df! 6 000 gallons a monA from, rfl the But tile ABC officials have no authority for going into dry terri tory. They could not go there on North Wilkesboro police Satur day night fomid moonshine liqnor day ni^t s'* ^Regar^ws^of^l^her condl-|Erlan^*and''o^wteSri« points,’iMonioraeiy sheriff * Blwne mooMWne ^ | tions prevailing, the police know j it will be found that ttgUiinor is Las dedar^ tiiat no such b^tam I^embw ^ North Klnley itody. Oepegfi,. r- Ida Rodmon, Jo«l i/fthat spring is here because com-j rot sold from those points. in illicit liqaw. is done, .j.^t J* fSrlc Gre«ks- I P«nnit for purchase rfilsw an- Biledge, Cloero Hall, EbMaw , She was tried m city c^^t « P hL begun to pour to In a word, tt » « what enhnot foBim the Wilkes^w. ^ ™ninglo^ and!.ppear8tobetruatwortiweridm«taiBnot.p^ri«riaajterihe« they.b«^.gh PJtt.^J^^xr„i,v..^ - PJayin* vegetable and• strengtinned by" rtMtottalisatlon, trarL The giiess of the officOT Htchwy, ,1^ week ^ was ^ nower gardens. - jthat these small places age not re-da that when one .se« betwMn S! kdisn* ^ ^ persons to[ceiving these big,.shlniuM»t8, but 000 and 20,000 gallons of liqnor. hunch-ofCwde. four l*X^moWbi^n ^ chickens to keej)’ that big towns are Shug Uta 11- going from one haus^ tw^ or at lan^, e^ gS^ dgtton she not vi . p confined as city laws pro-1 quor through the deyfcta pf biaiiw »o*t throe nien m tWlftes, tiie i^l Purlser^aOd^wmM^m^^ taws. vide. ‘With the need, for produc-|the boose to the Utk(#:9)aces. 0Bs;pleee of delivery is, to some I,. basis of ac- i> fta Piw Day* ®oy Bonds— tion of food so great this yearjof the best informed JH fjitise oh- town 1^6re«iri>«^, Wtostoo^-,^ 5*?* * ■ ttt^ too la'e: too bad! damage to newiy planted gardensi servers whose busiajiifalt iy to fol- fcm or ^amrlotte. Pot &wn Ifi a turi ba^^_ ^ tas* s«U4a time to buy D. S.tby loose’ ehWmns cannot be tol- low liquor, says that wheqr the plaee of W.000 to 100,^ ^^LSm^On Pager Bight) ' BUsTboSs and Staujps. mvted. Unith Is known very^ll^ of **P^ ^mtrflmW . ®«g’*** ^ company, 2 bus tires; Wilson Lum--g^^^j. gpicer, Horace Pri- ber company; 1 truck tire and wood. Charlie Burtmi JrrWlt, tube; Turner M. Insct^, 2 o^- mnk Baugnii*, Jaittis WT B BBTsia I INews, inform repsfsenpiuves « ''' Vu -l'Y-rnoWi .pnatorisl courte- ’*** “"** tubes; Walt« An- Byrd, Olen Bowers. 6w- re’Jgious organ 4f and bpases in the oonnti^ It was carried do™®®* ,**'*’ mel James Shepherd,, JamBt^.f!T- ilOlTD Tf lalhCSI/Ua V ^-hen these huge shiprnents are Enlarger, Cycle and PurL^ ^ sy. or som^.^^^K Gwritney 2 obwtete erett Hayes. Lewis Edgar ’Ho- traced from origin to dSsttoation no inch feommerce m alcohqL (m th^ ^ Urea and tubes; David Pr^ Theodore CaUoWhy ■* Ban in these tankers toboulld Jte North As much has been intimated hy ago t^t 46^ of ^ retreads; 'Walter Qmm 'Vilkeshoro, Troy, Ojp^^Puiiear, sheriffs of those countim. The had be^ artri dnriwt Amtorsen, truck retread; J®™** onmes, Wllllsm Natttua - - - - «tna« nlnmxi ittv.a llhuted 4BU% .UUnug naMoniTAr r*r Police Chief J. E. Walker knows RATIONING BOARDS— Pennits To Buy Tires, Aiitos Here Twenty-six dairy products will be manufactured in the Cobte, Dairy Products plant under eon. stnictlon In 'Wllkeeboro, accord- I ing to a statemedr by John Brown field reptceentative, in an addreoa before the North 'Wllkc&boro Ki-^ wants club. The subject of the address by Mr. Brown, who was presented by, J, B. Snipes, county agent, at th* request of W. D. Halfacre, pro gram chairman, was "Dairying,’* He gave many illastrations about how derolopment of a livestock, lime and legumes program of ag- ricdlinfe can benefit the county. Relative to the plant In WilkeS- boro, he said that powdered milk will be manufactured and other products will Include high qual ity cream, sweet cream butter. Ice cream mix, cottage cheese by the ton and many other dairy prodnets. The plant, which may be com pleted In April, te being construc ted at a cost of about $210,000, and has a priority rating of A-2, second only to manufacture of armaments and equipment for the armed forces at the nation. The capacity of the plant will, be 125,000 pounds of milk per 12 hear day, which can be d««b- IqjUjL ^ciyary, gmA duftlay ' ^eonld be lileteased ^to 600,d4fi‘ pounds daily, * ' The Lexington plant of the company has a receiving station here and is paying $52,000 every two week.s to 36,000 farmers In this part of the state. The speak er urged the club to encourage greater development" of the dai rying branch of agricul’ure in Wilkes. B. B. Broome, who will be manager of the Wilkesboro plant, was presented to the club. I • At the me^tiii^r Friday, Cecil I Adams reported that J. B. McCoy and H. M. Hutchens had attended a two-day training school held at ' State College last week for indus trial protection against sabotage and stated that a meeting will be . held at the town hall tonight, 7:30, to give them an opportunity to make a report of the meeting to representatives of local indus tries. NOW IN SERVICE— Wilkes rationing boards in regu lar meeting last week issued per mits to eligibles for purchase of tires and for automobiles ■ under rationing regulations. Following is the report of board number 1 for the past two weeks: Week of March 2-8 James Howard Edminston, truck tire; P. E. Dancy, 2 truck tires; Clifford Triplett,- 2 auto tires; Wilkes Board of Education, 5 school bus tires; James JSVashing- tbn Maitin. 3 auto tires; Blue Ridge Hatchery, 2 truck tires. Permits to get automobiles bought prior to January 1, were gi anted to D. R. Parker and Dal las Parks. , Week of March 9-15 Walter Anderson, truck tire; Robert Glenn Vannoy, 1 passenger car tire; Glenn B. Carlton, I pas senger car tire; Parkway Bus Wilson Lum- Men Inducted By Wilkes Board 2 Wilkes* draft hoard number two lists the following who were inducted into the armed forces from board number two area since the Ui-t p^’i-iication of the names of Inducted men Reece McCoy Higgins, Carl EK Dawis, Charlee Garvey Hall. Ruben. Edward Eller, Howard Franklin I>w8, Charlie Glens Hlggin". Wllllsm Crusoe Owens, John Calvin Wyatt, Jr., Dewey •Calvin Collins, FYed Byadan Byrd, John Allen Parller, Roykl Wes*. Wnile Lee Kealah, Clefide Eugene Johnson. Boel BVerrite Sparks. Dympae Roieii, Pofiila Dock Carson. Rester Frank Blaick- burn. Oscar Martin Shumate. int Sloop, Henderson, passenger car C. Drsbon. Micdb^ Dettd N® - BOARDNVMBKRS ' *fli«.|»gnkr wattey ffiariii*.; of tb« Aatlofiing Btaird wa» bt«d mdsy. All were frasent. ’ The following store fasuad tsaf- __ tlfieauB ta »nrchaaa tttaa ogttuC'rlwi tubes: Wllkaa Tto *nd Store NcKrtk WSlkealidro ' iConttooed Ob _ ,S. C.-4t nc« ix^sd SoanfiR

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