GALLON STILL SMALLEST FOU ST HAVE BEEN FOR CONSUROmON Orve of the smallest ".oonshine stills captured in Wilkes county in many years is the. one shown above which was found .lear Benham by Roy Reese, head of the Wilkes unit of alcohol tax investisa- tora, Claude Doughton, Wilkes sheriff, and Walter M. Irwin, deputy U. S. mai|;hal. The still holds only eight gallons. It was making brandy at the rate of one gallon a day when it was taken, along with two operators—Photo by Dwight Nichols. Republicans To ^*^^?r.n ^ . I Will Be Oflf To r Have Precmct ' save Gasoline Meetings Friday County Convention Will Be Held On Saturday After noon At Courthouse fpublicans of Wilkes county hold their precinct organiza tion meetings Friday afternoon, 2:S0, at the polling places in each precinct and the county convention ■will be held on the following day, r the ^ottrity "Courthouse in jWilkes- horo. f Calls for the precinct meetings and county convention were issued by N. B. Smithey, chairman, and K. Don Laws, secretary of the Wilkes Republican executive com- ittee. They urged large atten- at the precinct meetings and county convention. At the precinct meetings local organizations will be set up and delegates will be named to the j county convention. At the county, convention delegates to the state { convention will be named and the county organization will be per fected for a two-year period. Beginning Tuesday, traffic signal lights in North tVUkes- boro will b} left off as a gaso line .saving measure, Ptdlce r>hief Jf. K. Walker said today. He .said the elimination of stops will conserve gasoline anI urged the public to use care at intersections in order to pre vent accidents. FIRST IN CITY- is Honored Here First Class Badge Awarded Betsy Keith BowmAn On Wednesday Evening CONVENED TODAY— Federal Court Has Many Interesting Cases Calendared ClassMlttS^oo' Letter Written For Relifu^e Work Comnittee Tell* Of FinniKe Needs West Virginia Judge Will Try Walter Jones Thurs day Of Next Week Federal court convened in Wilkesb’oro today with Judge Johnson J. Hayes presiding. After an Instructive charge to the grand lurr, th* court biegan b'rt s'Tong docket Of criminal oas es. made up mainly of alleged raittee of the K'.wanis Club. ELECTED THURSDAY— Mrs. Waggoner Is P.-T. A President X Betsy Keith Bowman, a mem ber of Girl Scout Troop Number 7 of North Wilkeeboro, was awarded the First Class badge on Wednesday. May 13. at a spec ial meeting held on the Scout lawn et five-thirty o’clock. Mrs. R. T. McNeill, program I chairman of the Girl Scout Coun cil of the Wilkesboros, welcomed I the guests, Mrs. Robert Gibbs, ^ chairman of the Leaders Associa tion. made an interesting talk and Miss Janie McDiarraid. lea- Irs. A. C. Waggoner, wife of I the Methodist pastor here, was I elected president of the North i Wilkesboro Parent-Teacher asso- I ciation Thursday for a two-year [ term. Mrs. Palmer Horton was I elected corre.sponding secretary, j program at the meeting IV'^Mrsday, which was well attend- [ ed, featured an address by J. R. I*- Hlx, chairman of the bond sale I campaign in Wilkes and chairman ■of Wilkes Selective board number p ,two, Mr. Hix delivered a patriotic I admXss, which was well received. violations of federal liquor laws. Judge Hayes will preside over court until Thursday, M.iy 28. when Judge John J. Paul, of H«r- visonhurg. W. Va.. will be on the bench for trial of Walter Jones, of Wilkesboro. a former deputy marshal charged with making false statements on his reports as a deputy marshal. Judge Hayes disqualified him self from the case because Depu ty Marshal Jonee served the court under his jurisdiction. Erwin L. Ixjngbine, of Wash ington. I). C.. a special assistant to the Attorney General, will as sist in prosecution of the charges against Jones. While here Judge Paul will dis- Declsion has been reached to have pible classes In North Wilkesboro schools, beginning next year, and the three leading churches here will raise the $1,- 300 needed to finance this addi tion to the school system here. The proposal is expla.ined In the following letter by Rev. Watt M. Cooper, in behalf of the He- ligious Work committee of the North Wilkesboro Klwani.® Club, to the editor of The Journal-Pat riot: ' 1’ “A movement Is now under way to secure a full-time teacher of Bible in the North Wilkesboro public school. It is the conviction of many of us that this is one of the most important steps ever taken in the religious life of our community. For more than two years a committee has worked steadily on plans for the promo tion of this work. Everything is in readiness now except the rais ing of the necessary funds. Sun day, May 24th, is the date set aside for the finance campaign to begin. It will be necessary to raise fifteen hundred dollejs ($1,500) for the year. Three churches—First Baptist, Meth odist, and Presbyterian — have agreed to be responsible for the raising of this amount, each of the three accepting a quota of five hundred dollars. Contribu tions from members of other churches will also be needed and •appreciated. It Is hoped that all people who are interested in the young people of our community will make an opportunity to give to this cause. •-I write this tetter at the re- qBesl ot .the Religious Work Com- The members of the committee feel strongly the need for this work. We shall appreciate the coopera tion of your paper In presenting this matter before the people. If the people of North Wilkesboro can be led to see just what is needed to put on this program I believe that they will readily re spond.” Ihiid' with tbM* wav boOfes • beoMiae U tliejr hilk Staten ‘or. destroyed yo«qe|il be siqptr* toes for''-toro monthe.''i.» ' ' • to ti>e xNManae et-n.. sectten.ta Oie tajpeteWons sent ont; tfr'nt&mtoic Tfte sectlou nliitlve to toco* lingiKxdu to rcflnro taoee teat,: stoton or ^setroyed reads «e follows; “Under no drcomstances shall any person be issneff. a war ration boeft to replace one that , has been lost, sOpten, or destroyed nntU a period of not le^« than two months bos elap sed since the dote wfi^ he .up- pUed to the board toe a re placement war ration book". THIS WEEK- LADIES’ NIGHT- One Wounded; Another Jailed der of this troop, presented the pose of a liquor case agains^ Sta- hadge to Betsy. After which the cy Parsons, in which Judge Hayc.s Horseshoe forma.Hon was held i also volnnlariI.v disqualified him- and the entire group sang “The .-elf as trial judge. Star Spangled Banner.’’ In addition to the liquor cases, Immediately following the cer- there ace few cases calendared in- emony the guests were .invited volving other federal offenses. Into the but where Palsy PopeJjiidson Yale and Ed Beshears, presided at the punch bowl and charged with perjury in connec- cakes were served by members rt. lion with tes’imony fn a commis- thft troop. ^ Stoner’s’ hearing In Winston-Sa- Betsy Keith Bowmafi is the lem. will be tried on Monday, May daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 25. Bowman, of Marion. N. C.. end a l Pvaul Denderman. of Wilkes- nicce of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon boro, is foreman of the grand ju- Kizer. of *his city, with whom she ry. Others are: Coy Durham. M. makes her home during the S. Miller, Mrs. C. H. Cowles, Lark- school year. ,in Powell, Worth Graham. L W, — I Smithey, Noah Karris, McKinley Want Address Of I Farmer, Grady Fletcher. T. G. Annual Banquet Late Registration Sugar Consumers May 20,21 and 22 Those Who Failed To Reg ister At The Schools Have Another Opportunity Rationing boards _ln Wilkes county have set aside three days for registration of sugar consum ers who failed to register at the schools May 4, 5, 6 end 7. Wednesday, 'Hiuraday and Fri day, May 20, 21 and 22, will be registration days for those who failed to register and the registra tion will be at two places: Wilkesboro school for rationing board number 1, and North Wilkesboro town hall for ration ing board number 2. The hours will be from eight a. m. until five p. m. The rationing boards have de cided not to call on the teachers, who have given their services In several previous registrations, but to ask for other volunteers to do the registering. Any one who can serve in registering peo ple for sugar rationing on either one or aJl three days are asked to notify the rationing boards, which have offices in the federal building in Wilkesboro and on the second floor of the Bank of North Wilkesboro building. MAY 21, 7:30 P. M.- Softball League ■ptaPSi -.H MP w ' . J . -i. ‘■-■.it ^ ‘Land of the Free’ Lord HaWax, British ambassador to the U. 8., pays bia first visit to tko Statue of Liberty. Here he gates at the symbol of freedoiff from the. boat that took hbn to Bedloe’s UlaBiL HIGH AVERAGE— 11 Per Ceut Of Hosiery Wages Go hto Bonds enbqn Pai^&dmes ^ RwQrllll(yben\ Now h Offices Election Of Cfaainnan Secretary Deferred UntO Call Meeting Committee Democrats of Wilkes county held, their convention in Wilkee- boro Saturday ■with a representa- tire crowd, including party lead ers, from many parts of the coun ty. At the close of an Interestlag session, featured by enthueiastle- talks and rosolutions, the conrea- tlon on motion deferred the elee- tlon of a chairman and secretary of the executive committee to a meeting of the committee to bo called by J. R. Roussea,u, present chairman, and C. O. McNlel, see- retary. Postponement was deem ed advisable because many of the. committee members were not present. Chairman Rousseau called the convention to order and called on W. H. McElwee, local attorney, to preside and representatives of newspapers to assist the secretary in the convention organization. Following the roll call of pre cincts Eugene Trivette, local at- All Of Approximately 700 torney. addressed the .convention. In his patriotic address he asked Employes Buying Through Payroll Deduction every person to do all poeelble and to respond to eve-y request to help win the war by accomp- AU employes of Wilkes Hosiery Ushing whatever they were asked Juniors Tuesday! gg Formed Mills, some 700 of them, have pledged an average, of 11 per cent of their wages, for war bonds. It was learned today from P. W. Eshelman.,president of the com pany. On March 3 this year all em ployes began buying bonds through a payroll deduction plan and during Bond Week a few days ago many of the 700 em ployes raised their weekly am ounts for bond buying. Wilkes Hosiery Miils has been granted license as an Issuing ag ent by the Federal Reserve Bank In Richmond, Va., and employes will now receive their bonds there instead of them being purchased from a bank or some other l.ssu- ing agent. to do. Three resolutions offered by Attorney J. H. Whicker, Jr., can didate for the legislature, wera passed unanimously. The reeoltt- (Continuetl On Page 6) CASHION NAMED— lions To Elect Officers Here Judge Hayes Will Address Junior Order Members and Guests At Banquet Annual Ladle.s night banquet of North Wilkesboro council number 51 of Jr. O. II. A. M. will be held'Tuesday evening, seven o’clock, at the American T.«gIon and Auxiliary clubhouse. Judge Jo.inson J. Hayes, of Wilkesboro, judge of the middle North ■Carolina district of federal court, will be the principal speak er. In addition to the address of Meeting About Formation of League For Churches To Be Held Thursday Judge Hayes there will be other hours. A softball league for the churches of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro will be organized in a meeting to be held in the town hall here on Thursday even ing, 7:30 o’clock. With automobile driving cur tailed, it was pointed out by those interested here that people will be badly in need of some form of recreation and using energy in IN THIS COUNTY— Ask Registration of Farm Workers Paul Caahion Nominated fc President; Cragan Is Program Speaker North Wilkesboro Lions Clab has nominated officers for tha coming year. In the meeting Friday evening Paul Cashion, efficient secretory for the current year, was nomin ated for president. Jimmie Ander son, Vernon Deal and Dr. J. S. Deans -were nominated first, sec ond aiid third vice presidents. C. B. Jenkins, Jr., is the nominea. for -secretary. Election of officera Mace Evans Shooting Marvin Billings In Wilkes County , .Duncan. Don Oliver, J. A. Buch-1 Seven Registrants anan. wake Tinsley, Troy Norris. If anyone knows the present ad-,'P. C. Gfeybeal Olin Watson, A. dress of the following registrants ^ A. Cashion and W. A. Roop. who registered on February 16, j — - ~~ ^ 1942 (Third Registration), Local; MuSlC ReCltal features on the program, which will Include quartet singing. Juniors are Invited to attend, and have with them (heir wives, j sweethearts and friends as guests. Arrested After Board No. 2 would appreciate be- ing informed cf their whereabouts:! Piano and voice pupils of Miss william Bernard Dickerson, Johnief Ellen Robinson will appear in a ' concert on FTIday evening, May 22, eight o’clock, at the North . . Wilkdsboro school auditorium. about 34, of Doughton is in the • ^oju-ad Glenn Durham and jiVill hospital here and Mace Evans, •bout 45, also of Doughton, is in [ — wakes jai* as the result of a Calloway Holbrook, William Gaith er Hawkins, Calvin Coolidge Jor- Sakin, May 17.—Marvin Billings, Charles Talmadge Taylor, The public is cordially Invited to attend. Rationing Boards Registering Those Late For Gasoline Persons wtio failed to regis ter for gaM^lne at the schools last week may register at the rationii^r board offices, vrtiich are located in the federal build ing at Wilkesboro and the sec ond floor of the Bank of North Wilkesboro bnilding here. If the interest is sufficient, a league will be formed with an adequate organization and con stitution and by-laws by which to operct-te the league efficiently. All who are interested are asked to attend the meeting. BCK16 More than 3,500 dozen eggs werb sold during the first month of operation of the Northampton Poultry Marketing Association which was organized by the county agent’s office, with the assistance of poultry and mar keting specialists of the State College Extension serrlce. Because of the labor shortage on the farm, the U S D A War Board requests that all farmers j will be at the next meeting, needing help place an order with The program Thursday evening •he County Farm Agent, Mr. Snipes, in Wilkesboro, or with th'e U. S. Employment Office In North Wilkesboro. All workers desiring farm work should regis ter with either of the above ag encies. , wa,s in charge of Jimmie Ander sen, who presented Paul S. Cra gan. school superintendent beret j He delivered an interesting talk ' about rationing, relating seveMiL I humorous incidents relative to I the recent registrations. ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES SHOW— 6 Children In One Family Attend School 45 Years Without Absence Banks Are To Be Closed Wednesday The Bank of North Wllkeabo- R> and the NorUiwe^m Bank here will be dosed on Wednes day, May 20, anniversary of the MeckleaUnirg Independence and generally obeerred as a Nortli OaroUna state holiday. I lliiooting this morning about 8 -tfclock near the homes of the two, [.^Srhieh are .on opposite sides ofj ■^^aarle of a quarrel which al- X Card Holders In Wilkes Board 1 Area Listed - I jjj accordance with a request tabulation of the cards had not or messenger service: transporta- Ev^to fire an, ^ President Franklin D. Roosa- been completed. [tion of materials and equipment I-old muzzle-loader shot gun into i names of persons holding X i X ca-ds were issued to persons in construction (last two con- [fjchest of his neighbor has not wen | ’ rationing cards, which ' whose applications said that “all strued to mean in emergency war Hjiaacloaed Evans was said to have I tanlimlted am-'or subatantially all of the use of work). 4 been workmg on his gasoline, are made pub-1 the motor vehicle is for one or | The Hat of X card holders who iMn fUling Billings’ chest 1“ Wilkes there were few a erwith t^ load. The so- cards issued m compaHson with of Billings’ wound has some other counties, -roday tbe rioomtess oi was,list from Wilkes Rationing Board [more of the following .purposes”: reglatered In rationing 'board area As an ambulance or hearse; taxi, Sterti" ii;;jiiumb«r 1 wa, before Magistrate H»t for Board number 2 area has trtod Satarttoy before magiatra released becanse the number 1 follows; Dr. O. T. Mitchell, Wilkeaboro. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard,,Wilkes- hus, jitney; regular practicing ,minister. physician, surgeon, nurse, osteopath, cniropractor or .boro, veterinarian; official business of j J. T. Prevette, North Wilkes- federal, state local or foreign boro. Official Bnstneaa. goyernments; trucking, hauling, I Mrs. Maude R. Minton, mall towing, freight oartyiiig, delivery carrier, Wllkestooro. % ■ , " Mrs. T. M. Foster, Wilkesboro, for Bine Ridge Hatchery. Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkesboro. N. C. • W. A. Jennings, Pores Knob, mall carrier. C. T. Doughton, -Wilkeeboro, Sheriff. • Walter M. Irwin, Wilkesboro, Deputy Marahal. Arlle' Poster, Wtlke^ro, po- Ucetnan. ■ J. B.'Henderaon, WUkesboro, rural, carrier. H- 'm. Rennet, tolMMffi TuL : 4- W. S. Luck; Winston-Salem, Minister. R. F. Day, Elkin, Minister. Herman, Johnson, Wilkesboro, Tail. B. Lee Hemphill, Wilkesboro, rural carrier. Bertha Bell, Wilkesboro, coun ty nurse. / T. Sktane Ouy, Jr„ Wllkesbo- ro, Mlnteter. M, O. v'Bkhrtrds, 'Wilkeaboro, > Vetarlnarfi^,. R..m.’iSkam>n, N. Wllktaboro. Family of Mr. and Mrs. N. Hendren Amass A Wonderful Record Six children of Mr. and Mr*. J. N. Hcaidren, of WUkcaboro ixmte two, have attonded school _ a total of 45 year* without ooa day’s absence. j( This resnarkable family roe- " oeo, evl^nce of peiaeveraBOo f and determination as well aa - healthfuIneKs and physical ' stamina, was revealed this week by a di^lay of their perfeet attendance cerUtlcates. Names of the children, thedr ages and number of years per fect In school attendance ,f«l- lows: Glenn Hendren, age 14, nine years; Doris Hendren, ago,.» 16, nine year*; Gradie Hendren, J' age 18, eight years; Georpr Hendren, age 21, sevM yeatbl^. Biila llendreM, age 22. yean; Mahle Heaktoen, agg ti^ | -■ V lOouttnDfld Oh PtaPb dVe years. AH have snwk TMMP perfeet attendance isolate Ms ^ eept MaMe, the yotai(2|l, fltet' Me weds oady twh nis4i»*nn ^ I srJts '5’ f