Pvt. Stewart At Camp -V/ Grant .. Pvt. Marvin -T. Stewart, for- ^ merly of Wllkeeboro, is now sta- tioae4 at Camp Grant, Rockford, liWnoti.. ,(• Pvt Chambers Transferred Pvt. George F. Chambers, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.- D. Chambers., of Cycle, has been transferred from Camp Piche't, Va,, to Camp Blanding, F!orl4a. Wteiei P^t. W. H. (Bill) Crews To Report For Duty Pvt. W. H. (Bill) Crews. Jr., son of Mrs. W. H. Crews, of thi.s city, is spending a few days here this week before going to Camp Blanding, Florida, where he will report for duyr. Bill has elreadv been Indue ed Into the army and Is now enjoying his fourteen-day furlough. He will leave for Camp Blanding Saturday. PsHaR Pvt Dwight Miller On Visit With Parents Pvt. Dwight Miller, who recent- Committee Members and Election Offici als To Be Guests Saturday W. A. McNiel, chairman of the Democratic executive committee in Wilkes county, will be host to the members of the committee and the Dem ocratic registrars and judges at a dimier meeting to be held at the state highway prison camp near this city Saturday evening, September 12, 7:30 o’clock. Chairman McNiel sai,l that in vitations and tickets have been mailed to the committee mem- jTTi. - bers and to Democratic election ly joined the army air corps, is j officials, and asked that any who , — . hi., narania rBceive thelf tickets get here on a vfcit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McT. Miller. Pvt. Miller will report for duty in October. Pvt. Triplett At Fort Warren Pvt. Claude S. Triplett, son of ifc-Trtptett; efrf TimphiU, is now stationed at ■9'OH ’'Waxrwt,' 'Wyomlhg. Pvt Triplett, who was Inducted live weeks ago. wrote his father that he was getting along line but that he needed The Journal-Patriot in twder to keep in touch with the happenings in Wllkee. MeNeil] .„Xo«iislaHa Pvt. Howard A. McNeill, sOn *>f Mr. I. ft. McNeill, Sr., of this city, ^ Who hae been stationed at Camp Chaffee. Ark., is now stationed .at I Leesvllle. l>a., according to a let ter received here by his father. — V Advanced First Aid Course Will Begin Sept. 2l in touch with him. An enjoyable event has been planned, to include some out-of- town entertainers. Mr. MeNiel, who was recently elected chair man, said he wae giving the din ner in order to get acquainted IIW umiftlem members. Chairman McNiel also explain ed In announcement of the din ner meeting that a secretary to the executive committee will be named and plans will he out lined for the campaign lor the fall election. He said plans for a most iotensive campaign ate be ing made and that the campaign jwlU dm sd)n night.. • ■ V Pleasant Grove Home Coming 13th All Who Have Completed Standard Course Asked To Enroll Sept. 21 Home coming at Pleasant Grove Baptist church near Buck postofflce will be held on Sunday. September 13. It will be an all-day program featured by singing, talks by for mer pastors and other Interesting features, including dinner, picnic (Style, at noon. Everybody Is In- 'vlted. ( J. C. Miller, Jr., sent to hU parents the above picture of some Japanese marines which were on the Solomon islands when the U. S. Marine units in which he and Max Kilby, also of this city, are serving, won a great victory. The letter was written by Miller to his parents as the Marines were mopping up the remaining Japs. The above picture was ‘‘looted” by Miller] and sent to his parents as a souvenir. ' J- luu- Max KUby fight m Solomon Islands An advanced first aid /'^Aourse will begin at Reins- '•^^turdivaat chapel in North ' Wilkesboro on Monday night, September 21, H. F. Bank- jtight. Red Cross first aid j; /dmirman, announced today. / Mr. Beuknlght. who is being I ; assisted in arrangements for the advance course by Joe Canter, aald that Effner Eller and Mack Reavis will be instructors for the f ela^s. The class will be for ten hours and will begin each night. 7:30 o’clock, from Monifciy, September 21, through Friday of the .same ‘week. A.11 persons who have complet ed the standard first aid course 'are eligible for the advanced offiskg, which will consist mainly qf.0^KW of the standard course «^:|ii^e practice work. .411 who havd'fit^t aid certificates from the standard courses which have been taught are urged to take the advanced course. Those who complete the ad vanced course will have an oppor tunity to enroll in the first aid Instructors’ course to be held later, Mr. Bauknlght said. -V Trainees Wanted ’The aircraft sheet metal and rlvedng classes at Nwth WUkesboro school can “-‘‘c many more students than are now enrolled. If there l.s sufficient demand, a cla.s» will be organized to be gin about 3 or 4 o’clock in the artemoon, making it po«Mble for people who work at. other places to take the course. On completion of the course good jobs await the trainees at air craft plants. 'There is no cliarge for the instruction, and it i-’ impera tive tlcat the clasMC-s be filled ni>«'. Those Inlere.ted should make application immediately at the r. .‘i. Kniployment .Ser vice office on the second floor of the Duke Power company building. -V At least two Wilkes men, J. C. Miller, Jr., and Max Kilby, both of North Wilkesboro, were among the gal lant U. S. Marines who clesuied the Japs from the Sol omon islands in the South Pacific. First direct word from any Wilkes men in the brave groups who literally annihilated the Japs on the islands was contained in a letter received' this week by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, from their son, J. C., Jr., lirhh si^d that he was “alive annd, kicking”, but regretted to state that many of His brave comrades werfe not. However, he said casualties among the Marines were few in view of the fact that they were the invading force. Miller, whose part in the invasion of Tulagi island must have been a most active one, sitated that he and Max rKilby, son of Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. Kilby, of North Wilkesboro, went through the battles toj^ther without injury. — ' ^ In the letter he enclosed a picture of some Jap Ma rines which he said he “looted” and sent to his parents as a souvenir. Text of the letter by Miller follows: Wilkes county board of com missioners In seBsion MoadA^r; tmnsacted r.^tlne buBtti^as a&d 'arfew -jufoA tem^f WllkM superior court, whiclv :WiU con vene oh Monday;' 'October .S)" with Judge Felix E. Alley, of Waynes- vllle, presiding. ..,^11 members of the board, j composed of M. F. Absher, chair- ‘ man. Max Foster rnd V. T. Walsh, were present for the meet ing. Many routine matters of lit tle public Interest were disposed of. Jurors for the Octo.ber term of court, which will be for trial of civil cases, were drawn as fol lows. First Week J. L. Queen, Brushy Mountain; J. 8. Barnes, Boomer; Leonard Wiles, Moravian Falls; J. D. Huff man, Lewis Fork; Albert Pope, Boomer: W. H. Settle, Edwards; W. V. Hendren, Brushy Moun tain; M. Lloyd • Hayes. Brushy Mountain; G. M. Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Coyt Dyer, Reddies River; A. C. Sidden, Walnut Grore; J. T. Faw, Reddies River; R. E. Cass, Somers; J. C. Hin- cher. Walnut Grove; J. R. Pierce, Reddles River; C. L. Parsons, Union; John L. Southers. Love lace; W. V. Caudill, Mulberry: Ernest Parsons, Union; W. L. Howell, Moravian Falls: Archie Fairchild. Lewis Fork; Spencer Harris, Moravian Falls; N. S. Tharpe, Edwards: Ben, Hawkins, Bftk; WUUam B..Par80W, Wk; iKuk Skehts. Union; Som’ers;' CT S. tyon. trap" hill. Second Week Harrison Glenn, North Wilkes- iboro; J. B. McCoy, North Wllkes- •boro; Sydney Royal, Union; P. V. Lowe, Moravian Falls; G. C. Pen- dry. Rock Creek: Newl^nd BIH- Ings, Rock Creek; J. Monroe El ler, North Wilkesboro; J. F. ‘ Vates, Reddies River: Clyde Dlmmette, Edwards; Avery T. WhPtlngton, North Wilkesboro: R. L. Lankford, Reddies River; M. 0. Nichols. Reddies River; M. C. Sheets, Union; E. L. Cleary, Wilkesboro: A. B. Barber, Wllkes- iboro; S. H. Couch. Edwards; A. E. Johnson, North Wilkesboro: B. P. Foster, Reddles River; T. M. Hawkins. Elk; Harrison Speaks, Wilkesboro; D. F. Combs, Rock Creek; J. D. Edminsten, Beaver Creek; Don Melville, Wilkesboro: Leonard Haynes. Traphill; O. E. Billings, Traphill; O. H. Bracey, North Wilkesboro; J. R. Kener- ly. North Wilkesboro: Clyde B. Grayson, North Wilkesboro. anny chief of prodnetion (left), ex-, was amines plans for expanding an Ak ron, Ohio, robber plant for the man- nfactnre of synthetic robber, with an official of the plant. HallBuy$ Big Farni D. Hall Buys Mack Moore Farm On Yadkin Near Wilkesboro Mack Moore has sold hLt Yadkin River valley farm west of Wilkesboro to J. D. Hall, of Wilkesboro. Ilie transaction^ which w*s closed 'Tnesday, was one of the largest real estate deals in many years In this part of the state. Mr. Moore mot only sold to Mr. Hall the farm of more than 400 acres, but also ed in the deal all farm eqmp-% meat, llvestodc and a herd of 29 cattle. In fact, Mr. Hall boni^ erverytXitag except the hafgatmid fnmitsre.' . bond Wedne5iday for Um Bdaying of Xobert Nicholan at the Nidielsoti home in tte Joynes community Tuesday afternoon. Conmer I. M. Myers order ed Reynolds held after evi dence was waived to court Nidudson died in the hos pital at Elkin Tuesday n-ght, severd hours after he receiv ed hlM injuries in the fight with Sey^ldjs. Cerdser 'feyem said reports ho hadiTScelr^ were to the effect that^ Reynolds went to the boms of NicioUon to some liquor and 'Sterted a flg^ with Nichol son after obtaining a small quan tity bf brandy. Reynolds is said to l^ard thrbwn Nicholson’s gun oat 1 of tlA;: window and when NieheUbn -yan to get the gna ReyticMs gya^hed some rocks ang stroA Nlo&olaon on the head, in- fltetlbg the injuries which prov ed Thene reports by Nlchid- Wff» 'w«r« corroborated by by> -John S. ilo- eye witness. Core- most fldly equipped of any |n wnkes eounty and is one of til* best In this section of the state. Mr. HaU has already taken po^ session of the farm and Mr. and Mrs. Moore are planning to move to WUk»boTO In a few days. Mr. Hall plans to operate the farm and the tenant families now on the farm will remain to carry on much of the fartn work- He plans extensive develop ment of dairy farming In addl- tion to the general diversified agriculture which has been carried on successfully by Mr. Moore. -V- .years of age, sTiw "TUf#.'j: "wr- TraphiH. Survir- iBi|3ffid0W. Mrs. Rosalee - Mree 'Children, Esta Iwlr ene and Mary Del- '. and piother. three ank four sisters, pi ‘.liervlce ’ will be held 10 m., at the family Bowie To Speak At Kiwanis Meet Judge T. C. Bowie, of West Jefferson, will address the' North Wilkesboro Klwionis Club Friday noon, S. V. Tomlinson, who will be program chairman for the imioheon meeting, said today. Rev: ^A. C. Sidden v-‘ itain oMeet lave Three Roaring !h-27th Welborn Reunion To Be Held Sunday Annual reunion of the Welborn family vrlll be held on Sunday, September 13. at the home of T. S. Welborn. which tj the old F. M. Welborn home place, on high way 421, 16 miles eiast of Wilkes- boro. M#The program will Include num- H?rs by a men’s chorus from ^Greensboro, and addresses by , Hkiariiiant siibaWni.*- All members of the fiamlly and thalr friends are invited, and with wall filled baakets for the picnic dteaer at noon. All Night Service At Tent Meeting Saturday Night Something new tn the way of revival services in this vicinity will be the all night service planned for Saturday nl^t, September 13, at the tent re vival being condneted on high way 421 near Cricket by Bev. Harvey Phillips and Rev. Noah Beahears. There will be four sermons at the all nlg(ht service Satnr- day night, which wfU begin at dght o’clock. . Rev. Noah Beshears, Rev. Ralph Mfller, Rer," GBbestl'fMbOne and Rev. Harvey FhllUps wlU deliver the sermons. Ilie public 1* cor dially invited to any and all services at ttie tent. “After fierce sporadic figliting for tlie la-st few days, I am thank- j ful to my T .vm still “alive and I kicking," although with regret I fuiy some f my brave comrades aren’t. Regardless, I’ni positive our casualties are comparatively few, con.«rfdering we were the In- vadinj^ force. “.All the credit cannot be given our land forces, however, because the navy and air force played a spectacular role. W’lthout their cooperation this would have been impossible. ‘‘Excuse the suspense but as you probably finspected 1 am in the Solomon Islands In the .sontli Pacific. “The island we took first was namely “Tulagi.” We are proud to say this operation took only 48 hours or less, and on very dif ficult terrain, ’'Infested with nat ural fortifications, such as caves, tiinnels, underbrush and hills, etc. “We are now on “Onadalcanal Island” on mopping up opera tions, which up to now hasn’t about my security in the last few weeks by not hearing from me, because honestly I've written at everj' opportunity. "jK>t the message froni h'rcfl which .stated he was going to w^ork in Norfolk. I think that is a verj' good think during .school va cation. “I juf* had a word with Max Kilby and he told me to tell you he would appreciate it If you would tell his folksi he ts ver>- bu.sy now and will be until after the mail goes but that we went throng the battle together and he’s stili in A-1 shape and hopes everj'ono home Is the same. “I looted a picture of some .Tap marines which we fought here and am .sending It to yon for a sonvenlr. “Wishing yon and all health and happiness nntll a prospective near future, will close. Always a loving son.” V 3 Marriage License Three marriage licenses were , — .issued during the past week by been very strennons because wcjRegbter of Deeds C. C. Sidden are being held foe reserves. .The couples were: Quincy Mon “Now that Pve glygn you a “de- |j.(,e Brown and Ada Carolyn Hart leted” survey of wC.'^ happened hoth of Halls Mills; Paul Wad in first, large scide offensive of J dell and Blthel Mastln. both of the U. S., rU now ge* down to Soaring River; Sam Testermaii personal nutt««. ^ [gnd Sadie Reris, both of Pores “Hope yon haven’t"^ wocrled Knob.‘ ^ Laught, thrills and ajlilla galore are in atore ft>r North Wilkesboro people when Donkey Baseball comes to- town on next Thursday evening, seven o’clock, at the fairgrounds. On specially trained donkeys, members of the North Wilkesboro fire department, sponsors of the event, will play any team which may be picked from all the good players present. The game vrill he one of the funniest shows shows ever nut on here and should attract a record crowd. Adnussim will be 15c and 25c- The Stone Moilntain Bap tist Association \\ill convene with Roariner Gap Baptist church on Friday, Saturday and Sundiy. Sept. 25, 26, 27. Hiis dmrdi is located on highway 21, about twelve miles north of Elkin. The program foDows: Friday, September S-Mli 10:00 a. m. EWT—Songp. Devotional. Elder Grant Coth- ren. Modenator J. A. Gilliam calls aasocia’ion to order. Vlgltors Invited. 10: l.s a. m.—Introductory ser mon. Elder S. L. Blevins. Elder J. Z. Adams, alternate. 11:15—Roll call and messen gers seated. Appointment of committees. 12:00—^Adjourn for lunch. 1:00 p. m.—Associa'ion reas sembles. Report on Temperance by Elder John Burcham. Report on Periodicals by Elder A. B. Hayes. Report on Christian Education by Mrs. W. V. Nix. Saitarday, September 2flth 10:30 a. m.—Songs and devo tional. Report on Ministerial Relief by Mrs. V. W. i>uftman. 11:00 a. m.—Report on Mis sions by C. C. Gambill. 12:00—^Adjourn for lunch. 1:00 p. m.—^Reassemble. Report on Orphanage by Mrs. J. L. Gregoiy. 1:46—.Report on Baptist Hos pital by Mrs. Glenn Dancy. Report on Pastor and Church relations by A. C. Yale. 2:45—Report of State of Chnrchw. •3:00—^Financial report. * Report on Resolationx gMOOWt September STdi 10:SO a. m.—Songs and Devo- ttonal. Report on Sonday School bf Hn. 3. *. DoJonrnett.