>lished Mondajm iili| 'irn* la Uie BaHed SUles ui BrW«***f« “tr^« sparaL^’rfwrTaS M ! accountant. h« ReprtUcan' through 1* ISO a4i. '^ea here fenTtte to»iSLn“l^ E“*‘ Indie. moentelB «mr hee«ae «i member anl s^tw rf There a total ot 7,000. num M, betere Java leH to tne mvaniDg japs, we M.nti--. for the oast several two-rear' i.-«, tr,;ww i ia» annii "1^3 State, Mt tfortit' .of '•jTt uaeswwei, 4«f J- C. GrajWh, of -f WakeabtshO, to compose the tVIlhes^ , , -.-.iA-.'. ' hoard of el«tto«a the next two W*tlOO«I LARfiy 'years.^ ';. ■!»—-■ Anderson and BrooVshint are the Democratic membera and (jrayson is the BepuWican moi^r. Anderson is a for^^«^ dttirman the national darft Iptterr nnm- of the county board- of elections.! hers applioahle to men register, having hdld that office for some l©i in Wilkes during ttie third time several years ago. Brook-} regls*ration on FebrulirT 1*. ’ shire will be serving on the board ] ^,i2g was the nwnibdr register^ for his first time. H(f 1# county inig in Wilkes dr^'board num-. game protector Mi is a deputy ter 2, largest of Q*"^'twp hoard sheriff. Chaysofh tnio hoMs a po- areas hi^ the county) and only the' sition in, the offiw of the county njunbers given by ' the lottery an.nii'ntsnt, h.. teen BenahUenn' i i *n TidL^iUm N«m* bera Applie«bl« To Wilkes Men Are'Pnyiabbd^ In this aidclc l^b dablished reds. la Jsvs they are nmnDerea m me inona.ua.. oriu.c , • —- ^ L And so, before Jsvs fen to the invading Japs, the Netheriiwds East Indies mountain sr^ hecMe « I'to fcm^Uon. At left they are seen as they mined a bridge.'‘Kighi: A small pontoon bridge fer lafantr> ring is shown as it was destroyed by a well-placed shell. IN PLEASANT HOME COMMUNITY- } IN ANNUAL MEET— for the termt. loy Is Hung , , ,! Wukes Chapter reak Accident i of the Red Cross AUVI^ was «* VUMAA-'W *^vwv,. litAASJl- Iiart^ several two-year bers draWtf Tmt 'on^ :lil28 .apply .—.. ' ! locally and'a sn»an«p number in The members will meet soon to'wilkes boC'td !■ ' organize by eli^tlon of a dhalrman and secrattryi (Continued on page 4) les for Japs’ "i^^te’a Hail PeMsh^ might be Uke muiie for this tiaoaafnl of do- siroctida bebig loaded by a gsanery stadeat at Harlingca.'Tezu. Each “message" Is a .SO caliber machine gnn bullet. uj secreiaiTf .. —■— The stat;? btmi^d of elections in REPORTS FROM PACIFIC TODAY— (Raleigh Saturday evening receivedJ jthe last filing noticea from candi-* (dates for,nomination for state of-| ! flees. One major state race will 't>e ! between Senator Josiah W., Bailey 1 and R. T. (Dick) ' Poontein for Democratic nominatiiiR fonsenate. Representative/W. 6. Burgin has | ' . j ' Jtvepre»eni»uvt5/TT. v- x>ur|^ui na Coroner Myers Says Carlisle Rash Acciden- Rev. a. C. Waggoner Presi-] opposition for pemw^lc renom r_ » « «« , m %M r% • liiatioii lo the eiKDih district Fary Is Mounting In For Australia tally Killed While Plajring “Cowboy” With Rope At Barn dent; Rev, Wat* M. Coop er Vice-Preaident • ination. In. the eighth district, j Giles Y. Newton, of Gibsoi, hav- i Ing llled es a candidate, kn the I , 17th fadicial diatHctH.Judgd J. A. Tn nn. Af th. .tranvcst hanoen-1 played .about the premises and( Rev. A. C. VUggoner, P^tor, ja opposed for the logs in many yea^in Wd^es, I Carlisle had spoken oi lool^ of the-North Wllkertoro Metho^ rattomina^ for judge. Sriiole Baah, teLyear-old son of'forward to coming to Ndfti Wil-,i8t church hes Solidtot-Avalon R. Ball of Yad- Mr. aSt'^rs. Clarence Hash, lost kesboro that afternoon to get a 'P^ideivt of the ^ « Ma Ufa eatWrday morning at their new pair of shoes, and he had chapter of the Apt^ca Bed Home jeom-,swapped pencils with his brother, Cn^. t o'whtebM I saying that the one ba was getting He succeeds fefJof. DQiicicpr /n-Tiinw Jifw- ux xma* lunviUe) jnM fpt Bej^>nean noggi. nation m GET GOOD STARt Scoot Troop Has Sold Sp PooiidA (M Smp r iPapor Allied And Jap Planes Trading Blows Widi Bombs SaocMafnl-OparatioiiatEy Al- Hed Alrpnifil SniM^ Mansr .^.^...'^MemSera of 35" RKira% ^_^ ,*?**!**^„. . —— uatf'Mm oitDr a few n*!- “playing cowboy" with a lariat] Other chapter—. ntaa had dtehned since ne was fashioned from a rope line and it In the annual organta^on in tie gMhge, where he had was that lariat which caused hw ling Thursday were;_*eT. Wa t b^tryhit totSair a toy auto- death by strangulation. I M. Cooper. Pt^byteriau paster. ** ^ I His body was hanging on the vice chairman; W. C. Grier, sec- Coroner I. K Myers investigat-' rope which extended from a joist retary; Vernon'Deal, treasurer, the death and irfter conadering of the barn through a feed hole, m-, Charles McNeill, county welfare mi .4^rb£ dSrS window, and his feet were witldn | olTlcer. chairman of home »er- ■the death was accidental and was about one foot from the ground, rice. „„ not sniciife The 'rope was not tied securely, Ofneers of the chapter at an Early Saturday morning Carlisle' about the joist but was lo«ely hml asked to go with his.father to twined. Had it n,t been for a knot tees for the various phases of A stream to examine soiae gravel on the rope, which caught spinet work in the chapter- bat trt^ed at home becalAe of the the square edge of the Joist, tp He and his brother, Claude, rojie would have shpp^ and he wo lid have landed on the grounu I without injhiry. It was concluded that the boy ! while playing with the rope fell I or playfully jumped from the I opening in the barn. MWlM MMP* ^ Tdt B« LesuMi; BmL , neM Tih«« to Coatnnw Aathopfties coneerned have given tbalr a«>pvoval to the pro posed move of the bus statkm la North Wilkeeboro from Ita praa- ent ioeatlon on Ninth street be tween A and Main streets to the ‘ Motor BerviCe ballding near the corner 0| Ninth and D streets. M. C. Wood(e, local agent for the Greyhound Bus company, said today. Barring unexpected develop ments, it is expected that the bus station will be moved within 30 days. City eouacil of North Wilkes- boro has approved the chang>i and the Dtlllties Commission of the state has also approved. If the bus station is moved it will occupy a part of the bulldiag and Moten Service company un der direction of Paul Billings will continue a'PeratioD in the remain- der ot the building. . Mr. Woodie said that changes will be made in the building to conform to the needs for modern facilKies and that the stedon will be an improvement over thb present location. There will be ample space for the perking of buses off the streets in the space - in front of the building on pave ment which Is pracMcally level'' FUNERAL SUNDAY— rain. IN CITY COURT— Four Sentenced For Tire Thefts Wilkesboro Raid Warden! To Meet I ! All air raid wardens for Wilkesboro are cskefK to meet ct SNIPES CHAIRMAN-4 Connty Salvag^ Gronp WfflMee' ' f ■ Wilkes county salvage commit tee win hold an ' otgairtaatlon meeting on Tuesday afternoon, live-o’clock, at the North Wilkes boro town hall. :t . , J. B. Snipes, Wilkes fate ag ent, is chairman of the commit tee, which will be an ot-ganiaa- tipn to* promote salvage (gbd skle of needed metals . Japanese, , " -i pouatfOd af their Invasion bases? Boy jScout p^p numtw.Sa American and Australian fli ^ here has sola ? I*™ week-end. struck scrap paper, ^H. T. Clars., Scon - themselves today with the mssteri said today. 1 heaviest rsld so far on Port That amount, which made up MoTeriiy, hub of Australia’s de- the flrst shipment, does not in- fepgps of New Guinea as the ae- elude the paper collected tn the hiittle for the continent first canvass Saturday, March 21. reached a new peak of fury. ’Oie canvass was not complete j smashing of 44 enemy due to the rein and persons who planes In three days of aerl.il on hake paper which they .want 1 slanght, while Japanese filers moved out of the way before the ^ere held off except for next housento-house canvass two thrusts, won weeks later are asked to call.H6 John Curtin’s and the paper will be called for. The Scouts will also collect aluminum and other needed met J—..j™. — wiikesDoro are esaem u> uievi needed metals and oth’ar mu-jala Md coat hangers during h (ening in the barn. ,. ^ ^ I the Wilkesboro - fire depsrtraen* -erials fo**ti»a duration the . canvass which will be piade every Surviving the boy are his father Tnesday night, 7:80, to study ‘ ' “ ' ' two weeks on Saturdays. mnfbor nm. brother. Claude. j„gg„^|ary bombs. AMOuncemeut ■ - Thnoo who have-naoer to give r«kmg pf Fhre Tires From Locsd Firm Involves Sev en Defendants In Case Four colored men received sen-1 :ences In city court today on divges of stealing tires and re-| eetv^g stolen tires. | Five tlree were taken from the 1 Wilkes Auto Sales eomfiany. Jo- BM Taylor and R. V. Carl'on ] who were convicted of taking the! tjyw and who were em-ployes of 1 the firm, received 12 months ac 1 five and 12 months suspended for five years. 'dthora involved in handling the Hoif*" tires included B> d eight months at 'h-* fodaty home: JSmeo Wesley Hall, -nte«>hiaaths on the roads and 12 motiths suspeBdedi Charlie Potty, whose fudgmeitf was continued oatil next Monday; and Bill Tld- 4tea B>t_^kt«. All these were : eo&od man- ‘JNaa* Loi^c*. white man who naar this ci’y. Is Indicted for buying the stolen tires but has not been tried. l«cal pidlee made rapid proe - twos on th» case after the arrest ^ of one suspect. and mother, one brother, Clau^, and one sister, Eldna Mae Rash. Funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at Pleasant Home Bap tist church with Rev.’ Finley Watts in charge. Burial was in t’.io church cemetery war. The commit'0e will have ad^ut of 'ie meeting was made by jq meiahers, representing; civfc, Paul Osborne, air raid warden fraternal and educational organl- chlef for Wilkesboro. zations. Saturdays Those who have-paper to give are asked to have It separated lito newspapers, magazines and cardboard and to have V( on their front porches on Saturday, Ap ril 4. Prime Minister praise today as "one of the most successful oper ations of the air war In the Pa cific.’’ Nineteen Japapneee bombers, with an escort of three fighter planes, first bombed Port Mores by from high altltnde then they Grac^&oster Tev«- paugh, Widow ^ John Tevepnngh, Dies Mrs. Grace Poster Tevepaugh, widow of John Tevepaugh, .died early Saturday at her home in this city. Mrs. Tevepaugh had been in ill health but was not seriously ill. A . heart attack was attributed as iiU- ralnor , mediate cause of her death. She was a member of * widely kppwn family and was held in high esteem by a witfe ciisck of frftiidB and acquaintance -Ske leaves one brother, T. M. Foster, of Wilkes- boro, and two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Crysel of 'Wilkesboro, and- Him Mae Foster, of this city Her hus band, who died in November, had •oy irviu uii^u Riivtvuuc lucu me* » swooped In and machine-gunned' several years been streets and '^^Georgr« Smoak I» Now A Sergeant George Smoak, son of Mr. and in.'N. O. Smoak. has beenpro- .|goted to sergeant la the U. S. g JkMiy Air Corps, vflmook, stationed at AVbrook in Hio Pannina Canal Zone, mgniniary, lfi40* recehred sMobanle in Decern- prwnioted to iSMSUy. *.-w- For the benefit of service sta tion man and motorists, the fol lowing official information Is glv en as furnished by the U. S. De- partmen' of The Interior: Q. When I drive Into a filling station can I get as much gaso line as I want ? ? A. Prei^umably not, Under the quota system, the ste ion will re ceive less gasoline from his sup pller, and so wIU he under the necessity of curtailing his sales. Furthermore, stations have been directed to spread their supplies as far as possible and to space them evenly over the month, with the result that the operator vep- probiddy will sell you a reduced amount. Q. How much will I get? A. That will depend Mrgely upon how your dealer Is dlvldinv his available supply. If he is* do Ing H equttdMy. however, yop shotdd he able to get enough ti» operate your ar without serloUs difficulty, provided yon do what von c«n to avoid waste. Keep your speed within reasonable limits, maln’aln your ear in good mechanical eondition, and do not drive needlessly. Q. Am I 'being rationed so far ks my use of gasoline is con- nerned? A. Teehnlealty'. ao. ‘Gulftrade’ Goes Down Near East G>ast 4’;' - Jr. zIj in a city. This is so because thvi stations may choose ^thelr own operating hours, so long as they deliver gjasollne during only 12 honta In any one day. snd during only 72 hours in any one week. Q. Does this mean, ’hen. that dealers may stagger their hour.>' Say, open from 6 a. m. until 12 noon; close until 4 p. m., and reopen until 10 p. m.? ■ Av- Jes. It was dMlded ..that each' cmeOiter should he allowed ili idJlPit jhls hours a manner l>iif t Wftirid bast suit the demands' 0^ W« oaptomera. ' , How. i^out Si|«day closing? A.’ThM'il lip to the IndlTldnal oporf^..1(f cl08P,(m Shndnyp he May do' so.' GOnoP’J I’s streets In a roof-scrapidg sec ond ware. There were no details either of the effectiveness of the raiders or of Port Moresby’s anti-aircraft defenders. I Lae, one of the enemy's chief bases on New Guinea, felt the greatest weight of steel and ex plosives from United State.a and Australian bombers yeUerday water .superintendent for NOrth Wilkesboro. Funeral service was held Sunday afternoon, 3:30, at the First Bap tist church here, of which she ws.v a member, and burial was in Mountain Part cemetery. Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pastor, conduct ed the services. At the funeral nephews were pall bearers and friends of the family carried the profuse and beautiful floral trlbu es. FRIDAY NIGHT— Wilkesboro Pastor May Serve In Navy, District Meet Dr> J. C. Stcrices May Become Of Odd Fellows Chaplain; Recently Of- fered Hu Services District meeting of the Odd . I Fellows lodge will be held with Dr. James C. Stokes, for almost Union lodge number 331 at Mul- a year and a half pastor of the Wilkesboro and Union Methodls' churches, announced to his con gregation af'" Wllkosboiro Sunday morning that he had offered hts Mteees to the United States berry school north of this city on highway 18 on Friday nigh*-, 27, eight o’clock. Grand lodge officers will be present and a large attend'nee Is expected from the eight lodges cloalng of Btatioas oh Sunday Witt j chaplain. His application Is now goyarnment In the'tapaclty ofiju the district. L-die« pf Baptist ia''^'no ban on YlOilm af AXIS m sgrowfi OB HhiM abpA Itt iflfc* a« torpeiaed sad braaktag iff halt Tha wraA.fs vWhla fraraj^ate wvlvars were landad, ■P®*®*®'*®* ' I '■«. curtailed. And you iMA him get along an ounta of ^ get —and help tbd war too^ — Bat your "by aeeapUag, irUHai^Iy, any eut aanUifi ha mffy AWlie,.iii,i#ijMI^.(o. J»t #■■■ • *• ■’r.-- -rV • -- - Q. WHl'l be able to. buy gaao: lipe ** A. You oniftt always to he alMe to Aai, »t to fow dtoihtlM reault. !1 there ,4.- I ,,4, li^dite-W»te*«y.(In fome In- jtteSMMi^a^y be„ ' a«K%ihffltol. tlHto ,QS «toac *J^t. ot ^ easantM diwfeg .h® eonngad in view of ^ supply-alfiiatton. H, -t •' Q, Was the cffrtaljymJft proxintafhlT ^ dellr- etea to. atoMse ^aaoltoa to the in’ the^hands of navy officials at Wasblncton. llr. siolcM announoed that hq felt the€ he might be' of greater aervioa duriag the war among the navy BrtB, and ha said he was alsa prompted to the dects- toB to-offer hla aarrlM on ac-., 'cwttirt of the toot that the Meth odist «urah iwa aoly f Bed aAout' 4A per cent of the gnota of .chap* lalu raffuestod .. by tka goveth* Home chulch^wlll serve a supper to those attending. &th Sunday Suifdnsr Lit|le Rock Church A Fifth Bunday sing^ con- vaBtfcMi will be h«dd SMffay 'at little Rock BapOst near Bpomer. AH stogiBg elueea and ‘ffsairtata art tovttod to fftti^ v«r.