%THE JOUlWAL-PATRIQT>lfM% farmers Electi DeJourne'ta, M, Q #tN ttjron 1,^4* ¥ fContinued' from pa '■• 7*7 D street, Korth Imr; lipnnle 0. Bllil IF. m. C.; City Cab; |k etreet; Korth ttw tJab com4>a»?*,' ’K( tmmc Wllto8,‘>,iTri OaBT^ny, Inc., Nor^ ■K Walter Richn kesboro; WiUtam ■m. North WUliesboro. It is impoesthle to supply tires ad lubes to every eligible appll- Each board has on file ap- slmately ten times as many locations as the county tire Had tube quota will take care o£. n>ere will be many eligible per- ■ms applying who will not re- •sive certificates to bn- tires or mSaes, either new or recapped. It te «be duty of the Rationing ■MkTd to consider such applica- fi»a£ carefully end issue certifi- aaftec. to the limit of the quota. , - . Jltnejr. . . _ , for one more of the following h**? public, , burposest*- - . ' (J) .^anaportatlon of pelSBi V(1) T? maintain flro-ilghtlng to «ntblfl them to render . Mn- a#v*iAffy%n Ai* .inar'hftTijrAl Ht.niCftlT* services; \ ; A. J‘ (2) To mplnUln *neceesary p'iiMlc potiM jWrvlcest^ , (3) To .enforce such laws as es- relate speci&ratly to ^^e*protec- n'tlon of pubBc health and safety; (4) To rnal^taiu garbage dls- n, 1 posal ahd othbr sanitation servi- ar- ces; (5) To maintain ntail services; (e' A vehicle with a capacity of 10 or more passengers opera ted exclusively for one or more of the following purposes: (1) Transportation of passen gers as part of the services ren dered to the public by a regular transportation system; (21 Transportation of students and teachers to or from school; (3) Transportation of employ ees to or from any industrial or struotlon or mechanical, structur al, or highway repair and maia- tenance services; ' (3) Transportation of execu tives, enfineem, tecbnielans,' and workers-^o and from', or within, such of the following as are esr sentlal to the war effort: ^Power generation or transmission faclllr ties, or agricultural, extractlvsi Industrial, military, or naval es tablishments; (4) Transportation on official business of Federal, State or local government employees engaged in the performance of government functions essential to the public health, safety, or the war effort; I.’ll Transportation of produce and supplies to and from the farm if an applicant operating such a farm does not own or possess a truck or other practicable ntean.s Fork B. 'BtByhwlTD t'w; Mumt UoQgiW^ P. W, .Ortet. Herndt^n ttwi IB. Coiitmvlaftr ^ ^3. 'KorhvfitB Falls Tou^Wh No- Htthbardr.^. M.-'1%akd; i-otmU Walsh, Si R’TahneU and C. Ti.jB.-6*mMll. Campbell. >«' I Community' No. 37, Walnut Community No. 14,' Moravian jOrove Township No. 3'4- L.‘G. Palls Township No. 2 —^ B. M.'Billings, W. W. Oambilli W. A. Broyhlfl. E. O. Price, P. R. Lowe, Shumate, J. G. Billings and R. C. E. C. Phillips and Mack Bentley. Sldden. iVSaa' T(>]W|tfhl}^,;Woi^l'}er-,-J- M. extractive establishment, power, transportation 16) Transportation of traveling generation or transmission faciii- to the person who shows the j ties, transportation or communi- »M!ate?t need for tires, but to [cation facilities. construction IKTso" whose vehicle is doing, projects, or farm, except when ■work most essential to the j public transportation facilities are kVtnTe of the community and readily available: Isroty. If) A truck operated exclusive- Ftfilowing are two lists of j ly f„r one or more of the purpo.s- Jhaefifications. under one of,,.., stated in the preceding sections I vided. That a passenver automo bile to be eligible under this par- 11) Trrnsportation of ice ami agraph mu.st he used exclusively f"'*'- • for one or more of the purpoises (2) Transportation of materi als and equipment for construc tion or for mechanical, stmctui- al, or highway maintenance or repair: Community No. 15, Mulberry Township No. 1— G. C. Owens, Fred Absber, J. H. Stamper, J. C. Billings and C. M. Dancy. Community No. 16, Mulberry Township No. 2—H. H. Jennings, M. C. Adams, A. HIncher, H. C. Kilby and Dewey Jennings. Community No. 17. Mulberry Township No. 3— William Wat- salesmen who are engaged in the A. Wyatt. R. E. Sebastian, .sale of farm, extractive, or Indus- Aaron Brooks and Cecil Miller, trial equipment, foods, or medi-i ' communi'v No. 18, Mulberrv cal supplies, the distribution of Townhip No. 4 — Elbern Brown. W’Vjc'h a vehicle must come if it j or for one or more of fiie follow fc to be eligible for tiros or tube.=. .jug pnri)oses: which is essentia! to the war ef fort; (7) Transportation of newspa- iPers for w'holesaie delivery: Pro-1 r-omiminity Arley Myers. W. P. Alexander, W. H. Sebastian and Clifton Dii- LI.ST A New Tire.s ITe following vebicles stiali be aJSgSb'ie for tires or tubes to the mCtnii, and only to the extent, pmwided by chapter IV of the Wire Rationing ReguUilion.s: 4a) A vehicle which is opera- tank by a physician, surgeon, visit- ilKK vinTse. or a farm veterinary, Wik which is used principally for mtoTessional services; (till A vehicle which is operated ■9 a regularly practicing raiirls- FOR RENT k RENT: f>‘ven-rKmi house 3th bath, on a lot 100 .v ko. large enough to have big Firden and pig pen. Has cow ».ni and garage shed. Sqe J.K. /inley. 4-23-4t VOB. RENT: 6-room apartment 4MB D street, heat furnished. Call Mamie McNiel Emerson, A«hone 411. 4-16-tf W>R RENT: TSvo apiu-tments for con pies: one furnished, one unfurnished; front and back imtrances. private' bath. Mrs W A Svdnor. Phone 132 4-20- 2t pd' m>K KENT: 5-rw«iii aiKU-liiient jrr. 1 Street between 'ith and iCth. Phone 282M 4-20 2 VDR RENT — Three \|>.artiueiits gjose in. One four room house en Hinshaw St. Phone 20.5M Itp g>K RENT — Three rooms for Sight housekee.ping. Mrs. Isaac KTipr. Sr., at Wilkes Tie mnd Feed Store. 4-6-tf ■OR RENT: .Apartnvut, fnnti.sii- ed 724 T-ower Kensington »rsve. Mrs. A. B. Spaiiihow^r Phone 575. ' 3-5-tf FOR bALE |CFB S.ALK: Vi»ungbcn-y iiiaiit.-. wtgorous and well rooied. $2.r>0 per hundred, ir,,- for 12. Brr^thon and Suns. .Moravian rails. «OR SALE—1»-37 Chevrolet Mas ter Coach, radio, heater, good teres; $350. J. W. Steele at Wes tern Auto Store. 4-27-4tp POB S.ALE5—Five or Six (iood. fresh heifers with calves. Brier- patch Farm or see VV. K. Stur- Avant. 4-20-2t ■•m S.AEK: McV»riiiick Di'eruig A-HoTse Cultivator. . Solomon B^rks, Roaring River, N. C. It-pd SALE: 1942 4-door Dodiie Sedan; -A-1 condition: five teres; low mileage. Reason for petting, drafts©. See or write C. G. Welborn, Route 2, Wilkwboro, N. C. (3) Tran.sportation by anv common carrier; (4) Transportation of and scrap materials; 15) Transportation of scrap and waste materials; (S) Transportation of tviv,' ma terials. semimanufactured goods, and finished products, including farm products and food: Provid ed. that no certificate shall be is sued under this paragraph for a tire or tube to be mounted on a truck useri for tr,insportation of commodities to the ulltimate con sumer for personal, family or household use. (g) Farm tractors or other farm implements other than au- tomolules and trucks, for the an- eration of which rubber fires or tubes are essential; 111) Industrial, mining, and const ruction equipmei^t, other than automobiles or tnick^ tor the operation of wliich rubber tires or tubes are essential LIST B Recapped in this subsection la); fb) Trucks used for any im portant purpose not included iti List A Passenger oars coming under List A arc eligible for new tires and nihe.s only. Other vehicles coming under List A are eligible for new' tires and tabes, if the applicant cannot produce tires which will stand recapping. -Ail vehicles coming under List P. are eligible for recapped tires, or recapping service only, except such vehicles as wear obsolete type tires. Vehicles coming under List B are eligible for new tube.s. Any vehicle under List A or List R, which will wear obsolete typo tires, is eligible for new tires of an obsolete size. There are limitations to each of these classification.s, w'hicli make the eligible group consider ably smaller than it may appeai- to be. QuestioR'i Answered By- State College QUESTION: What is an eco nomjeal way of preserving eggs •at home? The following vehicles shall I)-" ,-ANSWER: C. F. Parri.sh, Exten eligible for tires to the extent and only to the extent provided l),v chapter V of the Tire Ration ing Regulations: WANTED WlLf. P.AY 50c Per Hundred For Coat Hangers in good condition. Towmc Cleaoors. It Sion Pcullryman. says the wate: glass method has proven the most popular me'hod for nio.st farm families. EspeciBlly at this season of the year when eggs are plen tiful and prices low should eggs be pre.sprved for future use when prices are higher. Detailed in- the -water glass method ar’ contained in a publi- BEAl’TY OPERATORS WANT-1 wlLcb may be secured from ED-Twenty (iollar.s a week and f'arm and home agents or from commission to start. Living'the poultry department State quarters avaialble: to work in , College, Raleigh, N. C. Wa.shington. To stare immediate- Iv. Write Beauty, Box 609 [ATTENDS FUNERAL Fourteenth Street, North West, OF STEP-MOTHER Washington, D. C. 4-20-6t TAX BARK — Chestnut Oak anci Hemlock bark will be taken thi.9 year in the sheds of the In ternational Shoe Company at North Wilkesboro. N. C. Bark [home Wednesday after an illne.s.s Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Phifer and children are in Clover S. C., to day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Phifer’s step-mother, Mrs. John Worth Quinn, who died at her can be delivered any day of tho week except Sunday. 4-16- MISCELl^ NEOUS of several months. No. lit. New C-as- tle Township No. 1—G. C. Green, J. R, Pardue. J. W. Caudle, J. E, Holloway and John .A. Hays. Community No. 20. New Cas- in old regRters. The tentative tie Township No. 2—C. M. Wei- date for the examination is M.iy born, L. D. Welborn, E. L, Mar- 16 tin. P. L. Day and M. L. Johnson. The last 'da'e for acceptanc-e Community No. 21, North of application blanks is April 27, Wilkesboro Township—A. X. Wy- 1942'. Examinations will be given at*-, Alonzo Cleary, A. E. Wing- frtr the following positions: ler, Ed Tugman and J. W. Jones. [ Typist Clerk Community No. 22, Reddles ' Class III Counties —. $720-$96') River Township No. 1— Dewey Class II Counties .. $780-$1080 Caudill, J. J. Pierce, Q. O. Kilby, W. A. Jones and Dewey Caudill. Community No. 23, Reddies River Township No. 2 — W. A. Teague, J. F. Caudill, Lin Bnm- garner, Finley C. Church and R. H. Elliott. Community No. 24, Reddies River Township No, 3 — A. T. Nichols, W. T. Snyder. V/. K. Hurley, Ramond McNeill and J. -A. Reeves. Community No. 38, Wilkesboro Township No; ,1—.W. A. Groce, George Whitworth, Ben Data, M. C. Jones and G. W. Watts. Community No. 39, Wilkesboro Township No. 2—Clarence Fletch er, Cht.-irles C. -Staley, J. W. Moore and U. A. Miller. Clerical Exams To Be In May Dr. Frank T. de Vyver, Merit System Supervisor, announced today that more clerical examin ations will be given in May. These examinations are not to establish new register, but merely to fill Class I Counties and State $900-$1200 Junior Stenographer Clerk iClase III Counties .... $720-1960 Class II Counties $780-11080 Class I Counties and State $900-$1200 Ventilation that helps you keep cool and refreshed, makes you a winner! These Crosby Squares help keep your temperature down and year pep up . . . Stop in today — pick out one of the.se handsome favorites. Community No. 25, Rock Creek Township No. 1 — A. B. Hayes, J. A. Gilliam, Zeb V. Dixon, G. C. Pendry and D. T. Dearman. Community No. 26, Rock Creek Township No. 2—C. C. Blevins, C. W. Wiles, J. C. Felts, Harrison Fel's and J. L. Gregory. Oommunity No. 27, Rock Creek Township No. 3—T. J. McNeil, G. M-. Alexander, J. P. Pardue, L. D. Wiles and J. A. Selvastian. Community No. 28, Somers To-wnship—B. P. Roberts. A. L. Myers, E, II. Gla.ss. S. G. May berry and H. C. Somers. Community No. 29, Stanton Township -J. O. Parsons. G. E. Vannoy. J. H. Davis, John G. El ler and Lee Beshears. Community No. 30, Traphill Township No. 1 — George W. Brown, H. N. Kennedy, L.J. Ken nedy, G. J. Eanp and J. W. Mc Bride. Community No. 31. Traphill Township No. 2—Ch-irlie Mile.s. Wesley Joines, W. C. Brooks, C. S. Lyon and Blaine Sparks. Community No. 32 Traphill Township No. 3—J. Z. Adams, J. BELK’S.... — REDUCTION SALE OF — Ladies’ Coats and Suits r One Group Ladies’ Coats in Plaids, Tweeds, and Navy. Were S10.50 and 119.50—Reduced to ... . «r I $7.95 - $15.00 Russia is the only country in the -world that lias a higher di vorce rate than the United State.s. no'w. The demand for operators | Here is the rate per 10,000 mar- is greater than we can supply, Russia^ 98; United States Positions guaranteed. Accredit-N. Germany 32, and England v, ed school. Verv low rates. For,!" years the ratio m the Lfmmation. Write or call at ^ Cmtod States has been one di- -chool Hinshaw School of '’orce for every five marriages. eauly Culture. Box 46. North /iikesboro, N. C. Apr. 13-20-27 SOOD US'KD CARS—Recondition- cil and with good tire.s. Many bargains on hand. Graybeal Mo tor company, Claude Hutchens boilding on C-vi-don Avenue, Tom ■cNeill, manager. 2-5-tf lost — In February Between Cricket and Millers Creek, one Chevrolet Truck Wheel and 700- 20 recap Firestone Tire. This was seen loaded in a 1935 or '36 black Ford car. Finder please return to me or leave at Cham pion Feed and Hatchery, North Wilkesboro, N. C., and get re ward. T. 0. Minton, Champion, N. C. 3-23-tf Ads. get sttentioQ—and results . FOR SAl£ Complete Equipment For BEAUn SHOP For Full InftHrmation, Write u GALAX, VA. 4-2»-St JOE PALMER is now with u.s eight hours a day, six days a week for expert radio and re frigerator repair service, any make or model. Telephone 630 for quick service. Anderson Electric Co., Wilkesboro. 1-22-tf LET DEALER Motsinger Explain how you can increase your earn ings and better yourself by gett ing into Rawleigh Retailing either in Taylorsville or nearby Rural Localities in Caldwell and Wilkes Counties. He has had over six years experience, has made splendid progress and in creased his net -w«rth considera bly. See Dealer Carl Motsin ger, RFD 3, Taylorsville, N. C., or write Rawleigh’s Dept. NCD- 164-226H, Richmond Virginia. Apr. 2-9-16-23pd 4-23-4t (t) NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK U. S. Vestal, Administrator of Lellar Harris Smithey, deceased; Elthel Harris St. John and husband Gray St. John, vs. Monroe Smithey, widower; Pearl Harris Osborne and husband, Hu gh ie Osborne; Pemie Carrie Har ris; Hallie Mae Harris Pardue mid husband, Carl Pardue; William Guy Harris, Annie Pauline Harris, Ruby I,ee Harris, and Betty Lou Harris. The defendant, Hallie Mae Har ris, -will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, to sell the^ lands as described in the petition'entitled as above; and the said Hallie Mae Harris will further take notice that she is reauired to appear in the office of tne Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court house in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on the 1st day of May, 1942, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiffs -will apply to the court for the relief demand' ed in said action. This the 1st day of April, 1942. C. C. BAYES, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a Mort gage Deed executed to James Sales )f Wilkes County, State of North Carolina, and said Mortgage Deed leing transferred to Bryant Mathis ind from Bryant Mathis to the indersigned, I will therefore on he '25th dav of April,-1942, at 12 I’clock, noon, at the Courthouse ioor in Wilkesboro, North Caro- ina, offer for sale to the highest vidder for cash the following de- icribed lands: • ■ 1. Lying and being in Antioch Township, Wilkes county. North iarolina and defined and described ts follows: , T T, r, Adjoining the lands of J. B. Ray ind Will Walker, being two acres )f land cut out of the Will Walker farm, now having a house on it, ouilt by James Sales. The above two acres of land, the line having been agreed upon by Will Walker, Charity Walker and James Sales to include the house and sufficient land around the house to contain two acres. Said lands are being sold to sat- sfy a mortgage deed executed iriginally to James Sales and for further details see Book 166, at oage 92 of Deeds as recorded in ■he office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes county.. This the 25th day of March, 942 WmLIAM HENSON, l-16-4t (t) Me Mortgagee (Other Coats also Reduced One-Fourth)) One group Ladies’ Two-Piece Suits in Plaids, Tweeds, and Pas tels—were $12.50 and §19.50- Reduced to.... $8.95 ■ $15.00 ( Other Two-Piece Suits Also Reduced One-Fourth) One Group Ladies’ Costume Suits; Printed Silk Dress With Woolen Jacket.... \ •V *-^506 TO COLOSf iv-vnii 4w lo colda, Miitalni « !n»r«1lents In li Fig Bynip B««. Rm hoir oar done of Menlho-Mu 8«« how f»«r oar door of Meniho-Mulolon wooitB to ooothe irritotod mrmbranro of throat, eaprl tlcltllnc phlegm, and bring you quirt. Show your d^tor the Ingredlenta plainly listed on Mentho^slBloo label. H# can tell you Hmtho-MBtsieo’t mer- lU. Money back guarantee. At drugglata. 60c and $1,00. *»«.»• etofy _ , SSU 5Sf aSSSoSSl^ / SrSuM OHM *!>. K- “North Wilkesboro’s Shoppi^l ife-i Leading Druggists Ererywhere