/ ' ‘ ■ , ; »z\ A Tv .-V. • iZi 2 -^ ■ ..'* i/, ,.•' s ®hurcb,='UV!c ifies MAMIE 80CKWELL. Editor—Phone 216^ HWiPIlltMlIfMMlMlIMieMMtMlMlMIlMlMlMMMMMMAMWMMO TIra MisR Shninahjer Bceomes Bride of Hr. Eller Anaouneement i« tmai}« at the laarriace of MU* Sue Shu maker and Mr. Vensley h. BUer, which was solemnised in York.' 8. C., on Friday, March *0, 1»48 li. BiUe Cfane Maitiar ntoetioK ^ tiwietlity m‘.tiae of the T. Xk CMaas tk the Flint Baptist lareh was held Tueedey erealBK iUt the home of Mr*. C. C. Kilby Lwlth ^ireea momben betas — — „ KMOat. Mr*. L. A. H*u*er, the with Getty* Nunn officiating. Mr*. MWly elected presfdeoi; woa In!Eller U a daughter of Mr, and a«rge of the boeiaem seselo*,Mr». H. O. Shumaker, of Buck, and *1*0 gTT* the deyotlonals. rn'd Mr. Eller la a eon of Mrs. ||^ Tiwelev Ufa. John' Mltch^l we* ehoaen , Cor* Rom Eller of Purlear, and i ^ , Mr»; Ml ^Mra. Fred Huh dr., 01 9r., waa iibiitess to the member* of the Sth -Coli^u t**®*^v 5?^ * &hmbe^ of extt* gueu'e M'heF home In Wtlkeoboro Monday er- enlng. A »Iad„coura* w*a aerred during Om g*o>e, which was played 'at three table*. The top score priae ^within the clnb went to Mr*. RntMel) Gray. Jr., and for the TUiton Mr*. Jv D. Moore, Jr, woe *he wiBner:^ The tow ecore prise was won by Mrs. William Carrlugtoa. VUltoffe of the club were MeedSK.ee BMir Gwyn. W. I.. Bnndy.'-Hedley .Bayee, J. D. Moore. Jr., and Gredy Chnreh. T.E.L. C3MB Meetinff at ttie afe Hwet. » »»•>*»**** Mbs KAthleen Whit* b Wed to Hr. JoIuwmi AK weddlOff beantllul In its •Impliclty and of mhob interest Snnday aike^, with a daace, consider^ the weather whkfa ^reTglls. for a moeh befteb^ath-w—.. both Snnday ediool and the week prayer meetiage, if . eyer mmtingi, »jH la' StlrtHUMd At Fori iM|E was that -of Mias Kathleen White, when the weather becomes wripHTi _ 3“ of North Wllkssboro had^ A. 8. and more settled. -s, 1 I Bra*r—un etm iaa |r*t Tfce-preeldeot. Refresh-1 the late Mr. Eller. He is employ liMate were eerred dnrlng these- ed by th* Champion Poul ry leial hoar. Farm. • FLOWERS BRING PLEASANT SURPRISE TO THOSE YOU LOVE Avoid The Rush—Place Your Orders Early THINK of her delight when she opens a box of fresh cut flowers, artistically arranged by us—carrying your Easter message. Corsage, bouquet, or plant will be equally welcome and attractive! Use Our Telegraph Delivery Service City Florists PHONE 200 Opposite Liberty Theatre the STETSOM "PWYBOY" Certainly, it’s a favorite. First place comes Doturaily to this light, comfortable Stetson, 'fhe "Playboy” gets out in front fast with its good looks...and holds the lead wher- ever you wear it. See yourself in a Stetson "Playboy" today. Nlrih Wak**boro, N. C. ~p" The T .E. L. class »f the First Baptist church i^et ut the home of Mrs. C. C. Kilby on Tuesday evening at eight o’clock. Mra. L. A. Hauser, newly elec, ted president, took r charge of ■'the b'n*lht!»|*jQf which time’ plans' ’were' for work In the future. All mem bers of the class took part In 'he dlscuRsion. after which delicious refreshments were served. MfMaa ,t?W. "»^|1 Oiorua mide f«m TMeiilifrta." ;^*he , M««al ftkAlw VFMFM Ka. Sans Souci Club M*t With Mrs. L. D. Cooke Mrs. L. D. Cooke entertlned the members of the Bans Sonol club and a few additional guests on a recent evening at her home on Trogdon Street. The home was arranged with a profusion of jon quils and other -spring flowers. Mrs. G. T. Bare won ‘he high score award ar.d Mrs. J.H. White- side the low score prize. At the close of the game the hostess served delicious refreshments. Guests present other than ohih member,s were Miss I»ree O’Daniel. Mrs. G. T. Bare and Mrs. Hoyt Hendren. Johnson, of Lextngton, which Mr. Cicero Mikeul, who . wss solemnised this *ft«raoo* at position at Kannapolis, visi 5:80 o’clock in the First Method family here during the **^ iat ehartiti k^ 8alM>iry. j Mis. Lea A Gtedt Rev. W. B. West^Ptator of the '* ‘ * ehnreh, officiated,''aittf the im meat *nia preesive ring eeremoay.'^ Only * 4.t— Coel Jch^i ■. T’. j I n w .—— ■ officer of'the,' tiwttfiBr of the M4th TiA JSL mL M^“mS2i £ ■**’*>^ Baullon from Port Beaa- ■mtoMi 1^ Karw Mnci^ tkiBr Georgla,.to FVitt Bragg. Her. •i^Km.'john W^Smreh! bMaM^whfch is nndor tlm Umitea number of relathree ind’tfaitrf Mr. aid Mr*. A A c close friend* we present, • |Siiad*p. - G. SlevWs, Bi»a*ry^i# w third Mra. Henry E.'; Hilton, of Lex-' Miss Helen Cbntdi ap^ Betor- ington, organ!*wore * ' drew of day night with her sister, Mrs. Ro- new fl«d aerial Mae. and her as Gteen. jS -.?, Mrs. Carr Chnidi a»f Ljdtie navy sad aerial Woe. and flotreia were tallanmn roaea. Mrs. .T.D. Moore. Sr. Is Bible Class Hostess The Woman's Bible class of the North Wilke,=boro Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. .T. D. Moore, Sr.. Tuesday after noon tor its monthly meeting Mrs. Isaac Elltr presided for the business session and Mrs. H.6. Dodson w,as devo' ional leader. A social hour and refreshments were enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Ten members were present. entered and epoke their vows be fore an alter of white gladioli and palms. .During the ceremony Mrs. Hilton played mu*ed note* of “Ave Marta." and sounded Mendelssohn’s wedding march as the recessional. The bride was lovely In a dress and hat of powder bine with which she wore a coot in defense blue. At her ithoulder was a cor sage of orchids. Mrs. Johnson, a graduate of the North Wilkesboro high school attended V^'ornr n's College In Greensboro, and for the pas‘ four years lias been a mepiber ct the Olty School faculty in Salis- ,hury. Mr. Johiioon Is from Lex- j„.iington end is owner and proprie tor of Johnson Lumber company. Following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left for a short wedding trip, and after April 6 they will be a’ home In the John ^on Appraments at Lexington. Those from North Wilkesboro attending the weddln.g were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White, Dr. Thomas I.ee WTiite, and yr. and Mrs. J. R. Hlx. such outfit to be at Fort Bragg OABD OV JBBUma 'We . wish to use this means to da^ifate, Loraineraad D«ilI*"Maa..exi?r«s^ onr apprecUtlon for the MiHHriilMtSM’riea i#' am Smtfal—tfala g-r* BRIER OtESK BURK AND ROULER MHXS Oa H. 8. Bigkway 4tl ..Tar Mrs. S. T. Taylor Is Bridge Club Hostess The members of the Young Mptroas Contract club and two extra gues's, Mrs. Cecil Hauss f’btm Mrs.-Sam Hensley, were de lightfully entertained by Mrs. .S. T. Taylor at her home on D Street .Monday evening. The high and tow score f,wards in the game which was placed at three tables went 'o Mrs. Jry Jones and Mrs. Dexter Cb'dwick. The Easter idea was predominant in the par ty appointmenle and the same .note was carried out in the re- !freshmen's that preceded play. (Bbaniss-Mlinton Marriage Vows Are Announced Mr. and Mrs. Joe T, Cabani.ss, of Shelby, announce the marrwge ' of their daughter. Calico, to Met«lames Adam^n, Johnson Entertain At Bridge Mrs. Cecil Adamson and Mrs. Emmett C. Johnson were hos tesses at a delightful bridge partv at ‘he home of Mrs. Adam son In Finley Park Saturday af ternoon. 'Three tables were ar- Hinged for play In a pretty spring setting of red japonlcas, yellow hells, and white aplrea. The prizes, which were defense stamps, were awarded to Mrs. Palmer Horton* for high score. Mrs: E, N. Phillips low score, and Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant for bingo. A dessert course was served at the beginning of the game. Ml'S. E. N. Phillips Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. E. N, ■Phltlips entertain ed the members of her bridge club at her home in Finley Park Siturday evening. The top score award in the eame. which was played at two ‘ahles. went to Miss Lillian Stafford, and Miss Ghita Tuttle held the prize for honors. An ice course was ,=erved ty the hostess at the conclusion of the James Minton, of North 'Wilke.s-1 ' of North boro. The vows were spoken be-, „ fore Roy^C. Cobh, .T. P at Gaff- • " pj^pj^yinent Opporturitv ,ney. S. C., on Sunday. March 22. xinited S'tntes Civil Ser- 1942. Mr. Minton is a son of Mr. ' commission has just an nounced that persons experienced as superintendents of construc tion rre being sought tor the Federal service. Posi'lons exist in the United .States and foreign countries. Salaries range from and Mrs. .1. S. Minton Wilkesboro. At present ‘he young couple are at home with the bride groom's parents on Hinshaw Street. Miss Doris Rlppey. of* Shelby, and Mr. Cliude Kilby, of this city, accomp.-’nled the bridal couple to South Carolina for Ihe ceremony. lyne clothing company Miss Dimmette 1* Wed To Albert Wither* Gastonia.—In a ceremony mark ed by beauty and .simplicity Mias Robie Cheek Dimmette became the,are I bride of Albert Barry Withers, of Bessemer City, c.i Friday after noon, March 27, at 5:30 o’clock at the First Baptist church, of Gas tonia, with the pastor, Dr. B. .A. Bowers, officiating. A program of nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. Sam Marshall, sister of the bridegroom, and the ushers were Paul C. Withers, brother of the bridegroom, and Dan H. Kincaid, of Bessemer City. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for a southern trip, after which they wil be at home in Gastonia. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Arthur Dimmette of Gastonia. 'She was educated at Duke University, Durham, and the University of North Carolina, at Jiapel Hill, where she was active in campus affairs. Since gfrad- uating from the University, she has taught in Belmont until this year and is now a member of the Gastonia City school faculty. Mr. Withers is a son of Mrs. D. M. Withers, of Bessemer CHy, and the late Mr. Withers. He attend ed Brev'ard College, and is now a member of the Robinson Yam Mill force. He is an accomplished mu sician and is also an active mem ber of the Lions club. The bride is a niece of Mk*>.^ ^dohn A OradiU. rf tdurtlt WQkri; boor, roate one. S3.200 to $6,500 a year. Applicants will be r,3ted on their experience and training. From 7 o 12 years of appropri rte experience in the Held of con- Ftri/ction are required. Provision is made for the substitution c>f college course.s in engineering, for part of the experience. Duties to direc’ large construction projects, coordinating the work of foremen, organizing men end materiils. supervising in^lalla- tions. and Inspecting materials and workmanship. Saved By Blood, He Tries To Save Lives Philadelphia.—Five blood trans fusions once saved the life of ITieo- dore Mehi. So he volunteered as a donor himself—to build up the Red Cross war-time blood bank. Whdn the agency rejected him, he wrote: ‘•Pleti.se tell me how old I •will have to be before I arti accepted. Theodore is 12. J5 YOU THROAT OM -InflaMtd Itea unsUmT fMcbisg 4m t* • mMI ' r ' Bee how fail •** Me* of MKNTBO-VvLSION ' cn nir-'T a. jxt- tporln tO Soothe ‘irritated throet awrabriaeK ■SUSJLSWSoS’ia gumsisejr. Try it. Yon smart mothers who know STYLE ... as well as quality and value! . .. naturally prefer shopping at Penney’s for clothing ... for yonrself and for yonr family. Especially at Easter-time Penney's offers the aeweet in spring fashions . . . chosen, too,' with your bodgets In mind. Yon can well afford to bay for this T®ES8-UP season if you shop Penney’s! > lEFOMC PENNEY FASHION FOR THE YOUNGSTERS! All Ladies’ Spring COATS REDUCED $10 «8 n choose Yonra Now— NEW SPRING HATS STYLED FOR BOYS AND GIRLS m Cottons For School! GIRLS’ DRESSES 98' Crisp straw in jaunty Styles -trimmed! Pa.stel Felt- $1.49 Jean Nedra Dresses 3.98 • Dressy Tailored Trim styles for business . . . sports types and gala fash ions for after dark. 12-44. Bright little midriff, nau tical and long torso styles in washable cotton. De lightfully gay colors so wearable for school! Sizes 3 to 14. For Regular Fellows! Boys’ SPRING SUIT Single or double breasted styled—2-pair * O *71? pants. 8 to 18 A « • • Flannel Eton Suits Three-button coat, O QQ button-on shorts Girls’ Straw Hats .. $1.49 Coat and Bonnet Set Of Woolen Flannel—daint ily fashioned PQ AQ for tots Crisp, New WASH SUITS Easv-to-wa.sh pi'un sub cotton. 2-8. 69c and 98c Shoes That Fit Right Into Your Family Budget! 4 »i2.79 Sparkling For Spring! CELESTE PUMPS BOYS’ OXFORDS $3.49 With Peni-Flex insoles and moccasin type toes! (S3 Just what you need for afte;vda-k festivities! — Beautifully styled jet pat ent is attractively combin ed with cihsp rayon faille! With leg-flattering slender heels and open toes! a49 The Finishing Touch! HANDBAGS 1.59 They Promise Fun! PARTY PUMPS Slie'll just love having these bright patent pumps! Gabardine trimm ed! Peni- dJO A Q trimmed! 12-3.V“« Smart Styles In MEN’S SHOES New patterns in dressy straight t:p b' i oxfo;'ds. I,eather soles and rubber heels. Brown or blac!;. Genuine leather in accessory shades! A TYPICAL CCMXECTION OF VALUES FOR MEN! Clever Pull-On Styles! Rayon Gloves In colors to contrast 98' with spring costumes! For New Frocks! Cynthia Slips 1.29 • Trimmed or tail- red! Rayon sat- Expcrtly Ma'ie tf Fine F'ur Felt! Men’s Ma athon Hata $2-98 Famoas Towncraft Sanforized MEN’S SHIRTS Shown is the PHANTOM—a light-weight style with a raw e.dge brim, comfortable fit and swagger appearance. In manv colors for your spring outfit! or crepe Rayon UNDIES 29c Snug fitting! Tailored .. BLOUSES $1.29 ?£a*y to wash rayon crepe. A handsome collection of smooth weave cotton broadcloths, Lasting freahnes* with good-looking wov en patterns, colorful stripes or dressy whites. All fast colors . . . roomy ftdl cut sizes. Drape Model Slacks .. $2.98 Of tustrons rayon gabardine! Shirts and Briefs ea. 29e ^ Broadolndi Short# .. Nylon Hosiery | cokn^jtermf Tm Dated Sheer— deorablel