^tmNi I'm mill r* mmi V l*m i* >/' -■¥ wiUMn f llfai* €o#»fe« to * clrlliMi -detiTOBe memins lOl , Milken* Mid oW- Williiatboro on Say, iroiB tan a m. . flre v.-'m.-’'■• _l|o"tteetiifir T?fclch will ba in form,of a' amMol. wlU bo heid ;iijyUkoab^'.«cbool bulldln*. i» mdrWhig/.JtMtiop wUI be a ■eral dUMtuylM ^ll the atter- ?ed .sporiil -V-i lulled will t -1*P iteg.*>any, Avery. Alexander, ' Oonaties ^. mikes, Ash^ WsiK^, ’.'OUdWall, tMffctI'^Buxke.' ' ^ TJie’state office aahed W. H. paElwee. cbalrmin of the Wilkes adrfUan dafenae council, to make arrangements for the school. P«arl Harbor didn’t BtoP our ►y. Don't let anything stop > from' contributing to Navy 0et ■' !• • ftm RENT ynOB KENT: tS-roona cottage, all j OBBTeniencee. Kear Reddles River Bridge. E. V. Williams. JJorth Wilkeoboro, N. C. ’ ’ 4-aa-2t-pd JW)R RENl—ApWdniCTt In Rock Bnilding in WUkesboro oppo site courthouse. Call 522. 4-23-2 t-pd WOR RENT—Ffw^iyom *o«»e at rairplains; good garden. See Carl St: Banjgarner at City Blacksmith Shop. 4-23-2t-pd RENT — Hou.se or two or three- room apartment: fine location: three acre's of land; ■n oonvenlenoes.—fiee or write Mrs A. R. Sherman, Wilkes- »oro, X. C. 4-20-lt JfOR RENT: Three or five-room apartment furnished or unfur- tftahed. Mrs. J\ C. Wallace, 402 Catreet. Phone 268J. 4-23-21 RENT: Untiimisliad 4-rooni jlipertment vrl^ fcath and prl- !»ate entranofe'iKBnt very rea- Mfi- L P- wmable. See JIps. WUkesbq^. Phil- 4-23-4t POR RENT; Two-room ajpart- ■lent; throe-room a4»artmenta: fonr-Toom apartment, unfur- wlshed and furnished. Phone aes-M. It-pd RENT; ileveai-rooin house ‘Ifh bath, .an a lot 100 x ;t0, large enough to have big ■^rden and. pfjg pen. Has cow ■rn and garage shod. See J.R. /Inley. 4-2S-4t RENT;’‘'4*00111 apartment ^^n D street, heat furnished. Mamie McNiel Emerson, Flioue 411. 4-16-tf inR KENT — .Three rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. Isaac Bier. Sr., at Wilkes Tie wild Feed Store. 4-6-tf _ not working ver^uch ai tljo present tkfough thei?; "vwlil protali^ be Plenty of work to tve land next. , ‘ ^ .-k., I’m on 4 different boat this time and tkR- quartan are much better tban..8Qtng oie»r«^i4hii>ugh the tripxIroA't be quite so long. Keith and Pat are on aaotber boat this time but we’ll be to gether again' after the trip You never know who you'll run’Into and where, for I’ve met two men In my squadron who are from N. C. and know, people In North WUkesboro. The first was Albert Price who went’to school at Davidson with Blair Gwyn and Ed Flniey. He was also down at Orlando, Fla., fof a While with Ed. The other Is Oedrge “Bill" Phijybs from High Point who traveled for some Chemical company and Watson Brame worked with him In NorthWllkes- boro. He lived at the home of ■Charles and John Diffendiale, fra ternity brothers of mine from High Point.. He also knows Bill Absher. We’ve had quite a lot of fun talking about people wc know. I enjoyed my little visit to Australia, though I only saw a little bit of it. We were just ou*- slde one of the largest cities and got in'o the city for a weeken'.l. The people are very much like the Americans though they have the English accent and are a hit hard to understand. They were really nice to us and did all they could for us in a friendly spirit. The food that the Australkans eat is different from ours tn that they serve very few vegetables and their main meat Is mutton, and you know how much I care for mutton, but I ate It all righ*. Their bread has a tough cniat and inside It’s not hard. It’s just tough. Anyway it was a great experience. We were in a camp the rest .af (he time and spent It resting up and limbering up after five weeks on the boat. One day we hiked up a gorge in the mountains and went swimming in a very nice cool swimming hole. The country side is very beautiful and a lot like the mountains of North Car olina and made us feel very much at home. We had reports that Noal Tak- ala and all that bunch that went wi*h him were here just about three weeks ahead of us. I surely would like to run Into him some where over here. He’d really be surprised to see us. "All this sounds like wf're hav ing a pretty good time and we are rV' WOOD SbkMi. ^ ^‘Titonnui yniu Towm44| jPflAtt FbIU.MumK' ' nlbernr ToiBuhty k Sfriagi flehool Sohool. p, if T- Wh‘. '.i slip -V'.- 'l^uHlerry Knr'r’Cutlq ihooU -i'iW.s?* ,pui®S2 r.\-.E Towa*hlp:’^fiHn4' j mn 6eh(iol4'\,. \vf I'T' North WlikMboro City Hall and North Colored School. '■ Reddies River Towuhfpi^lftf' lers Creek School. . > Rock Creek Township: fip9p- fain View School. Stanton Township; Stoar HHl School. y Somers Township: Somers School and Lovelace Sehppl. Traphlll Township No." i; Traphlll Schooll. Tnephlll No. 2: Traphlll School. Union Township; Whittington School. Walnut Grove Township No. 1: Double Creek School. Walnut Grove No. 2: New Life School. WUkesboro Township No. 1: Wlliesboro School and Lincoln Heights School. WUkesboro No. 2: WUkesboro School and Lincoln Helgh's School. • County Schools Holiday All the county schools will be Twi fd RntiodiV All m the recnlir pi weiaaw^i iklf meetlMp^ Wllkea .Rationing Board m 2, that was held in. .their di in the North WUkesboro Bank 'bundlngi.'l: ' Those isBued certillcates for the tfhrchase of tires or tubes were: Duke Power Co., North BigkUi ( «» niMt in pc'(,4i.,. AprR- Sl. two' l iMonUnc to >flM pTogum^ Mleosod W. Dr. W. Uo^ ptoiidMiti DAr' J. H. lieMlp, eceretary, tkd JO^owfaig witltij|o; part OB tko »(teeiio»n progntti Dr, B. J. L^B, of Mt. Airy; ftr. h.yw. Hol^akT^ ot Hli» Pdat; Or^Charle^R. i|aasy, of ston-Salem; Dr. 8. F. LeBaner, of Gremisboro; and Dr. George W. Joyner, of Asheboro. Dinner meeting will be at 6:80 p. m. at Hotel Wllkee, opening Wilkesboro.! ! tyro tlree; Vestal Tgjth greetings from t)r. F, WAb Wiles, .’Dockery, one tire; Colum bus Harrison, Benham, two Griffith,'president, and Dr. R4*" joe D. McMillan, secreUry, of ' tubes; James Virgil Carter,’fclkln, «ate Medical society. Also on two tubes; two tires; .^ames Pressley Adams, Halls Mill, one tnbe, one tire; Claude Howard Roope, Ronda, one tube, two tires; L. :J,. N, Trucking Co. (by Fred Staley), North WUkesboro, two tires, two tubes; Christopher Columbus Alexander, Roaring River two tires; Mon Wyatt, Vannoy, tw^o tires, one tube; George Stewart Forester, North 1 -1, A0Tk^titT*^'~f'ore9t Service Winning a war is the nation’s big job today. America’sTorests, like America's people, are all-out for national defense. Lumber for con struction of barracks and other buildings; timher and wood products for ships and planes; and the many by-products of the forest such as paper, plastics, and wood cellulose, are just a few examples of the thousands of ways in which wood gobs to war. Much of the vital production rolling off assembly lines is dependent OB American forests. To keep production rolling will make a heavy drain on these forest resources. To offset this drain, the public must take steps to insure its forests full protection against their greatest cnemicf: fir-;, disease, and wasteful, unregulated exploitation. closed Monday, April 27, on sc-jtubes, two tires; count of the fourth selective ser vice registration to be held on that date. It is necessary to use many of the schools for the registration and all the teachers will be needed to help with the registration. dinner meeting program wlU Dc.. Tinsley Harrison, of Win ston-Salem. Stolen Pickup I* Found Sunday Eve John G, Tull Takes Position In Atlanta John G. Tull, who operated a Town of North Wilkesboro, two tires, two tubes: Lawrence Shu mate, North Wilkesboro, two tires; Reid Royal, one tire. The Boards have been notified that it Is their responsibility to impress upon each person to whom a certificate Is Issued the necessity of taking every precau tionary measure possible to pro long the life of the tire which he ■ Between Midnight Saturday night and six o’clock Sunday naoin- ing someone boldly drove a pickup away from Forester's Nu-Way Service Station. i No trace of the stolen pickup was found until it was repor^ found in the Congo community ! Sunday evening. The pickup had‘| not been badly damaged. Ada. get attention-—and reeulta. an ordinance BE IT ORDAINED by the Board having it prc'.ty easy at present but I don’t think it’ll lie quite good a little later, though the place we’re going is a good pla.;e and i.s civilized but not like we've | seen before. I'll still take good j old Wilkes for my first choice any | day. However we. have a job to j do and we’’re going to make ito good one and get home just as soon as possible. , | 4th REGISTRATION MONDAY. APRIL 27th (Continued from Page 1) . . u V ..Ms privileged to purchase. In cases I Commissioners of the Town of gcrage and repair shop here for the.se | North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. continental United States or In the Territory of Alaska or In the Territory of Hawaii or In Puerto Rico, other than persons excep ted by Section 5 (a) of the Selec tive Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, and by Sec- several years and Is well knov n throughout this part of the sta^e, has moved to Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta -Mr. Tull has a re sponsible position with J. M. Tull Metal and Supply company, a firm owned and managed by his cousin. session assembled, as measures are not taken and ru ti- j in regular her ift wasted It Is within their |follows: , ... ... larl.aicUon, ol ho» Section 1. ■>'» CWni. .pp.,con, m,rt, l.c-1S"'”1? to reject their future a-pplication., p„i,iic streets of Defense workers are only eligi-|j|jg Xown of North Wilkesboro for ble for recapped tires and must i a greater period of time than one make their application to the | hour during l.be day or night. I’ve told you in a couple of let- tron 208 of the Coa.st Guard Aux- ters before to sub.scribe to “Ufe" .iliary and Reserve Act of 1941, and ‘‘The Readers Digest" for-is required to and shall on -4pril me. They'll probably be old when 27, 1942, present himself for I get Ihem but they'll be new to and submit to registration before me. ja duly designated registration I haven't done much writing official or selective service local except to you all and Jo, so tell board having Jurisdiction In the everyone hello for me and that j area in which he has his perma- if and when I get settled some j uent home or In which he may place I .1 write to ’em all but in happen to be on that day If such the meantime send some mail my • male citizen or other male per- WANTED WANTED—Man To Carry A Sun day rural paper route in Milieri iCreek community. Write T. O. Crowell, Box 95, North Wilkes boro, N. C. 4-2S-2t BEAUTY OPERATORS WANT ED—Twenty dollars a week and commission to start. Living quarters avaialble: to work in Washington. To start immediate ly. Write Beauty, Box 609 Fourteenth Street, North West, Washington, D. C. 4-20-6t MISCELL-* VEOUS LOST—Light colored hom rimmed spectacles. Finder please re turn to The Journal-Patriot of fice. It •KENT: AjiiwUueiit, furnlsh- «•. 724 ‘ L^wpf Kensington iHve. .Mrs. A- Spaiuhower. nkonc 675, ., 3-B-tf FOR SALE jiLBS: G1jmBo1«i.s, Dahlia and ' Ttaberoses- ;.:-All; colors; also cut flowers. Mrs. W. B. Snow. North Wnkesbora, Route 1, phone R SALE—193T Chevrolet Mas er Coach, radio, heater, good ires; $350. J. W. Steele at Wea- em Auto Store. 4-27-4tp PDA SALa^ve or Six Good, b«sh heifers with calves. Brier- patch Farm ol?*’see W. K. Stur- ■ «vant. 4-20-2t OB SAliiT 1»49 4-door Dod^ Sedan; A-l condition; five Reason for tasg, draftee. ■MUng' draftee. See or write X O, .41. 'Yfettwn. Route Wllke^hore. N. C. FREE: All the wood shavings you can haul away. Shavings good for chicken litter. P. E. Brown Lumber plant, North Wilkesboro. 4-30-41 LEARN Beauty Culture, enroll now. The demand for operators is greater than wc can supply. Positions guaranteed. Accredit ed school. Very low rates. For information, write or call at -thool. Hinshaw School of 'eauty Culture. Box 46. North filkesboro, N. C. Apr. 13-20-27 way. I've been wondering how you all are getting along for I haven't had any word from you but I’m trusting that you’re both well and that all is going well. Take good care of each other tor me and we’ll all be toge’her soon and all 'Will turn out fine. ’The letters I’ve written to you haven’t been very long or haven’t told‘you very much but I’ll real ly have a long story to tell when ■we get back. We're not allowed to tell anything of e. military na ture and that covers a big terri tory and eliminates a lot of inter- eetlng things I could tell you about. I’m keeping a diary as a sort of outline and so we’’H have a long session later on. I’ll be writing to you every chance that I get to mall a letter so don't gel worried If yon dor’t hear from me for quite a while, because I’ll be all right. If any thing goes wrong you’ll hear about It and I’ll write as often as the mail goes out. Keep writing, and take good care of yourselves. Love, RICHAflD ) ONLY 1 CONTEST FOR NOMINATION COUNTY OFFICES (Continued from PagiT.l) CA RS—Recondition ed and FHhJBXxl brn^ThsGraybeal Mo tor i»mpanf,. Claude Hutchens hnildinff-ynf Avenue, LOST — In Pebmary Between Cricket and Millers Creek, one Clhevrolet Truck 'Wheel and 700- 20 recap Firestone 'Rrc. This was seen loaded in a 19,35 or ’86 black Ford car. Finder please return to me or leave at Cham pion Feed and Hatchery, North Wilkesboro, N. C., and get re ward. T. O. Minton, Champion, N. C. 3-23-tf Holder. Reddies River; Job Ashley, Stanton, demwats. Justice of Peace: J. W. Robbins, Somers; W. H. 'bastain. Mulberry; D. B. Da vis, Moravian Falls, republi* cans. T. W. Ferguwn, Beaver Creek; J. W. Bowles, North Wilkesboro; J. C. Mc- Diarmid, R. T. Pardue, North Wilkesboro; R, C. Jennings, Moravian Falls; ^ Carl J. Jones, Reddies River; Mrs. Estelle Teague, Stantem; Lee Beshears, Stanton, demo* crats. OB,SAL Completol&voipmeot For BEAB^SHOP IGs^LeliaBishop , GAIAX;;VA. 4-2S4t JOE PALMER is now with ns eight hoars a day, six days a week for expert radio and re frigerator repair service, any make or model. Telephone 630 for quick service. Anderson Sectric Co.. Wilkesboro. 1-22-tf LET DEALER Motainger Explain how yoo can increase your earn ings and better yourself by gett ing into Rawleigh Retailing either in Taylorsville or nearby Ratal Localities in Caldwell and WQkes Counties. He has'had over six years et^erimice, has ntade splendid progress and in creassd his net worth considera bly. See Dealer Carl Motsin- ger, EPD 8, Taylorsville, N. C., or write Rawleigh's Dept. NCD- 164-226M, Richmond Yirginia. Apr. 2-9-16-23pd TWO HOUSES BURN AT MORAVIAN FALLS (■Continued from Page 1) near Scroggs’ store building were caught by the flames. North Wilkesboro fire depart ment helped citizens of the com munity in the desperate fight to keep the file from destroying a great part of the village. Some insttrance was carried by Mrs. Smithey but no insurance was carried on the home and furnish ings of Mrs. Hendren, according to reports herd today. Both homSs which burned were two-story residences and were well coimtmcted and flmiished. Buy War Savings Bonds Stampe every pay-day. and son On February 16. 1942, has attained the forty-fifth anniver sary of the day of. his birth and on April 27,'1942, has not attain ed the slxty-tlfth anniversary of the day Of his birth, and has not heretofore been registered under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940,-' as amended, and the regulations thereunder: Pro vided. ‘That the duty of any per son to present himself for and submit to registration in acoord- ance with any previous proclam, atlon issued under said Act shall not 'be affected by this proclama tion. "(lb) A person subject to reg istration may be registered before the day set herein for his regis tration If arrangements therefor are made by the local board un der rules and regutettons pre scribed by the Director of Selec tive Service. Whenever 'inch ar rangements are made, public no tice thereof will be given by the local board. “(c) A person subject to reg istration may be registered after the day fixed for his registration In case he is prevented from reg istering on that day by circum stances beyond his control or'be cause he Is not present In the continental United States or the Territory of Alaska or the Terri tory of Hawaii, or Puerto Rico on that day. If he Is not In the continental! Uni'ed States or the Territory of Alaska or the Terri tory of Hawaii, or Puerto Rico on the day fixed for his registra tion but subsequently enters any of such places, he shall as soon as possible after such entrance present himself tor and submit to registration before a duly des ignated registration official or selective service local board." The registratiSb will be held at the following whool buildings and other points in the following townships; Antioch Towqphlp: Tom Math is’ store. Beaver Creek Township: Fer guson School. Boomer Township: Boomer School. Brushy Mountain Township, Mountain Crest School and Marsh Hendren’s store. Eldwards Township No. 1: Ronda School. Edwards No. 2: Roaring River School. Edwards No. 8: Benham School. Elk Township No. 1: Hendrix School. Bfik No. 2: Ferguson School. Jobs Cabin No. 1: Summit School. ^ 4’’' Jobs Cabin No. .8: Maple eprlngt. Lewis Ftork Townahlp: Monn* Pleasant School. liOvelaee Township: Spurgeon I.«wis Broyhill Gets Promotion To Sergeant I.iewi3 Broyhill, of Purleav, who i.s In the army and is sta tioned at Camp Croft, S. C., has been promoted from corporal to sergeant. He was inducted into the army at Fort Bragg in August last year and was moved to Camp Croft. He went from private to corporal in leas than five months and from corporal to sergeant lu three months. Board which has jurisdiction over i the area In which, he is employ ed. He is not eligible for tires to travel back and forth trom his home to the area where he is employed and can only use them for his work. Section 2. For the purpose of NITBOGEN A large number of Wilson county farmers are planning to grow more legumes this year so that they will be able to supply more of their nitrogen needs for 1943. this ordinance, a vehicle and trail er, whether tiie trailer be detached or notj shall deteimine the over all length of such vehicle. Section 3. Any violation of this ordinance shall subject the drfea- dant to a penalty of three dollars. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and , after May 1st, 1942. ^ Adopted this the 7th day op north wilkes boro, R. T. McNiel, Mayor. W. P. Kelley, Town Clerk. EXTRA PENAin TO BE ADDED TO YOUR Coimty Taxes Payment of your County Tax on or before May 1st, 1942, will save you an extra penalty. Be sure you pay now and save this additional charge. The penalty in- creases each numth, so the earlier you pay the more you save. Sheriff andf«i Collector of Wilkes Coimty i.