Pvt. Oakley At Ft. Sill Pvt. Clay H. Oakley, who was stationed at Fort Bragg, has been transferred to Fort fflll, Okla. Pvt Hudson Transferred Pvt. W. J. Hudson, a marine who has been stationed at New River, spent the week-end at home here. He returned to New River Tuesday. While here he said he Is being transferred to the west coast. Pvt. Hudson is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hudson, of this city. Chambers Visits Home Pvt. Geo. Flake Chambers, who irt now stationed at Camp Biokett, Virginia, spent the week-end with his wife and parents at Cycle. mmm Pvt. Cox In California Pvt. Jake L. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zollie Cox, of Purlear, route one, is in the Coast Artil lery and is stationed at Burbank, Ctllfomla. In letters home he said he was getting along fine. • - Visit Sgt. Hall Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall and children left this morning to visit their son and brother, Sgf. Walter Hall, who is stationed at Moultrlevllle, S. C. Shot In Heart Pvt. Raymond Earl ‘Green Takes Own Life Monday The targeot number ^ ifcAve for the army on one day have been notified to report at the reaiMrtive draft board offices in Wilkes'on August 31, and will proceed to the induction center for examination. Those who pas» the army examination there will be given a 14*day furlough and will be returned home. At the end of the furlough they will return to the induction crater to be assigned to service. Men selected to report on August 31 consist of single men, with few exceptions. The list of men notified to (H T^dbera Id Tb Gh^n Odl War Brings About Teacher Sh(»^age; Thirty-Five Va cancies To Be Filled Pvt. Grady Church Here Pvt. Grady Church, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, has been spending a few days’ furlough here with Mrs. Church and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Church. • yp! jr=i IP4 Sgt. Broyhill Home ^ Sgt. Lewis Broyhill, who is stationed at Camp Croft, S. C., has been, spending a few days with relatives in the Purlear m route one community., Hadley Phillips Promoted Sgt. Hadley B. Phillips has just • been promoted to his present rank, according to a letter recei ved by hw mother, Mrs. Grace Phillips, of Wilkesboro. He has ^ been in the service for almo't w three years and for two years was in Pananio. He has now been transferred to an overseas point, location of which was not disclo sed in his letter home. Garrett Wyatt Home Gariett Wyitt returned to the naval station ut Norfolk. "Va.. today after spending a few days’ furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wyatt, of Mc- Grady. He has just completed his "boot” training in the navy. Pvt. .Toines At Camp w Crowder. Mo. Pvt. James .Toines is now sta tioned at Camp Crowder, Mo. In letters to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Joines. Pvt. Joines says he likes army life fine. This picture.^retouched by order of the war department. Is the first of Us wina ever pubUsbed, and shows how fully equipped U. S. infantry men occupy specUUy designed seats alongside mobUe equipment In the new Curtiss Commando (046) miUtary transport, world’s largest twin- engined airliner. tJnrevealed numbers of Jeeps and troops can be carried ^ this plane. Democratic Executive Committee Will Meet County Executive Committee To Meet On Saturday Afternoon At Hotel Wilkes To Elect Chairman And Secretary J. R. Rousseau, chairman, has called a meeting of the WUkes county Democnrtto K*- lyptfiTi ^ . Hotel Wilkes In North Wilkes- boro Saturday afternoon. An- gu.st 22, two o'clock. The meeting is being called for the purpose of election of a ctvairman, vice chairman and secretary of the county execu tive committee, which was not accomplished at the county con- . dn .'...In hers were not present. At the present time J. R. Rousseau is diaimian of the county organliatlon, Miss Zolle Harris, of Roaring River, is vice chairman, and C. O. McNiel, of this dty, is secretary. Military authorities here today from Mbrris Field, Chariotte, concurred with the verdict of Wilkes Coroner I. M. Myers that the death of Pvt. Raymond Earl Green, of Stony Fork, eariier this week was ft suicide. Pvt. Green, away without leave from FVirt Bragg for eight days, ended his life some time Monday at the home of a brother, Zollie Green, by firing a 22 rifle bullet into his heart. Pvt. Green had asked Mrs. Zollie Green for a shotgun with which to kill squirrels, and when he found that there were no shells took the small calibre rifle from the house instead. Next day his body was found in the granary loft with a bullet wound over his heart. The rifle lay nearby. Pvt. Green was a son of Mrs. SalUe Hendrix Green, Of Elk report August 31 follows WILKES BOARD 1 Sherman Thomas Colvard (Vol unteer Officer Oandidate) James Albert Jennings, Vol unteer. Bern Steward Johnson, Volun teer. Ade Leo Spades, Volunteer Bronde Ernest Osborne, Vol unteer. Elmer Zells Green Oddi Mathis Jarvle Mathis Vernon Woodrow Goforth Koyal Palmer Day Harfy Stanley Rickenbacker Lane Greene EndaUy Jasper Billings Charley Ashley Troy Shell Manley Lewis Lackey Vestal Leo Pardne • Fred Wilder McNeill, Jr. Dadd Ralph Wright, Jr. William Dadd Mink .Tohn Obbb CarroU Millard Lee Pardne .Tohn Dewey Tates Noah Peter Benton James Arlees Minton James Franklin Wood Thomas Carl Hawkins Earl H4rdin Wolfe Told Them Where To Go Get Tax Nick ,\ntonako.; Commis- .sioned Sgf. Nicholas .\ntonakos, hav ing succes»=fuHy completed the ^ three months’ course at the Air Force’s Officer Candidate School at Miami Beach. Florida, has re ceived his commission os 2nd Lieutenant in the .\ir Forces of the Army of the United State.s. His duties will be to direct vital administrative and supply opera tions of the rapidly expanding Army Air Forces ground forces, thus relieving trained pilots for full time flying duty. As a civilian. Lt. Antonakos lived e t North Wilkeshoro and was a member of Mineral Spring., high school faculty in Forsyth county. His father is Mr, Pete A. Antonakos, of North Wilkesboro. Set. Parks Transferred Word has been received by Mr. and Mre. F. L. Parks, of Roaring River, that their son, Sgt. David L. Parks, has been transferred from Fort Knox, Ky., to a camp near Nashville, Tenr.. Sgt. Parks was recently promoted directly from private to sergeant. He was recently inducted at Fort Bragg, N. C. Pvt. Adams Visits Mother Pvt. Glenn Adams, who is jjiationed at Fort Bennlng. Ga., arrived to visit his mother, ^rs. Bertha Adams, at Halls Rills. f tolftift - A Soldier’s Day Pvt. Alfred R. (Church, former ly of Purlear and now at Fort (Continued on page four) S. T. (Staley) Myers will not meet a deputy collector of the Department of Internal Reve nue at the town hall in Nortli Wilkesboro as he was ordered to do in a recent letter. Because .Myers is .somewhere in the Pacific busily engagel in fighting Japs. Hi.s mother, Mrs. T. S. Myers, of DiH^kery, wrote the collector of revenue that if he wanhsl to collect any Income tax from her son to go to thi Solomon Ts1and.s, Midway, tlio Coral Sea or some other place in the Pa cific and get i(. .Staley, who ha.s just been pro moted to rank of machinist mate, first class, is a veteran of .six years in the navy, and his mother is confident that he has been in three majo- battles agalust the Japs— Coral Se«i, .Midway and Solomon Island-s. His ship was at Pearl Harbor during the December T attack. He Is buying a $100 war bond ever}' month and is sending some money to his wife, who Is living in Seattle, Washington. She is working and buying a $25 war bond every month. Tn a recent letter to his mother he said he was going to stay in the tavy until tjme to retire. Itat'what his mother cannot nnderstand is how the revenue department gets it that Staley received $2,000 last year at $70 per month, which was his salary then. If 12 times $70 'makes $2,000, then hirs. My ers wants to .study arithmetic all over again. -V Red Cross Asked To Make Surgical Dressii^s Here Mrs. H. B. Smith and Mrs. C. F. Adamson In Charge Of That Phase Work Mrs. J. A. Rousseau, chairnan of the Volunteer Service divlst.'n of the Wilkes chapter of the American Red Cross, sold today that the chapter has been called on to make surgical dressings. Mrs. Rous’seau has appointed Mre. H. B. Smith as chairman of that activity and Mrs. C. F. Ad amson as vice chairman. Any ladies who will make dres sings for the Red Cross are asked to communicate with Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Adamson. ■V and the following mrothdW a: sisters: Hubert, Zollie and Elmer Green, of Stony Fork; Jake Green, of Lenoir; Mrs. Theodore Kahulous, of Newton; and Mr.s. Albert Miller, of Deep Gap. Funeral service will be held Friday, 11 a. m., at Mountain View church with Rev. Levi Green in charge. Pvt. A. V. Rickey, of Morris Field, Char lotte, will be official escort. -V Join The Marines Wilkesboro Citizen DiedMondayNight Paul H. Lenderman Dies In Statesville Hospital; Fun eral Wednesday Revival Going On At Walnut Grove Revivil services are in prog ress this wdfek at Walnut Grove Baptist church at Pores Knob. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Shaw, 8 being assisted by Rev Rogers Gwaltney, of Hiddenlte. Services are being held each afternoon, 2:30J and night at eight o’clock. The public has a cordial invita tion to attend. Mr. Paul H. Lenderman, son of Mr. C. E. Lenderman, died in the Davis Hospital in Statesville about 12:10 o’clock Tuesday morning fol lowing an illness with heart trouble. Mr. Lenderman had been in ill health for the past several years, yet his condition was not consid ered serious by bis relatives and friends and he remained active in the grocery business with his fath er until a short time prior to his death. The deceased was the son of C. E. and the late Mrs. Helen Duncan Lenderman, and was 41^ years of age. In addition to his 'father he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ag nes Kelly Lenderman, a son, Rob ert and a daughter, Paula. One brother, Henrj' D. Lenderman, al so of Wilkesboro, survives. Mr. Lenderman finished his edu cation at the Wilkesboro high school arid then entered the gro cery business with his father. He was held in high esteem by all who (Continued on page four) A message received last night bv Mrs. Kyle Hayes from Mr. Hayes, who l®fl the first of the week, stat ed that he had been ac cepted into the U. S. Ma rine Corps. Mr. Hayes, a well known attorney here for a number of years, was inducted into service at Fort Sill, Okla. Ivan Absher, who for a number of years has been a sales representative for the North Wilkesboro Coca-Cola Company, ac companied Me. Hayes to Fort Sill and he was also accepted for service. Both of the volunteers go into tne Marines as privates. -V- Plans For Peach | Brandy Foiled » i Two Arrested At Still Where Ten Barrels of Peaches Were Destroyed Federal Alcohol Tax ITnlt In vestigators this week played havoc with somebody’s plans to make a plentiful supply of peach brandy. A group of officers raided a still In the Call community and destroyed ten barrels of peach pumice, which was immediate ly ready for the Still. The big still had just been set up,' but had not been used. At the stlU the officers arres ted Mont Mathis and his son, Garfield Mathis, who flUed bond for appesrtuice at the Novein- ber term of federal court In Wilkeaboro. -V- Steward liconard BWiop Wade Jarvis Howard, .Tr. Roy Lee (Jail I/cster Roy Gilley •Tud Goulds Herbert. William Marlow Ralph Eugene Minton WUljpm OharUo Minton George Harding Wellborn James Paul Haynes Chalcie Gwyn West Howard Warren Kilby James IJoyd (Tiurch Donald Poole Llnney John Garvls Hendren Earl Rhymer .Tames Garfield Anderson Imther Lloyd Willard, Jr. .Tames Olive Law.s .Tames Hobert Barnett Ralph Gardner Miller Ernest Robert Spears Grady Stanley Blackburn Israel Reuben Livingstone, Jr. Arvil Finley fburch Thomas Frank Paw Odell Albert Pearson Terry Dalton Calloway Stuart Reid Triplett Virgil Philo Hayes Richard Francis Walsh Radford Edward Gasri Silas Washington .Tohn.son, Jr. Warner Harding Benton William .Jasper Hayes Cliarley Gregory Mosie Harvey Marlow .John Wesley Oaven Alfred Shepherd Co}' Laxton McGlamery Mack Bay Davis Gilbert Samuel Johnson Lake CV>oper McKinley R. Moore J. P. Nichols Lass CiaHoway Benge Charlie Leonard Honeycutt John Clyde Bumgarner Colonel Glenn Greene Glenn WIllL-.m Brooks Clarence Llnney Church Mack Loar Pipes Franci.s Pardne Robert Cecil Osborne Henry Clay Hayes ^ Raymond Eugene Walsh Carl Dennis Church Jim Allen Wallace Clyde Nathaniel Broadway -V Revival Services WILKES BOARD 2 Samuel Steivenson Vlticeiy, Claude Milton Key Willie Green Snyder James Garfield Barker Effroy Alfred Wmidland William Riduud Bullls Robert Jones Radi Sherman Garfield Hamby James Wayne Spears Leon Ijemer Ira Lee Baker Norris Elmo Jones Robert Glenn Taylor, Jr Tallie Eugene Reynolds Andrew Jackson Miller Conrad Tal Kilby Dexter Phllmore Wyatt Robert Andrew Johnston Conrad Odell Prevette John William Burnett Herbert Cornelius Prevette Jesse Charles Ward Vern Eriter Leonard Edward Kerley Rayvon Dallas Byrd Roy Edward (Jnecn Mearl Jack Soots Jeter Marcellns Blackburn Scott Leonard Biddle Coy Walter Weems Arvil Aker Mlnton VOUam Martin Anoe H. (Jneen Pan] Dancy Walter Hardin .Adanw Thomas Ernest TVuitt Fred Joe fhmbs Charlie O’Neal Ted Roberts Ray Reece Transon George Bangness Clyde Ed)A>r .4 dams Millard Watson Green, Jr, Ephra $. Higgins Hamp D^o^^ Wade Hampton Taylor WIlHain McKinley Holler .Tames Howe Hntchen.s Hardin Harris Weldon GHntoii Hanks John D. Haynes Howard Eugene WIngler Coy Arnold Matthews Garvey Martin Cheek Hugh Moses Gambill John Paul Hnie nareroe E. Absher Carl All>ert Poplin Wallace Harvey Adams Carl Blaine Miller Delma T,ee Money .Tack Englebert Robert Kllborn Schaefer Janies Bryant Byrd .Tames Harrison .lohn-son William .\rnold Yale Charlie Stuart Ferguson Garvey Franklin Carter William Howard Lyon (Jlaude Hampton Royall David Lawrence Day William Fidgar Hayes O. B. Criifford Bowers Greenville Tod Gambill Benjamin Franklin Dancy Royal Cleveland Staley Colonel Warren Gambill .lames Robert Blackburn Fred Edward Taws | Vernon Woyth John.son. Everett .Toehua Carter Rns.seII Lloyd Jarvis, Sr. WlUiam Glenn Hutchinson , (Transferred to this board for. delivery from Ijocal Board No. 6, | Baltimore, Md. i Karly Haywood Bangness (Transferred to this board for deUvery from Local Board No. I, Jacksonville, N. C.) Richard Van Bowers (Trans ferred to tWs board for deUvery from Local Board No. 1, Durham, C.) .V. All schools of the Wilkes county system will open tiie 1942-43 teim on Monday, Ansrust 31. C. R Eller, saperfntendent of sidhiools, today released a list of 132 teadim who have been enifioydl te teach ta the county sebrnds. This nUBr her leaves 35 vacancies yet to be filled before opening of the term. Men leaving for service in the armed forces and others leaving for various jobs with more lucrative pfiy have caused a short^^e of teachers and faculty lists for the sehodls will contain many new names. All central school principals have been retained with the ex ception of C. P. Farmer, Roaring River high school principal, who said in his letter of resignation that he was entering the armed services or some type of war work. That vacancy today had not been filled. During the summer vacation months many of the smaller school houses in the county were repainted and repaired. Build ings which had been slated for abandonment in consolidaMon and new bniUlmiS piaoa have been -ai'.least .few tlis duration of the war when no building will be in progress. School bus routes will operate practically the same as last year, no extensions or additions being permitted on account of the shortage of tires and ga.soIine. Sufficient iires have been obtain ed to outfit the buses for the routes and present plans call for opening all schools on schedule Monday morning. -August 31. North Wilkesboro schools will also open Monday, August 31. It is expected that many of the teacher vacancies will be filled the latter part of this week and the remainder before school op ening date. The list of teachers employed to date follows: Wilkesboro High School—W. T. (Continued on page eight) V- Banks To Reduce Rate Of Interest In keeping with the poli cies of other large banks of the nation, both The, Northwestern Bank and the Bank of North Wilkes boro will reduce the inter est rates on savings ac counts, effective October 1st, 1942. The banks are now paying 2 1-2 per cent, and after October 1st the rate will be 2 per cent. Mray of the banks of the country ceased paying as much as 2 1-2 per cent interest many months ago. As soon as conditions jus tify, the local banks will raise the interest rate, of ficials stated today.* -V- N • At Union Methodist Calloway-Hartzog To Begin Sunday Revival services are scheduled Methodist —buy war BONDS— to begin at Union church on Sunday, August 23, with both a morning and evening meeting. 'The Rev. A. W. Lynch, former pastor, and at. present lo cated at Denver, N, G., will preach. Throoghout the week, meetings will tsxe i«ace at » a- m. and at 8 p. m. Reunion Sept. 6th Annual reunion of the Callo- way-Hartzog families will be held on Sunday. September 6, et the home of Charlie Harizog at Idlewlld. There are many rela- Uves of these two widely known families^ in WUkes and. they are expected to attend the reun ion. Important Meet Red Cross Friday Chairman A. C. Waggpner Calls Meeting Office™ And Executive Group ■ Rev. A. C. Waggoner, chairman of the Wilkes chapter of the American Red Ooss, hae called a meeting of the officers and exec utive committee of the chapter to be held Friday evening, fire •’clock, at the town hall. The .rihadrman described the meeting as being very Important and.uked fnO. attendance otL tlM. offers and executive commlttea i&cnbBrs. J

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