raateteare XXXV. Ho. 4 .,Pttbli«h€d M-days defense activity— Ngyfj^ wuaqBsgwi; Coarmfb~^FiiYr loss HOME NURSING CLASS GRADUATE -r^ ^ ■ I ■■-■ - kmiMO'-l ■«■ ■ I iS Aid ibriftige^Fori TowiuaidCovity O-i* I%y«kfauu To Te«cK*CUuM»» Her*} To Ftcain Qnj^r-^ » ijr Nlflbt Tuesday rl>,- U A Pait Nation Ei|rhte«n women have completed the home nursing course taught in North Wilkesboro iwder auspices of Red Cross as a part of the eirilian defense p ogram. Shown in this picture is ^rt of the class engaged in a deoionstration. Left to right are: Mrs. J. D. Schafer, Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. M. Craw- foed, Mrs. T. A. Finley, Mrs. Paul Gilreath, Mrs. W. F. Gaddy. Mrs. W. W. Starr Mrs. N. O. Smoak, awl Miss Tilda Briraon, Red Cross nurse who cond cted tlie-course. Members of the class who were not in the pktuiu shore were: Miss Alta Sebastian, .Miss Mary ■'Hulit, Miss Odrie Walsh, »»•*! . Warren. Mrs. W. H. OnUiitg, Mrs. Robert S. Gibbs, Jr., Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Jr., Mrs. Clyde Lillard and Mrs. Clara Cathioii. MORE COMMUNITIES— iFarmers To Elect AAA Committeemen 13th iWilkes To Have 39 Districts In New AAA Setup s Distrit^t Meeting American Legion and Auxiliary April 8 IN CANVASS— Wardens To Post [County Committee Sets Date For ElectioD of Many Community Men The State Committee has or- Idered a new election of all the !aAA Committeemen in Wilkes I'.eouBty, as well as in all the oth- ^ eountlea in the State, on April itth. This date has^ been approred it fbe county committee. ESrery ipoektp iu -WiRnia: uonntr .aallt Eis three community commltte?- 1 men and one delegrte to the 1 county convention except eome of the larger townships and they ■will be redi-strlcted into two. three or four districts. The vot ing districts of the .\.A.A ore as Many from here >ire expected to attend the 15lh di.stric* meet ing of the American Legion and Auxiliary to be held in Taylors ville on April 8th. The 'business meeting will be held at the home of J. H. Burke a' 6:45 and dinner will be ser ved in the community building at eight o'clock, Those from Wilkes who can attend are asked to notify Miss Ruth Colvard. president of the Auxiliary, or A.^F. Kilby, com mander of the legion pos'. not ^ J.J] today. Instructions h the Pir.st aid claai^ ae a part^ illTllian d^ensel.. urogram, Wllkea’will atrrt thla week, W.JL j McfflwM, chaf^ab of-tlie,clVtL| ian defMiae counclt, said today. | A course fog the people In- the.j Wllkeaboros is expected 'o bbgln; at t?.e North Wilkesboro town' hall on Tuesday night, Seven o’clock. It will be taught by local physicians who will donate their time and instructions. Courses for people in rural i communities ere being organized by Mias Annie Laurie Herring, home demonstration agent. First aid courses have already been .ar nanged for Moravian Falls and Roaring River end other commu nities wanting first aid Instruc. tion are asked to get in touch with the home agent for arrange ments. ! Physicians and surgeons who jhave volunteered their services I for 'he first aid courses here in- I elude Dr. F. C. Hubbard, Dr. John W. Morris. Dr. J. H. McNeill, Dr. H. B. Smith, Dr. E. N. Phillips, fnd Dr. G. T. Mitchell. All the physicians have Qualified as first instructors and those who FOR THE WEEK— {^ds Issued Tire and Tdbe Buyii^ Permit? CiiMlHsi*ity Lemitm To Di»> CUM l^oblcau And Seak ■Africaltnral Pro grew j aid HomesBothTowns What To Do and What Not To Do In Case of Air Raid To Be Taught Air raid wmlens in North Wilke-boro and Wllkeshoro this week will canvass the homes in their respective districts with In- struc lons on what to do and what not to do in the ca«« of alt raid. W.. H. McBiwee. cUidgfflian of satisfactorily complete the course will be granted Red Cross firs' aid certificates. , The class here will meet once j each week tor a two hour session and details will be announced later. Two hunderd class books have been secured for the county DIED SATURDAY— Mrs. Pearson Is Claimed By Death WELL ATTENDED— Dutrict Meeting MeAwdysHdld dresses Layircn’s Asso- ciation In This City Quarterly meejing of the Lay- I men’s Association of th'e Elkin dis- Ipws: >istric‘ No. 1—.Antioch Town District [Township. District |ship. District No. 2 Beaver Creek The wardens will cerry with them a sheet of instructions, which will be posted conspicuous ly in every home All rejldents are asked to study the instruc tions carefully. 'trict of the Methodist church was Following are the instructions Sunday afternoon at the North Wilkesboro Methodist church. Make a suitable entrance in! Feature address for the meeting will No. .1—Boomer Town- M-s. William C. Pearson, age which the air raid wardens 61, died suddenly Saturday after- , POSt at every home. noon about 2:30 at her home in, , . , . , u i Wilkesboro She had been an in- the attic. Place boards on the delivered by Judge Johrison J. valid for about 15 years, but had ceiling joists, and remove all in- Hayes, of Wilkesboro, and was Inot been seriously ill prior to the '’xhis audience. attribut- clothes from the at ic. This , meeting was well This picture is typical of what is happening throng|Miit Calltomia, where* alien Japanese are being evacuated by the government to prevent sabdtage 'and aid to the enemy. Photo shows a San Fran cisco resident hanging out “evaciK stion sign.”—Sonndpboto. BEGIN APRIL 6— Instructor For Aircraft Courses Has Arrived Here • Wilkes rationing boards in ses sions last we^ issued permits for the purchase of new tires and nbes and for truck recapping ser vice. Both boards have a far greater number of applications from cli- gibles than the quota for- the month allowed the county. During the past week >Wilkes rationing board number one issued the following tire purchasing per mits: William McKinley W^t- tington, Purlear, mail carrier, one truck tire; Lytle Blalock Howell, Moravian Falls, mason, two truck tires and tubes; Kennedy Pottery, Wilkesboro, one truck tire; Robert| County, Landon Woodie, produce one truck tube; Jacob Wm. H. Corum Well Quali- - fied to Givel Practical Air- • craft Instructions (By J. B. SNIPES, County Aftak and H. C. COLVARD, Assiuteat Dninty Agent) A few years ago an Agricultaml Program' started in the state for the purpose of organizing eads county in the state into comimnii- ties and neighborhoods. Tod^p each ol the 100 counties in Noitt Carolina have their county organis ed and are training men and men as leaders. The rural people like tnis program because they elect their own leaders and they study their community and neigh borhood problems and are helpiag to solve them. A few weeks ago the farmers ««f Wilkes county were organised inte 29 communities which coven ttau entire county. Some 230 committM and leaders were elected by far mers tc help the County Agent of fice in carrying agriculture infor mation to every farmer in the Every farm family in Die jja„ler.ieounty will be registered in these Doson I 29 communities by the 230 or- Wtlliam H Corum, instructor for the aircraft sheet metal and rivet- tne courses to begin at North Wllkertoro school April 6, has luTlved in North‘^WIJkesbQrp to courses. ■’'Mr. Conim has. been affiliated with the aircraft industry for the naSt year and baa been industrial engineer for Vulf.ee Aircraft. Inc., of Nashville, Tennessee. He and Mrs. Corum and two Wolfe, Purlear, lumberman and:Kanized leaders. These leaders are farmer, two truck tubes; Parkw^ | more than glad to help their neigh- Bus Co., four bus tires: Wilkes“F ® ^ County Board of Education, two | their communities aud truck tires and one tube; William, "®'8^horhoods. They have alrea^ Cornelius Walsh, Boomer, lumber-! *®udered valuable service to w man, two truck tires and 1 tube: county agent’s office in assisting Mrs. Bertha Bell, county nurse, with the food and feed program. one tire and tube; Wilkes County scrap iron, farm machiouy Board of Education, five obsolete. P>^®*TUm and the victory garden type passenger tlres:J. B. Hender- program. SOTj'^Vl’ilkesboro, mail carrier, one ^® pl®u to meet these leaden, key, GBrnth,, farmer, one truck'riio can attend-^ft tjye; filter Gray Crews, Boomer, 29 communities over the eom^y— liimlienah, one truck tire; Linsey *nd discuss with the people oar Austin Minton, produce hauler, one, Agrricultural Extension program, truck tire end tube; Noah How-! Below you will find a list of the ard Chambers, trucker and far- committees and the names of the mer. 2 truck tires; Fred Clifton leaders who have been elected by North Wilkesboro. children will make their home in Dobbins, trucker, two truck tires, the people in these different com- j Recapping service: Thomas Haff- ®>“"*ties. , I , uf rmni As these leaders make a list of [man, lumberman and farmer, two . ■ ,u • ' truck tires: Uke Mcssick, Purlear, ‘he farmers ui the. rospe^.n ’milk route; two truck tires; r«rl'n®>&hborhood. other leaders will be No. 'heart attack which was I tain •Township. Dfcrtrict No. 5—Edwards No. Wilkes the afic. This, -pjjg meeting was well attended' 4—Brushy Moun , .Ue cause of her death. should be done at once. land there were representatives! ; Mrs Pearson was a member of 2. In the event you hear th. .air counties: Ashe, Alleghany,' widely known family in his raid warping siren Davie, Surry, Watauga, _ f T XT l-f A««««RDCl IVLISS (rCaiiiwa • Ruby Pearson, of Wilkesboro. Have at least one and one Mrs, Pearson was a native of (Continued on page 8) IN THIS COUNTY— More Comforters. I Chapman Ferguson, Boomer, lum- Are To Be Made added to the list. he West Fork of Bugaboo Creek. District No. 6—Edwards No. 2. hleh starts on the Traphlll line n the East Fork of Bugebo.' Mk and goes south to the '«Bty road east by Arthur W’est’s Klkln Creek and then down to :he Yadkin River. Dtotriet No. 7.—Edwards Kn. ‘bounded on the west by east rk of Big Bugaboo Creek and 11 the territory ‘hat lies north road by Arthur West’s in- the Benham community Dtetrict No. 8—Edwards No. 4, xplblch is bounded on *he west ‘ 1^' Hkin Creek and on the north y District No. 2 line, including the the late iW. C. Pearson, and moth- ® bath .tub or er of Joe H. Pearson, and Miss tamer. h«lf bushel of sand immediately availa'ole. 4. Have a long handle GOOD PROGRAM— Students Talk At shovel available. 5. Do not run in the street or yard in case of an air raid. Keep calm and follow instructions. ir« • , • 6. Do not approach or get near IVlWaillS jVleerifiy an incendiary bomb for at least ® two and one half minute.s. ' 7. Put out the fire started from the bomb before attempting to ex- itinuguish the bomb, j 8. Extinguish the bomb by sur rounding and covering it with Miss Dessie Hanks and Miss Ruby Fay Hurt Use “Con stitution” As Subject Miss Annie Laurie Herring, Iberman, one truck tire; Julius Eld- Ward Minton, Wilkesboro, poul- tryman and truck farmer, two truck tires. Rationing board number two in Absher Community Chairman, T. G. Johnson: Vice- Chairman, A. M. Holbrook; Secre tary, Josephine Alexander. Leaders: J. H. Alexander, Merril Shumate, J. C. Johnson, W. R. Wilkes home demonstration agent, I meeting March 27, issued tire P«r-'Hutchison, H. M. Hutchison. ... .. .• It . ^ 14 f. fViA ■F/xilnuMVwy •'I member of the executive mittee from each county. com- HERE 12 YEARS— Former Pastor Of Baptists Here Boomer Community Chairman, J. J. Broyhill, Vice- Chairman, Elisha EMminston, Sce- . . has called attention to the fact! chasing permits to the following: prehensive re^rt was made by^a nomforters may be made!Joseph C. Adams, Ronda; S. V. X.... Wilkes by low income families. Tomlinson, North Wilkesboro; It was found that thve are ad-’Wilkes Transportation Co., North q g Carlton, ditional materials for comforters'(Wilkesboro; Robert B. Adams, and those who have made mat-'North Wilkesboro: James E. v.au- tresses and need comforters should j dill. North Wilkesboro; Queen make application at the office of|Trucking Co.. North Wilkesboro; the home agent. (Continued on Page 5) I Taken By Death: Two high school girls address- sand. If you move the bomb with lUKTKi X, J i^-orth Wilkesboro Kiwani- your shovel be sure to have at southeastern portion of Ed-1 ed ine^^iNorin «.,.ilgast two inches of sand in the _i Funeral In Hickory Saturday | For Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, Retired Minister Bwards Township. DUtrict No. 9—Elk Township. Dtstrkcl No. 10 — Jobs Cabin I TovnsUp. - No. 11—Lewis iclub Friday noon and their ad-] least two inches of sand in I dresses made up a program which bottom of the shovel, as the bomb Dte'rtct [.Ttnnialhp. District [Towitt^. Dtotrirt Fork No. 12 — Lovelace Uo. 13 — Moravian (Continued on page 5) received much favorable coni- men*. J.R. Finley was progr:*ni chuir man and he presented two high school principals who in turn each presented a speaker. Zeb Dickson. of Mountain (Continued on page 8) it is mill melt the shovel unless placed on top of the sand. 9. Do not throw water on the bomb as this is extremently dan gerous and causes it to explode. 10. It is helpful to sprinkle the bomb 'vith water but a consider able amount of water placed or the bomb creates a hazard, "rhe greatest of care should be exer- j cised in the use of watdr, and jonly a very fine spray of water used. g350LINE USE CURTAILMENT MOVE- Herme Stations Abiding By Order to Remaia Open Only 72 Hours Week Local Bus Line In weoKlance with the order of cards wiu“be to motorists! To Pore» Knob In the and the mot War Production Board, issued to motorists motorists classified ac-1 '^.ttami in this section are cording to their needs. iC® etation* _ x:— "j^he gasoline curtailment , eonfininc operations to hours per week. Yf^ rf the stations, however. , ehan^ on Sim-' protested the application of ****“. of hour restriction to these states and by the ed that it be applied nationally. )^^ver anef the pni^ i The sinking of tankers Is said Wilkes Transportation company has extended its lecal- bas line to only Moravian Falls on to. the foot'of applies to the Atlantic and Paci- ^ Brushy Mountains on Highway fic coast states. ' 16. Last week Governor Broughton | Company offieiala also announe* tkis ed that the line to Moravian Falls and urg- nvay be extended cm'highway 18 to Boomer. The extensions ate being made at their operat- ‘to be the cause for the curtailment. I to serve public, demand. jWith Local dealers state that the 20 pal cent rednetidn wQl not work af ^****imiich.hardriiip becatue nka.have TiitW^^Hreadv dedhied aBodt that^eh.' tires not availabla to the average Hickory. — Rev. W. R. Brad shaw, 75, of Hickory, prominent re lred ftaptist minister, died at 2:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon. In a local hospital. Because oft declining health, Rev. Mr. Brad*,' shaw retired from the ministry J a few years ago. Formerly pastor- of s^errl churches in his vicinity, Including the First chnitth in 4Hekoi had ibeen residing at the home his only daughter. Mrs. B. N.} Carr since resigning his psPtoKt ate at the Morganton First Bap-1 ’.ist church. V ' The minister was the son M the la'e Elijah and Ann Brad motorists, the.s«^l|^.b9s sseskss Jt Jr rt*. North,Crawbj. |tapttot' ehnnh-^ Shaw, of Bnrfce county. Surviving along with his daughter, Mi^. Carr of Hickory, are one brother and one sister, J. P. Bradshaw of Lenoir and Mrs. Henry Call of near Marlon. ' Funeral service was held af the First Baptist church in Hick ory Saturday. A native of Burke county, Rev... .Mr. Bradshaw was bk^rn lB';t&|B North Catawba community^, neaif the Caldwell eonnty line. 'He wab. ordained to the ministry at tl$: Leaders: Jarvis Walsh, John Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ger man, John Avery Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ger man, P. S. Ferguson. Champion Community Chairman, Edd Blackburn, Vice- Chairman, Taft E'oster; Secretary, A. T. Fairchild. Leaders: Tom Grier, J. C. Mc Neil, R L. Proffit, T. O. Minton, (Continued on page 8) WAS POSTPONED— Church Hearing To Be April 4th Driver Under $2,000 Bon^ For Death Of WilUoxn Terrell Wednesday ue ini btwaWee,- laiihgiM .js#-'eegihMrif»a«!» Ja'pib'l'W •■J has h®cb>M'.fnt!A ... much amssM.. .Lefl.hi' 'tttC t WriVMMVi . . m '■Tf,-- Hearing fo' Albert Church, Wilkesboro man charged ■with manslaughter in the death of Wil liam Terrell, 14-year-old newsboy, in Wilkesboro Wednesday morning, was postponed Saturday untQ Sat- uriay afternoon, April 4. • Tha. hearing will be before Wil- Kriioro Mayor Hf.j A. Craoar. , driver trf the par which bit. n tar he was crossing tiw OB roller, ricetee, bi under bond of $2,000 pending the hear ing. .. Terrell was the second victim «(' cars driveB'by Chordi. Iii.iO{th ,1941, ChnrehSi cor fatBB9:wft«tlt the wife of Ira GihaaDt ‘V$lpK boro eclored resideBt.' -Aio?: ' OfNeei* whb IntNb&M tiMKH; aefy^-^gaM wiMh‘A:«ar t»NM' t08 'IM ’'tfltt wW ^' 'S ihlt '' ‘ ■ t- • • -• ^ -1, . , - . -.w 5‘ At • -