wm. laUdxtb item North Carolina rrw^*' :es''^^-1^_ •!f^ * -i: va ItY?! ^.‘•. -■ 'I* ^ -f \; . .-.A. - ■' ■"’"'- --iilll^^llt-*''■■ ■*■—'“ j,u. 33 iwU'Wiil^iii' '.iSAijijr S3''?-, .X)CXV,W6.S2 Published Mondays and Thursdays. ; N( Men With TheOolors Navy Veteran Stalingrad Near Capture Is Claim Of the Germans Mr. and Mrs. M. Von Caudill, of tihe U. S. Navy, are visiting the parent.s of Mr. ('andUl, Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Caudjll. of Hay>. V’on entCT«d the Navy In 1&37 as apprentice seanian, serving his apprenticeship In Hampton Roads, Va., after which he took up cn^fineerlng and sers'cd in forelipi water,, aboat four years. He has climbed to the rank of Machinist Mate First Glass, Is In charjfe of the enjflneering department of his liiip and is now operating somewhere 1* the .^.tlantlc. ^ Charle.s C. EUedge Enlists In TTie Navy Charles C. Blledge hes volun- l.tftnA.- hifl,s«Q^*sa to aaTyJ and was accepted at Norfolk, Va.. with the rank of chief petty officer. Mr. Elledge for eeren years was a member of Mount Pleasant high school and for the past three years was a member of Rutherfordton high school, where .« he was assistant principal last ' year. During the summer he has been employed a* a war plant vf Radford, Va. Mrs. Blledge, the former Miss Gr»ice Gilreath, will ^ continue teaching at Rutherford- , ton. Pvt. Kyle HayciS Now- On RiOe Range Prt. Kyle Hayes, w'ho enlisted In the marine corps four weeks ago tod.iy and wais assigned to the marine base at San Diego. Cal., for basic training, writes that he is now on the rifle \-ange and is ..^getting along all right. Before Trolunteerlng his services In the marine corps. Pvt. Hayes was a well known attorney here. His brother and law partner. Attor ney Clyde Hayas, is looking afer his law practice while he is in the service. Paul Warren Promoted Sergeant Paul M. Warren, sm; of Mrs. Belle Warren and the late L. C. Warren, of Wilkesboro. has ^been promoted to bis present rank at the Marine base at Parris Is land. He volunteered for service August 8. 1940, at the age of 18 years. Sergeant Warren has been at Parris Island since last Novem ber and likes nothing better than Marine life. Pvt. Osborne Home Pvt. James D. Osborne return ed Tuesday to Fort Moultrie. 8 C., after spending a few days fur lough ■■vith his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .4. G. Osborne, of Cricket. Pvt. Osborne has been in the army for IS months. Moscow, Thursday.—The Russians announced official ly early today that German shock troops had battered into the northwestern out skirts of Stalingrad where the Red army and civilians were battling desperately to save that southern arsenal city which is the gateway to Astrakham *n the Caspian Sea. A midnight communique which for the first time placed the fight, ing in the city’s outskirts said: “On the northwest outskirts of Stalingrad pur troops fought hea vy actions against the enemy. In one sector individual groups of en emy Unks drove wedges into our defenses, but were wiped out in the heavy fighting that ehsned.” The Russians, fighting *|^nst the flaming backdrop of salin- grad which has been heavily as saulted by Nazi dive bombers, were under orders to stand or die. There appeared to be no retreat, either, for the civilian army inside the Volga River city named for Premier Joseph> Stalin. , The Genaans WB.htwgjng up. reserves steadily to replace the thousands of fallen Nazis, the Rus sians said. Among these were Rumanians, and the communique said one whole Rumanian regiment was routed in the fight outside of the city. YdimgAiiK THUR$DAt»Ji^^ Vt:mt 'u- \ -> $2.00 Out of State - •inn VC.'. r‘ij Salvage Drive 1$ Progressing In County i Above is shown D. V. Deal, executi^.^ a $25 War Bond to probably the youii^^ this patriotic young American is Louis Im is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Pat) R. McLean, all of whom reside in the Crtl ^The Northwestern Bank selling in the county. The name of aged seven months. He ja grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. lity. Metal Collected By WPA Trucks Is Sold To Lowe Boy Scout C( Has Good Re] Three New Reports In Meeting Held Here cate Progress In Scout & Three New Troop> Executive meeting of the 0' Hickory Boy held Monday night at Hotel Wilkes with 28 present, including repre sentatives from Forsyth, Surry, Yadkin and Wilkes-counties. J. M. Bro-wn, of Winston-Salem, president of the Old Hickory coun cil, presided. Prior to the dinner Ford Accepts f^torate At Wilkesboro .r.Rey. Howard Ford, who is now at the Southwestern WPA trucks in Wilkes county have collected over cne-hatf million pounds of scrap metals since they began operation only a short time ago, J. R Snipes, Wilkes Salvage committee chairman, said today. I The trucks are being used to collect and bring in metal from farms and other homes which do not have means of transportation to bring it to local scrap dealera This work is continuing with the result that Wilkes is making an ex cellent showing in collection of scrap metah and much greater quantities are reach ing the steel mills than would otherwise be possible. The Bcrap collected by the trucks was plied on the lot at the prison camp. The ‘Pudding Bomb!’ The “pudding bomb,” ased with good effect in the EgypUaa desert, is ssld to be more potent than the “Molotov cocktail” for rendering German tanks hors de eombat. Thrown at a tank, the “pudding” tUcks to the side nntil it explodes. Parish Day At St. Paul’s Sunday Bishop Gribbin Will Speak In. Service at Wilkesboro Episcopal Church ing ttnll be inter^.„_^ . and friends, Chalnnfa Ndlsmi said because they will iind out vdiat fine things the boys are learning to do. Unquestionably the Boy Scout movement is .one of the lay. Airmen Slay 500 and Bag 6 Planes P\ t. Watkins Visits His Parents Pvt. Cecil G. Watkins will re turn Friday to the army air hose at Richmond, Va.. after spending a 'furlough vith his father. Mr. Walter Watkins, of Gilreath. Pvt. Watkins has been in the army for four months. Pvt. Harley Minton Is Now In Africa RelaMves twive received a letter from Pvt. Harley Minton, who eald he was stationed somewhere in Africa. Pvt. Minton, of near this clty^ and nas boon in the army for the past 18 months. Lewis Brovhill Promoted To Staff Sergrant Lewis Broyhill. of Purlear route one, who Is In the army and has been stationed at Camp (Continued on page S) chairmen, which Indicated that » I much progres.s is being made in ! ihc Scout expansion program launched several months ago. The reports were very encourag ing. James M. Anderson, chair man for the Wilkes district, re- , . J I ported that at. least three new two enemy warships, ^ “®"| troops in Wilkes will be function- styoyed six planes and killed ing at an early date, Pearl Harbor.—U. S. my planes from Alaska swept down on Japanese held Kiska Island in the Aleutians Tuesday and sank meeting finance chairmen from | finest movemei^ the various districts in the council helps to build chara^ held a meeting at 6:30 o’clock. ership quali^g bo^of t«^y ^ 7 .. 'for leaders of tomorrow, Mr. N«- Featunng the executive meeting were reports from the committee of honor and review are J. B. Mc Coy, James M. Anderson, P. W. Eshelman, C. J. Swofford, Mayor R, T. McNiel, Cyi-us McNiel and E. G. Finley. The list of councilors to whom the Scouts go to pass merit awards has beer, revised for the 500 Japanese ashore, where storage dumps were blasted. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz announced yesterday. The only U. S. casualtie.s were the pilots of two P-38 fighters which collided in mid-air. Nimitz’ communique said. Other enemy ships and plane groups in the harbor were hit di rectly by bombs and subjected to repeated .strafing. Explosions and fires were noted among .shore in stallations and the raid was called officially “most successful.” ■ Text of the communique, No. 9 issued by Nimitz: “September 15—’This afternoon our army air forces in .Alaska de livered a most successful attack on enemy shipping and shore in stallations at Kiska. Enemy ships and planes in the harbor received direct bomb hits and repeated strafing. .At least two naval ves sels were sunk. Five enemy fight ers were downed in flames and one four-engined patrol plane burned on the water. V Announcement was made of .a regional laymen’s meeting to be held in Charlotte on October 10 for Wilkes district, Ciiairman Nelson said, and he urged that the coun cilors be thorough in examination of those who apply. The council held m Uharlotte on uctooer ju lor - . , North and South Carolina and the are asked to see the toys t^y northern part of Georgia. J. B. Carter, of North Wilkesboro, was named attendance chairman for the Wilkes district and it is ex pected that several will attend the regional meeting. COURT OF HONOR TO MET TONIGHT Wilkes District Boy Scout Court of Honor and Review will meet on this evening, 7:30, in the re ligious education building of the North Wilke.storo Pre.»byterian church, L. M. Nelson, chairman, as announced. 'Chairman Nelson urged that all parents and friends of Scouts, and others interested in the progress of Scouting attend the court meet ings, which are held the third Thursday evening in each month. New Aircraft Classes Soon A new course in aircraft con- sTruction will open Momlay at North WUke-sboro school. This course Is especially de signed for the convenience of local Industrial workers who wish to secure training for war production and the class will be In session «ily four hours each day, with me hours ar ranged to make It possible for those who enroll to conttnne their present employment. All who are interested are asked to call at the school Monday aftemoon between three and six o'clock. appointment according to theii convenience. Tne revised list of councilors fol low's: agriculture, J. B. Snipes and H. C. Colvard; angling, W. D. Halfacre and Dr. John W. Kin- cheloe, Jr.; animal industry, Dr. M. G. Ekiwards and Frank Cranor; architecture, K. M. Allen; art, Mr.s. Watt Cooper; astronomy, W. D. Halfacre; athletics, W. J. Bason and V. E. Jenning.-; automobiling Henry Landon; beef production, J. B. Snipes; bird study, M. J. Beardslee and Mrs. T. B. Finley. Bookbinding, D. J. Carter and Lawrence Critchef; botany, H. C. Colvard; bugling, Emmet Johnson: busine.ss, J. R. Hix; camping, C. D. Coffey, Jr.; canoeing, R. G. Finley; carpentry, J. B. Collins; (Continued on page eight) Message From Pfc. Homer Wellborn In Australia Recorded and Sent To His Family In Wilkes By Red Crosr The first recorded mcs.sagc' from a .toldiep oversoa.s to his home In tills county was de livered 'Tu'sday aftemoon by Rev. A. C. Waggoner, chairman of the W’ilkes chapter of the Red Cro«6, It was from Pfc. Homer C. Wellborn In Auf^ralia, to his father, O, G. Wellborn, of Wilkesboro route two. The record was made from a shortwnve program prevlon.sly produced with the cooperation of the Red Cross over the Mu tual Broadcasting System. The meemge was seiw, to America from the continent “down un der" by radio and was record ed In this country. Hie HWordlBies of voices »f stddiers oveneas to their fomi- lles Is one of the many ser vices being rendered by the Red Cross under Its congres sional charter as the official link between members of the armed forces and their fami lies. Needlens to state, Pfc. Well- bom's father and other mem bers of the family were hap py to hear his voice, which was recorded on the other side of the globe, as It spoke personal messages In natural tone. Instructions wiilrii go with the reewdings urge that the record be played sparingly, and with a new neeffle bVery time. With care, a record may be pUyed fifty times, the Inahnic- tJons said. Rev. Mr. Ford is a former pas tor of the chiiTch, having served the Baptist churchfes In Wilkes- toro and at Bparta several years ago. Rev. Mr. Ford’s acceptance will he passed on officially by the membensnlp of the Wilkesboro church Sunday morning. The pulpit committee of the church has been making efforts to get Rev. Mr. Ford to accept the call for several months, and his acceptance will be learned with much interest and pleasure, not only by the membership of the Wilkesboro church but the many other citizens of this sec tion who have had the privilege of knowing Rev. Mr. Ford. Eshelman At Directors Meet Hosiery Group P. W. Kshelinan, of this city. Is in New York City this week attending a directors meeting of the National Hosiery .isso- riatlon. Mr. Bshebnan, president of Wilkes Hosieiy Mills company, has been a member of the board of directors of the Nati onal Hosiery A-Boolatloii for some time. The s€R!sien,s of the board are being held at the Waldorf As toria hotel. « Committees For Juniors Named Councilor Bare Name* Com mittees; Charlie Leckie Vice Councilor North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Order held an Important meeting on Tuesday night. One item of business was the election of Charlie Leckie as vice councilor to fill 'he unexplred term of Bob Tharrington, who has gone into service in the navy. Councilor Gilhert T. Brre ap pointed the following committees: Attendance committee—Mr. C. O. Day, Mr. Bradley Dancy and Mr. R. B. Church. Entertainment committee—Mr C. B. Eller, Mr. Monroe Eller, Mr. B. F. Bentley. Refreshment committee — Mr. 0. K. Pope, Mr, George Campbell. Mr. A. A. Cashlon. Publicity committee—Mr. S. L. PMidu«, i.Mr. B. A. Shook, Mr. JohnsoB Sanders. dealer, by the WPA for $8.75 per ton and bids are now open on the second lot consisting of 296.941 pounds. In collee'lng the metals, the men with the WPA trucks weigh that collected on the premises and payment at the prevailing prices is forwarded by mail. Efforts are now being made, Mr. Snipes said, to reach scrap metal quantities at several points where owners have made no ef fort to dispose of it. He urged that ell who have scrap metal carry It to dealers or call for the WPA truck. If persons who have substantial quantities refuse to sell, the metal can be taken and the ower paid the prevailing price. The need for scrap metal In war production Ls acute and no one will be allowed to ob struct progress. Sam T. Hensley Now With Coble Sanitariain Resigns to Be come Producers Inspector For the Coble Company St. Paul’s C3itoifh next Sunday, September 20th. The day will begin with the administration of the Holy Baptism at 10:30 a. m. At 11:00 o’clock a. m., there will be a Celebration of the Holy Communion, at which service the Bishop of the Diocese, tte Rt Rev. Robert E. Gribbin, D. D., will be present and preach. ’The offertory, ‘0 Rest in the Lord’’ from Elijah by Mendelssohn, will be .sung by Miss Betty Story. At I o’clock a picnic dinner will be .served on the lawn at the home of Miss Eliza beth Barber. All members of St. Paul’s, also friends and visitors are giver a special invitation to atte.od and participate in all activities of the day. Demoo’ats Open An Office h City Campaign Headquarters Are Opened In Tomlinson De partment Store Building Sam T. Hensley, for the past several months Wilkes county san itarian, has resigned his position with the Wilkes county health de partment to become general in spector for producers for Coble Dairy Products company. Mr. Hensley, who began his new duties /Wednesday with the Coble company, will maintain headquar ters at the new Wilkesboro plant of Coble Dairy Products company and will inspect receiving stations and producers’ source of milk supply. Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes county health officer, said today that the vacancy in the position as sanitari an has not been filled, but may be soon by appointment by the state health department V Roy C. Lowe, Bus Driver, Injured In Accident Tuesday Roy C. Lowe, formerly of North Wilkesboro and now re siding at Hickory, was slightly Injured Tuesday night when a Queen (Mty bus which he was driving crashed into a Standard Oil tank truck near Hickory. | Lowe suffered an Injury to his right knee but did not remain In the hospital. Eight passengers were hurt, but none were report ed In serious condition. Lowe formerly drove buses In this ter ritory and Is well known In WUkM. Wilkes county Democratic or ganization has opened he.sd- quar'ers In an office room on the second floor of the Tomlinson building on Moln street, W. A. McNiel, chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee, said today. The office will be open daily from now until election and will serve as campaign hcadquar'ers, Mr. NcNiel said. Mrs. Iva Faw Woites. formerly secretary in the office of Attorney W. H. McElwee, will be In charge of the office. The chairman invites all mem bers of the party to visit the of fice at any tme. School Bus and Truck Collide A Moun'oin View school bus and a Blue Ridge Hatchery truck collided on a county road near Rock Creek church Tuesday morning. The bus and truck were badly damaged but no^ one was serious ly hurt. One child In the bus suffered minor bruises. The driver of the truck, which was said to have been on the wrong side of the rnad, was re ported to have assumed full re sponsibility for the accident. The army mule, long a standby for drawing escort wagons and other vehicles but rather .gen erally replaced a few years ago by motor transport. Is now mak- m —1 mAAmdkthAAlt..

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