Warj^fetties •S^ 23 JS^t. fa New Gmnea Foray General MacArthur Estal>- lishes Headquarter* In Australia For Combat American and AnntralUa air foroea dealt deraatatiim blows to JapMeee shipptnjf near New Oaiaea north of the AaatnUiau coeet yeaterday, aceordhig to Ut« war news dispatches. Twenty-throe Japanese ships were pat odt ot action in the attacks while only one plane was lost by the Americans and AnsfraUans. I^dfai^fk SUfa qifaiwfaik’Bdifa Instrue- tor WUltlw^infasly Ee HotriiQh That Date Five 'Move Town* Recaptur* ed By Attadiing Red -h ' ■ ‘ ' Force* Yesterday . Momow. — More' than 3.50*) ntms Hitler Knows i Defeat Near, | WeDes States' Pictured here i* the Bank of North Witkwboro build ing. The bank thi* month is observing iti SOtb anni- ver*ar>’ of service a* a financial institution to the peo ple of thi* section of the state. Germahs were reported today to have t'.?en slain in a series of rc- tlona ranging from Leningrad to the Crimea and the Moscow radio said Bei sirmy men bad recap tured five more communities in ■he Smolensk aone. Cutting off of the Rzhev-Vyaz- raa pocket, where German g-rri BEST RECORD YET— Local Students H^Uy Rated In Music Contest Washington. — Sumner Wrfles i acting secretary of state, asserted; yesterday that Adolf Hitler now i knows that his downfall is near. | WeQa made thw statement in; Xhree Honor Rating* 1, Two . Mounenting on Hitler's speech in j ■Nifton Sunday. The Gemuin lead-t cr predicted the “coMpiete de .11, and One HI At Boone On Saturday stn^on” of Russia's armies next summer and went on to say that President Roosevelt not only would fail to create a new Europe but woold “brine ab^4he eoUapse of We own WorkL*" ' • ..Awsr*', "There was's-ttme, jWetleS to^ a boro entries were as follows: press coftferepe®, When Rider could Soprano solo. Jackie Fraziet , « J At- Students of North Wlikesboro high school made, the beet record In *he achool’a history si the dis- trkst mneie contest held at Boone Sstai5^*t, I of tw? Nftrth Wfikwi* HAD BEST RECORD— Wilkes Boy Most Outstandmg At Q. B;. •Mtsthirf.'IdireetOr fense tihiiiing in North Carolina vocational eduegtjon dfaieion of. the stafil'tf- tslftcatlOnal “'sys'em. has intoritied Paul 3; Cragan, sopertateAdeiif of y.wthe NOrtli Wilkeshorb* schools, that e good instructor has been ob'alned for the aircraft sheet .metal courses to begin here. The date of the opening of the classes was j^tponed from March. 2 'o Mari* ■16 and a sec ond postponement was necessa ry 'because some equipment had sons hold out approximately hnif way along the 2S0-m11e route «0''W not secured by that date Moscow to Smolensk. Is a major ^ The letter U^m Ma his to aim In current Russian ope.y:-! Cragan stated dedni ely that^the tlons on the cen'ral fronr. ' J^^tructor wi 1 The Soviet information bureau,here ou April 6 and ‘hat all me- ' terials and equipment shoukd be Opttted Toi (falb»dk2,49? t'liteii mm IforA WB- Itasborol Wsa In infancy said Red army troops killed 1,010 Germans to ovrrun a southwest I defense position and levied heavy j tolls In other ’sectors. I (A .Morocco radio satlon N _» j ! broadcast e Moscow report that Y A lihnTAr I heavy fighting was underway . 1 . rk. suburbs of Kharkov. Ger man-held • Industrlpl city ot the Donets Basin, the capital.) Baxter Brice Durbiim Hon ored; Many Boys Trained Fch* Defenae Industries hurl a '‘monstrous He’* around the honor rating I 1 J A'L. ..A .A M W*vV «. •world with devastating effect, but gradually the wotld has become aware of this technique and now tbs lies come btick at him boomer angs. People have learned, Welles ex plained, to pay less attention to Hitler’s boasts and predictions and more attention to the inadvertent admissions of his own fears and Tro'j Alto solo, Billie Rudd don. honor raMng II. Tenor solo. Justus Brewer. Jr., honor rating I. Solo by boy with unchanged voice, Dean Minton, honor rat ing I. Girl-; glee club, honor rating III. . Trio, Peggy Nichols, Annie wrakenessts with which his speech- Ruth Blankenship ' ?nd Jackie Frazier, honor rating II plus. Brxtar Brice Durham, Wilkes youth who entered .the Durham NYA resident center on Decem ber^ 2*., wsa.seli^tsd bs I he . most ontatat^ng apoog;' *66 defense industry trsinees there. Young Durham is a son ot Mr. and Mrs. Coy Durham of Lomax. Mrs. Maude S. Miller, personnel interviewer for the NYA in this district, said today that many who entered training centers a few months ago are now em ployed in defenj^e centers. Inclu ded are . ten from Wilkes who have gone to the ahipyeTds at Norfolk, Va., and several have On hand. Announcement that the courses win be held has attracted much interest and already more than 60 men have reglatered with the employment service office ea ap plicants for" the training The •I i.u«- courses will, begin with two 400. miles Utow i shifs. the first begin- ininif? aboat three o'Dioch in the 'i . Mj. a«a^. „ Nazi survivors of ‘he south western fighting, the site of which was not specifically Rested were Mid to have retreejSd. At the uppw ono 9* ‘b* ha'tle line, tin the - Lefilngrad' frttflen. the ak>y^ ‘lalomanosjttetyaH r^fprhlil^^MOr tia'^ days affiM.;vs- .> - w » Red IwiTy folroes \epetaUng iDg the 'hilled stipplV line »o from far, nor hern base*-—giiaS'l- Archan^l and hiarraselng Finnish German sea communications, al so came In for official mention. “Our ships In the Barents Sea’’ & communique said, “have sunk two enemy iransports.one trawler end a patrol ship with rn aggre gate displacement of 16,000 tons afternoon. After school ends third eight-hour shift may ^ started. I The Instructors will be from aircraft plants and” those who Italtft tbe course wilt us*; etfUfp^ meht sad akti^lgAdAAUoel with: siW'Set tet''tuNwCiwUt Tbe Bank of North Wilkesbeiw .has eomplVted a half-eentary dV 'aarrlee which extends back t* wltblh two years of the beginalag ot ifiMb Wllkseboro. The Institntlon opened for buslnew on Mareh 2, 18*2, ,aai bae enjoyed steady and progrea- sHte growth since that date until it has become the largest unit bank in northwestern North Car olina. At the time the,Bank of North Wlikesboro was organised the railroad from Winsbon-Saleim had just been completed. North Wlikesboro was not a toyn—Just a vitioge in an undeveloimd country. With a capital atock of only 120,000 and with only flO.OOO of that amount actually paid in, the bank opened In rented quar tern In what was then the Disi- J p p« I WJ 1 mette building on the south side . t, rini6y ivas w f Money In this part of North P • J__a D AmIt'Carolina at that time was not X 1 vSlUvll{ \gl DttlllV plentiful and those who had ac- ,1,,- • wr cumulated savings had them de- ThiwAwTjf |t|£i YA2II*C posited elsewhere. But the young inilXynMlC *Institution, guided by mm wh® ^ . held the confidence of the people, James Edward Finley, an .out- grew steadily, standing pioneer In many devel- First dlrec'ors of the BasAwC opmen's In northwestern North North Wlikesboro.- tFSce ' T.v •- Carolina and other parts of the Finley. Capt. J. T. country, wee fjrom March 2,,1892, g. g, Blair, J- E. adtlv^W’-', aatil '192* praaWnnt of the Bank jj. Ateher.'Of t|Mi ^ ^^»th; W«i»fborp». whhp James Kdsrard FtiUey, who died to 1928, wan president of The Bank of North Wllhes- boro from Ue beginning on March 2, 1»»2, until shortJj before his death. He made an outstanding (donmr in many basinees etiterprtseH. course* »u*t born *** *" a isnceeenea tn^iq, 'wwsa-suijuweipi ploymeni at any iN^rof the coun-j Worth Wilkeeboro'Is t.ualneas nnd^iwbferalonal «e». { trv where they may be needed in u* aaa form work on The first stoekholdeis and dl- J born a*lf -’reared bh" a J •ngeended try where they may be needed In : located. He dM farm work on the aircraft Industry. these' lands now covered with bulldlnga. streets and factorle.'*. IHU father was A- W. Finley. es abound. The signtlicance of Hitler’s Sun day speech, he said, is to be found not in its boasts and promises but in the fact that ‘‘there is implicit in every word and every phrase Bitier’s own recognition of his im pending downfall and of the inevi- ntet. Parents with table conquest of the German ar- were T. J. Frazier, Members of the faculty who accompanied the studen's were Paul S. Cragan, superintendent. Miss Louise Younce, Mrs. A. F. Kilby, Miss Ellen Robinson and Miss P^gy Nichols as accompa- the Students Mrs. R. P. positions in Bleckstone, Va. i i U ' Ta Mrs. Miller said that several j JOtinSOIl 1-0110 18 Wilkes girls have been accepted 1 Claimed By Death at resident centers for clerical nues. Casey and Mrs. A. H. Casey. -V. Praises Soviets j “The magnificent resistnnee of FIFTH SUNDAY- the Russian, armies and the de feats which they have inflicted up on the forces of Hitlerism,’’ said Welles, “have in great part been responail/fe for bringin>; this to pass. These are the very armies; whose annihilation Hitler aiuiounc-' Ror.da Singing convention will ed^jnany months ago.” ' As for Hitler’s excoriation of president Roosevelt, Welles assert ed *'it is only natural that the kind of world in which President Roosp- rir in » — ' Ronda Singing At Bethel 29th be held on Sunday, March 29, at Bethel church, five miles south- I west of Elkin. 1 W. H. Jones is chairman of the — ... ^ ' convention, which will open at wh and the American people wish ^ anj continue through to five should be termed ‘a naw, gospel singers are detestable, alien world’ by Hitler." t,, attend and take part J)r. H*yt Btadcwell To jin the singing. and home economics tniining. E'ta Gray Mayberry and Edna Bell Miller of North Wilkesboro. are at the clerical cen'er at Char lotte. At the home economics center at Ellenbe are Florlne Coffey and Grace Combill. of North Wlikesboro. and Beatrice Burchette and Elsie Arlee John son, of Hays. Mrs. Miller said that there are vacancies for oth er girls who Wish to secure sim ilar training. Boys going to the Durham center in the last few days from Wilkes to study welding Include. Helton Holbrook, ot Moxley; Tom Sam Handy of Abshers; Dwight Martin, ot Elkin; George Pur er, ^f North Wlikesboro; Garvey Settle, of Elkin route one. Those going to the machine shop center at Raleigh have been Tom Ed ward Hendren. of Oilreath; James Moody, of State Road; Floyd aimpsca. of Dockery. Three. Claude EIHb. of McGra- Funeral service was held Tues day pfternoon a* Falrplains Com munity church for Edward Franklin Johnson, elght-months- i old son of Paul and ichnmbers Johnson, of North 1 Wllkeaiboro. He died Monday I evening. Surviving are the fath- Dougfaton Files For Re-electioo The first sfoekholdem and di rectors were fortunate In being able to get the late James Ed ward Finley as president of the farmer and banker. He was a di j njwly organized hank. He was a rector of the First National Bank rative of *hts community hnt at in Charlotte, which principally that time was living on his Ilve- Only Three Races Democrats Inilfaated So Far Raleigh, M srch jer and mother and one brother. I LABOR ► 17.— Rep. Robert L. Doughton. veteran of nearly 32 years In the United States house of represenUtives, Joyce j the state board of elec tions today for re-election ascon- I gressman from the ninth district, i Doughton Is unopposed so far served banking needs of people here before the Bank of North Among. Wlikesboro wa-s organized. In early manhood J. E- Finley took the advice of Horace Greely :—“Go west, young mnn‘' — rnd went to Fort Worth, Texas. He helped lay off 'he town of Fort Worth, now one of the largest stock Harm in Watauga county. With reluctance he accepted the 1 position and came T) North Wlikesboro. His decision doubt less had much to do with the growth and progress of the Insti tution and all this community. He .served ‘he hank as presi dent with distinction until he cities in the south central states. | retired in 1923 because of ad- A United "states Depirtment of their Intention of seeking and with hie .filing all of North Carolina’s members of the house of repreaen'attvee had slgnyied •e-el Agriculture survey recently com pleted shows sharply higher farm . wages for labor and larger mm- i'bere of workers now employed on farms. ectlon by filing with the elections 'board. Filing for state offices will close at 6 p. m. Gsturday. So far. only , and was that town’s first tele graph operator and depot agent when the rajlro^I, reached ‘'he towh. He came back to North Can lina and purchased the Meat Camp farm in Watauga county. He was operating that r^plend'd farm when he was called back to I North Wlikesboro to head the newly organized bank. Here he was a pioneer in manv vanced age. He died In that yaar. The first vice president of the henk was the Ia‘e J. G. Finley and the first cashier was D. W. Greenlee, who left the bank In a few years and was succeeded by R. W. Gwyn. young man who owme here from Elkin and had begun work with the bank four months after it opened. Mr. Gwyn continueo a= the ershier of ‘he bank until this day and Is one of the best known bank cashiers in Called To Se^^vice A far oniv developments, giving of his time at 6 p. m. i&turday. so ‘f • • merns to movements for good the state. three races for Democra iF . - telephone, electric si.d J. R. Hix was elected president b.rMf'eoPed. ^ . _ r4 H.r It'. th. o, „» ve -.w —- — J IIUWC, X/I**uu^: Utswt wa | Speak At First Baptist; fix. ■»«>’“> .Examine urartees^ jj^^h ta the absence of the pastor. After Induction Wlikesboro. left for Wilmington -•-wba conducting evangelistic welding training. Eugene Mrrices at the Celvary Baptist i«_A new Harrold. of Hays, la taking train- i'S: “.r aknrch in North Wllkeeboro will, registrants ihto the army be- be supplied tWs Sunday by Dr. eff^Mve today. . Port Blackwell, president of *** fmm their Mars Hill Bagt lst College. Dr. have received notice THURSDAY FRIDAY Blackwell ^ well known In this local boards to rejmr fer the THURSDAY, FKIPAT seeUon of the state, and his visit army physical eMmlnaUon. and to North WUkertoro Is anUclpat- it was usually about ten dr.ys af- Swlfh interest by many. The! ter ‘bey ,lr«alilp services will begin at that they received their induction tk® usual hours — 11:00 a. m. ; orders. lotte and Mnnpby Dee Waugh, colored youth, went to Rocky Mount. ■ and 7:80 p. m. tinder Dr. Blackwell’s leader- ;abip. Mars HIM College ha«i been aalarged iby the aiddltlon of sever al new bnlldlngs, and the student body has increased consdderably m recent years. A number of ys and girls from North kedboro and Wlikesboro have the school at Mar* Hill. A* eordka! tovltatioB is extended m the auhlic to attend the wor- ” at th® Baptist 4p hear the segniomi 'v»i' '.iViiBgS Under the new plan, registrants will reoetve orders for immediate induction, and the physical exam- 1 If » I EducatiH* Are Attendiog Meet School anperlnt®B’d*nta.’''*prlncl pals and some faoully wamliers iaation will come after they are,from North ..WiliMFfboTO and in the army. jwnkeS coun'y school*-are attend- The change was adop’ed at ing the annual ses6tM of the the request of the Wax depart- North Carolina Edjl^^on ^Ahso- ment, which has agreed to grant elation. - - Immediate furloughs to men who need time to wind up their clvll- of good o. .1 I b. 1* in th^t th^ dev would com. Marvin K Blonnt Jack Ed-{ '•> brqakfss* Farde. b^h of ‘“e. come to firs* district, and “ J ; -wlikesboro In time to do r, Is oppoeed by " ger, of Mt; Airy, D.' C. Speas, of Winston - Salem. In the fifth •«8trict. ? 'f ’e^/;» * ' Cajmerpn *|otri*pn,%. former govertior, and phRefi Bttpes Sen- ntor, « tebp^aidd for"the IlemO' icratle nomination for represen tative from the ttew 10th district So far, only one Republican has filed wl'h the stijte elections • b^. SoBcltbr AYalon B. HpH, to North a doy’s ■work. Today that is easily ac complished. Before coming hack to North Wlikesboro *o assume manage ment’bf the new bank as presi dent, Mr. Finley was a prominent. citizen in Watauga county, where ^ ReuubTlcanlhe was chrirman of the county^ ^ boerd of commissioners and of-1 ten rrferred t® as the “model; of the hank, succeeding J. B. Finley and he has ably served ‘he h-'nk In that cap-city for 19 years. After Us opening the Bank of N.'rth Wlikesboro onerated for some time in its first location and then acquired Its own quar ters on the southwest corner of (Continued on .page 5) ENDS THIS WEEK— Cases Settled fa Court Term Y»lll»rtn«. 1» Nortt WI’Uct irtct. 'bore ««ni Di..b to 0“ can* are expected to file | this city and nil developmaiit of this city and the deadline ^twdey. J comthunKleg In this Immedia e The SUte section of the state, not only as wlM meet here S*tu«laf. to ap point election hoards for,the 160 .counties of the ‘alpte. dan aSairs. The convention op^e^tcligy and wor«oatlnue throwlinMGiy. Nme ot tbe sehoof* oa-Wtiit** Botert Wood Finley, a aeoead HeatenB®!) to the CT. B. Army neawreo, ha® been celled te re port. 9Mt ‘faageh 27 a6 FkatiHoa- niffg, Gm. He roc ot red hie mill- tn*y taalninfc fit DMldaon Ool- -json Far nap'* Bos»«^ Be a regular on the ho®6„ fronts! Make regular chase* of V. 8. Defenae, Bavlii#! a haaker, hut as a public spirited MUaen wHRiig to back ente^rl ses aad derelapmen’s to a)i the people a -a. Boad* and 6fiamp*. j, ’ Muiic Recital At School Today Several cases hsve been set tled In Wilkes superior court ^h’lil week by consent judgments. Judge Left D, Johneon, of Clinton. Is presiding bvai; ®ourt. this week, which wUr'iSid' fae three-weeks March term.’ A divorce was g^ted inPtlin. , - .Case of Durlns Bara-xsttm*’ .Item- beneficial ^Dare. la the three- i^owtog ea^ ‘ ea consent judgments 'ware e»- twtoll) Hairteon Andembn rerias' Id BpttHng cbmpd^, reenteta-lM*. Keep ’em rolling- We ipMn dpUariP. Bay U. 8. Savinga Bonds are elosad, howevar, ,4^d’uul)#i»-;. tegs iu»d r«*utty- tute teaiAera will gr**|da-q**r claasea bf tuiwher* gUen^off ■A