Nidc Antonakos Is Now : Second Lieutenant Mck Antonakos, son oi Psto ,jniUBtottako8, of this city, has been eommlssloned as second li«»- t«nant in the U. S. Army Air torees after completion of the oftioers’ training course at Miami, norlAa. Lt. Antonakos has been transferred to Langley Field, Va. lafUi of Apple Growing Soo> tion Will Be Distributed To Truckers This pall Pvt. Dillard Transferred PTt. Coy W. Dillard, who had been stationed at Fort Eustls, Ve., has been transferred to Camp Edwards. Mass. Before entering the serrlce he had made his home with his uncle, U. M. Myers, of Hays. In his last letter home he said he was getting along fine. Pvt. Hohnan at Camp Rucker Pvt. William Champ Holman, -who was inducted Into the army several weeks ago at Port Bragg, is now stationed at Camp Rucker, Ala. He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Holman, of Korth Wilkes- boro ropte one. Seaman Johnston Home Lloyd Johnston, Seaman Sec ond Class, stationed at N. O. B„ Norfolk Va., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of North Wllkesboro route three, and other relatives. Before returning to Norfolk, he will visit his brother, Clay John ston, of Kannapolis. Pvt. Wingler Transferred PTt. Qh«ter C. Wingler says: “1 have been transferred from Fort Riley, Kansas, to the Army Air Base at Richmond. Va. Boys. It I can hold It down for one or more months I think I can get to come back to Wilkes coun ty to see you all again.’’ Trucks will canvass North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro on Saturday afternoon, August 15, to collect scrap metal. Decision to have a canvass for scrap metals in the towns -was reached in a recent meeting of the Wilkes County Salvage com mittee. All people in the towns are asked to collect all available scrap metals from their premises and to place the scrap on the lawn at a convenient place for loading to the truck. Those who desire may have the metal weighed when the truck arrives and they will be paid the prevailing prices. Those who do not ask payment may donate the scirap metal to the government. Meanwhile, the scrap meial campaign throughout the county is progressing and large quan tities of scrap are being pur chased daily hy scrap dealers here. The WPA truck is also collecting large amounts s-rap metals in rural communi ties. V These German soldiers penelrated much deeper Into Egypt thaa they planned and arc shown on the wrong side of a barbed wlri cage for prisoners of war at Cairo. They are some of the men witli which General Bommel made his push across the desert to El Alamein, where he was stepped hy British forces. Deserter Tries Jail Break Here at Camp Polk, La., has been p'r'cmioted to Technician, 4th i trade. Hd-v is a son of Mr. and , Mrs. Vance Land, of Boomer. aes, Aimy Deser> ter and Ronda Wallace, Drunk, Saw Jail Bars Near l^ctory In Solomons Superior court today for the fatal shooting: of Jim Watts at a service statkm one mile M east of Wilkesboro in October,! ^ ** 1836, Trial of the case had been delayed for almost six years General MacArthur’s Head quarters, Australia. — Re ports spread through Austra lia today that United tates Marines were within sight of victory in at least three key Solomtm Islands and on Guad alcanal, were driving toward capture of the best airdrome | Jlori site in the Japanese hold on Tulagi area, that they had been strongly reinforc^ and that the Jap anese had been driven from many of their positions in hand to hand fighting.) The marines were conswi- dating positions in Tulagi, ■ " ’ ’ inal Is- and Guadalcanal it was believed the [have a foothdd on a fourth marines were breaking the 1 Island, probaMy Malaita. MET FRIDAY— At Camp Roberts Corporal Technician Guy Roy own, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. r'own! of Cycle, is stationed at Camp Roberts, Arkansas. Corpor al Roberts entered the service on September 9, 1941. Sgt. Frazier In Australia Technical Sergeant George E. James Grimes, an army deserter from Fort Jackson, S, C., and Ronda Wallace, charged with being drunk and with a previous jailbreak, attempted to break out of the city jail here last night. Fedice early this morning found that Grimes and Wal- Frazier. an army veteran of lace had sawed their way OUt about 17 year.s’ service and who tfieir cells and had made vpars was stationed. corps at C., has landed for many with the army Washington, D, safely in .Australia. Sgt. Frazier Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M Frazier, of Poyes Knob. ^ Pvt. Ogilvie Now At X Camp Lee, Va. Pvt. Gordon Ogilvie. who was Inducted into the army at Fort Bragg last month, has been trans ferred to Camp Lee, Va. He is a eon of Mr. end Mrs. A. R. Ogil- vle ct Oakwoods. much progress toward sarving out of the jail enclosure in the basement of the city hall building. Wallace, who lives near Pores Knob, was promptly tried today before Mayor R, T. McNtil, was ^ given 12 months on the r.5ads for breaking out of jail on April 16 tMs year, 30 days fi”- being drunk, and 12 months suspended for malicious Injury to public property. Grimes, who was picked up here this week on a call from Ar my authorities at Fort Jackson Sgt. GiUiani Sails Harlon F. Gilliam, who is I iS^ched to the signal corps with | being held until called for by the army air force, sailed from | police. New York City to unannounce | -Wallace, who had broken out overseas destination several days . thor- according to a message re^ loughly searched before he ago celv^ -by his parents. Mr. and Smithey Named On State G.O.P. Finance Group IN THIS CITY— Young Boys Are Held For Theft; Broke In Store Wilkes Republican Chairman Nine and One Age On State Committee Nam- ted By Sim DeLapp Eight Enter John Jloines Store At Night N. B. Smithey, chairman of the Republican (executive committee , 1 in WilkoR county, has been named i today WflS nOldin^ Ot laylor. Police Chief J. E. Walker On the state finance committee of the Republican party. State Chairman Sim A. DeLapp. of Lexington, has named 25 lead ing Republicans in the State on the finance commlttOT, which had its first meeting in Lexington Friday afternoon. In addition to Mr. Smithey, the memher& of the committee are as follows: A. L. Ferree, Asheboro, chair man: Mrs. Jefferson Penn, Relds- vlHe; D J. Lybrook, Rl, Ad vance; Stuart W. Cramer, Jr., Cramerton; John L. Morehead, Charlotte; J. Sam White, Mebane: W. G. Bramham, Durham;; Colin Spencer. Carthage: I. H. Powell, da until he we* transferred to a Jersey camp a few days be- satled from New York. cerTTTu “J •- „ I locked up Wednesday night. To- Canton; T. J. Harkins, Asheville, ^ Mrs. J. A. Gilliam, of Hays^Sg . | Halsey B. Leavitt, Asheville; C. j connected With other larceny Gilliam was in training 'if , hacksaw ir. his cell. Police Chief (Continued on page 8) I J- age 9. Harless Taylor, age 8, and Charlie Bauguss, Jr., age 9. for breaking into John Joines store on Forester Ave nue last right. The boys broke into the store by a back window and took a quantity of cigarettes. The Taylor brothers are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Taylor. The boys will be tried be fore C.C. Hayes, Wilkes clerk of court and juvenile court judge. Police Chief Walker said to day that the boys have been due to illness of Staley, who had been a patient at tubercu lar sanaioriums. The defendant pleaded self defmise, saying that Watts had been assaulting Coy Sta ley with a knife an * was ad vancing on hhn when he fired his gun three times and killed Watts. Sentence has not been passed by Judge Felix E. Alley, who Is presiding over , the two weeks' term of court now nearing the end of the first week. Other cases disposed of this week were as follows; Hubert Pierce, operating a car while intoxicated, |50 fine and 90 days suspended. Wade Grider, Gordon Johnston and Clay Rowland, assault, ver dict of guilty; aentende not With Bank FiftyYears assanlt, $15 fine and 30 days sus pended. Divorces were granted in the following cases on grounds of two years’ separation: Herbert Hester -vereus Capltola Hester; Noah Wedkins versus Lizzie Wad- kins; T. G. Thomas versus Fran ces Holloway Thomas; R. S. God frey -versus Alta Godfrey; Edith Turner versus Edgar Turner. Members of the grand jury in the present term of court are as follows: L. M. Adams, p. N. Green, -Charles Harrold, Everett Tedder, Mansfield Green, R. M. Hincher, John Roten, Harrison Billings, tWll Watson, D. J. Faw, J. J. Pierce. W. M. Eller, G. C. Caudill, J. G. Billing.*!, Smith Johnson, C. C. Burchette and W. S. Byrd. I,ee Edward Harris is foreman of the grand jury. V — R. W. Gwyn this has rounded out of continuous services with the Bank of North Wilkes- boro, of which he has been cashier for abmost as many years. Few men, anywhere, can match that record of more than fifty years in one insti tution. Mr. Gwyn came to North Wilkesboro from EUdn in July, 1892, and accepted a position i« the Bank of North Wilkesboro. at the request of the late J. E. Finley, who was president of the bank. He with Iha of Brushy Mountain. Fruit Grow ers association has adopted ten tative plans to expedite market ing of a bountiful fruit crop thia season. In B meeting held Friday night at the research laboratory on highway 16, a committee named at a previous meeting outlined eeveral plans. A map of the fruit growing section, containing the location of orchards and names of orchard- Ists, -will be made and copies will be placed at Information polnta on highways leading Into the Brushles on all sides. Signs will .be placed stating that apple In- fifty years formation may be obtained and - truck operators who stop will be given copies of the map. Orchardists will send to the- county agent, each week a card telling the number ot bushels of the several -varieties they will have for sale the following week and information obtained from the cardh will be distributed with the mape. V month Gwyn then went back home AT ROARING RIVER- Farmer Resigns oarTng River high school for the past three years, has resigned, C. in a shoit time, but Mr. Fin- R- Eller, county superintendent of schools, said today. ley sent for him to come back to the bank, and he has been a resident of the city since that time. Mr. Gwyn’s decision to come back has meant much to North Wilkesboro end all northwestern North Carolllna during the past half a century. | There are few, if any^ men who have transacted business dealings with more people in this section than has R. W. Gwyn, and there ere few, if any, who have made fewer mistakes in business judg ment. During half a century Mr. Gwyn (Continued on page 8) V In his lefer -of resignation Prof. Farmer said that he would either enter the armed forces or enter a line of work vital to the prosecution of the war. Prior to being elected princi pal of Roaring River school, Mr. Farmei; was Tnaphill school prin cipal for several years. J V Pfc. Lytton In “ireland Pfc. Wilton Lytton. who enter ed the service October 3, and received his training at For. Knox, Ky., and ^ has been In Ireland for three months. His parents. Mr. and Miw. M. H. Lytton, of Roaring River received a letter from him laat week. He said he was get ting along fine. hacksaw in his cell. Police Chief Walker said that the hacksaw, which had been stolen from the city truck, had probably been smuggled into Grimes’ cel', by iome of the several people who visited him since he was locked up. V $100 Raised Here For the Orphanage reports in this city. Equipment C. C. Camp At Laurel Springs Is Moved Army task forces from Camp Sutton, near Monroe, were in North Wilkesboro Tuesday night i and Wednesday en route to and from the C. C. Camp at Laurel Springs. The men were moving equip ment from the camp, which wUs va.ated shortly after,^uly 1, to Camp Sutton. Several truck loads of usable equipment were moved from the C. C. Camp to the army camp. The buildings, however, remain near Laurel Springs. AT POSTOFFICE— Victory Letter Stationery Is Now Available Chamberlain K. P. District Deputy District Meeting Held In Le noir Tuesday Night; 14 From Here Attend ti lurel Spri English Seamen Eni^sring Visit In North Wilkesboro Set. Sparits Retu^ Sgt Claude M. Sparks, who fUa been visiting relatives and . friends at Moravian Falls, has returned to Jefferson Barracks, Bonrl, where he Is stationed. Pvt. Cai» la Hawaii jIV«. Bertha Cain Smithey re ived a le'ter from her son. ]Samuel Cain, saying that he hiTlvedVfely ki Honolulu. Anderson Here JUVer F. Anderson, son of Un. M. M. Anderson of Oak- (Continued on page 8) The sum of $100 was raised here for the Masonic orphanage at Oxford on the occasion of the orphanage’s singing class visit to the city. A'class of 14 children under direction of Miss Hughes, of the orphanoge faculty, rendered a delightful program Monday night in the lodge hall. There was a large crowd pres ent to enjoy the program, which gave evidence of splendid training given the children at the orphan age. The children spent the night In homes of members of the Ma sonic lodge here. Two British seamen are enjoying North Wilkesboro hospitality thia week. They are Ted Roae, 29, formerly from Dover, England, and Jack Farrant, of Lon don. On July 22, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. (Buster) Grayson were vacationing at Wilmington. On the way to the beach from Wilmington they picked up two seamen in blue uni forms. An interesting acquaintance de veloped and the seamen also made tho ac quaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Jones, who now )ive at Wilmington. Later from Mr. afld Mrs. Jones, Farrant and Rose got the address of Mr. and Mrs. Grayson and when their ship docked at another eastern port this week they ob tained their first ten^dav leave in a year and set out for Ncurth Wilkesboro to see the town and the country they had heard the Graysons describe. On Tuesday night they arrived at thei Grayson Lome here, after getting 14 rides on the way from the,coast. They said they had longed for months to see some of the United States except the sa-'+ern cdastline, whi^ they considered uninteresting. But it is different as far inland as North Wilkesboro. “This is a fine country; You have a nice town. The air feels great. We are enjoying our visit very much/’ Rose, the older and more talkative the two, said yesterday in an interview here. They find the hills dP the Piedmont sec tion not unlike their native England and our mountains they think are really won derful. Although only about 300 miles in land, their trip here from the coast has given them a conception of about how big this country is as compared to England, which is only one third as large at the state of Texas. (Continued on page 8) Postmaster J. C. Reins Has Letter Forms For Mail To Go Overseas Postmaster J. C. Reins has received a supply of V-Mail stationery at the North Wilkesboro postoffice. The stationery received by Postmaster Reins is supplied by the government, and is ‘he correct form for writing letters to men in the service who are overseas. No charge is made for the letter sheets, which are a combination of letter and en velope, but odiv three sheets may be given to ar” one per son in one day. *]When transmitted by V-Mail, ,n miniature photographic film is made of the letter and the film is sent to the destination country, where it is used to make a plioto- gjaphic enlargement almost as large as the original letter. The purpose of the plan is to save space and weight in trans mitting mail to men overseas, thdusands of the films can be sent in the space- and amount of weight which would be necessary for a fraction\ of the number of letters in the 'original form. On one side of the V-Mail sheet complete instructions are given for using the stationery, and users khould follow instructions closely for best results. ' Fourteen members of the N’orth Wilkesboro Knights of Pythlae Lodge attended a district meet ing In Lenoir Tuesday night with the Lenoir and Llneolnton lodges. Forty-eight were present. Ivey Moore, District Deputy, presided^ and at the close of the meeting snbinifted his resigna tion because he is entering the navy. Dr, A. C. Chamberlain, of North Wilkesboro, was elected .ea I his successor. j Principal business of the meet ing WPS discussion of plans to raise in the grand lodge $5,000 to repair i ne girls’ dormitory at •he lodge’e children’s home at Clayton. Those going from North Wilkes boro were: Dr, A. C. Chamberlain, Paul S. Cragan. T. E. Story. R. E. Gibbs, Bryan Gilreath. J. C. Reins, J, O. Emerson. Paul Osborne, V. R. Jennings, Ivey Moore. P. E. Church, Glenn McNeill. Cecil Hauss and George Jackson. Sherman T. Colvard , Enters Army Soon Sherman T. Colvard, until .re cently proprietor of the Cardwell Lumber Co., of this city, and a member of the Wilkesboro board of oommlssioners, received orders this week to report for army duty at Charleston, S. C., on August 31st. Mr. Colvard, an army veteran with nine years of militarv ser vice to his credit, will enter aa officers’ training eorps at Camp Croft. Much of Mr. Colvard's for? mer army service took place In Hawaii and -Panama whefe he stationed with the United States- Army. , . Mr. Colvard will -be placed 'rith a quartermaster detachment'’ at Camp Croft. . w