OF ^(3lB?SgarTHB :'Sti».TE OF '^KE^'', ^■1*— [■-U* III! mti^iud ndTUiUi^ S'- i/- t-..' *.--3i*- 1 Mrg|J^lttii'iirr.iiw» -...'A' Will Open Many Buildings Get Coat Paint Some Teacher Vacancies In County System Yet To Be Filled; Equipment Ready All schools in Wilkes coun ty, including the North Wilkesboro city schools,, will open on Monday, Aasrust 31. County school authorities have been busily engaged this week in securing teachers for the 35 vacancies which exist ed only a week ago. Today thirteen of the vacancies had bein filled and it was expec ted that teachers will be found for the other vacancies before opening date Monday. The total of teachers em ployed to date had reached 245. During the summer months school tmildlngs have been re paired end renovated in prepara tion tor school opening. School buses have been repaired and sufficient tires were obtained to have them in good condition tor running. Men’ With ^TheCeiors In Marine Gei^ -dfeRiTHIRTY-TOUR ,Y "" ™f|; AV' m r* r m ^#1 ‘Saltite To L lll^esboro High School To Sponsor Fall Horse Show Event Will Take Place At Wilkesboro Athletic Field About October 11th Meanwhile, a school bus drivers’ ehool was held to trsdn all pub lic Md ooahriMtt bus drivers la %e sterol ‘ of'TfiW and gasoline,' no school bus route extensions were made and buses '■will operate on practically the same routes a.s last year. Corporal G. Dwight Black- bum, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blackburn, Traphlll, N. O., has recently completed a ma chinist course at the U. 8. Na val Training Station. Norfolk, Va. He attended Mars HOI Col lege one year before enlisting In the U. 8. Marine Air Corps, June 13. IfMt. Cx)rporal Blackburn Is now stationed at the >Iarlne Ba.sc, Quantlco, Va. Aviation Cadet Blevins In Louisiana Aviation Cadet Clarence E. Blevins, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Blevins, of Hays, has been transferred from Maxwell field, Al»., to the new air field atSlon- t«. JH la lu . Pvt. Henderson Visits Home'^ commrttee Pvt. Charles Henderson, has been on maneuvers in the Carolinas, spent /he week end Organization for a horse show to be staged early In October was formed in a meeting of horse owners and other Interested par ties at Wilkeaboro high school on Wednesday night. With '.he organization set up, indications are that a most suc cessful show will be staged and that many of the best horses In this part of the country will par ticipate In the various events. The horse show will be on the Wilkesboro school athletic field, where bleachers will be erected for spectators and stable end oth er accommodatlotis will be con structed for the animals to be shown. The meeting Wednesday night was attended .by a representative group of horse owners from Wilkesboro, North Wilkesboro and other communities. James Cranor wes elected gen eral chairman. Mrs. C. M. Cranor as secretary, Wm. T. Long 'Wilkesboro principal, as treasur er, and Russell Gray, Jr., mana ger. The Wilkesboro school fiaoulty Tennessee Ramblers To Be Here On Tuesday, Sept. 1st ttoean^ Interior of several small school with his parents, Attorney and houses, which will be used for Mrs. J. U. Henderson, in Wllkes- -4* the duration of the war because ..boro. He was accompanied on his "%4he school building program was visit home by Pvt. Fred Vogel, of halted, have been painted to Louisiana, make conditions better for stu-| • den-ts. I Pvt. Russo Blackburn Re- Teachers have been employed i turns To Bragg to fill the following vacancies] Pvt. Russo Blackburn with the since publication of the list of l'. S. Army, and stationed at Fort teachers last week. Bkagg has returned there after spending the weok-end with bis mother, Mrs. E. A. Blackburn, of and ah advlao will consist of who Tomlinson, Frank Blair, 'Jr., and Vernon Irvin. Definite date for the show was not set, but It will be about Octo ber 11, according to the consen sus of opinion as expressed at the organization meeting. V Field AitiUe^ Battery Com% ToN.Wilkestmro *1Salute To Our Heroes” Month win be ushered in here Tuesday afternoon with a milita^ parade by a field artillery battery witii^ howitzer cannon and a regimental band, Ivan D. Anderson, manager of the Liberty Tlieatre and who is in chaise of arrangements, said today. Efforto to obtain a mili tary company for a parade had fafled until this after noon, when Mr. Anderson received a call from Major Fairer, of Fort Bragg, who said that the commanding general at Fort Bragg had ordered him to notify Mr. Anderson that K Battery of the 15 th field artillery regiment would come to North Wilkesboro Monday and would parade here on Tuesday, when the Septem ber bond sale drive opens. At least 150 men will come to this ci^ and will camp Monday night at the fairgrounds. A captain wiQ be here tomorrow to make arrangements for the pa- Mount Pleasant—Miss Reba D. McNeill and Mis.s Violet Graham in high school. Miss Elizabeth Jones in elementary school. Stony Hill—Mrs. Florence Van- ^70Tons Of Scrap Collected The TenneasM Rainblers, widely known group and one of the most norudar radio acts in ..the south, wiil be here next Tuesda", Sept. 1st, to help North Wilkesboro celebrate “Salute to Our Heroes” war bond and stamp drive. They will furnish mu sic and entertainment in front of the Liberty Theatre throughout the day, will be on The Liberty Stage for one show, at night and will furnish part of the music for the “Stamp-A-Dance” street dance to be held on the street in front of The Liberty Thea tre Tuesday night from 8 to 10 o’clock. Two Orchestras Engaged For Big Bond, Stamp Sale Bicycle Is Sold Quickly With Ad vage Of Scrap Metals North 'Wilkesboro route 2, and his wife, Mrs. Elma Hilliard Black- ! bum, of High Point. Pvt. Harley Good Showing Made In Cuv-| noy. ^ I Ingalls of Rochester, N. Y., and i Campaign For Sal- j Traphill high school — Miss stationed at Fort Bragg, f.c- Rena McNeill and Gecrge Jeffer- companied him on his visit, ikn Earp. ^ .Austin — Mrs. Vaudie Lyon Brown. Ronda high school— 'Wayne Foster and Miss Rachel Hamby. Benham — Mrs. Mary Gladys Os rtcr Roaring River high school Gorman Johnson, principal. Miss Jewel Graham and Miss Inez Trip lett in elementary school. -V I^Local Man Knew E. K. Lovre, of Hay.s, on Mon- rlay imserfed a “for sale" ad vertisement in The Journal- Patriot. Boiio Davis, of this city, saw the ad early Tuesday morning and immediately went to the home of Mr. Lowe and bought the bicycle. -V state Guard Needs Recrttito Movie Industry Spearheads Billion Dollar Bond Sale Drive For September Largest Ration Sticker Must Be On Cars, Trucks Mf^ Urged To Enlist In Guard operating base at Norfolk, \a., to the receiving station in Boston. Mass., w.bere he is taking a short course in radio. This week he oi- dered The Journal-Patriot. _ . 1 1/ a P''*- Reynolds On Man- The Duke Of Kent| _ TV 1 'of Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Reynolds. John Cashion Met The Duke^^.j^^ j,ggp Camn Wolters While Working On War Texas, since May 1, 1942, is now Lloyd E. Johnston In Durinir the current salvage Navy Transferred drive a total of 740,000 pounds Lloyd E. 'Of scrap metals have been M. Johnston, of North ^‘Ikes-j u 'pj and the am- boro route three, is a seamen, sec- ^ ‘ r i ond class, in the navy. He was re- OUnt IS growing daily by leaps cently transferred from the naval Job In Scotland on maneuvers somewhere in Louis- John Cashion, who held a re sponsible position on a war con-1 Faculty Of City Schools Complete: North Wilkesboro company of the State guard needs men and bounds. J. B. Snipes, county salvage chairman, said today a credi table showing had been made, especially in view of the fact that scrap metals salvage had Btruction job in Scotland for sev- return to Ajo, Arizona, nionthSr th^rc met vh€ Duke j twoinintr ot-gn grvnv Everything is in readiness ^ for opening of North Wilkes-* schools on Mondav 1 morning, August 31, 8:30 o’clock, Paul S. Cragan, su-! perintendent, said today. ! L * „j-i e^.. All vacancies in the hig'h been progre^ng steadily elementarv school several month.s pr.or to thej^^^^ cu^en campaign. j, Ibeen obtained and the buid- the Lx? few^weelL^ because equipment have been | b«i. during — and urged that jiersons who, Suiging SunJaV nav,p scrap metals.no f®*'Ker g(,j,pp] ^ _ At Zion .Attention h* called to the tact that rationing regnIatiMis * require that motorists must j , display the appropriate .sticker , nec^ theyi ^now for the largest denomination g&s l)OOk. For example: A motorist with both A and B books mnst dis play the B sticker; or If he has A and O books he mu-st display the G sticker. Men leaving for the Service and for .jobs in war plants have depleted the ranks of j the company badly. i Men between ages of 18 ’ and 45 are eligible. The' A victory celebration with “Stamp Stomp,” two orchestras and various other entertaining features will usher in “Salute To Our Heroes Month” here on Tuesday night, Sept. 1. Festivities will begin at eight o’clock on a block of Main street from the town hall westward to the Rex- all store at the corner of Main street and Gordon Avenue. Theatres are sponsoring the sale of war bonds and stamps for the billion dol- Rationing officials said today I p»rd company offers eXCeU, dar drive during the month that Ford, Chevr 'et and Ply- month four door sedans have been frozen until October 31. Other types of new cars may be sold according to rationing hegnlations. AVlIkes was allot ted three new cars for Septein- jlent militaiy training, which is especially of value to men who may later be called into service, because they will have foundational knowledge of military tactics. ' of Kent, who was killed in the Pv^'^R L* MirtL?iert"4ter- 1 ^el^y bringing them in to lo- j be' asked'to'retum To'iheTr ^ cal dealers. 'year’s rooms and children enter- Wilkes should have a total Ing the school for The first time | where he is training at 'an army air field, after spending a few crash of a British war plane. Sun- wilkesboro jdav in northern Scotland Mr. Cashion aaid that he met the Duke of Kent, brother of King George VI. and talked withjhim for 20 minutes or more. with his parents, Mr. M. B. Michael. and Mrs. 1 gnn ono Tmnnde eoIWtod report at 8:30 In the school' Regular fifth Sunday session of 1. A Pkoir Inudltorlum. tor assignment. High the Southslde Singing association by the end of me year, onair- | students will report in tho will be held at Zion Hill Baptist man Snipes said. V on Sunday, When I Pvt. Laws Home Pvt. Howard Laws, who is sta- of September and Ivan D. Anderson, manager of the Liberty Theatre, is in charge of arrangements h“re. Furnishing music for the street A patriotic appeal is being made d^uce will be the famous Tennessee to local men to enlist in the ' R^^blers from radio station WBT company, to keep Its ranks up to charlotte, and a swing orches- the required number. |tra. Both round and square dances Any who will join are most featured and admission earnestly reque.sted to contact ,,, , v Captain Harry Pearson at once. ' Liberty Theatre is furnishing Commissioned officers, non- the orchestras at its own expense commissioned officere and three ^ first class privates of the compa- ^^g oelamation is- ny received a week of intensive, The local company they began talking. Mr. Cashion I Camp Polk, La., is gjd not know with whom he wm spending ten days’ lurlough here conversing. Mr. Cashion asked his jjjg parents. Mr. and Mrs. name, and he said it was Windsor, jg^gg j,aws. Mr Cashion said the Duke talked I high school building. church et Boomer j The faculty Is as follows: ' August 30. Carries A Cloth } Elementary— Mlsa Sallle out-1 The all-day program will open j .jjjggg training givmg . ....... .i. D A D 1 Muriel Coykendall. Miss at ten a. m. Dinner will be spread fjjg military’training o clock that thr^ rousing Bag As Pocketbook , Emma Eller, Mrs. Susie Williams, pjcnlc style at noon. All singers 1^ received here cheers be given for the men in ■ i sued here earlier this week by "rated°‘wgh'M5_°LK. T. McNiel. who pro- giving claimed that on Tuesday night at n,oiit interestingly about current topics. 13 Japanese Vessels Hit; Fight Rages Bob Schafer In Navy Bob Schafer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schafer, of this city, enlisted in the navy Saturday as seaman, first class. ^Washington.—American air pow- f baa repulsed one Jspsnese inva- fleet seeking to recaptors u«as in the Sdomon Islands 'wreaked havoc airong at- Japsaese planes, the navy [v’^'dlildosed yesterday. H. A. Steelman Returns H. A. Steelman, chief machinist m/.te, returned to the naval sta tion at Norfolk, Va., today after spending ten days with his wife and son at their home at Oak- woods. He is one of the five (Continued on page four) picnic style Prti* Ovkii ^9 Ys»*r« 'Ml88 Etfa Turner, Miss Elizabeth Invited rorWVerOA l Rebecca Moseley, p,irt. Kev. Joe H, WUcoxen, of Miss Ruby Blackburn, Miss Kath- j _y ;— Summit, was in this city today ryn Troutman, Mis.v Beatrice Recruitinff and aa uaual bad with him his : PeiarBon, Miss Lucille Young, Miss i ''■*** ^ t o ^ Uttle cloth bag pocketbook. [Mabel Hendren, Miss Myrtle Tut-1 Men Fof U. S. Navy It was in 1910, 82 years ago, ^ tie, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Miss | to attend and take .Uncle Sam’s fighting forces. do, Va., secuned a cloth bag which originally contained 25 pounds of lead shot, Hd has carried his money and varioas papers in the little bag for 82 years and It has not yet worn oat. Dnitiig that time Mr. .WUcoxen had been engaged in mexeantile buslneae at. Beng, Sommlt and at Baaner BIk. , Plonk MISS «e.a ^ ^ Saturday of Russell Pearson, Clay Bell. Mias Mary Parham, Miss Helen "ere rrw y Miss Miss Neta Blackwelder, MISS Mary rarnam accepting appUcations man Bell. Lloyd Shepherd. Tur- in the ai Speer, iMlss Helen Williams, Miss —BUY WAR BONDB— Speer, ■miss neien wimums, mib» Xic —— — - - ^ Am«lS HnrUtv ■ Marguerite Thomason, W. B. Col- tSat men may enlwt m^e navy vette and Afnold^Hnrlay. rllnt. and Miss Ena Alexander, any time before-the date of report-, ' who will he commefrinl teacher, ing for induction into the army, j ■■ ■ -J.?;.' 5’ •; ' ing the money for the war. I 1' -.14SUY WAR BONDS— they have received here. Those attending the camp were, ...... .u as follows: Everybody is myited to ^ Captain Harry H. Pearson, com-; “Stamp Stomp” and it is earnest^ mandlng officer; First Llentenai.t [desired that a throng of people ^ John Wells. Jr., Second Lleuten-1present and prepared to lai^h the ant. John V. Wallace, Jr., First,bond sale drive in North Wilkes- Sgt. Isaac M. Eller. Jr.j Sgts. Al- iboro with unparalleled enthusiasm. ' Hieatres here will sell bonds and that Mr. WUooxeii at El Vi^. ; Lula Hinton Miss Nonle Gordon ^^^00, navy, recruiting' fVed Hadley. Aldlne PruHt, Vlc-j v v x and Mm. Nell M. officer from the Salisbury recruit- tor Hsyes, Charles White. H. M. stamps througl[out the numth and High school Miss Douglas .— wii) be at the town caudlll, H. L. Shaver: Corporals j each bond purenaser will be given Free- a card for mailing to some person Tor- i in the armed forces, renunding the men that the people at Miss Betty Story, Miss fact'^^r’Carr l^vrtte, BOlle Pre- ; home are back^ them by fUrnlsh-