.N. . jaiv. .ml nffs-t'^Vii ^:-f- Up Sharpen sr lfw huh 30,000 Pounds Of Super Phosphate Will Be Availahlp on Ownitan troopa drove to- within ao miles of ^trakhaa, at the month of the Volga Rlvito, Wed nesday lu a 45-miIe eastward ad- T»nce from the Don River bend, and the Nazi high command elaimed that a southbound spear head has captured Kropotkin, on the main line Caucasus railway only 60 miles from the Maikop oil fields. Marshal Semyon Tlmoshenke’s armies fought beck fiercely, giv ing no indication of a general break-down In the Russian defen- •es, but the Germans stormed ahead on every important sector of the 300-mlIe front, aided by parachutists end air-born© mid- cet tanks. Addnlt Advantage Moscow’s Wednesday midnight communlqpe admitted that the Germans have reached the vicin ity of Koteinikova, 45 miles al most due east of Tslmlyanskaya, which had been mentioned as an anchor point in the battle line only 24 hours earlier. The communique said the Ger mans still were advancing In that sector. S. L. Turner, Triple A' executive officer for Wilkee, said today that 30,000 pounds of 19 per cent su per phosphate will arrive soon for distribution to Wilkes far- msrs. The super phosphate may be used on 1942 or 1943 farm programs. -V AT LABORATORY— Fruit Growers To Meet Friday Brjishy Mountain Fruit Grow ers will have another fruit mar keting meeting Friday night, 8:30 at the apple research lab oratory at Kilby’s Gap on high way 16. H. R. Niswonger and H. W. Taylor, of the extension service, will be preseiit to help in the marketing plans discussions. A committee of 16 appointed at a previous meeting will moke its report to the meeting. Efforts are being made to find the most practical plans for mar keting apples to the government for use by the armed forces. Kotelnikovo is 100 miles south west of Stalingrad, great indus trial city of the lower Volga. Kletskaya, upper anchor-point in the 300-mile front^ is 70 miles northwest of Stalingrad. Maneuvering The Germans were thus ma neuvering info position for a pin cers assault On Stalingrad, al though their main goal was believed to be Astrakhan, where the Volga empties into the Cas pian Sea, and whose fall would slice off the Caucasus from the rest of Russia and slash the Al lied supply route leading up from Iran. -V Metal Press Now- In Operation Here Married Yesterday A wedding of much interest to people of the county was solemn ized yesterday at Glendale Springs when Miss Mary Brown, of Vannoy. became the bride of Mr. R. B. Vannoy, of Wilbar. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's pastor^ Rev. J. W. Luke, well known Presby terian minister. Mr. Vannoy Is a brother to Mrs. C. E. Jenkins and Mrs. Ethel Vannoy. of this city. -V Carl A. Lowe and Sons, licen sed metal dealers, have Just placed In operation their new Dempster metal press, and now all kinds of tin and other light metals are being pressed Into bundles weighing about 100 pounds. The prese, operating under great hydraulic pressure, crushes the tin and other metals in a small bundle in almost a mo ment's time, and it is quite inter esting to see the new machine in operation. The new press is the only one of ite kind in operation in this section. V Further Reductions At Bare*s Big Sale To Begin Revival At Second Baptist Rev. I.. B. Murray, of State Road, will begin a revival Sunday, 1 merchandise. Baptist Iprietor of the store Avgust i), at the second church in this city. The public has a most cordial invitation to all the services. Thrifty shoppers visiting Bare’s Department Store this week-end will find further reductions in needed merchandise as many prices throughout the store have been cut even closer to the “bone”. Bare’s big ' ‘‘unloading Sale’’ continues in progress in a big way with many people visiting the store daily. “We bought too heavy on the markets, and we must make room for our new fall Gilbert Bare, pro- aaid today Sdiednlil^ Picnics Giv^n ' # First of Sorios of Gatherings Held Very Successfully At Ferguson Last Week Schedule of farm community picnics for next week was an nounced today by J. B. Snipes, county farm' agent. The first of a series of picnics sponsored by the 4-H clubs, home demonstration clubs and land use planning communities was held last week at Ferguson with mora than 150 rural people thorough ly enjoying the gathering. Swim ming and various other recrea tional activities were carried out In connection with the picnic din ner. The picnics were planned as a substitute for Farm and Home Week and other events cancelled because of transportation diffi culties end the need to conserve gasoline and tires. Home coming day Sunday at De hart chtuch was a great success. A large crowd-was present and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Speakers during the all day ser vices included J. A. Gilliam, Sam Childrees, Rev . Milo Huie and Rev. Hilary Blevins, pastor of the church. The church 'I'wk Aaanal ^hurch Piwicway I Naaf . ’ Bang liAimouncod iimnual home coming at Blue Ridge church, located on top of I World” To ^ t£et S^jeet iSe morning seiwiee last _V Ridge church, locattm on top ot flfrt Bfiptlrt cfi'urci the Blue Ridge on the-Parkway *onil'n*>'the pastor held On Sunday, August 9. L .’r/j Miss Kate FlnIey,v’»J»o,**®’^A position In New Tork City, At the 11:00 p'olo*Tir«fii|Wp spending a month here with hOr, father and mother, Mr., and Mrs. J. R. Finley. The day’s'propom with Sunday sehool at 10; m. I Light of the Work will open „ - jtext II Cor. 4:6 commanded the a. m. At 11:80 a. m. will be darkness, presentation of dally vacation ’, using, as a 'or God, who light to rtlne hath shined in Enough money was paint the church building and to erect a pulpit. All enjoyed the songs which were sung by Marcus Gambill and quartet. J. Y. Brooks made a short talk, telling of the organiza tion of the church.' His talk Was very mueh- ert}i>yed; t Revival services will begin at Dehart church Sunday with the pastor. Rev. Hilary Blevins, in charge, assisted by Rev., Monroe Dillard and other ministers. The progressing, presentation of dally vacation , hearts, to give the light of the. donated to Bible school prises and singing j-^jowledge of the glory of God in T Wi 1—" .knowledge of the glory of God in iby visiting and. local choirs. Plc-!t},e face of Jesus Christ.” nic dinner and .visiting hour will, begin at 19:15. In the afternoon seeelon will be greetings from visitors and an ad dress by Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr.. .pastor of ^ the Ftrst Baptist church In North Wllkesboro. Rev. Levi Green, local minister, will preside during the day. V isoiine ana ures. —,T. • j- „ • j* j Next week three picnics are public is cordially invited ^to at- “Therefore, now's the time for the people to buy at real, money- saving prices.” CARL A LOWE &SONS BUYERS —of— Steel, Cast, Tin, Rubber and Rags Bring all of the above you can to us. We will pay you HIGHEST CASH PRICES. Saturday, August 8th, is Scrap Metal Day. Get up all you can find about your premises and bring it to us. Your efforts in this direc tion will help lain the war. Cim I. LOWE ISONS Forester Avenue North Wilkesbtnro, N. C. planned. One will h© at Ronda on Tuesday, August 11. the second on 'Wednesday, August 12, at Mountain 'View, and the third on Friday. August 14, at Austin. The'picnics will he et 7 o’clock p. m. and all farm people are urged to attend the one most con venient. V tend the services.—Reported. V- Naval Officer Is Recruiting Here For Three Days Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Williams, of Bryn Mawr, Pa., are the proud parents.of a daughter, Ann Cas- sel, born Tuesday, August 4th. Mrs. Williams, the former Miss Marianna Cassell, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cassel, of Wllkesboro. At'the 8 p. m. evening worship service in the First Baptist church the Reverend A. C. Waggoner, pastor ot the First Methodist church will speak. The public is invited to attend. EXPERT RADIATOR SERVICE No Job Too Large or Too Small Union Service At Firpt Baptist Sunday 8 P. ML , The Union Sunday evening- [evening worship service sponsor- 'ed by the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches will be held this Sunday evening, 8 o’clock, at the First Baptist church. Rev. A. C. Waggoner of the Methodist church will preach the sermon WilkesAutoSales Forester Avenue PHONE 51 WILKES MEN WITH THE COLORS (Continued from page 1) Carolina Beach. He entered the service almost two years ago when the national guard company here w'ent into training. Staley Transferred ■Pvt. W. T. Staley has been transferred from Fort Eustlce, Va., to Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Pvt. Staley, a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Staley, of Wilbar, was principal of Cricket school before he -was inducted into the service early this ypr. Cadet Blevins Returns Aviation Cadet Clarence E. Blevins has returned to Maxwell Field. Ala, after spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Blevins, of Hay». Cadet Blevins is a graduate of Mountain 'View high school. He also attended N. C. State Col lege four years. On completing an agricultural course he w.-is employed as milk tester in West ern North Carolina. At the time of his enlistment in the Air Corps he held a position with Farmers Cooperative Dairy, of Winston-Salem. At Maxwell Field Cadet Blevins is in training for Bombadier Navigator and expects to receive his wingts in early spring. Harry Gatton, from the Salis bury office of the navy’s recruit ing service, arrived today lo spend today, Friday and Satur day interviewing men interested in enlisting in the navy. Gatton is stationed at the town hall. Today the officeii accepted ap plication of R. Ivey Moore, of this city, as a candidate for re- enlistment in the navy as phar macist mate, second class. Appli cation for enlistment was made by Sam Harris. Jr., colored. The naval officer pointed out here today that starting pay in the navy is $50 per month for apprentice seamen and that men with trades may cnli.st with great er pay. Those with trades may interview Gat:on here Friday and Lt. W. G. Wray in Salisbury Saturday or Sunday. V Oakwoods Revival To Begin Monday A revival mee'ing wili^ begin at Oakwoods Baptist churbh Mon day nlsht, August 10th, at 8 o’ clock. Rev. N. C. Teague, of Lex ington, will assist the pastor. Rev. F. C. Watts. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the services. CARD OF TH.\NK.S Branford Brooks Promoted To Technical Sergeant Branforor Brooks, son of. Mr. apd Mrs. Wiley Brooks, who re side near the city, has just been promoted from staff sergeant to technical sergeant, according to word received by his parents. Sgt. Brooks was located at For* Moultrie at Charleston. S. C., but has been transferred to a camp in Virginia. He expec's to be transferred again soon to Wash ington, D. C., for technioal train ing. We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for tl ir kindness ami words of comfort in our recent bereaveme it by loss of our dear father, L. L. Jones. We also thank each one for the beautiful floral offering. May God’s richest .blesisings tie with each one. THE JONES FAMILY Announcing.... Two New Members To Our Staff ... Miss Lola Belle Pardue and Sybil Johnson TWO EXPERT COSMETOLOGISTS to serve our growing clientele in addition to our already efficient staff. Poth Miss Pardue and Mrs. Johnson are highly trained and experienced operators, assuring our pa trons the same high class beauty culture they have re ceived in the past. Mrs. Johnson has been trained to give the new “VICTORY” Hair Cuts. See her for yours. Emily^s Beauty Salon MRS. C. M. CRANOR, Mgr. ’Phone 168 I Electrician Mate H. B, Moran Home on Visit Electrician Mate (First Class! IH. B. Moran has returned to his station at Southport. N. C., after spending a few days this week at his home near Traphlll. Momn has l-een in the U. S. Navy-for 24 years. Sir pson In Training Pvt. Floyd H. Simpson, son of [Mrs. Viola Simpson, ot Dockery, j haa been enrolled as a student In the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command at Keesler Field, Miss., and has started an Intensive 19-weeko course lo qualify ae en airplane mechanic. He completed his basic training at Fort Bragg some time ago. Before completing his course Pv*. Blmpeon will be given thorough training in Inspection of single and multi-motored planes. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO founded august 1907 1hu¥lli«ekisfMniqk? THIS TRADE MARK IS 35 YEARS OLD Seaman Robinett Here Seaman George M. Robinett, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rob inett, of Shellman, Ga., arrived today on 'a few days’ visit with friends. Seaman ROiblnett is sta tioned at Norfolk, Vo. -V Pisgah Baptist Church Revival The revival meeting will begin at Mt. Pisgah Baptist church Sun day, August 9. There will ^be morning servees at 10:30 and *an evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Beginning with the Sunday morning service, Rev. S. I. Watts, of Boomer, will assst the pastor Rev. R. F. Ooyd, in the meeting Everyone is invited to attend these services. ' -- . Assets $109,000,000 ★ Capital, Surplus and Con- tin * ency Fund over * $9,000,000. •k 1128,000,000 paid in poli^r benefits since organizaaon in 1907. k 185,000 policyholders own $465,000,000 Jefferson Standard Life Insurance. k Our ability to make highly satisfactory investments, par ticularly over the past ten years, HAS ENABLED US TO PAY 5% piTEREST on funds held in trust, for policyholders and benefici aries. Jefferson Standard policy dollars-ARE larger. can best be answereu wiin uic r THE BkMI£fl>EFeN$E SPECML MORE PROmtOM-LESSMOMSy T oday, life insurance is purchased primanly to replace lost income. What monthly income will your present life insurance give you family? Figure it out —then ask yourself: Will my life insurance imurt the "life” of my family? If your answer is ’/no," let our represenutive explain a policy desigwd to mwt the present-day need for more income at less cost —THt FAMILY DEFENSE SPECIAL Under this plan a $10,000 poUcy will provide an income of $96. W pet month for ten years guaranteed And the investment is y et monm lor ten yean ... -—- ^r month ^r $1,000 (age 35) for Ae fim Ordinary Life rate thereaftei. (Issued only to Preferred Risks—mini mum $2,500.) Inv^tigate the FAMILY DEFENSE SPECIAL- you can tnough protection. Give your family more mcome at less cost. HOW LON.G WILL $4000 LAST? At 3% interest, 54,000 in life insur ance will give your family an income of $100 per month for only 42 months. hfive I8Y WAI UNBS \ STAMPS Dorman T. Payne LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE- Poindexter Building - North Wllkesboro, N. C. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0./.' • GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA