Diaitiv* «f CMfcriKlor Oass ■ Thonday Him Ev^yn Sharp# To tfc stiuct Claaaaa For Qwt- Of-Seiiool ^aopii [ll^rc &«b' iS( hiv^ filotflK^e 'Wincailavo ItaaiiTi oC ^ I Bantoiweiit' Maric« f .' oa *u ^J>laad rfT ti* Atlao- eout. ■TBpfoaentatlTB of a contrac- Itaa a large construction Jiere was at the employ- U ofllee here iMday and Set- iay and wHl he here all this ek and thiwngh next week, B. I Oentry, office manager,, said lay. ien are being employed as la- it |48 per week and ^sar- hters at 8«* P«r he and one-half for all orer 48 ^r week. Physical exam- are ibedng made here. Phase Interested In the Jobs iMked to call at the employ- . office on the earliest day ila 4nd make applicant®® *’®" ^ some time Is necessary to hare plc- . the examination, W made and secnre passports. „ who are in class 1 in the tire S’errice or who may" be In class 1 are asked not All who accept the jobs !l®t permisslo'; from their re SelecUre Service j[. ontrition dstss as a part d thi nsrtfcoia beirfal an Thundbvi Af« p. m. at North WffintfMMf Mias Evelyn Sharpe, vocaoTOW home economics teacher in North Wilkesboro school, will be instruc tor of the class, which will ffldtt to the home economics departnatat d the school. Plans call for two classes each week for four weeks. ClaSiSt Will meet on Monday and . Thttttiddy nighto mnl will be one to ohs an4 one-half hours at each session. No charge will be made to mem bers of the classes and evaQT pfr- Bon not in school will be Whlcofile to take the courses. The instruction will include help in problems of feeding families in war time in order to buQd ffM maintain strong and healthy bodies. The class has been recommend ed and approved by W. H. Mc- Elwee. chairman of Civilian de fense in Wilkes county. An extra feature of the first meeting of the class on Thursday night will be showing of a new sound film, “For Health and Hap piness.’’ Ai^rsonKiM Qectioii Bpai^ AMieHScoebay Cooi^ Elac^anh'lai Mestfeig flrtwrftr Or* ganixed For Dntl^ *bioard of Mbr Boity OMfSpk Ig CM Modbl Wi^ui M Lenoir-Rhyno CoBoge Wilkes elections flinty in meeting SehJIT^'SS Junesnl- AndersOBi of this city, cheinnan, and W. O. AMer,'of this city, secre tary. J, C, iGmysoo, «»f Wilkesboro, ^ RepublKi^ i* the third member or poerd. Registrars and ^dger were appointed for all pre cincts to senre in the P«m«ry May 30th And in Uie fall election. ' Candidates for county and township offices may file Any time this week before six o’clock on Saturday, Apnl 18. Candidates may file with any member of the Registration books will open for three consecutive Saturdays. List of registrars and judges for all the W tikes BfittFUfeyb Drami^ Winner A* CHADWICK SlNq^ Allies R^d J&ps |}2“™ Progi^At Outer Island Bases juT? * nM . -1— Wmlilieai precincts as appointed by the f OMrd and released today by Hkranis At the meeting of the North Vflkeeboro Kisrsnls club Friday B awtegram of songs wss car- , f. Siloane Ouy, yr., vss L chairman and he preeen- S. Dexter Chadwick, so- BO soloist, who sang “Trees”, kty like a Rose” and ‘‘Ah, Mystery of Life’’, t program chairman led the Binging several songs and ^adwick led in singing jangled Banner’’ as the sding numbe';:'. or to the program Pat Wll- aanonneed that he and others bad set out poplar along the highway toward oro and asked the co on of l^e club in bel^g ct them. W. Bshelman and others ■Bed the dumping of trash highways near the city and [1^' iHihy and his committee I Bsked to sponsor an effort to nt tte practice, leldent J. B. Williams ap- Dr. John W. Klncheloe. ev. Watt M. Cooper and T. filoane Guy, Jr., as c smlttee to draw resolutions the club relative to the death Judge T. B. Finley. x the moetlng ©. M. Stone, of T>tto, was a guest of J. B. and M T. Mickey, a rton-Salem Klwanian, was a of J. B. Carter. lycr Services Bern Here ^e "yayef ssi vioee are being ty Bs«Usti bore in prepara- for the'Wld* o* evangells- merAem to begin on next y#dght wtth Rev. H F. of AifMOBUttox, Va., as the ^eschar. servlee tonight Is at th« of Msa. M. 1*. GUreath; on _ if mowing. •“ *“•» ** heme of Mrs; C. H. Jenkins: thros p. Si. »t ths home C. C. KllWJGi Wedaosdaj, eight o’elsch, »t the •A. ■kBre Conuoil will meet on night, el^t o'clock, at Mwreh Wsyer Japen’i shattered armies push ed closer to the vital Burma oil fields last night but the American end Australian legions served no tice with deetmctlve air raids that the enemy shall not .#« Ifhge V. 8. Bombers, prbteoted by swift Anaeie fighters, smashed relentlessly over the week-end at Japanese bases on the outer Islands and were credited last night with destroying or serious ly damaging et least 28 enemy planes and spreading flaming ruin among the invaders’ ships and military establishments. The raids were conducted over a 2,400 mile arc extending from Koepaog on Dutch Timor to Fa- isl In the Solomon Islands but the greatest destruction was spread at Lae on the northeas tern coast of New Guinea, and at Rabaul on the northern coast of New Britain At least 12 of the Japanese planes wei» destroyed at the cost of only two Allied aircraft. Rabaul —^the main Japanese base for any invasion attempt was raided both Friday and Sat urday. Wrecked On Ground Eight Japanese bombers and a fighter were d'sstroyed on the ground Friday and other planes were damaged in the attacks on Saturday, three moored flying boats were damaged by machine gunfire and a P-type fighter was chased away wounded in a steep dive. Buildings flamed so violently lifter bomb hits ' that the fires were seen fifty miles at sea. Ships were bombed in the harbor and enemy troops were strafed, but the -results were not wholly visi ble. Banna Visited Burma was the most critical front periled by the brash and buoyant Japanese, because It was tho*e that the enemy threatened the Ise* oriental pools of oil whlA feed the Dnited Nations’ planes, tanks and warships. jy The British tacitly admitted fnrt^i ■*^**‘^™’’*'* sSB'adiriiront by saying “enemy reeondAissance element^ appear Jo, ,i>* advancing north-^rd on a widi* front' south of Magwe," Just SO.miks from the' principal oU field. V Cfiairman Anderson ia as with the registrar first, the Democratic second and tlm Re- tablican jiidge lest in the listing for each mreemetJ . AntioefL R. C. Mathis, Charlie roster smd Curt ^^E^ver Creek, F red Garter. Wert BoOtaer^ Willard W^Ums, Don Russelt and I. J. Bror brushy Mountain, Christie Tedder, Clarence Hendrcn and Really Tedder. Edwards 1, Cljrde the scope at eligibility and chette, J. A. Poplm and'"* - Hugh Hfnks. 6:30 Broth^hood 'em M HMefiar Methodlrt . Ant. AH wortWrt are ask- i to'isve a «•««*. Dr. Bentle^ Oij WeHa» Bmiird Two More Years Betty Gw-a Finley, daughter of Mr. ar . Mrs. Richard Finley, won a gold medal and a ' part scholarship In L^noir-Rhyne-Col lege at the Dramatic contest here on last .Friday^ After winning the contest here she was sent to Lenolr-Rhyne ns representative of the North Wilkesboro high school. She gave a reading that was 'based on the play “Mary Stuart” by Schiller. Many schools in the state were represented In th t contest. Among them were Asheville, Morganton, Hickory, Belmont, Catawb^ Con. cord and many other larger schools than North 'Wilkesboro All here are very , proud of the honors won hy Betty Gwyn for the North Wilkesboro school. Those accompanying Betty Gwyn to Hickory were Mrs. Rich ard Finley, Peggy Finley, and Mary Wells..^ Norfli hat Jlaai^ a Xad^ tottion tu,be held hit J. C. k chairman and ing featons an„ iTnnpnr lyBimf diss’ Mi|^ meet' ’jneM te-h| -aA'’\ in dvle aedv|tie% L. Pattmi, raperint.....^ r- gaatda schoou. He Is'^ vi^ eh* tertainlng speaker. m WW- c. c. .'TMl- t fori -ihf'-'-to*- C.i of Bor- Victor M. D^ ? Tajfeii Bfifitb Funeral service toe Victor M. Day, ftS, well knowB^reMddnt of New Castle township^.who died Friday, was held Sunday after noon. three o’clock, at Teouile HIU church with Rev.'lJ. L. A. Bumgarner in charg^ Surviving Mr. Day are his wid ow, Mrs. Etta Day, MX sons and two daughters: Burris A. Day, Wilkesboro: ® V. Day. principal Miners Creek school;. Baston M. Day. Honolulu; C. C. Day, R. Pal mer Day and V. M. Day, Jr., Ronda;. Mrs. Douglas. Snyder, Baltimore, Md.; Miss Valeria Day, Ronda., ., . .who tojpay BcpBeefi fate oBodMacy BepaUfawB nooilisMioa |w C oaer. He waa fi*ht etched duia ofllee fat 1004. the Many EM>Ie May 0M|m New AuttMDobfles B«t Don’t Ibow It A great many persons fai North ■ show need indirectly, it may be ..J terri- nosalUe to obtain a new i*r, posMUe to obtain a now cur. Defsnse Workers Sigl^e Persons nsing their automobiles Wilkesboro and snrromidtog terri, twy a» eligibld to btw mW mobiles and just don’t ' v , _ in according to Jocgl automobile deal- m wholf oy ^ ers, who s^d ttiose persons may ffad themaeivea idiipl^ " in ''f, *** woric, tfaoee who c« ' persons aie not eligiMe“to . chase new antomohufis but that many are qualified find are not aware of the fact. MiriiBcath^ef the automobile rationing art eras given as the basis for the broaden- Ldwards 2, E. J. Durham, J. B. Chunm and C> C. Alexander. „ | Edwards 3, Rohert Spen cer, Dallas Carter and Eli Smith. Elk 1, Willie Horton, Fred McNeill and S. F. Maier. Elk 2, Sam Jones, W- O. Barnett and John Ednunaton. Jobs Cabin 1, R. V. Be- sheara, D. F, Beshoars and Ulin Watson. Jobs Cabin 2, Dottghton Foster, Mrs. MoUio' Adkins and B. F Whittington. Lewis Fork, G. C. Walsh, J. M. Shepherd and E. C. Foster. „ . Lovelace, Mrs. E- P. m*- core, Freeland Johnson and Ahdrew l^uther, Moravism Falls, Mrs. Mar vin Clark, Veruoo Rogers and Mack Davis. Mulberry 1, Mrf. Crom Dancy; G. C. OwMU and J. F. Bumgarner. M^rry 2, Grady Miller, W. E. Brewer and Johnny Brown. „ . - New Castle. Fred Partue, M. L. Gray and Hubert Rob erts. •North Wilkesboro, Rufus Chur^, Monroe Etter E. R.Ener. . Reddies Riwer,J^R* A. Riggs, C. F. McNibi and *^^k’cSdH Robfrt John- son, Hiurwey^iUo(:iuBd'.Law- son Wood. , • ^ ^ ...Somers, Albmt I|lieru,'T. Y. Inscore and Tyru Cusey. Stanton, Turner PniWMifi, J. G. EUer and it D. Codper. TraphUl 1, R. F. Cunt^, Welsey Joinea :«imI ■•fmn Herman Hidbrook. . . Trapbill 2, Vanoe Jpla^ Forester Yeli Kennedy. any reputable dealer can properly advise those making inquiry. It was emphasised that all au tomobiles in dealer’s •showrooms are not “frOten,” that those on hand prior to January 1, 1942, may be sold and that the government is determined that the^ quota shall be released. Prospective purchasers are required by the local rationing board to meet some of the qualifi cations and if these persons can new cart. ‘ 2,. It was explained l^esjfllig,— it is possible for pet*m» «n«^ Siji soine phases of the local civilian defense setup to qualify and that two cars to a family n no bar where theXe is qualification. Eligibl* groups are physicians, BUrgeons.'^'visiting nurses and fam veterinaries, regular precticing ministere of a religious faith, per- stms engaged in fire-fighting, po lice, public health and mall serv lice, public health and mall Mrv- ability and ices, persons engaged in hi|d>vray ^ continue to render to the construction and maintSnances of go^jjtv faithful and efficient ser- ANNOUNCED T0D4Y-- Coroner Myefs Is Candl&te for Another Term Coroner I. M. Myers today an- nonneed his candidacy for 'the Re- pnblican nomination for coroner for another term. Coroner Myers, who is manager of Call Hotel here and is well known in this part of the state, was first elected corona in 1934. He was elected for another two- year term in 193fi and in 19S8 was elected for a four-year term. Dnring his eight years in offire — ^ I— ■! fi nfit rwm 4- r> ri vMavtvr wfao- >natr with tha IWkee hoard of •«» ttons al » ArtmhUcan eanfiUfaUe to snooiM bliifirtf. Mr. Harm. * memher very proflilfi*Bt find widely WUkea’W^. without a siti'on M' t»l nomlnatipii. yean huh anfi wsa elected- ^ Bttbstaatlfil majority. Mr. ihU’M to date has no formal finnonneement bet filed Hottea of candidacy I required ffii with the board of eieetlons. J. H. Whicker, Jr., young attorney here, has fitet jk a candidate for the Demoeamle nomination tor rapreeentatSite m the general asaemhly. * . He Is a sob Of Attorney ^ Whicker, 8r., and is assocte*^ with his father in the law firm^ . Whicker and "Whicker. The TJ«W attorney la a firadnato of the vanity »f North Carolina Ho » prosecuting attorney In the dfiP court here and Is well and fsvae* ably known. Others who have filed Thursday Include Ben V- y* for conauhle of North boro township and A T. P^^J for justice of the peace in Noel* Wllkeehora township- Candidates who filed eai^ included H. P. (Pat) •« the Republican nomination eotomoDues During his eight yean m ollire Republican nomlnauon , ^ ho j«*» pgotnplly iBvertigatcd many Representative T^» JNr Tdisitlui as Ws dntijea praacribed. (Aa Re^bHcan nomfim- ■»i?>iMiwip"terW'aa d effimty, subject to the wisfaeo of tee B^Uican voters of tee connty in the coming pri mary. “I take this ipportunity to pub licly express appreciation for the EUj^rt and cooperation from the people of Wilkes county, Republi cans and Democrats, dnring the eight yean I have been in office. I have faithfully performed my du- >ntetSnances Of faithful and efficient ser- equipment, persons engaged in the yjgg_» prosecution of the war, directly or indirectly, including executives, (Continued On Page Kght) INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN— Red Cfoss Meebiig All Typewriters ToBe'fiafioned Here Is Poitponed Unio^ Mrs. iafcoo, B. Dr. J G. Bentley, Well known physician, of Pores Knob, has been named to another two year term on t^e 'Wllkas connty hoard of public' welfare. pr.'^Bentl^ was elected tor an- dher t«m hy the two other mem- h«M of the hoard;* P. J. Brame. Wfao waa appointed hy the state anthorttlaa, mod AneanSng n' dtomona^ PWer !« ifild. wney Perry - Beaver Dfi* townaWp In ,«enity faan toctmead hy - l»00 nMaimlly —— ^ hava Incremed Bmtthey, who sm faamM hy tea 7, : a eotmw temrd dl MttfiiiiilOBm. Biafcf^ PMe Dency. WAhmt Grewe Hoilwtiek, J. C. R.ASidiT Welmit Wyatt, T. kKiorM anee . Hi Instructions for new and used portable typewriters has been re ceived by tbe local rationing board. The rationing of the npw frosen stock of distributors, wholesalers, and dealers became effective April 13, according to Acting Price Administrator. John B. Ham. While the revision of the or iginal rationing order releases a complete quantity of new ma chines, the public must under- stend that the sale of all type* writers must remain severely re- strteted. This is the only way the and. 'WtPB can convert the typewriter Industry to direct production ordnance parts and. other impor tant Items of wstf eqnlpme^7>- Aj the same time,' ihatecto that should ordinarily fi® 1® typewriter can be dlvarted 40- maiteliea According to the VpiPB, olrdete cutting prodne- tlott-hi typewrltera alone will wVe''^ongh kteel tor 544 llfiht and tl« medium tanks, ehongh aluminum for 70 pursuit plauM and 40 medium 'bombers, enough Gn tor S.IOO.OOO cans for food for the mflitary forces, Meeting of the WUkaa^ Cross chapter planned for Wm- nesd&y afternoon of this week has been postponed until Wedneeday of next week. No New Road* Tp Be Added To The County Sy*tcro* Raleigh.—€hainnan L. B. Prince of the SUte Highway and PnWic Works commission stated today that no new roads will ba addw to the county rood system until after the emergency- "I am nottfyin* all county ewn- missionera of each coonfy that ti» Highwny Commitrtoa f eate « ad visable not to' add any nawe to tea county ayatom fit te»a time ttiiteas there is sonte •mat comp^ObUi ivuaai" PrlaCe ;aa>d. *5Saiit»d- ia «o aqwont of the impossteUity of • r^dtein* equipment, reduction in revenue and teh need for maintaintec roads BOW aa tewexiatefaf systfim." Prince aaid tee'oriW «d fart I“* elude teoee to&ia wiich tl» C«n- misaten now has nndea cotMidera- tkm. The State Higfawfiy . ^Mor me and nmintains a county wa4 Wa^ « enough mhher tor l«i Urea and i^ptoximately •If . MO.. voadk'^ Bk lin- and Wv M. fiwmban. IdRIoii to~ te**a riiadfi The typewriter maimteBtaringlmary ^te^away A*’;' ^ MIO d 11,- ‘WMvtneHfln rect juriadictiilf of any atate- of^treriteinSr elSten naa| In O addition,?' to ** fartImaintel^ abont in tea near Bifi acaiety «a4 -J r’natloB widT ^■11 lOCES SAtST^4- GasRaBoiuDg Cards Washington.-Direct rstiontoj of gasoline to m®teri»?8 in east and west coast curtain areas may be averted It wm Heved last night after the production board oidcr^ a ther cut in llllteK station deltvw- Reserve Class V-7 Close May 1 ’^'Tetroleum Co-ordinator U ickes put it this way at fate press conference. the reduction worts factorily, we may go to Price ^ Ltlstrai- Leon Hon^« ^ tell him we see no occasion Raleigh. — The Navy a card or ment has notified the Raleigh i .vatem as “very Navy Recruiting Station that Na- ™«onlng val Reserve Class V-7. in which become^ p,a“"red to college men may lake mltohlp- orogram neces* man training leading to officers lommissions, will be closed May 1 ' The new Class V-1 program will replace Class V-7, said Bn sign P. B- Davenport, V-7 re-i croiting officer. Eighty thousand students between the ages of 17 and 19 win be enlisted this year In V-1, allowed to complete at least two years college and then divided Into three groups—flight training, midshipman and general service hy competl- Gve examinaton. The 20,090 men sMected for flight training and the 45,000 men for wseeral service will bo SMgil to active duty on or after eoiM^ietion ef iwo years college. The 16,000 meir accepted for toldabipmuh training will be al lowed to complete four yeans be fore hMng seat to a midshipman tifalniiiff school Ove»> seo college stndents or mend any program ^ do not want rationing just toW the sake of rationing.’ VPPB’b order, effectiTe Apra 16 will restrict gasoline dellv^ ;■ tes to filling statlt^ In ir e^ ern sutes. the District of Ool^ bla, and Washington and Orefiw to 66 2-S P«r RTOlfc®* received In December. Janaaay and February. These statle^ now are get'lng 80 per cent ex training jtbelr f®™er averages Bristol, To B(riatoi, Tennj gradwrtw h»’w> enlteted in Claw 'eite., Inclodrd ristoi, Tenn| vras adW the coast 'curtailment under the order stace it te l ted on the Tennefiree-VtogllO^ border. . The order provides that eoi#^ al variations may he afijnste* Ifi setting the deUverif *8®'* •* which the new percen‘a«e to to he computed. Stattons w«a« continue to dlstrtbnte their ttea^ oUne quotas among customeretei V-7 bore alBCW the program, one of tea most popalar of Its kind in military service, opened In 194#. *t%e Hatreratty of North CatoHaa has funriShed 1*# at»- dfints tor Vrf to date here, and ^ all mfck I .Lima liter mamtocturing I maty stare a»g»w»y vandtiaa 1* «•* ■»»»• — — w~ MMSdUy Alftea to 860 mites, ot white 93M fiW gfaM. Dfiko ttolVerslty to se^d plant can *0 tpeww J"* ^ ^ enlisted. WakeFor- collefea and nnL (ifata'ln this Hite Staatered Oompaoy Ickes charged that sewsral Pfae ei*e coast cMapCBtee have ete- stTMted hia efforts to reltova oN Mtoctefies-la Oregon ud Waite- lngtott. Ha said fae had “metirtUi 1, tot ol resistance frem the ato reoapanlaa ont fkeEPS, leadeitelp, 1 regret to wf, at with M fitefi #nHsted, Wake For- art Otokfito to tehrd trite *4 aiifi North tiarrtlaa State CoHaga to a V-7. AU frti «M« M«^ifa Itoinyte; efniBty have made T|io4 growth euhiard OR of CaUforaia.** He fiOaad: howwrar, that “mm rtt'toadccat;.^. . •did a vary certl job ot t^ng Sti^jM what t» do aad It aaw to g^g 'Tfae ha aatd. tteto~ te to tee imiteit ^pWseateii ia.'AligmiOiM,