r*** I f,.. VOL. XXXV, No. 21 Published Mondays and Thursdays. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C., THURSDAY, liGtY 28, 1942 w ■ ' ■ ' . ' AT NORTH WILKESBORO SCHOOL- 49 SENIORS WILL RECEIVE DIPLOMAS FRIDAY Primary Wi 6e Held iki Sa Movement For Half Holiday For Stores Is Started AT SCHOOL HERE— Two Slieet'Metal 81.50 In — 82.0^ 0et Today a movfiment waa start- j cd In North Wilkesboro to have ' Wednesday afternoons, bo(^- I dune 10, a half holiday for I stores here. A cavass of merch ants is planned and definite announcement will be made next! week. V IN U. S. COURT- Here are pictured the members of the 1942 senior class of the North Wilkesboro high school, who will receive diplomas in the final commencement program at the school Friday evening, eight o’clock. Members of the class will carry out the pro gram. Seniors in the picture are as follows: Front row, left to right—Frances Bow man. Alma Elledge, Jane Jones, Blanche Hall, Martha Lou Frazier, Mary Anderson, Frances Finley, Christine Byrd; second row—Margaret Rhodes, Elsie Hudstm, Jessie Foster, Lillian Miller, Ruby V. Pardue, Mable Kilby, Joyce Kilby, Mildred Stafford, Rose Zell Caudill, Ruth Hayes; third row--Betty Hill, Ruth Lovette, Meneta Well born, Rosalee Myers, Grace Miller, Justus Brewer, Hill Carlton, Johnnie Johnston, J. H. Joines; fourth row—Margie Beamon, Helen Wyatt, Holt Hudson, Mildred Mil ler, Mollie Wilkins, Mildred Elledge, Jack Hadley, Frank McHone, Billie Estes, Bryce Sebastian; fifth row—Vernon Byrd, Wayne Gentry, Jimmie Anderson, Joe Clements, Joe Hunt, Jack Foster, Jimmie Shepherd, John D. Hall; absent wl«n p^ho- tograph was made—Bruce Hall, Jeanne Moore and Alene Lockhart. (Photo by Har- vel’s Studio.) Yale, Beshears Acquitted Of Perjury Charge Trial of Walter Jones, For mer Deputy U. S. Mar shal, Under Way May Be Prisoner [| PoindextCr, Coutest May To Begin Monday Two Shifts of Couries Will Be Operated To Train More War Workers ANNOUNCED TODAY— AS SHOWN BY CANVASS— Officer-Of Wffl^ Elected By Welfare Board For Indefinite Term Un der Merit System Plan Stamps, Bonds Judson Yale and Edd Beshears were acquitted of a perjury charse by a jury in federal court in Wilkesboro Tuesday afternoon. Trial of the two Wilkes men, who were indicted following their testimony In a U. S. Commission er’s hearing in Winston-Salem, began Monday morning before Judge Johnson J- Hayes. The ju ry received the case at noon Tues day and returned their verdict three hours later. Testimony they gave in the comraisslaoer’s hearing was rela tive to the whereabouts of Yale at the time a car laden with 60 gallons of liquor was captured in Winston-Salem. Beshears, at the time of the Indictment was superintendent of the state .hl^way: nrlftou Charles McNeill. Wilkes county superintendent of welfare, has been reelected to that position tiy the Wilkes county board of wel-1 fare. The board had been notified | that he was eligible for reappoint ment. having .successfully passed the merit examination. ; His election wati made known today by I’ .1. Bratue. chairman of the board. The other members ^ are Dr. J. G. Bentley, of Pores Knob, and W. E. Smithey, of. Wilkesboro. j Mr. .McNeil! has been superin-1 tendent of public welfare :n j Wilkes over eight years. He is a | native of Wilkes and was educa-1 ted at A S.T.C. in Boone end the j University of North CaroMna at i Chapel Hill. His home is ;n| Wilkesboro. | Under the merit system plan. | the welfare officer will serve for ' an indefinite term and may not , tia removed from office witho it . just cause. All Sales Except Stamps And Bonds To Be Halted 15 Minutes On July 1 Throughout Nation Retailors in North Wilkeasbo- ro will cooperate 100 per cent in the nationwide tribute to the war effort on July 1 at 12 noon by suspending all sales of mer- rliandlsc for fifteen minutes and devoting thi-s brief jieriod e.xclu.sively to .sale of war bonds and stajiips. Mayor R. T. Mc- Niel said lotlay following a can vass of tlio bu.-iiiess district of the city. Mayor .McNicl received a tel- e^fram from lten,iaiiiin H. Nanun, chairman of tb.c Retail .Advisory conunlftoe, U. K. trea- ■sury department, asking tlie number of retailers will co operate and after a qiucit. can vass he replied that Nortli Wilkesboro will be cooi>eratlng ItKl per cent. The closing down of all .sales e.xceju ooiuis and stamps for l.'i minutes is a part of the na tion - wide program to initiate the bond .sale for the montli of July, beginning of the one bil lion per montli sales campaign. ELECTED TUESDAY— Bare Councilor Of Junior Order BY HEALTH DEPT.— Time And Places For Vaccinations Oill.'Ci’t T. Bare, well known merchant here, was elected coun cilor of North Wilkesboro coun cil of Jr. O, V. A. M. in meetib.g I his week. Other officers elected for the last six months of this year were _ |a.s follows: Bob Tharrington, as- Dr. A. J. Eller, county health si.stant councilor: 0. A. Canter, officer, ha-> announced an itiner-1 recording secretary: B. F. Bent ary for the purpose of adminis-! ley. assistant recording secretary: tering typhoid and diphtherii Johnson Sanders, financial secre- vacclnations. Itary: Northwestern Bank, trea- The appointments for Monday, (surer: Wade Wallace, conductor; m.; m.: June 1, are as follows; A. E. Wittgler's store in Falrploins, 9:30 a. m,; Mulberry school, 10:30 a. m.; Piney View school, 11 a. m.: Halls -Mills postoffice, 11:30 a. m ; Rock Springs church. 12:00 noon; McGrady postoffice. 1:00 p. m.; Newlife, 2:C0 p. m.; Dehart. 2:00 p Brown's store, 3:30 p. Mountain View. 4:00 p. m. On Tuesday. June 2, the follow ing places will be visited: Rock Creek church. 9:30 a. m.; Koar- jng River school. 10:30 a. m.: Ronda school, 11:30 a. m.; Mrs. West’s home, 1:00 p. m.; Austin school, 2:00 p. m.; Pleasant Ridge school, 3:00 p. m.: Pleas ant Hill school, 4:00 p. m. A recent survey reveals that a large percentage of. the men at Fort Bragg. America’s largest post, listen to the radio. -V A. G. -Anderson, warden; Hoy Canter, inside sentinel; O. K. Pope, outside sentinel: J. M. El ler, Junior past councilor; Wade Wallace. B. F. Bentley and J. M. Eller, trustees: S. L. Pardue and Bradley Dancy, representatives to state council meeting; O. K. Pope and J. M. Eller, alternates: H. L. Mechem. chaplain; D. E. Elledge. assistant chaplain. Also at the meetiing Tuesday night was work in the third ds- gree. Degree work will also be MEMORIAL DAY— Plan Progrjun For Service Memorial Service Will Be Held At Marker Here On Saturday Evening Plan or ihe annual Memorial Day service to be conducted at the marker on the corner of Me morial Avenue and D street has been arranged by the American Legion and other organizations which will participate. The program will open at seven 'o’clock with music by the North Wilkesboro high school band. At 7:30 will be announcement by W. D. Halfacre, prayer by Rev. Watt M. Cooper, and placing of wreaths on the marker in memory of those who sacrificed their lives in the American Revolution, by the D. A. R.: War Between the States, by U. D. C.; Spanish American War; and the World Wars 1 and 2, by the American Legion Auxil iary, The memorial address will be 'rwo classes in aircraft sheet me'al and riveting will begin at North Wilkesboro school Monday morning. The courses are being carried out by the school here as a part of the vocational training pro gram of the state school system. Beginning Monday, one class will operate from 7:30 a. m. un til 3:30 p. m. and the second from four p. m. until midnight. Wm. H. Corum, aircraft instruc tor who has just finished work with one group, and W. B. Col lins, industrial arts instructor in the school. The group who have just fin ished the some course here are being placed in aircraft fac'orles at a starting wage of about TO cents per hour. TakaiOatPrim^ Reported That CmunittaBr May Settle Contest; 3 Others In The Primary Voters of both parties will pat>- ticipate In the primary in Wilke* county Saturday, May 30. Democrats and Republican* ) have two contests each to be decl- ( ded by votes Saturday. I The only county contest Is tor the Republican nomination tor sheriff with C. G. Poindt'xter aad H. P. Eller, both of this city, seeking the nomination. Port Bragg, America’s largest post, is located in the sandhills section of North Carolina. l>r. R. Bumgarner, for merly of tills city, is officially listed by the war department as “missing in action” pending receipt of the list of prisoners taken by the Japanese on Ba taan and Cort^idor, where Dr. Biuu|gamer was a captain In the U. S. medlcaJ corps when last heard from. He Is a son of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. .A. Bum garner, of Millers Creek. LOCAL ORGANIZATION SET UP— Tdlf gttM Tro (Continued On Page Bight) V NOTIFIED TODAY— Mrs. Lott Acting Manager USESO In N. Wilkesboro Succeeds B. G. Gentry, Who Has Taken Position In Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Katheryn A. Lott, senior interviewer in the employment service, today received notice of her appointment as acting mana ger of the North Wilkesboro branch of the United States Em ployment Seiwice. Mrs. Lott succeeds B. G. Gen try. who resigned as manager nt the office to accept the position a.s assistant personnel officer for the TVA in Knoxville, Tennessee, effective June 1. Mrs. Lott is well experienced in employment service work. She was on the staff of the office when it wai first established in North Wilkesboro in 1933 and has held responsible positions in that work since that time. She was promo ted to senior interviewer in 1937. All appointments in the organ ization are subject to the merit examinations, which will be held Saturday. May 30. All staff members of the or ganization here will take the ex amination at Hickory, but the office here will be kept open by NYA clerical employees. Claim ants who have been reporting on Saturday will report Monday. Wilkes County^s Quota In USO Fund Drive $2,200 Gather On Friday'j’ Jf., County Chairman: NamesConunittees Seed dealers have been invited to attend a seed dealers’ meeting to be held at the county court house on Friday morning, nine o’clock, Lawrence Miller, execu tive officer of the Triple A in Wilkes, said today. Seed prices and arrangements to furnish far mers seed needed on the soil pro gram will be matters for discus sion. FOR THREE DAYS— Drivers School Buses Attendmg Drivers’ School People Will Be Asked To Give For Benefit Of Men In The Armed Service Field Representative High way Safety Division Con ducting The School ON RENTAL SHELF— New Volumes At Public Library delivered by er, pastor Rev. A. C. Waggon-’ days. Many new volumes have been added at the Wilkes county pub lic library during the past few of the Methodist carried out at the meeting Tues-; church. day night and a large attendance of members Is requested. Training for actual comhat has largely replaced ceremonies In the training program Bragg, North Carolina. In wars of Caesar’s time it cost about 75c to kill a man; in the Civil war it cos*- about $5,- 000 per man; and in the World War the cost was about $21,000. In the highly mechanized war of today It is estmated that the cost will be about $50,000 per man. at You could build a four-engine Fort ^ bombing plane with the aluminum in 20,000 1-pound skillets. The program will close with the band playing ‘‘Star Spangled Banner’’ and with the assembly singing. V Teach children to wash and rinse hands clean before drying them. Chan.'ie towels frequently. You won’t have to rub so hard when washing them, saving your energy and it will also prolong the life of the towel. V Port Bragg, N. C., is the na tion’s largest army post School buses of the Wilkes county sebaol system this week are going to school. A school bus drivers school is being conducted in Wilkesboro to teach the drivers safety and efficient and economical operation of buses. G. W. Tomlinson, field repr C. E. Jenkins, Jr., well known young business man here, has ac cepted the appointment from Governor J. Melville Broughton to lead Ihe United Service Or ganization drive in Wilkes coun ty. Announcement of his oppoint- ment, wa.s made by Howard Hol- derness, of Greensboro, district chairman. Mr. Jenkins has set up Ihe Wilkes organization with Emmet C. Johnson as assistant chairman. Paul Cushion as campaign direc tor, and the following as com mittee chairmen: Julius C. Hub bard and Ray Erwin as publicity .chairmen: Vernon Deal, treasur er; Joe Brame,-canvass clwirmau; Phillip Brame, finance chairman: Ed Vannoy, social functions chairman;. Governor Broughton w honor ary chairman for the state and Contest For Sheriff Nomination May Be Called Off There were unconfirm ed reports today that C. G. Poindexter and H. P. Eller, Republican candi dates for the nomination for sheriff of Wilkes coun ty, may call off their con test in Saturday’s primary and leave the selection of the Republican candidate for sheriff to the Wilkes County Republican Exe cutive committee. The candidates today were re ported as going together over the county to call on members of the committee and advise them of IW tion. These reports, how ever, were unofficial and the candidates could not be reached this afternoon for a statement. The contests in the Demo cratic party are for noniinatioa for United States :-pru:uor and rep resentative in congress. The sen atorial candidates are Senator Josiah W. Bailey and Richard T. tnick) Fountain. Repre.sentatlva W. O. Biirgin. of Lexington, is op posed by Giles Yeomans Newfon, of Gibson, who has lieen a candi date in two previous primaries two and four years ago. The other contest in ihe Re publican party is for the nomin ation for solicitor in the 17th ju- the highway safety in charge of the seutative of division, is school. The school is for three days with one full day devoted to one of three groups. On Wednesday drivers from Wilkesboro, Mount George M. Ivey, of Charlotte, is state campaign chairman. The quota for Wilkes county this year is $2,200. The goal in the nationwide USO War Fund Campaign, launched throughout the country dicial district. Solicitor .Avalon E. Hall, of Yadkinville, is op posed by F.n.B. Harding, also of; V'artkinville, Supplies for 'tie primary wer* distributed by the county board of elections Wednesday. Polls w'lU open at 6:30 a. m. and dose at 6:30 p. m., ea.slern war time. Jama M. Anderson, chairman of the county board of elections, said today. Polling place in North Wllke.s- boro will be at the town hall and for Wilkesboro number 1 will be at the town hall in Wilkeslioro. Other polling places throughout the county will be the same as 'n. the last election. UllVCiS tivw-ii »T -- WUl UUJgUVUl, vaaxi Pleasant and Millers Creek were ^ May 11, continuing to July 4, instructed. is $32,000,000. Of this sum, For Thursday, drivers from Mulberry, Mountain View, Trap- hill, Ronda and Roaring River composed the group and the school will be concluded Friday with instructions to contract dri vers and drivers from Lincoln Heights school. School authorities report much Interest among the drivers in the instructions given. V There are new books in every department, and some of the lat est fiction books have been placed on the rental shelf. These in clude: I “Storm ", by Stewart; “Wind swept”, by Chase; “The Stars Look Down”, by Cronin; “You Haven’t Changed”, by Banning; "Troubled Star”, by August; “To bacco Road”, by Caldwell; “That Day Alone”, by Van Paassen; "Twin Somberos”, by Grey; “Gunman’s Gold”, by Brand; “It Can’t Hapiien Here”, by Lewis.; and “General Douglas MacAr- thur", bjf Miller. Singing Sunday At Stony Fork Church The Blue Ridge Singers Asso ciation will meet with Stony Fork Baptist church in Watauga coun ty, Sunday, May 31. The singing will start at 10 a. m. and continue through the re mainder of the day. All singers are invited to attend this convention. The huge garrison at Fort Bragg includes men from every state in the Union and many for eign countries. North Carolina has been asked to conMbute $444,000, Last year, with a state quota of $125,000, the national goal being $10,000,- 000, this state oversubscribed its goal by raising $170,000. Mr. Ivey and his chairmen are confi dent that North Carolina can be counted on again this year to raise, or surpass, the new total which has been set. John D. Rockefeller. Jr., is honorary chairman in the nation wide campaign and Prescott S. Busch of New York City Is na tional campaign chairman. The USO is not an end in itself, nor merely an Insltrument of a num ber of soda! agencies, but in ef fect “a civilian arm of the Amer ican government, and represen tative body through which the American people, themselves, can support our fighting forces,” said Mr. Rockefeller In accepting his appoinbment. Six agencies Ifnown through out the nation tof their effective works as welfare agencies com- ^Continued on page eight) CITY SCHOOLS— Summer School To Begin Monday Classes To Complete Work Saturday; Graduation On Friday Night North Wilkesboro schools wilM close the term’s work on Satur day. making up a day lost in registration work. However, the final program of the high school commencement will be on Friday night, when seniors will present their pro gram and diplomas will bo presented to 49 graduates. Summer school will open Mon day morning at eight o’clock with. * members of the faculty in charge. Subjects to be taught will (de pend entirely on the needs of the students who enroll. The school is open to both In and ont of school people from theentire coenty and all who ttr* laMrarted era- asked to be .onif^ hand • Monday morning. -V- •' —BUY WAR BONDS— y#.