I ■4 Boomer, were TJsltors to the ci^y i River, t.w, ^ veoterder. ' ' I Winces county folk ]^»ylng a vts-| Miss Mary Ann Tomlinson, of ; it to North Wilkesboro this week.; visiting '• WUnston-Salem, is here with Miss Lucille Casey. Attorney Eugene Trivette was In Statesville Wednesday looking after business matters. Mr. Sam Ogllvie spent last week at Warm Springs Founda tion. Warm Springs, Ga. Mr. J. P. Combs, who had an • operation several dajrs ago at a Statesville hospital, has returned to ’■'is home here. Mr. Granville Greene, promin ent resident of Newcastle town ship, was a business visitor lo the city yesterday. Privates Saan E. Pruitt and Eu gene Long, of Fort Jackson, S. C., were North Wilkesboro visit ors today. Messrs. R. C. end Earl Mead ows, of Pores Knob, were business ■visitors to Lenoir and Blowing Rock Wednesday. 1^ Mr. Hubert Canter, manager ^ of T 0 m 11 n s o n’s Depart ment Store, is on a buying trip to St. Louis, Mo.j this week. Mr. J. M. Dix. of Nashville, Ga., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tal Barnes. Mr. DIx is the father of Mrs. Barnes. Miss Anne Lee Tolor has ' at tx)ree xvu j; B. Church, of I^oarlng j p^gnts. Mr. v^ies ' among the ' many ^ Meadows.' ' ''' Mi». Robert Myers, of.i Balti more Md„ Is visiting In, "VTOkes- Mrs. C. A. Dlmmette ■Ijjpj.Qparents, Mr. and T,—„# o— ^ g Minton. ^Mr. Myers holds a position In e shipyard at Baltimore. Mrs. Wiley Brooks end dangh- Mr. and and M,1s8 Mildred Pardue, of Ron da. were visitors to the city yes terday. Mrs. Arthur Lowe and little JlilO. MWTVN.. 0118. VV licjr daughter, Rebecca, have returned ter-in-law, Mrs. Branford Brooks to their home In Wilkesboro at- j jjave returned home from ter a visit in S'atesville with , Qjjafiggton, S. C„ where JUey vis- Mrs. James Creedmore. jited Sgt Branford Brooks for Mrs. Estelle Nichols has re- ^ several days, sumed her duties tut Balk’s as a | j. c. Thompson, 90 years member of the sales personnel | g^gg^ gp^ daughter, Mrs. E. C. after an absence of several weeks oreene, well known residents of due to illness Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones left Tuesday for a two-weeks vaca tion trip to Clemmons, Mocks- ville. Rocky Mount and Kings Mountain. Mrs. Cecil Wiles and daughters. Doris and Carolyn, are spending this week In Lenoir with Mr.s. Wiles’ father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Blalock. Mi.sse.s Zelle and Joy Harris, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harris, of Roaring River, were North Wilkesboro visitors yester day. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Snyder, of Winston-Salem, were In North Wilkesboro the latter part of the turned to her home at Mt. Airy week. They are former residents after a visit here with Misses i oi this city. Nancv Long and Annie Eller. | Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rousseau Mr'. Charles Day, Jr., of Dur-|and daughter. Dianne, have re ham, spent the week-end tn the turned to Washington, R C.. at- clty with h»s father, Mr. C.G. Day, ter spending several days with relatives here. Messrs. Jimmie Moore, Buster Bush and Henry Waugh are Miss Jessica Davis Is spending this week in S't. Augustine, ^pepiiing this w-eek camping and Ida, with her sister, Mrs. H. K. ' ... Johnson. ! .Mrs, Maude Craven, of W’agon-1 er, spent Tuesday and tVednes- day with her niece. Dr. Carolyn Taylor. I Dr. W. A. Taylor at d Dr. Car in Ashe olyn Taylor attended the Taylor family reunion Sunday at Dr. G. Vf. Taylor’s home in .Mooresville. Mr. W. E. Horton and little daughter, Elizabeth, of the Fer guson community, were in th ' city yesterday for a few hours. Mr. I. M. Myers, proprietor fishing on'New River county. Misses Helen and Betty Tay'or and Mis? Irene Hollifield, of Mar ion. spent the week-end here wuh •he Misses Taylor’s father, Mr E. F. Taylor. Mrs. Frank L. Smi’h of Char lotte, arrived Tuesday and is vi.siting her sister.?, Mrs. J. H. Johnson and Mrs. Paul Hutchens, Mr. ■W.H.H. W'augb the Purlear section of the coun ty, were among those here yes terday for several hours. Mr. James Osborne ' is able to be out again following a few days’ Illness at his home in ■Wilkesboro. Mr. Osborne is con nected with the Presley E. Brown lumber plant. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buchan an. of this city, are few days’ camping trip to Far mer’s Dam on New River In Ashe county. They left Tuesday morn ing on their vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Howell, of Winston-Salem, were among those attending the funeral services conducted Tuesday afternoon at Moravian Falls for Mrs. Gertrude Hubbard Peorson. Miss Mary Charles Alexander, who Is attending summer school at W. C. U. N. C. at Greensboro, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Alexander, of Wilkesboro, for several hours Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Nelson and Miss Mary Nelson, of Florence, S. C., ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nelson, of this city. Mrs. Nelson is Mr. Nelson’s mother and Miss Nelson is his sister. Mrs. O. S. Wmters and son. Gene, returned to their home ut Laurinburg, N. C.. last week af ter spending a few weeks here with Mrs. Winters’ mother, Mrs. 1). G. Wiles. Mrs. Herschel Saxon, who Is making her home with her moth- hls uncle,' Mr. Larkin JolBjes, la impfopijng at the WUkte ho|plta1. He rCCMved a knife stab ■wound In the left side of his chest and his left lung collapsed following the Injury. Mr. Frederic Bretbol, who has a position in Charlotte wlth_^ the Duke Power Co., vlsi'ed his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.-Bretbol, at Pores Knob, from Friday to Tuesday. ; Mrs. Frank Henderson return ed to Baltimore today after spend ing several days near the cUy with her paren's, Mr. and Mrs. L. P, Phillips. Mrs. Henderson was called here last week on account of the illness of her father. Mrs. W. S. Surratt, who resides near Washington, D. C„ Is visit ing with relatives at Moravian Palls and In 'Wilkesboro. Mrs. Surratt Is a sister to Mr. W. R. Hubbard, well known Moravian Falls resident.. - I Mr. and Mrs. Edd P., Gardner enjoying a ,children, Mary Lee and TA... ana Mrs. Hoyle Al&Wder *' Mrs. Eula Warren age 27, a bride of three days, died Tuesday evening, 6:46, In St. Joseph’s hospital In Asheville only a short time after she was stricken with a heart attack. Mrs.»Alexander, a daughter,of’ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Warren, of North Wilkesboro route one, was married to Edgar Alexander, of , Hays, In a formal ceremony Sat urday evening at Fairplalns Bap tist church ' near North Wilkes-, boro. They made a short wedding^ trip to points of Interest In west ern North Carolina and had gone . to Asheirllle, where Mr. Alexan-' der has a position. Funeral service for Mrs. Alex ander was held today, two o’- o’clock. at Fairplalns church,, with Rev. S. L. Blevins in charge, assisted by Rev. A. E. Watts. In addition to her husband and father and mother, Mrs. Alexan der, Is survived by the following William Mr. ana rare, noyie “'-■v - : . r' ,, _ • HutcbeuB and daughter, _ Margaret brother ’ e and brother, - Mr. L. P.' PrevoUe, who resides er in Lenoir In the Cricket community, was Lt. Herschel Saxon, is in service, carried to Johns-Hopkins Hospi- is spending several days here Call Hotel, returned Tuesday' tal in Baltimore yesterday for with Lt. Saxon’s mother, Mr^ R. roni Laurel Springs. Alleghany j treatment. Mr. Phillips has been J. Hinshaw. Lt. Saxon is with U. county where he has been | ill for several days. He was ac- S. forces in Ireland. Mrs. Hln- Anne, were at Waynesville Conn try Club for several days during the week-end. Mrs. Grace McGee, of Hudson, Is visiting in Wilkesboro with her mother, Mrs, Ella „McLaln, and sister, Mrs. Cora Lee Royle. Mr. end Mrs. McGee are expecting to move within the next few weeks to Myrtle Beach. Mr. Clate Blledge, of Taylors ville, was a business visitor to thef city Tuesday. Mr. Elledge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D.E. EUedge, of this city, and the manager of the Rhodes-Day-Elledge Furniture Company, at Taylorsville. Dr. J. H. Johnson, proprietor of the Rexall Store, attended a Rexall buying meeting in Char lotte Monday. He was accompa nied to Charlotte by Mrs. John son and daughter, Miss Billie Waugh Johnson, and son, Jay, Jr. Mr. C. H. Jones and two sons, Gwyn and Fred, of Purlear route one, were visitors in thifi city to- iday. Mr. Jones Is recuperating w^ile her husband, from a major operation perform ed July 10 at the Wilkes Hospl- Elledge, Hays; Mrs. Sophia Blev ins Laurel Springs; Miss Arizo na* Warren, Onville, Arthur, Granville and Claude Warren, of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Alexander had held a po sition for the past several years at Wilkes Hosiery Mills company here^and was well known in the community. V > spending several clays with .Mrs. Florence Myers and sons, Messrs, hobn and Robert Myers ‘companied to Baltimore by Mrs. Phillips and his son, Mr. Clyde Phimna shaw received a cablegram from him this week. He said he was getting along all rLht. New Additions To Staff Beauty Salon The Emily Beauty Salon is an nouncing today two new addi tions to its efficient staff. They are: Miss Lola Belle Pardue,who has been engaged In cosmetology work here for the past several years, and Mrs. Sybil Johnson, STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON MANY ITEMS OF GOODS To Clear Out All Our Remaining Stocks Of Summer Merchandise! Prices were cut deep on all summeil merchandise and many items of our re^lar staple lines for our big July Unloading Sale, smd hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise was moved out the first few days. We still have numerous items of summer merchandise on which still further reductions have been made to clear out the stock immediately and make room for arnving Fall goods. Better come in quick for the things you’ll need for this Summer and next while prices are at rock bottom! It’s a loss to us—a gain for you because we need the room and the cash, and cutting prices is the quick way to get both. Final warning for bargain-seekers, so get here quick and get the pick of the values!' Buy Summer Goods Now! Reirular Price Tags Will Go Back On Staple Merchandise Of All Kinds After This Sale FAIR STORE TENTH ST. tal. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Speas, of Winston-Salem, who spent last week at Shatley Springs in Ashe county, were guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buchanan. Mr. Speas is a brother of Mre. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Church, -n this citv, attended the Camp Meet ing held under the auspices of the Advent Christian church near Blowing Rock Sunday. The Camp Meeting, which has been In prog ress ten days, closed Sunday with the evening service. An eight and one-halt pound daughter was born Sunday night, August 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Luth er Mitchell, of Williamsburg. Va. Mrs Mitchell will be remember ed, here as Miss Texie Combs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Combs, of North Wilkesboro route thrive. Mr. DeWitt C. Miller, of Hays, is now working in Bermuda. Mr. Miller was on a ship which was torpedoed and sunk by a nazi submarine while on its way to the island. He was slightly Injured at the time but was rescued and was able to begin work when he reached hia destination. Mrs. Walter Moss and small daughter, Julianna, of Baton Rouge, La., returned to Mt. Airy yesterday after a week’s visit here with Miss Sue Moring Clem ents. They were accompanied here last week by Mrs. Moss’ mother, Mrs. J. E- Eoy, 'who re turned to Mt. Airy a few days ago. Mrs. R. R. Church and son, For rest, will return home Friday from a ten days visit with rela tives In Richmond, Va. While there they attended the wedding of Mrs. Church’s brother, Mr. Keerch Herndon, which was sol emnized Friday, July 31st, at the home of Mr. Herndon’s sis ter, Mrs. Alva Stuckey, Windsor Farms, Richmond. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Owenbey end Miss Lillie Egbert, of Reids- 'ville, passed through the Wllkes- boros yesterday enroute to their summer home at Lake Junatnska. Dr. Owenbey, former pastor at Myers Park Methodist church in Charlotte, Is now pastor of First Methodist church in Reldevllle. He is also a former pastor of the Wilkesboro Methodist church. Mrs. Ray Nicholson and son, „ay Arliss, of Newport, are spending this week at the home of Mr. &nd Mrs. M. E. Baugnss, Mrs. Nicholson’s parents. Mr. Nicholson accompanied them hero Saturday and returned Sunday. He has a job at the Marine air base at Cherry Point. Mrs. Nieh- olson and son will return to New port Saturday. Mrs. D. M. Wiles and son and daughter, Mr. Dwight Wiles and Miss Edna Wiles, also Mr. Leon l>rner, of this, city, and Mr. Bill Hayes, of Wilkesboro, left Wednes day to spend a week with Mr. D. M.* 'Wiles, who' has a position in Port Worth, Tfexas. NOW’S THE SPECML SALE or TIME TO BUY —DURING OUR.. STUDIO COUCHES We have just received a truck load of NEWLY DESIGNED Studio Couches, in the newest and latest colors, both in Tapestry and Velour. We bought these couches at an attractive price before the last market advance so we are passing the SAVING on to* our customers. 3 Different Colors in Tapestry — Blue, Wine and Green 4* SO Velour Stripes and Velour Decorated Couches. 52 .SO These prices are figured out on our Eafy Payment Plan, but if you pre fer to pay cash we wUf be pleased to allow you a liberal discount. No Article of Furniture is More Useful in tke Home than a Studio Couch — and Now They Are So Beauti ful and Modern. A Word To The WISE..... It lotdis like no more upholstered fur niture with springs will be manufac tured due to war connditions. We sug gest that you buy now ■while our stocks are complete. ^ I^HODES-DA Furniture Co. “Complete Furnishei-s of the Home ninth street NORTH WILKESBi^ N. C. b'v':

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