^--iS'1!^’>''!?*'♦''■» wt>r;.c w 'tt, ' ,', " ’■'-'_^:i■^■.^5* .THB^il^ira^C^^RlbT HAS BLAZED THE TSiw©FPRO ir; . I I I I. . >fli.-.;';4!j/' .. -v^- mx - -v.. ^e^ - Nbrth tSif mwlng p»d^ ex|teir of North North Carolina. niiCD) BWW»«i«tj VOL. XXXV, No. 52 Council [^ 'International Shoe Co. Is Named To Im portant Group Published Monday and Thur»day>. NORTH WILKESBORQ, N. C.f litONDAY, SyT. 14, 1M2 $1.50 In the SUte -- $2.00 Out of SUto ^WILKES ^ Men With ^TheColors The International Shoe Company, of North Wilkes- [itboro, and two other North 'Carolina firms were listed Saturday as members of a war I production board advisory ;ommittee for the chestnut [NBxtract industry, formation of which was announced at j I Washington along with eight j additional advisory groups, j The North Wilkesboro firni. [ which is an hnportant branch ot I,the International Shoe Comj»d.ny lat St. Louie, Mo., was named as a member of the committee with- I out an individual official beini? I designated. Questioned here. J. D. Schafer, [manager ot the plant, .said he had [received a letter from WPB in [regard to the proposed advisory I committee, but had referred it to headquarters tn St. Louis, j Extracts Tannin The North WHtesboro firm e.t- ! tracts tannin, used in manufacture !of shoes, from chestnut w'ood and ihestnut oak bark. It formerly Iperated a tannery but this was l^gVroyed by water and tire dur- j^the flood ot two years ago. The extract plant remains an [^Important plant in that phase of tlae company’s operations, ship- |p!ng chestnnt products to numer- 'ou8 other units of the firm. North Carolinians named to the greup ere Joseph S. Silversteen. J Roseman Tanning Extract Com- jjpany, Roseman, Transylvania jiunty, and William Pollard, kampion Paper and Fibre Com ay. Canton. Other members of the com- Imittee are H. B. Beard. Decatur, Ala.: J. H. Teas. Nashville, Tenn.; [L. M. Whitmore. Salem. Va.: Charlee Schieren Company. New York city: and H. M, Wld- [ney, Durbin, W. Va. -V Pvt. Church Visits Home Pvt. Troy M. Church, who Is a member of the marine corps unita at Charleston, S. C., has been spending a few days with his wife%.nd with his mother, Mrs. Annie Church, of Millers Creek. L. S. Price Joins Navy L. S. Price, of Pores Knob, to day enlisted in the naval con struction division. Mr. Price for some time was engaged in ce ment construction work at Pine Bluff, Ark. He enlbted at Ral eigh. Ho has a brother. Mack Price, who enlisted tn the navy some time ago and is now sta tioned at Norfolk, Va. Pvi;. Gwyn Elledge Now At Camp Polk, La. Pvt. Gwyn Elledge. son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Elledge, ot North Wilkesboro, route one, has arrived at Camp Polk, La., for training and has ceon assigned to the supply battalion of the seventh armored division. Ivey Moore Visits Family Here Over Week-End Ivey Moore, who is In the navy and is stationed at the navy hos pital at Charleston. S. C., spent the weekend with his family here. He was accompanied by Bill Wymtn, who is also station ed there, and Corporal Frank Bondi, of Port Bragg. Mr. Moore and guests were accompanied on their return as far as Charlotte Sunday by Mrs. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carrington. Pfc. John Tugman Now In Palestine Pfc. John Tugman, §on of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tugman. of North Wilkesboro route one, is now in Pales'ine, according to a letter received by uis parents. Pfc. Tugman, a radio operator in the I army air corp^, .said the food in Palestine is good and that living conditions are better than he ex- I peoted. He has been in the army I since December, 1941, and re ceived his training at Barksdale ; Field, Ta.. and Fort Myers. Fla. I Pvt. Leonard Sebastian In Great Britian Pvt. Leonard Sebastian has j landed safely in England, accord- Here U. S. soldiers stationed at one of our bases In the Netherlands col ony of Surinam, Dntch Gniana, pass the hulk of a German freighter thai was scuttled off Paramaribo In 1940. The German ship was deliberately sunk here in an attempt to block the important port channel. However, this bit of German strategy failed.—Soundphoto. ^Jap.Sty ant AreBombet^Une Is Reported Sunk Allied Bombers Successfully Attack Enemy Shipping Near Australia Early Reports Said Russians Had Retreated Midday Reports Today Said Russians Were Holding In Fierce Battles Wilkes Democrats In Banquet Meeting W. A. McNiel Is Host at Dinner Meet Saturday Paul J. Vestal Is Elected as Secretary of Wilkes Dem ocratic Organization M. L. Hayes, 80, Read This Paper Since Its Origin Two Are Injured When Motorcycle ing to a cablegram Paul J. Vestal, of Mora vian Falls, was elected secre tary of the Wilkes County Democralfic Executive com mittee in a called meeting of the committee Saturday eve ning. The meeting, which was a banquet given by W. A. Mc Niel, who was recently elect ed Democratic chairman, was held at the state high way prison camp near this city. Mr. Vestal, who In addition to received by being secretary of M. L. Hayes, well knowa citl- Z“n of the Gilreath com muni- ty, spent from 'Thursday until Sunday here xvllh his son, Ted Hayes, and family. Wtiile hero he celebrated his 80th birthday on September 10. Incidentally, Mr, Hayes stated that he sobscrlbed to ispts- poper when it starM HO years ago and that he had not been without It since. V- General MacArthur’s Headquarters, Australia —Allied bombers yesterday attacked three Japanese merchantment off Tenimber, in the Kai Islands, leaving one sinking, the Allied com mand announced today. The Kai Islands are north of Darwin and south of the westend of New Guinea. Allied Flying Fortress planes at tacked a Japanese cruiser off New Britain, but results were not ob served. Land Action Unchanged The situation in the interior of New Guinea, where Japanese jun gle fighters are advancing over land toward Port Moresby, was unchanged. At Lae, northern New Guinea Japanese air base, two Japanese bombers were destroyed on the ground in a heavy Allied bombing attack. -V J. R Snipes, Wilkes County Salvage committee chairman, today urged increased activi ty in salvage and sale of Radio reports today from Russia indicated that the Russians had stiffened resis- scrap metals in Wilkes coun-J o" Stalingrad front, *y 1 where earlier reports had in- Two Wilkes Men On Committee For Amendment E iy R Gasoline Books Not Here . E. Story and J. M. Ger man Named On Group Favoring Changes Wilkes ra'ioning boards have not yet received a sufficient sup ply of E and R rationing books for tractors, stationary engines and other non-highway uses. These gasolin? users may get OPA form number 655 at their service stations. Two copies of this form must be filled out and signed by the purchaser and the dealer. The dealers should keep tb eciitive T. E. Story of Wilkesboro, for both copies, carry them to the ra tne exccun c superintendent of the tioning board offices and get in- iRuns Off Street [Lincolnton Man and Newton Girl Hurt In Wilkesboro Sunday Afternoon Two were injured Sunday [afternoon when a motorcycle Iran off the highway in jtVilkesboro. Harry Turner, of Lincoln- and Virginia Lockman. Newton, were riding the laame motorcycle, which jplaiiged into a pine tree on (the ground.s at C. H. Hulcher’s home after it left highway [16-18 near Groce’s sertice [station. ' Wilkesboro Police Chief .4rlie Foster, who investigated the ac cident, said there was no evidence Of speeding or racing with two other motorcycles as was report ed and that cause of the accident was unknown. Turner sustained severe in juries, Including fractures ot fa cial bones and possible skull frac ture. He was unconscious for eeveral hours after the accident 'and is now a patient a: the ■Wilkes hospital. Miss uockman sustained minor injuries and was released from the hospital ’ treatment. V his parents, Mr, and Mrs Grover is the party’s nominee wXs^rdisteictTch^^^^ Seh^stain. of for county commissioner in district educational organizations route one. Pvt. Sebastian ha. 2, -«ras toastmaster at the j jj. German, of 1193 and included the committee one. been In the army since April 1 ^ jneeling. Total attendance was and received hl.s training Camp Edwards, Mass. Corporal Gwvti Kilby In Africa Corporal Gwyn J. (Shine) Kil is now with U. S. forces some Boomer, prominent farmer and widely known citizen, are listed ■ventory coupons to cover the amount of gasoline involved. ’These forms are supposed to be used un til E and R books arc received. Rationing boards have plenty of I members. Democratic elecMon of- 15]^ names on the edu-| passenger car and truck coupon , ficials and other Invited guests. Addresses were made by J. Gor- cational committee in the state books. by . . •* f favoring adoption of the amend-( All service stations are warned ,don Hackett, of this city, former consolidate the five educa- to immediately stop sale of gaso- ; member of the state highway com- branches of the North Caro- line without receiving coupons. J, . I mission and for many decades a ,. q. . g-ov-rnment > '' where in Africa, according to a Democratic ^^rty,,^ ^ ® and John McLaughlin, of States-* The hst contains many ville, a prominent political leader prominent people of the state and in Iredell county. The county Democratic candidates spoke brief- success after le'ter received during the pa-t week by his paren's, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Kilby. Previously he had been stationed at a location which was not disclosed. Private Oaude H. Hincher At Camp Edwards Pvt. Claude H. Hincher, son of J. R. Hmcher, of the North Wilkes boro route two community, is now stationed with an engineers regi ment at Camp Edwards, Mass. Pvt. Hincher has been in the army for six months. Sgt. Hogan Home on Furlough Sgt. Robert Hogan, who is sta tioned at Charleston, S. C.. is visiting his wife while on a ten- day furlough. William Gray Accepted As Aviation Cadet William C. Gray, of Wilkes boro, qualified before the Avia tion Cadet Examining board in Winston-Salem for appointment as an aviation cadet, and is ex pected to report soon to begin his (Continued on page eight) of ihe Triple A Office To Get Lime Bids Wilkee office of the Triple A will accept bids for hauling lime ers in educational fields of en- ly and confidence for success of do^vor. I the party in the November election I The proposed amendment wiil bej to Wilkes farmers. Bids will close !was freely expressed. adopted or rejected by vote of the on September 18 and those inter- I Chairman McNiel stated that an people of the .state in the Novem- ested should active campaign, which will begin ber election, within a very short time, has been ested should file 'fore that date. their bids be- planned. Claude Pardue Gets Free Bui! American Legion and Auxiliary To Have Meetii^ Here On Friday Night Local Organizations Are to Have Big Fish Fry At the Hut Plans are now well underway for the big get-together meeting of the members of the Wilkes County Post of the American Le- Claude Pardue, of Traphill, wa.s one of 21 winners of purebred jersey bulls given in North Caro lina by the American Jersey Club, J. B. Snipes, Wilkee coun-, ty agent, said today. | The organization gave away 1,-j 000 purebred bulls In the nation gion and Auxiliary which will ^ for distribution to farmers wish 'take place at the Legion and Auxl-^ meeting Friday evening as It will ing to Improve their herds. Of,loary Hut Friday at 7 o'clock p. | be o-ne of the big evente ot the that number 21 came to North m. fall season, and the first of a se- Carolina and Mr. Pardue was for-1 The first part of the program ries of banquet meetings that will tunate in being one of the 21, Mr. being arranged for this joint be held during the fall and wiu- Snlpes said. meeting will be a fish fry banquet, ter seasons. with plenty of fish and other good things to eat so that every one present may eat to his heart’s content. Following the fish banquet, those desiring to do so will have the privilege of enjoying square dancing. All members of the Legion and Auxiliary are invited to attend the While the county has made a good showing during the past year, a tremendous amount of work yet remains to be accomplished before all available scrap metals are turned in for use in the war production program. Steel mills need scrap badly. People in this part of the state are fortunate in having scrap dealers hor© who will buy the scrap at government approved prices, process It and ship it to the mills. Those who can are urged to bring their scrap metals In at once. If you have a reasonable quantity of scrap and no means to get It to the dealers, call Mr. Snipes’ office and he will have a WPA truck call for the scrap, which will be weighed on the premises and paid for at the pre vailing prices. The ncmes of persons from whom WPA trucks have collected scrap, representing purchases and donations, follow: Column Absher, Robert Absher, J, A. Absher, E. M. Al»her, P. W. Anderson, Sanford Anderson. Lucy Austin, R. L. Ballard, Boyd | Beamer, Rob Beckman, B. E. Bell. Glenn Bell, J. M. Bentley, Ches ter Billings. Jimmie Billings, Ralph Billings, W. M. Blackburn, Bruce Blakeley, Sylvia Bouchelle, Guy Brooks, Eddie Brown, Frank Brown, G. W. Brown, M. H Brown, J. L. A. Bumgarner, Wince Bumgarner, Charlie R. Byrd, I. J. Call, Mrs. Nellie Call, Charles Cannon. A. T. Caudill, Austin Caudill. L. F. Coudill, Wil lie Chambers, Henry Church. Dick Cockerham, Mrs. J. M. Combs. Mrs. Lonnie Combs. Y. M. Cooper, Emma Cothren, W. G. Cothren, Barnie Crabb, Willie Crabb, Charlie T. Crow, James C. Davis. C. M. Dearman, Dr. J. S. Deans, Clyde Dimmette, Zeb V. Dickson, Edward Eller, J. E. El (Continued on page eight) V iUcated that G«nnan reserves had pierced Red Defenses. There were also reports that Russians had made some gains near Leningrad mi the northern end of the long bat tle front. Earlier Reports Moscow, Monday.—The Russian high command said today that re inforced German troops had made a further advance southwest of beleaguered Stalingrad, the sec ond German gain announced in this sector in 24 hours. Using almost the same words as in last night’s communique, the midnight bulletin said the Ger mans had occupied “a populated place” to the southwest of the Volga ‘Citm,,4Fhec.aa3K-.cammani- qne said, however, the Russians were now holding firm west of Stalingrad where during the day a German advance had been ack nowledged. (The German high command said that German troopni had pen etrated the southern irart of Stal ingrad). Red-s Withdrew The Russians said the Germans had brought up fresh reserve.s and were attacking continuously in the .southwestern .sector. The Red array withdrew, the com munique said, only aftgr it had annihilated a battalion of enemy infantry and disabled about 40 enemy tanks and destroyed 24 mo tor vehicle carrying troops. V Vaccmatioiisin The City Schools County Health Department Nursos to Administer Vac cinations Wednesday Mrs. Bertha» Bell and Miss ; Helen Riggsbee, nurses with the : Wilkes county health department. ' are working this w'eek in the 1 North Wilkesboro schools. Today they administered vac- : cination in the colored schools land on Wednesday will give I diphtheria tests and smallpox vac- _ Icina’ions in the first four grades James EH Johnson Killed In of white schools. Auto Accident Near i Parents are asked to cooperate Former Citizen Of Wilkes Is Kill eel Johnson City Funeral service was held at Oak Forest church in the Dellaplane , community Saturday for Jamee i Eli Johnson, former citizen of that communi’y who was killed ^ in an automobile accident near Johnson City, Tennessee, on Wed nesday. I Mr. Johnson, who formerly | spent some time at the soldiers’ : home at Johnson City, had re-1 cently been carrying the mail on 1 a route near there. by having their children tested and immunized if that is found to be necessary. The law now makes in mandatory for children to he immunized against diph teria and vaccinated against small pox. V- [ Important Meet Of Junior Order Gilbert Bare, councilor, has linnounced that a most interesting Bftng of North Wilkesboro JScil of the Junior Order has lieen planned for Tuesday night. Donkey BallGameThursday Dr. James Howell Is On Greensboro College Faculty Greensboro—Dr. James Howell, ! native of'Wilkes county, A. B., . , .rrr.n Guilford college, A. M. and Ph. D., His surviving relatives in Wilkes i Carolina, suc- brothers and three sis-' jjj. Charles R. Sleeth, re signed, as professor of English and acting head of the English de partment at Greensboro college. In i addition to several years of public (school teaching and administnitivc 'experience, Dr. Howell has been a member of the faculty of Sewanee are four ters. member Is urged to be hrwent for the important busl- I to come before the council \ni for the Interesting program. [Refreehments will be served, Mr. ftare said. People of North Wilkesboro and all nearby communities Thursday evening will have an opportunity to witness a real treat in hilarious enter tainment. At seven o’clock on Thurs day evening of this week, a donkey baseball game will be played on the fairgrounds. The game will be one of the funniest events of the season and should draw a bf'’ crowd. The North Wilkesboro fire department, that organization which renders valuable eervlee In times of emergency and is always on the Job, is sponsoring show in order to get some badly |fact needed funds. There is a double . mounted on donkeys from appeal for a big attendance—see |,bronco-buckihg country of West a good show and at the same)Texas. These donkeys know what time help a most worthy organl-1 to do and—what not to do. zatlon. I The laughs will be plentiful The firemen will play the and side splitting. It will be one “supermen” in a game of base- of the most hilarious shows ever ball. There is nothing note- put on. A big time is assured the [worthy about that except for the every one who will attend. that the players will be, Admission charges will he the and 35 cents and every one who Military academy, graduate assist- 15 attends will be assured of show, and that they are helping the firemen, that organization of men who answer every call, re gardless of the time or weather, to save lives and property In North Wilkesboro. Girl Scou'8 are selling tickets. good j ant tn English in the University of North Carolina and a member of the English faculty of Western Carolina Teachers college. He has served, also, as chairman of the English teachers' section of the North Carolina Bdneation associa tion. Dr. and Mrs, Howell will make their home *t Odell place. JkM

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