^VOU XXXV; NoVsO II -- ■ 1 — - j . — " . Published Mondays and Thmgpdays^ {NORTH |i^liiKEBBQji^, N.,C.,. MONDAY, ■iiifniniiiii I,■INI iiTiy'wii^iWMaMahafciaaagMB^rifc^ In thf^tiy^W^pO 6nt State f JUDGE HAYES TO SPEAK- Large Crowd 4tb At Rally July Singinsi And Victory Rally Program To Be gin At County Courthouse Saturday Af ternoon At One O’clock IN WILKES— Only Few Have Purchased Auto Stamp. Stickers Law Requires Display July 1st; Must Have Stamp To Get Ration Book THIS SHOWS HOW— into jn\/Twj nvtTT— - SCRAP RUBBER WILL RELIEVE THE SHORTAGE LeadWs in charge of arrange ments are expecting a verj- snc- oessmi paortotlc rally at the Wilkes courthott^ on the af ternoon of July 4th. The patriotic rally, which will feature an address by Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of WUkesboro, will be combined with the annual fourth of Ji’ly singing and the program will open al e“® o'clock. The address of Judge Hayes win take place about two o' clock, Pat Williams,- rally chaiiman, said today. Rallies arc being held throughout the state at the re quest of Governor J. M. RroughUm and are being ar ranged by tlie Civilian Defense Councils of the various coun ties. , It is expected that Wilkes, which has gloriously answerel every patriotic call from the struggle for independence to the present day, will stage a most appropriate rally and that a large crowd will attend. Today, June 29, only a compar atively few have pifrchased the federal autO| stamp sticker, al-; though the law requires that tv-[ ry motor vehicle display a sticker by July 1. I The s'ickers. which cost $.5.00 each and represent payment of the federal auto use tax for a ar4 On sale CANNING SUGAR— PAUL OSBORNE’S— Ladies Volunteer Report Kiwanis For Registering In Convention Is y^ineteen Schools Heard By Club period of one year at the postoffice. This tim« the stickers are gummed on the face side and are suitable for placing on the wind shields. Each sticker will have & serial number, and it w'ill be necessary to give the number on the sticker when registering for gasoline * rationing on July 9, 10 and 11. On the ba.ck side of the sticker is a place for placing the make of the car, motor number and au to license number. This,is de- Home Club Members to Reg ister People For Sugar On Gas Registering Dates club Home demonstration women have volunteered to carry on canning sugar registration along with gasoline rationing registration at schools on July 9. 40“nd 11. C. B. Eller, sugar rat ioning administrator in Wilkea. said today. This will be a great convenience who hfe-we been ^r rural people enable to register for canning sugar in North Wilkesboro and WUkesboro durin.g the period set aside tor that purpose and which will close Thursday of this week The gasoline registering will be at the following schools on Ju- 9. 10 end n; Wilkesboro, pmer, Ferguson, Moravian Mountain Crest. I^ovelace. Nfounl Pleasant. Maple Springs. Millers Creek. Cricket. Clingraan, Mullierry. Mountain View, Trap- hill. Benham. Ronda, Plea»int Hill. Roaring River, North Wilkesboro town ball, and Bine oln Heights. Club May Purchase Pure bred Bull To Be Used To Build Up Dairy Herds signed to prevent transfer of a sticker from one car to another to avoid payment of tax. Penalties are provided In fed eral courts for failure to purch ase and display the federal tax stickers as provided by law. V 109,015 Pounds Of Scrap Rubber b CoD^edln Wilkes W. J. Bason Asks Report From All Stations Receiv ing Scrap Rubber Thursday of this week w'ill be the las^t day of the period set North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club held an interesting meeting Friday noon at Hotel Wilkes. Featuring the program was the report of Kiwanis International convention, which was held re cently in Cleveland. Ohio. The report was given hy Paul Os borne. who, with Mrs. Osborne and T. E. Story, club secretary, were the local representatives at the convention. The theme of the convention this year was “Victory by united Effort and by Individual Service". The entire program of the con vention was an effort to further inspire 'he delegates and repre sentatives to .go hack to their re spective clubs and become a tell ing part in the war program. The Kiwani.s constituency now repre sents more than 11.3,000 men in 2.200 clubs in tho United States and Canada. Paul’s report indicated that the highest type of entertainment was provided in every department of the program. Inspirational Stores Will Be Open July 4th Stores in North WilkersI>o- ro will be oi>en for business a.s u.sual on July 4tli. Both banks here, Tlie Bank of North Wilkesboro and Tl^e \orib\v«sstern Bank, wdlJ fte closed on July 4th. . » ■ When yon answer the natlon’j call for your scrap rubber, here Is what becomes of If before It I reclaimed ^rubber, mixed with crude and served up to bridge the shortage. At left you ! which has been ground, heated and mixed before being forced through a fine screen to remove dirt. The rnb- I ber comes out like spaghetti strings. At right is a pile of finely ground rubber %crap. Today’s War Reports xr ^ • \r President Roosevelt today ex tended the scrap rubber collection campaign until July 10. Total of scrop rubber collected In Wilkes during the current campaign has passed well over the 100,000 pound mark and may reach the goal of 150,000 pounds by the end of the drive Juir 10. W. J. Bason, Wilkes chair man for the petroleum Industries council sponsoring the drive at the request of President Rooee- velt, said today. This amount did not include several thousand ipounds which had been purchased during the drive by scrap dealers. Chairman Bason urged that all service stations receiving rubber report to him the amount recei ved by Friday July 10, In or der that be may make an imme diate and complete report to the President as early as possible after that date. He urged that everybody make a thorough search at once for scrap rubber and to turn in every piece found, regardless of its size and weight, because rubber is precious and every ounce w need ed in the war effort and for es sential civilian use. V- NEAR ELKIN— Two In Jail, One In Hospital After Affray Saturday Germans Claim Matruh Captured Today^erniAB and Italian ra dio spokwmfKn ^claimed that Matruh British strtHighold in Kftypt, h^ !»®®n captured witli 1,000 troops. British .sources said that their forces may have witlidrawn from tliat area but did not admit capture. Wilkes fficers were called to a point near Elkin on highway 26S Saturday evening to investigate what appeared to have been a grand slam, bang up altorcaMon. Furious Battle On Desert Sands Cairo.— The battle for raged furiously in the Germans Attack Russians Again Moscow, Monday. — The Ger mans have- opened a third major summer front with an offensive from the key stronghold, Kursk, 2S0 miles south of Moscow, while pouring more and more men against the Russian defenses in the Kharkov and Sevastopol bat tles, the Russians reported early today. (The Germans apparently sprang their new drive from strong entrenchments from which Egypt the Red army never wa.s able to desert I dislodge them during its great Japs Lost 4 Big Aircraft Carriers Pearl Harbor, T. H.—The navy announced yesterday that the staggering losf5es inflicted on the Japanese fleet in the liattle of Midway included four aircraft carriers sunk with aircraft total ing about 275 planes, together er with the crews of the planes. Enemy ships also announced as sunk were two heavy cruisers, three destroyers, ana one or more transport or cargo vessels. A fourth destroj'er was listed as probably sunk. IN asheIville-- Purchasing Nine Purebred Bulls Wilkes and Surry County Agents Today Get Bulls Donated For Farmers Sheriff C. T. Houghton there Cauldron southwest of Matruh counter offensive of last winter - yesterday with the reinforced'and early spring, which regained received reporta that the service jarmy grimly holding its | so much territory elsewhere.) _x .X* TrvlTv aside for registration for canning ' , . • - . t — mn. TXrtlV k 1 mii.sic by a male choir, excellent station operated by Fred Jolly had been robbed, that Dan Eld sugar, which has been underway at Wilkesboro school for board number 1 and North Wilkesbore town hall for board number 3. ggistration was carried out , y today and tomorrow the lOurs will be nine to 12 and one :o five. The same hours will be jbserved Thursday. On Ga-soline Regi.stration instrumental music and great group singing, boat trips, ban quets, and the International Ice Revue, were some of the high lights. One matter was brought to the attention of the club from the Directors meeliiig, which was the purchasing of a registered bull by the club to go with the others I main position against the l r-fccT'Ti\/c oc*u ianized might of the Axis Africa | EFFECTIVE 26th ridge, of Elkin had been run over j„ wild melee, the out-) by a truck "and taken ’o the hos- „f which may decide the Motorfets who have lost their [that iiave been bought for this Bgistralion cards are reques'ed | county. Recently there have b®®® secure duplicates now for the i,,ught by the Coble Dairy registration beginning warned [Bne 9. '• Truck operators are lat they must b-e able to tell the umber of miles driven during [ay this year, the expected mile- ge during July. eptomber this year, and th umber of miles per gallon of asollne. ^ ■OR THIS MONTH— Public Assistance Totals $8,840.50 9 AgeJ $6,039; De pendent Children Get $2,287.50; Blind $614 company and the two banks four bulls from the Biltmore dairy farm and these will he dis tributed among the farmers of the county. After the discussion. P. W. Eshelraan proposed to buy one for his company and the club voted to empower the finance committee to buy one if the finan ces are sufficient. By motion of S. T. Taylor it was suggested that acknowledg ment be made to Governor Broughton for his interest recent ly shown in the industries of this community. At the meeting Friday Paul Osborne had as his guest Mrs. Osborne and P. W. Eshelman. Jr., was a guest of his father. to r>„hlic assistance grants aged, dependent children i’-t Wilkes county dur- " June totaled $S.940.50 ac- +n figures released today 5 Charles €. McNeill, county Welfare 039 Of that amount $6,039 vent floo needy persons over. 65 ^mioB to the three major were smaller expen- for hospitalization and th«r causes ^ LAbo*^ management committees [f. ev^- hooatlng production In n« ffc»a *0® plants. Escaped Inmate Hospital Taken Before Hospital Kne-w Of'Escape George Kilby. WUke.s man committed to the state hospi tal for the insane at Nlorgan- ton 9l.x week-s ago, was plrkel p by Deputy Worth .‘tale In in Wilkesboro Thursday. Wilkes officers called the ho.spital authorities at Mon?an- ton and they said that Kilby waa there. They had not learn ed of his escape at that time but checked up to find that KOby had left from a part of the inaUtathm where he waa working. tal in Elkin, and that Hasting.s and Bill Eldridge had engaged in the altercation. | An account of what really lmp-| pctied may come out in a hearing to be held in Wilkesboro Tues day afternoon for Has'ing.s and Bill Eldridge, who are charged with currying a concealed weapon, assault and robbery. the FUNERAL SUNDAY— T. G. Foster Is Taken By Death fate of the Middle East and length of the global war. The desperate battle was join ed by the full forces of both sides Saturday afternoon, 'spurted fitfully throughout the night, and was rejoined with redoubled en ergy at dawn yesterday. Guy Resigns As Baptist Pastor In Wilkesboro METHODIST— Church School On Picnic Friday I Wilkesboro Baptist Pastor Will Enter Southern Bap tist Seminary Soon Chinese Attack jjaps Successfully I Encouraged by the joint pledge issued Saturday by President Roosevelt and the British prime minister, that mea-sures against Japan have been prepared and that new methods to relieve Chi na will be undertaken. General issimo Chiang Kai-Shek's hard- pressed troops struck savagely al the Japanese on two fronts yes terday and scored local succesee.s. Rev. T. Sloane Guy. Jr., on Sunday tendered his resignation as pastor of the Wilkesboro Bap tist church. He resigned to en'er th,e South- i North Wilkesboro Methodist I ern Baptist Theological Seminary 'church school enjoyed a. picnic iat Louisville. Ky„ where he and J. B. Snipes, agent, and A. county agent, to Asheville to purebred bulls Wilkes county P. Cobb. Surry wen' today purchase nine to be II-led to build up dairy herds in Wilke.s, Surry and 'Y'adkin coiiniii--. The bulls wilb be purchased from the Biltmore e.state .ind funds are being provided hy do- nutions. Coble Dairy Products company, which is operating its new plan*, in Wilkesboro, gave funds to purchase two. The North western Bank, Bank of .N'orth Wilkesboro and Wilkes Hosiery Mills, of North Wilkesboro. are buying one each. The Surrv coun ty bull buyers are Elkin .Merch ants a.ssocialion, bankers. Cham ber of Commerce and Elkin Ki wanis Club. Bremen Blasted By 1,000 Planes London.—The R. A. F. rekind led the smouldering fires of de vastated Bremen overnight in the second massive assault within three days upon that spawning' ground of submarines prowling ] Rgy yesterday the, AT METHODIST— Revival To Begin In Wilkesboro 5th Pishing Creek Arbor church bn Sunday afternoon to attend H'® j funeral services for T. C. Foeter. | -pj,g pjenic marked the end of prominent citizen of that comma- successful vacation Bible Wilkesboro Baptist c^rch nity who died Friday afternoon. the church 3-30 at his home on Wilkesboro 2OO, including adults as'hts leaaorstup tne wuxesooro pg^, jt """ c,, bo” oTAprilTTlSS . .on 011'"%...,. ... .» .bundanc, otllly .nd b.vlns . I.rf.r pro.r.m A. C. Gibbs, District Superintendent, To Be Guest Minister ,cu.b... -.-0-0-- - I the Atlantic and A large crowd gathered at, p,.ijay evening at Moore’s Mill | Mrs. Guy will go early this fall. | London wee: "There' seven miles out on the Statesville 1 His resignation will be effective , ,gfj gf Bremen.' after the fourth Sunday in July, j ,ni„ia;ry, without dis-j Rev. Mr. Guy came to th® gi„ging just how many plane.s i Rsv. A, C. Gibbs, of Elkin, sn- ^’■“'" participated in this return raid ' perinfendent of the Elkin district and more I S-atesville in April, 1941. Under | n^rmanv’s second largest! of the Methodust church, will be adults as I his leadership the Wilkesboro the late Anthony and Rachel [good eats. Curry Foster. Throughout his i While the children 'Beaded in life he was active in community Hunting Creek, the men enjoyed affairs and was well known in j pitching horseshoes, and softball ate. ‘ practice. Some of t this part of the state. I practice. Some of the high scor- Surviving Mr. Foster are hisjj^,g players lA horseshoes Inclu- widow, Mrs. Nancy M. Foster, oft^gd j. B. Carter. J. R. Hlx, Jack Wilkesboro route two, and the [.gwofford. W. B. Jones, W. H. following sons and daughters: jpatton. J. B. Snipes, J. H. Rec- Mrs. E. L. Chambers, Wilkesboro: [tor, W. G. Gabriel, Dr. J. S. Mrs. Guthbert Dowming, Faye'le-' pgang and Wm. H. Duhling. Mr. ville; Mrs. Branson Benton, Pur- Bulling ig superintendent of the lear; Mrs. C. C. Miller, Sparks, i g^urch school. was made by o the guest minister in the revival ^ . (-'strong force," the same phrase services to begin at the Wilkeslro- increaslng its memibership stead-[ describe bliteration raids ro Methodist church on Sunday by more than 1,000 bombers on evening, July 5. Thursday night against Bremen' Rev. 5'r. Gibbs will assist the and earlier agelnst Cologne and pas'or. Dr. J. C. Stokes, in the i,of activity and finance. Twenty- Nevada; Mrs. M. K. Davis, Ral eigh; Miss Elsie Foster. Wilkes boro: B. M. Poster, Wilkesboro; Gaither Foster, Sparks, Nevada: and Hayes Foster, Reno, Nevada. The funeral service was con ducted by Rev. J. W. Youngeir and Rev. Peryis Parks. Inter ment was in the church cemetery. The “old oaken bucket" Is coming back: 'WPB is encourag; ing manufacture of wooden palls and tubs reqaiiing not more than 15 per cent metal. Bring Back Man On ^ad Check Charge Keller Eller, member of the citjp police force; went te Carthage last week to bring Bob Teague four were added to the church by baptism in the service Sun day. night. ' The church wiH appoint T pul pit committee next Shnday to se- chre a pastor to succeed Rev. Mr. Guy when his resignation becomes effective. At the Seminary Rev. Mr. Guy will Study for a master’s degree in theology. ■V Rev. J. M. Hayes Will Preach In Purlear Revival Rev. J. M. Hayes, pastor of North Winston Baptist church, win return to his native commu nity to preach In a revival at Pur- Essen. COMING AGAIN— Navy Recruiter . Here Two Days volunteers wanted series of services. Evening servi ces will be held et eight o’clock and the hour for the day service I will be announced later. I A cordial Invitation is extended ' all to attend the revival services. i Want a free pass to The Allen Bruce Gatton, of the Salisbury Theatre for a couple hours of office of the Navy recruiting ser- sp'ent helping Uncle Sam win vice, took a number of applica tions for enlistment in the navy while at the town hall here Thursday and Friday. His next sta? here will he on Thursday and Friday, July 9 of Siler City here to face charges nIty to preach In a revival at Pur- ^,j interested in of giving a_worthless $75 check |e®T^Bapttet church be^ nj navy are urged to Carl A. Lowe and Sons. Teague was placed In jail to await trial. Policqman Eller was Monday, July 13. Announcement of the revival was made today by Rev. P. C. Watts, pastor, who :::^;inled on tS; trlpljy I. M. cirdlalb'. Invites all tb the revl Myera. ^ ^ aervlceg. ■/-, enlisting in the navy are urged to see him here at that time. He asked that thoee who, wish tlJen thk war? If so, get in touch with W. J. Allen, the manager, right- away. The theatre is in neqd of youns ladies who are willing to . take charge of the war bond and stamp booth on Saturdays In shifts of two hours each. ^And remember, yon get a free pass to the show. V- ^ Messrs. L. H. Hollar and Lloyd Ust prior to July 9-go directly to i Hayes, “of Boone, were KortK the Salisbury office;' [wtlkeeborb rlsltors today. ^ '^4