J:-: 7? M± XXXV.- Ko, .24 HEttS^t-- fai^ For Ifs Scrap Quwtitlties Of Scriip ' Midi' M«rk*«f4 Here I tmikei''county iiuUT«R« commlt- 'tn .mMUng kt tho town hall ‘ VlrMay eTonlny* heard re- th&t outlets (or scrap metals are insufflciaat to handle ^^lome avallahle. th the jrards^of the one 11- dealer filled to capacity with W Bhortage o( cutting Machines, large quantities of try ji^ntp here now hare no »y of reaching the steel mtlle. ! The county salrage commltt^ Jet at the call of J. B. Snipes, latrmau, and those present ex- rened much Interest In the slt- ktlon as It exists here. The com- ^ttee will contact state salvage ithorltlcs and other sources in feoi^ to find a way to secure itlets for the available scrap Shed Mondays and Thtttad«yB.^,yQRTO WILKySORO. N. Ct, MOKIUY, Proudly in Austr^ FRIDAVvtVENING-r HAVX.lNFORlilATl3I^S]!j^^ j.: -.n mim w mideof rt^jJk^CIdb I'M! M member of the committee that there are at least Junked care and truck# within irth Wilkeeboro which could be Idrketed immediately and nghont the countiy there Is uch larger number of old and trucks and other junked lues which can be sold for p when the market can han- enSicient quantities. However, it was pointed out tt all who have small amounts scrap can market It immediate- at Oarl A. Lowe and sons, lo- ,1 licensed scrap dealer, and are to do so at once. Steel, iron, m, copper, brass, etc., »f* tiadly needed by war indus- It Is the patriotic duty B. 8. trsops are marching on the wharf (top) at an onldeutiflcd port in Amtralia u^ct laiifflng. tre part of the new conttaKCat. Below: Qper hUl and dale, som,;where in AnstraUa. Old Glory filea at the tead or the U. S, troops. Citlea tt tents have sprung np everywhere. DORIS SPARKS, OF MORAVIAN FALLS— Wilkes Girl In Army Now To ^liss Doris %arks, of hloravtaji Falls, goes the ,^ou« Or. of betn#; the first of th* fem- ihine sex in Wilkes dhnnty to be in the United States Army. Miss Sparks was DAB of about 40 NTA ifirls who left the SardiLs center Mlnda.v for Fort Monmouth, N. J., tve in duction into the army's signal corns. She bersn her N¥A good record, Mrs. Maud S. MUler, of WUkesbmo, NTA per.sOonei Interviewer, said to day. Mrs. Miller said there is In creased interest among the girls in training for war in dustrial work and that the XY.A centers now have vacan cies for several gMs. She pre dicted that thiS' phase of h VA In factories and shops. This week Miss Okie Lee Billings, of Trapfaill, and Miss Helen BtIUngs, of Hays, left to begin' STfA aircraft assem bly tratning in the Greenville NYA center. Boyd and girls interested In NYA trainiii^ for defense work may intervlsw Mrs. MlUer at her office 4 the Wilkes.ompyt pr. B. £..,Go(>jiBl» fMiwwA, Paul 4tshlSB,4 PoifC^ .yoiRig ^uslnesi man here, ,4nur^sleptsd, president of the.Noi^ y^ilkesbo- ro Kiwauls chib in 7**^9 meeting held Frld^ evening, Mr. Cashlon, who iteteMdi. Bm- met Johnson as propldent, h« been secretary of . «lub and has 'been very active {g civtc work here ' . •• Other officers eleet|4 'Fere as follows; J. >M. Apderson. Vemon Deal and DtinJ. B. Oeahs. Vice- presidents; C. B. 'Jealdns, Jr., secretaryr PhlUlp Bii|me, trea surer, E. A. Shook, tail'twister; O. J. SwoCord, Ltdn tamer; Rev. A. C. Waggoner, Zob, Dick-' son. Bill Barlow and Or. H. B. Smith, directors. The program Friday eysnlng was In charge of L. L. Carpenter and B. B. Broome, who presented Jack L. Martin, manager of Co ble Dairy Products plant in Wilkesboro. Mr. Martin spoke briefly and (.he principal address was by Dr. B. E. Goodato, profes sor of dairying at Clsmson Col lege. Dr. Goodale, who Is working during the summer with Coble Dairy Products, said that com- T~ry Is now paying |125,000 monthly to fermers for milk and that the amount will soon in crease to $150,000. Tho plant in Wilkesboro is now receiving about 10,000 gallons of milk dai ly and can use a much greater amount as farmers increase their milk production. ^ He told of evidence's of dairy- t,?£t RefutMAkm for Csuiiunf Sm^ ffAir W31 Begin On Next Monday Afternoon tive Service boards today all persons 'who have re- eivwo occupational quesiionnai- es to properly fill them out end eturn them to their respective ►oard offices. Only ten days from he date of mailing is allowed for filing out the questionnaires nd returning them to local board offices. V PROSPECTS GOOD Gardens Now In Production i ed,i .eturn Questionnaires To The Local Board ^ston^em Lady k Killed In Crash In Wilkes Car Driven By Daughter Of Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Har ris Hit On Sunday Mrs. Sarah G. Caldwell, 40, se nior .staff member and member ship supervisor Hamps With 500 Pennies Xancy Trlvette, • four-year- old (Liugiiter of Mr. and Mrs. O. ft Trlvette, handed over •oOO pennies at the booth In front of .Allen Tlieatre Satur- day for war .savings sanip.s. Nancy has been saving pen nies for a year. 25 Stores Cldse One P. M. On Wednesdays Gwendolyn Hubbard Gets Music Award J, W Henderson Has Typi cal Victory Garden; Thous ands In Wilkes County The planting of 'he early “Vic tory Gardens" which The Journal- PaHiftt enthusiastically advocat- now beginning to bring in iS^B, and. many home owners (*( this community are enjoy.ug [ijbbJi vegetables Troth their own a^ens in their own back yards. PnffMibly the best “Victory gUrdiQp" in this entire section of ‘ :e is that of J. B. Hender- l^n ra Wllk^boro. It is Indeed rare to view this garden Itlj-Yts corn as high as your not quite so tall, and ‘ iftrtBAto vines with tomatoes .*■ targe as your flat, to say of thr beans, carrota. peas, and other vege a- that the Henderson family (been enjoying “It is the tt'MTden I've ever had, Mr. ^■mnn says, and he has been # tka iwwluesr for over 40 years, fjnndarson garden Is only ,wi of the thousands over - ' eounty, and although the weather cut them short to aiSktent, the rains of the last have caused them rapidly, and now their ^“^are beginning to see ■^3«. wulto their labor. and wBh a long season yet fiir fntnre plaatlags, these _Jtefwy Gardens?* are really go- ^^play a big part in helping "^■wla the vra7. produced at home In the Gardens means that much « ,b« sent from commer- prtidacers to our fighting men to oar «lU«s .0* •V. Boomer, •Ifev On* Walsh, of Noftk Wilkesboro rlsltor ^ of the Winston-1 Salem Chamber of Commerce, diedj early yesterday morning in an El-, Miss Gwendolyn Hubbard, daugh- kin hospital following head inju-1 ter of Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hub- ries received in an automobile ac-1 bard, of North Wilkesboro. was cident in Wilkes county. j awarded the Bentley Nicholson The ear in which Mrs. Caldw'ell I Prize for Music, given each year a.nd Mrs. W, F. Turner, also of at Hollins College to a student Winston-Salem, were riding swerv-1 of outstanding attainment in the ed around before stopping on the field of niusio. The award was highway, state highway patrolmen made at the commencement con- said. I I cert on Sunday afternoon (June They quoted Mrs. TiTner as say-|V), when Miss Hubbard played ing that the car was struck by a [ several piano numbers. Miss Hub- hit-and-run driver just before com- j bard majored in music under ing to a curve headed toward El- Don>ald Bolger, associate profes- ■ sor of music, and will receive her kin. The first person on the scene, of- A. B. degree on Tuesday. June 9, ficers said, reported that Mrs. (Continued on Page 8) at the one-hundredth commence ment at the college. Official Vote of Primary, May. 30th Department Store A, 5 & lO’s and Jewelry Stores Plan Half Holiday PRECINCT Sheriff Solicitor S' $H S « X u ss c u "h '0 cu s 15 X CS X 15 0 Antioch Beaver Creek Boomer 15 Brushy Mountain 20 EBc No. 1 8 Elk No. 2 8 ESwards No. 1 12 Edwards No. 2 122 EMwards No. 3 218 6! 6 15 8 61 81 7i 21 7 23 26 15 12 18 19| 141 25 1 7 19 42 67 63 77 Jobs Cabin No. 1 Jobs Cabin No. 2 Lewis Pork — Loveface , Moravian Falls —— Mulberry Mo. 1 Mulberry No. 2 —..— New Castle North Wilkesboro 152 Reddies River 102 Rock Creek — ; 84 Somers — 20 Stanton 18 Trt^hill No. 1 .127 1'r^JiiU No. 2 n Union — 28 Walnut Grove No. l-_ 21 Walnut Grove No. 2 — 22 Wil^boro No, 1—91 'Wilkesboro No. 2 — ' 76. 1| t 50| 2; 7j 101 6| 11 204 31 11 65 20 32 70 60 80 40i 167 421 134 91 72 42j 53 16( 30 77! 180 ' 9| 16 9t 50 31 ‘ 19 107 TOTALS Beginning Wednesday of this week, June 10, twenty-five North Wilkesboi-o stores will be closed after one p. m. on Wednesday dur ing June, July and August. -■ The stores to close include the department stores, 5, 10 and 35 cent stores, jewelry stores and four furniture stores. Today names of four furniture stores were added to the list of 21 announced last week- The furniture stores to close on Wed nesday afternoons are Rhodes- Day, Markdown, Wilkes Furni ture Exchange and Gray Brothers. Those who had already signed the Wednesday afternoon closing agreement were Jean’s Dress Shoppe, Spaiilhour’s, Penney’s, Belk’s, Rose’s, Prevette’s,* Harris Brothers, Yale Department Store, Crest 5, 10 and 25 cent store, Payne Clothing Company, The Goodwill Store, Marlow’s Men’s Shop, Burke’s Jewelry, Ervin’s Men’s Shop, Steele’s Jewelry store, Hackney’s Department Store, Southern Bargain Store, Bare’s De partment Store, Tomlinson's De partment Store, Lemer’s Depart ment Store, Deans Jewelry Store. Banks To Close The Bank of North Wilkesboro and the Northwestern Bank, in ctvop^rationvWith the stores ob serving t^e hAlf^ollday Wflfihes- day. afteirooons. “will also close each Wednesday at one p.m. -V Alfwittlii^ any community or'section of the country. He spoke of tne far mer’s contribution to lha war program, saying that two new slogans are "keep 'em milking" and “keep ’em faying”. He spoke briefly of pasteurized milk, which the company is now delivering in the Wilkeeboros. He said miik was pasteurized by heating to 14 3 degrees for 30 minutes and that it was not boiled, as many supposed. In the business session prior to the program C. J. Swofford asked the club’s cooperation In the “Go to Church’’ campaign, B. A. Shook mentioned the need of further blood donations for the blood bank at the Wilkes hospi- Paul Oashlon, who was dec- ' ted preaident of the North Wllkeal^^ro Lions dab in the meetkag held Friday evening. Mr. Guhion, with other newly elected officers, will take office at tho next meting. U.S. Forces Victorious Washington.—Admiral Ernest J. King; commander in chief of the U-S l4*rTlllT*^ ihcoi^dcfable?' tn'file'conttomg sea ‘bkttie with the Japanese around Midway '.sland which he said may determine the outcome of the Pacific war. The battle ground, he said, ex tends from Hawaii to the Aleu tians. The situation at Dutch har- bar, target of Jap raids last week, remains obscure because of ex tremely bad weather, he declared. Objective of the Jap fleet, he said, was occupation of Midway. He would not say that the Jap- janese force was defeated, but he said “they have withdrawn." The American lighters, he said, wilt not pursue the enemy into their waters and described any ’’mop up” action as ill-advised be- Ital, and the club went on record Icause of ene^ air pow^^^^ • as asking the city council to ob tain use of some grove property of the International Shoe compa ny for use as a .prrk. C. E. Jenk ins, Jr., county USO chairman, asked cooperation in the USO campaign now on in the county. Kenneth Bonner was a guest of W. 0. Absher at the meeting. Wilkes rationing boards h^vw set dales for registration of faps- Ules for extra sngar tor cu.mlhs and preservlDg. Tbla regletratlon will take placA at the North Wilkesboro town hall for.board area number 2 and. at Wilkesboro school aul Lincoln Heights colored school for board area number 1 on Monday, Tues day and Thursday, beginning on Monday, June 15, and continuing on the same days for three con secutive weeks. Tho registration work will b« done by -volunteers and those who can help in this work are asked to telephone 546 for board land 616 for board 2. The registratloa will be In afternoons only from one until five o’clock. Persons making application for canning sugar must carry their war ration books, or may send them by some reliable person. In any case, all ration books must be presented for persons who wish to obtain the sugar. They must be able to tell the amount of -sugar on band, the numler of quarts canned lest year, the num ber on hand and the number to be fllled' this. year. y; Ji»4ka.«vei>$>eMll Mm applicant get more than bne pound for each four quarts and only one pbuntL- each for preserving and for jamo and jellies. Heavy penollies up to $10,000 fine and ten years imprisonment are provided for making false statements on rationing applica tions.. Other Ration News Rationing boards now have a limited supply of official price- selling regulations, which merch ants may obtain by calling at either ration board. V- Little information filtered thru the tight censorship in Honolulu and Washington but it appeared, on the bass of fragmentary re ports, that sections of the power ful Japanese home battlefleet, in cluding a number of battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroy- (Continued on page C; OF HEART ATTACK— Physician Dies At Reddies River FROM DISTANT POINTS— Ad On Old Journal-Patriot Wrapped Around Plants Brings In Customers AT CROSSNORE— 26 From Wilkes At IXstrict Wilkes was second in the num ber of ladies attending the diatriet federation of 'home demonstration clubs - held recently at Orosanore School In Avery county, Miss An nie Laurie Herring, home demon stration agent, said today. ^ WOkes had 26 attending.'' The roost iniKr^^ fedeiati«l Un# held and Wilkes. ladies participi^ in vailoas of the profftaw.'?® '• Y*'^*«* I'M! 8S6 89^ ...wr WAR fiONDS^;^' Since its establishment over 36 year* ago, ibU newspaper hsm brought re sults for tU advertisers in so manj instances that they sue too numerous to. mention, df course. But here’s one that is just too good ,to keep irtWI print. A month or so ago a new firm opened for bus iness In North Wj.Ik®*" boro—Hub’s Bee Line— specialiamg in wheel bal ancing and frmne and wheel straightening. This new firm is managed^ by.. E. L. Shulenherg«rv « cous^ in to Banker C. R. Shulen- berger whom sunwoy Peo ple here remsrtidjer ku such a pleasing W»y. here’s ManagerSchulen- berger’s story: " ■rf toMfi ■fraga Banner %lk, Avwry dowtji cm to our place the ojher^ to get usvto striUghten warped v^eeL? He mud only other coaoty with a iMgsar ^ been in number was Alexsndef with 29. A WatanfkvCIovnty, a fmw days pur; t Jhem broi^tr wrapped:, R of The Journal-Patriot. While I was out in the field setting the plants, I noticed your advertise ment where you stated that you straightened warped wheels, so here I am with a job for .you.” ' Tho wheel was properly repaired, and the gentle man from Banner Elk was so satisfied vdth the job that is gemg to *send sewsral of his neighbors/ down to North Wilkesboro* foT similar work. Incidentally, Hub’s Bee Line has. used The Jour- ni|I-Patriot exclusively the many/thottsAnds .4^ pro^ieetive mutomers \ia North Wilk^eshoro’s vsmt tradkig avea^ ■ ___v Funeral Held Today For Dr. W. E. Whittington, Who Died Saturday C FeH. ,, 7 'At San Franoaco PUi; Bruce 0.' FeUk, s msokkte ,giiti fitscbfhtet Dr. W. E. Whittington, who for many years practiced medi cine in the Reddies River section of Wilkes county, died Saturday evening at the home of his moth er, Mrs. J. L. Whittington, of Reddies River. He had been in ill health for two weeks but was not seriously 111 until he suffered a fatal heart attack about six o'clock Saturday. He was a member of a prom inent Wilkes family, being a aoo of the late J. L. ’Whittington, and Mrs. Mary J. Vannoy Whitting ton. He was well and favorably known In Wilkes. Dr. *yhlttington attended high hchool ot Bocne and received ki» medical training at Johns Hop kins and the Baltimore Medical College in Baltimore, Md. He had been engaged In the practice of medicine for about a querter of a centory. Surviving are his mother and the following brothers and aistersr Rev. W.' T. Whittington, West Jefferson; O. K. Whittington, v Wilkeeboro; Odell Whittington, Reddies River; Mrs. H. J. Bum- gamer, Goldsboro; Mrs. Sam Ward, North Wilkeaboro: and Mra Norman I Dancy, ReddJea River. Funeral service.was held today at two p. m„ at/^Rbddles River church' .mtb Rev. Mr. Mays-litw. In the arffiy^ is fine, 'aoocfrdtfiir to tha news re- celvedl lir hk father And mother. Pfc. ■ 1( the slM of *■ larodnee h r&- trow stationed at San Franelsoo, vstitb Ssowxa ixMazeib CitlMovhia. and I» getUhg along. ^ mller ia not penaitted under , J, K> Fetts, of Hays bga, h jj^od In^d p. ehazg«4 pdod mast be redaced propoitiou..