0, 1M2' lll^ InSnef F«rstu»» Aug. 3.—Chief among eignta here lest week was the aunity Picnic at ESk Creek which was attended by 160 «*]IUU people from all sections of ''^tus community and from the Champion section and from Cald- ^ well county. Also from'the Wilkes- boros came Mr. J. B. Snipes, coun- "*ty agent and Mrs. SnipM and chil dren, Mr. H. C. Colvara, assistant county agent, and Mrs. Colvard and children, also Miss Annie Laurie Homing, home demonstration agent. After swimming and horse shoe pitching by many of the pie- the^Q^^kl^ Md •Mrs. H. C. Wheeling. There was an over anundance of good things to eat and every one seemed to en joy this part of the occasion. The invocation was by Mr. William Harvey McGuire. Following the supper Mr. Snipes made a very in teresting talk on many of the ag ricultural problems of the day and gave farmers much i^holesome ad vice as to how their farms should be conducted in order to realize the best results. Mr. and Mrs. Colvard and Miss Herring were recognized and all of them re sponded with appropriate talks Mrs. Robert L. Ferguson, who has just arrived from Europe, was call ed upon for a talk and she respond ed by telling of the terrible condi- Attention; Truck Owners! ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE U. S. TRUCK CONSERVATION CORPS? The President of the United States has asked every truck owner to sign a pledge for adequate maintenance and conservation of his trucks in order to preserve anjd maintain our nation’s vital truck transportation facilities. To help you fulfill your pledge to the Government, we have prepared a special truck maintenance and conservation plan—available to owners of ail makes of trucks—that will conserve your trucks, conserve your tires and conserve your money. See us today. Sign your pledge and learn about our plan. GADDY MOTOR CO. OFFICIAL STATION U.S, conservation corps jA'sputmmAm D\ a WARTIME BASIS (^iectncaiii^! I HELP KEEP YOUR f AMIEY FIT by RETAINING the Vitamins In Cooking' MOST impor-Unt in the Health-For- Victory program are balanced diet and the proper preparation of food so nutritive quahdes will be retained. Thousands of Carolinas house wives are well prepared to meet this demand because they have the help of vitamhed Electric cooking which retains the essential vitamins and Bunerals in food. Use your electric range wisely to contribute to health, prevent waste, and con- •erve time and energy. eBEKE POWER CD.» hours 9 to 5 NINTH STREET tile great her native Rfkstda mhns from that country. F^oWlh]^ a number of conteMe, .jaces, the crowd dispersed to'the vasnous homes carrying a smile that hl^- cated they would like to have pic nics like this quite oftep. ' . Mr. and Mrs. &nerson Goodman, of Albemarle, spfent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cowles at "Old Eakville.”. * Rector Haire, of Idlewild, Ashe county, who spent some time with his sister, Mrs. Ralph Blackburn here, is now working with a sur veying outfit at Siler City. The Grange met last Tuesday night and held quite an interesting discussion on farm problems and their relation to war measures. Mrs. John L. Ferguson, of C^al Zone, Panama, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. James Echolm in St. Paul, Minn., Is stopping here for - several days where she is visiting relatives and also at North Wilkesboro before returning to Panama. She will go by plant from Brownville, Texas. Her son, John L. Ferguson, Jr., w'ho was in the graduating class at State College this year and who is expected to be inducted into the service as Lieutenant some time soon, visited relatives here over the week-end. He was accompani ed here by Miss Elizabeth Beckley of Benson. Prof, and Mrs. Mack Proffit and. little son, Danny, of Wilkesboro, ^ATeuciN- Honor^ Army und ^Nttwy Award WW Be Preaented In Cere^ mony Anguat 10 North Carolina has led in many things: it leads again. The Chatham ManuCacturing Company, of Elkin, makers of blankets for the army, navy and marines, has been granted an award in recognition of having won the highest honor that the Army or Navy can bestow for production. Only nineteen other Industrial concerns in the entire country have received such an award, and the Chatham concern Is the only one between Baltimore end Mi ami. The people of Elkin are highly elated over the recognition that has been paid their leading Indus trial establishment and on August 10, a special exercise will be held in the YMCA which the Chatham the he ever one of .Trtli; be gtreftTi^lerUhS idtrer pis’* Teeognltlon of'ttie pRore'd inAuiking the-awuftnPoe- eible. "Former Governor Qlyde Hoey will be master of ceremo ny. Various state officials 'and other prominent Indivldnals will be in attendance.' - t v'' v' . the office of the Qnartermao- er dasyters, Ifei. Bethid cl Jtily m. M WfflM ^cowWy — in ^ ionpi^ip^ _ G. W.^ of WIlkmibOTo ro^ twei 84 gmidehildien ai^ 14 great-gi^idelifldren. Funeral- services were held at Mrs. M. J.W.GiUiam is Taken By Death Mrs. Mary Jane Wiles Gilliam, 82, widow of G® late C. P.' (Pate) Gilliam, died at the home of her son, Willie Gilliam, on Trinity street in Thomasville, July 29, af ter an extended illness, the last few days being critical. Born in Wilkes county July 15, 1860, she was the daughter of the late A. Wiles and Rebecca G. Wiles, and had spent her entire life in her native county prior to going to Thomasville eight years ago to live with her son. On May ju i»c 2p, 1878, she was married to C. P. company made poaelble for the Gilliam, who preceded her in death raaffMMuw »*»*'* OADE VJUm HKB SCHOOL A boarding school with mor^ than 30 years service to boys and girls of ‘Northwestern North Carolina. '^Graduates Making Good” Offering Preparatory Courses with Agriculture, Hd)me Econmnics and Music. Christian Training — Emphasizing Character Building. Small Classes—Individmi Attention—Country Snrronndirgs. Reasonable Rates with Self-Help Plan. Write for Catalog. E. B. ELDRIDGE, Superintendent GLADE VALLEY, N. C. were among the various visitors here last week Mr. Proffit has been engaged in defense work in Durham at Camp Butner, but will probably be transferred to Waiter- boro, S. C., until school 0',>ens August 31. Mrs. Elmo Elller, who has been Phone 112 North Wilkesboro, N. C. rather indisposed for some time, is somewhat improved. Richard Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ferguson of Curies Neck Farm, Richmond, and who is now attending the University of North Carolina, spent the week end with relatives here and at Wilkesboro. Mr. George Bradley, a former resident of this community, died at his home in Lenoir Friday and wa.'- buried at the Beaver Creek Bapti.st cemetery Saturday afternoon. The funeral was conducted by the pas tor, Rev. A. J. Foster. Mr. Brad ley, who was a highly respected citizen, will be remembered by many people from this section who regret to hear of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee Foster, who spent the w'eek-end with rela tives, returned to Norfolk, Va., Saturday where Mr. Foster is en gaged in defense work. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett, who have been living in Jacksonville, Fla., j are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ella McDowell and her sister, Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Jarrett and Mrs. Alexander will be remembered here by many people as the former Misses Mildred and Eloise Mc Dowell. Hill Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. lUindolph Carter, of Grandin, who has been engaged in defense work in Norfolk, is spending some time at his home. Below we give you a few of the several poems written by eleven- vear-old Edith Marie Ferguson: SABBATH MORNING The air is clean and filled with fragrance, The bells ring out their merriest I song, I The -sun is shining on the quiet town, I The river runs merrily along. The river runs swiftly through the quiet dells. In the church towers ring the bells. The clouds are floating around in the skies, Quietness over the village lies. MOTHER NATURE .Mother nature is very kind. She gives us everything, All the trees and flowers, .And all the birds that sing. The rivers and the pretty falls, The gentle rain and sun. Everything that nature gives, Makes us have more fun. I cannot tell it all right here, But Mother Nature is a dear. To give, us everything we need. In other books you shall read. Examination For Ronda Post Office The United States Civil Ser vice Commission announces an open competitive examination for postmaster at Ronda. Applicatlonr. must be on file with the United States Civil Ser vice commission' at Washington^ D. C., not later than the hour of closing business on the date specified above. This act is held pursuant to an Act of Congress, approved on June 25^ 1938, which placed Presidential postmaster po.sitions within the classified Civil Service. Application form 10, Physical Fitness Form 13, and instruc tion forms 222.1 and 2358,, which show the places of examination and contain detailed information regarding the requirements, may be obtained from the post office, or from the United States Civil Service commission, Wash ington, D. C. THE LAW REQUIRES THAT I Advertise and Sell All Real Estate On Which 1941 Taxes Have Not Been Paid. The Names Of All Delinquent Real Taxpayers Will Be PiihUshed IN AUGUST And Sold On 1st Monday In Septeinber No Extension of Time will be Given! f ^ay Your 1941 County Tax Now and Save Advertising Costs. Notice Is Also Given That I Will Garnishee and Levy On. All Person- a! Property On Which Taxes Are Due C. T. DOUGHTON SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR OF WILKES COUNH