Ptetared »W« are three leaders in a new and iateaaified cledge campaign to be conduct^ « a gtate-wide basis the weelt of May 4-9 t« stimulate gale of war savings bonds and-stamps. They are, left to right, Charles H. Rotary. GoUwtor of Internal Rev^ue mnd SUte Admmis- tratsr of the Defense Barings Staff of the U. 8. IVMaaryr. Goremor J. Melrilk Broigton. Hon- aesfr State Chairmaii, who has thrown the full ot ids administration to the support of the «a^n: aml ’lnlian Price of Gr«nsbOTo, presi- imte* the Jcfftoson Standard Life Insurartce, who is State-j Chief purposes of the earapaign are to give all citbens an opportunity to pledge themselves to set aside a certain portion of thei; earnings to buy war savings securities according to each one’s ability, thereby indicating to the government how mmi^^'ditional revenue must be raised through and to prevent inflation by siphoning off surplus funds above actual coiuMimer needs. Campaign chairmen for all counties and uthh^ of the larger towns already have organised the initial stages of the campaign which will result in s house-to-house canvass the week of May 4-9. it suicide, No imitteeit. was held Members of the aied mnn’f fatally told Coroner Myers thV- the suicide occurred In a room of the home. A daughter of Mr, Gray was gathering eggs. In the late afternoon when she saw her father walk Into the bouse. A. few minutes liter she-heard a „liot and when she went into the houefi founds her father wounded. ' The shotgun are eligible trill be unabte to ge^ tires, according td'. infomatioo received from rationliig boa^d oft flieials. During the past week Wilkes rationing board number 1 issued tire purchasing pwmfts to' the following: Danidi fool Brodkshlre, tann* er and contriwtor, tiro trui# tiree badly land tubes; Wade Hampton load 1 Houck, lumberman, two frock struck him on the left side of the'tires and one. tifbe; l^aedd face and had blown away part of { Hatchery, two truck'iifee; San- the skull In front and had Glenn May,berry, - former, tmted the bratn. [two truck tlrps; T6# Granville C. Green On Rationing Boird J^peliiDg Winnei lie Countyi Granville C. Green, well known citisen of New Castle township, has been named a member of WUkee rationing board number 1. Mr. Green. succeeds J. Mack . I Moore, of Wilkesboro. who re- BS^mTOliverWfllito^reient'signed from the board and was Wflkee County In North- wrat Spelling Boe ! 44 TO W YEARS-— *■:. \ ■*ijf I 'sdteol, won In the spelling bee tsM in the The aged man was brought to the hospIUl here and lived about four hours. He was a member of a promi nent family In the eastern pert of Wilkes county and was well and favorably known. No cause was attributed for his taking hie own life. Surviving are three sons, John, Wint and James Gray, all of Cy cle, and five daughters: Mrs. A. )C. Roberts, Cycle; Mrs. Moiile Gray; and Mre. Otis Holcomb. iRonda; Mrs. P. M. Holcomb, ! Winston-Salem and Mrs. Peart Conyenient S'T; MOVED IJStii— Bus lotion Now in Location On Ninth Street Attractive ters Provideid In Mo- Service Buildmg Wnkhsboro school aaditminm Sat- inday and will represent Wilkes County in the Journal-Sentinel SpeUing Bee in Winston-Salem 1 Registration On Monday, April 27 Saturday, April IS. Blaine is the. aoa of R. C. Oliver and is a mem-, her of the seventh grade of Cricket j school. Thornton Staley, Blaine’s teach er and principal of Cricket elemen tary school, will not be able to ac- ^ company him to Winston-Salem Slatnrday due ,to the fact that he haa been called to serve in fie U. S. Army. Following ia a list of school at jWilkes- champions competing boro Saturday: Boyd Blackburn, Traphill school; Gladys Lucille Hinson, Mine Ridp school; Kathleen Cxabbe, Austin school; Raymond Church, Roaring Gap school; Carl Sidden, Joynes school; Jimmy Canter, Millers school; Hubert Collins, Nert step in the nation’s mo bilisation of manpower in war will be the registration of men ages 44 to 65 on Monday', April 27. The fourth registration, fa- oKkmaly Aibbed "gjiandfattier r^straUon", wUl be for the purpose of ascertaining men In (111,* age bracket who can per form defense tasks and they will not/ be eapected to participate in omibat. '■ In WUkes county iwacUiadly the same setup will be used to register men on April 27 as was used in the previous regiafm- tions and the same registra tion places will be used. Creek stuwi, - , Pleasant HiU school; Rose Wyatt. District Meeting Mulberry school; Bobby aowers, HolinCSS Here ^’moved .front , . Ninth and A streeta W the Motof Service company building on Nhith street near the corner with D. street. ‘ Tiie bus terminal, under manage ment of. M.C. Woodle, serves Grey hound lines, Parkway Bus com pany and the Traphill bus line. ' "Pie new location is considered a great improvement over the for mer location. The part of the building being used for the bus station was reno vated and remodeled into a mod em bus station and the bus station lunchroom is next door to the bus station office. Waiting rooms, rest rooms and other facilities are provided. The spacious front between the bus station office and the street affords ample parking space for as many as five buses off the street, insuring a maximam of safety for bus travelers. Moving of the bus station does not affect operation of Motor Ser vice company, which will continue as usual in the large part of tL- building not used by the bus sta tion. Puhoral service was held at Pleasant Grove Baptist church today, three p. m. Reva. Pervl* Park* Mk Pleasant s^ool; Elsie Gray McCann, Pleasant Ridge school; Veteral .Adams, Clingraan school; Conference of the Wlnston-Sa- Marie Patrick, Miller school; Pan- jem district of the Pentecostal. CAN PLACE 300— IhM Burchett, Ronda school; Mary church will be held »t||l]r |J* CL I Morehouse, WUkeeboro school; Aa-lti^e Holiness church in this city, ^0|(|]I|0 ijClIOOl nio Childers, Oakwoods school; Al-. ^n Friday, Saturday and Sunday, & ma Bareham, Benham school; Cora xprll 17-19. Qttm, Moravian FWls school; Es- g,n,e ,f the conference speak- tAs Davis, Mt. Creri school; War- .^u be; Rev. C. A. Stroud, nor MeGrody, Cane Creek school; Marion, Friday night: Rev. T.. Vdma Brown, Flint Hill school: q, Undsay. of High Point, Sat- Jinlor Comb*. Mtn. View, school: „fday morning; Key. Kenneth K^Bdeen Johnson, Roaring Rivor p^tsler, of Walnut Cove, Sat- id^ool; Wanda Miller, Ferguson „rday night 'The business session bel; Jual Greer, Boomer school; be on Saturday morning. Beitears, Big Ivey TALK FINANCING— %eet Wednesday 4- III *1. Cwpmhtir For Tsaohing BL 22 Rejected At Induction Station Twenty-two of the liO Wilkes men sent to the Induction cen ter by the two Wilkes draft boards were rejected following the physical examinations. Included In the number rejec ted were two from this city: 1^ b Sehod H«w Finds {Joseph W. Brame and Roy Spoin- Coopermtioa Good The committee whkh has been, mtltlaf M the nropomi to eecnm BHle oiassea In Jlorth Wflkee- hom sekoote ha* reeeived good eknventtioB from the etty heard of 'adaeatlon anil from others In- honr. Is Opened Here Located Near Wilkea Milling Company, WeH Eqoipp- ed. Good Inatmctora nssrsAinnsT Evangdistic Services Are To Begin Monday Rev. H. F. Jones,' of Appo mattox, Virginia, Will Assist The Pastor A two-week’s series of evange listic services will begin on Mon day, 8 p. m., next week, at the First Baptist church. Rev. H. Frederick Jones, of Ap- pomatthx, Virginia, will be the guest minister for the senes of meetings. Previous to his pres ent pastorate, the visiting minis ter has been pastor of the Memo rial church, Greenville, N.C.; Port Norfolk church, Portsmouth, Vir ginia: Fulton church, Richmond, Virginia: and Brantley ebureh, Bal timore, Md. Brantley church was one of the largest Baptist churches in th^. city of Baltimore. Special preparalaOTS have Ir'ea made for the meetCag which begins Monday. For sev«*l weeks, prayer meetings have been held ia a number of the homes of tiie commitnity-- 7H*e .Woricer^ Council of the church meets tmiight 8 p. m. (Thursday) at the home of the pastor, to make additional plans Poteat, lumberman, two truck Urea; W. H. H. Waugh, orriiardlat and farmer, two truck Urea and two tubes; Charles C. McNeill, jml)^' He Welfare, one tube; Bev. Joi- eph Marshall Greene, one tire: EMgar Lee Hemphill, mail carrier, one tire and two tubes; Albert Cecil Vestal, wage and hour in spector, one tube. Recapped truck tires: Parkway Bus cmnpany, James Henry Say lors, Theodore Thadford Yates, Jeue McCoy Hinton. > Recapped passenger tires; How ard C. Colvard, 'Raymond Guy Cleary, Charles C.,MoKelU, Rev. Joseph M. Greene, JolUi Sherman Mathis, William Hertand Cain and Albert Cee^ VastaL^ . WUk«i bo^a pu^ •Aw d^iamiGid^OkilDwinger' "Site: -V' ' Central Electric am ’Telepkoi^ company. North Wflkesboro, two tubes and two tirea; Ray Hayes, North Wilkesboro, one tire, one tube; Piedmont Mountain Fright Line, North Wilkesboro, one tire; Town of North Wilkesboro, two tubes, two tires; Eldgar Finley Caudill, Norti Wilkesboro, one tire; Duke Power company, two tubes, two tires; Christopher Co lumbus Alexander, Roaring Riv er, two tires. Those issued certifleatea for recapping service were: Paul Ed gar Church, North Wilkesboro route two: Fred Moore Staley, North Wilkesboro; Annie H. Cra- (Continued on page 8) UNTIL APRIL 24— Marine Corps Recruiters.Here A recruiting party of the Unl- fed States Marines arrived in North Wilkesboro on Monday, April ISth. These men located In the town hall at North Wilkesboro until the 24th of Ap- - iT 0«rmku, Fldely ,tkW»er .and dattyman, was elected chainaan of the mple A commRtee In a meeMiB beid Tuesday. ‘ Other membecs of the eomi^ committed as elected by the cawr ty Convention of delegates ftMa thv 89 eommnnlttee are oa ii^ >w: H. C. Roberta, vice chaii& >man; W.M. Abeher, regnler her; J. A. Poplin, first altecimMp MoKelll, second aMP- ‘ 3, 0. rolndexter, WUkea eoMUtji’ acoowntoait sad tax av- pervleor, who jpasinnnred Ms coadldacy for RefoMl- can aominarion for SherUf. ANNOUNCED TODAY— IPomdexter Files As Candidate For SheiiR Of County Republican Nominee Four Years Ago Again In Race For l%eriff C. G. Poindexter, county ac countant, today announced hts candldaOy for the Republican nondnation for sUerUt ia the prtr '■ ~ ' '' and T. nate. The county committee In utlve eeaslon re-elected rence Miller ae peeretary county odmlnistratiTe Mrs. Clella M. Haynes was eim- ted ■ treasurer of the county a»- soclation. Blectiou of committeemea to. the many eommnnitlee In tke newly organised association held on Saturday afternoon, fanners In their meetings elected delegatee to the cooIM convention, which elected tlia county committee. (Three first named' in «mOk group are the committee and the- remaining two are altematee In order they appear.) Gommunlty No. 1, Antlodk Township — L. M. Jarris, B. f» Johnson, C. F. Foster, MansfieM Parks and James McGee. Community No. 2, Beaver Creek Township— T. W. Peigm- son; J. p. Weot, L. F. Walsh,/ A. noHW W" «krail I, - confity {^rd of electloQt Fonr years ago he was the Re- ippblioan nominee for sheriff and Iret by a margin of 84 votes to Sheriff C. T. Doughton, who at that time was the Democratic nominee for his second term. Prior to that time he was en gaged In mercantile business here. In December. 1938, he was ap pointed county accountant and tax supervisor, which office he has held since that time. He is well known in this part of the state and has been active Jn the affairs of the Republican party. The announcement released l>y Mr. Poindexter today follows: “To the Republicans of Wilkes County: ‘‘fl .hove filed as a candidate for 1^ office of Sheriff of Wilkes (bounty, subject to the wishes- of the Republicans as they may ex press themselves in the primary when it is held on May 30th. ’’This decision has not been rea/^ed hurriedly, • but has been prompted by Republican suppor- Broofeir c. P. Tis*- Junlor nUUUI*J'4 ^ ^ will be ters and leaders in every Township and Precinct in Wilkes county who )iBve given me the assurance r7rThw*wnraccept-men for en- that the ^publicans of Wilkes S, J.“ u. a. c«,„ a.,- «».» ««t th.» «u.d.d.u 4-H Club Council To Meet Saturday WUkee sounty council of 4-H etaW, eompooed of the olHcers and teafiem of all the 4-H elube , epokemnan for the^to the county, mm meet at thd The Carolina Welding echool has opened in the Dlmette build-^ Ing on •Wilkesboro Avenue oppo site Wilkes Milling company. The echool Is well equipped an(| shlprerd trained instrnoton Mfib on hand to''^ve practical Inatruc- tlons and training to all who takO vices, the eottrse. :f Carolina Welding schopl can place a luge number of. trained gradnates at high wage# in ship yards and in aircraft plante. All who are Intereeted are asked to visit the school here at the earliest date possible. Ing they are in good physical puBLvi, w — —- ,— - condition, have moral character for Sunday school cooperation m no dependents. J *1.-«,«««««•. Robert Bartholomew, who Bartholomew, who ing this ^ the race four years agp I7\r3o”:^enU.e for^InlMt. wtrve“=n^ ment In. the Marine Corps provld- “own to au wno _ TO Wna*Rp^,f, • LaSion, * E. Laws and Iff.'D. Bsrp. Community No. 4, Mountain Township — J. der, Fred G. Gllreath. J. der, R. P. Parker and Costner. CommunPy No. 5, Edwarda Township No. 1— C. C. Aleaaa- der, John Q. Burcham, J. B, M- wards, W. W. Harris and Jack Hoots. Community No. 6, Edward*- Township No. 2—J. A. PopUX, Irvin Key. J. K. Tharpe, B. F- Edwards and W. S. Key. C-ommnnity No. 7, EMwarda Township No. 3 — Alton Carter. W, P. Oilliam, E. W. Smith, O.F- Holbrook and Arthur West. Community No. 8. Mwaida Township No. 4—W. W. LuiTmaa, Fred Norman, Barney Normaa,. C. W. Luffman and Clyde Leg man. Community No. 9, Elk Town ship—W. O. Barne't. E. C. Hod ges, W. A. Proffit, W. M. Mintoa and L. A. Minton. Community No. 10. Jobs Cabia Township — H. H. Beshears, D, P. Beshears, 0. M. Watson, W. (Continued on page ’8) regard to plans for the meeting, * The series ot meetings will con tinue through Friday, M^ 1. Ser vices will be conducted each, even ing, except Satprdayj at j8 p. rt. There will he t^ro serffcex'va Sun- daF, A co^alEvelcome P extant md interest in politics in Wilkes coun ty. I am not asbamed of the ef fort and its resnlts. “1) want to thank every man and oroman who me when I Sg t Ro^rt Bartholomew w^ — . candidate before I now ere In charge of the MarlneCorpe «„nnort in the primary: Recruiting Station In Wilkesbore. yonng men ^ fha'tot of which • whoATC intereoted in loiMng the Marine Oorea. to eoMact thtol»>| “D«ri^the past four years it medlatoly. “11 yon “vo *?*|rt«r-} be«» a pleasure to. serve the ed wirti the Sele^t^ people of WUkes county as County that doea not mean th^you can t J^^^ountaht and I take pxi^ m enlist In the Marine Cori^ If j|, .„ ^rfonned this duty in North support in the prtoary end, if nominated, I jdedge to ed ,to the flublid to attend the ser- W«ek*« Sch^ttle / For Home Clubs SCHEDULE MADE— Pre-School CliiK Season Here Agaii Health Officer To MfiJee Ci amination of CkildreB T» Enter Schotd In Fall cornfafttae said , Nhdct meetiag of the eonunittee he krid OB Wednesday af ternoon, four o'clock, at Hotel vnikm. At that meeting mlnte- im wOI be present with two refc from -each churep the mraMsm of finamfisg taetraethm wM dieeaMedfllie MMUag. eotmfy eourthouio in WUkeeboro on Satuiday afternoon this wrek, one p. m. ' J, B. enlpes, county ag«at, H. O. Ootvgrd, aasistnnt agent, and *Hg» Ai^e Lanrle Herring, hoine demon/rtration agent, nig» nU Bill Mitclieli^r . U. $.HaYit| fteMerve BlU Mitchell, n^hinr of Artor^ ney and Mta Engeae .Trlwtte and now a law stndent/iai tho Vnfversh^ A North ;0nroUns, Ims eiilis^ In the U. S. itoval resorrst add iMU report t* th« oSloere training school at Oolomhia Vni- versity in Now York City. *Ihe young man It well known here, having: spent h^ vacation you have been , Draft Bourd you esm sMU^enHst ‘In the branch of servlee that you jquw Annie Lanrle | WUm home deeaMtetretioB ag-«to the Marine Coy eat,'has announced Ike ?hilowlng' day 4d let the SUaleof homCtoattl^to^ explata^^-^^^^^ oppoltankto you . lit 1 V- tki,' having performed this duty in claasifii^ by the |eUeve to be a courteous TO/ heart wCek; jhave IW' Jelniuff (he E. 8-Marine i ^ nosthflee for sheriff or not Biitei^ EEmmlMML ‘VTlCf. 4IB* .' ' i ' Wilkes county health deRarb- ment today announced dotes hr holding pre-sehoel clinics nt ntne of the UrgMt schools In th* county -V- , , At the clinic frea eumlaatlea, of children who are to artsw school next berm will bq g|vmhy .. — ^ the health officer and rheoauMah- and riCflcieBt manner. 'datlons will be made for eorree Ag^, I ech yow luppore ™-t^4tlve treatment of any phyMeaP pn^nary and pledge yod to nmoe found, by yooTi dedsto to Aat vnamo i paroats are urged to eooppeafi* lad to work for having the children at Ute entoe. tiilBet, whether 1 am ' - - .- tT.r ,«u,. i«n n aremlNn of the eoiuK^ to nttand months with attorney . and _Mrf. ... 'Wivetta. River clnb «t admol 2:J0 p. m. ' ■' Wednesdsy, April t2—dWhrsStt club at home tof Mto. J,l|:Caat- ner,.tiro p. m. IktSday,'April 2S—Mt. Pls- Eah clnb at hhme of Mrs. J. M/ Wright. ]^dny, April 14—MpUberry clUb at home (ri MrC AfStflM Byrd, two p. a. luBCkrewi,MtotmaBi hT the «a«Brv6 Oorps. I which is for the dnntkm, or yon may enlist in the reg^ar Etaiine coTpe for four yeBrB.‘'_,^!ji. Marnage Licttue Ltoeae to wed were- to«Ml •rhajtorlne Cospa^Mrgea men 'issued during the paid to take advantage of tlw «rf««a- 3. C. Sidden, WUk» tional ' opportuBitia* ^oRMed. deeda, to two ooupla; v Joreph There are seventeto large schqote Bewlfft and Satly ^o^.-hoth of opqretod 'by thrf*-tto^o^n Bnriito -Ctogaf ^om> mew in all phasfii reheol 011 n 10 8. Vs agMato smAlipox and dlphRitoia. wnt hC given. Thf iehednle of pre ael eUntes follows; Honda' April 9:10 a. a.; Olingman I cSfi p. a.{ MHlera ;S1, 9i4f‘a. a.j. 21, t;0fi p- Vf.; April a-B., li