WILKE Men In The SERVICE I Waggoner is Returned To Church Here In Palestine Rev.‘F, H. Shinn I» New Pas tor of Wilkesboro And Union Churches CV)rporal Johimy Tu|puan, who is in the anujr air forces > and is sen'ing with a bombanl- ment group in Palestine, writes ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Tngman, of North Wilkesboro route one, that he is gcttin" along fine and that his group is doing effective work. He has been in the service since Christmas and was in training at Port M.vers, Florida, before being sent to Palestine, where lie arrived on July 15. BBleiBS Major Hubbard Transferred To Arkansas Major F. C. Hubbard, of the army medloai corps, has been \ transferred from Atterbwyi Indi ana, to an army fort in Arkansas, according to a telephone message ^ received here. Mrs. Hubbard. ' who ha.s been spending some time with him at Atterbury, Indiana, is V expected to return home this ' week. Captain Smoot Visits Mother Here Captain Clinton Smoot, who is stationed near Baltimore, visited his mother. Mrs, J. €, Smoot, here on Wednesday and Thursday of last week r.t. Dick Gywn Receives .\rmv Commission U. Richard W. (Dick) Owyn has completed his officer train ing course at Fort Sill, OkUihoma, r r.id has received his commission 13 a .second lieutenant in the ar my. I-t. Owyn is now spendin.g a ten-day furlough here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. W Owyn. Pvt, Glenn West Here From Fort Bragg I’vt. Glenn West, who is sta tioned at Fort Bragg, is visitina with his grandmother. Mrs. Min nie West, in the R(»dy Branch i community. Captain W’right Now' At Fort Rienning Capt. David R. Wright. Sr., ts now stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Mrs. Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bumgarner, re cently went to Fort Benning to be with him. Pvt. David R. Wright. Jr. In Colorado Pvt, David R. Wright, Jr., son of Capt. and Mrs. David R. Wright, Sr., of Fort Benning, Ga., Is now located at an army camp in Colorado. He was recently in ducted into the army at Camp Croft, S. C. Lt. Lass H. Church At Fort Jackson Lt. I./a8S H. Church has return ed to Fort Jackson, S. C„ after spending a ten-day furlough with his perents, Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Church, of Wilkesboro route one. . Sereeant Roy Cashion ' Home On Furlough Sergeant Roy Cashion arrived ■*"|»eaterday from Fort Sill, Okla homa, where he is a member of the field artillery, to spend a 15- I day furloagh with his parents, LiPkr and Mrs. A. A. Cashion. W Wlfci* Sgt. Wayne Church Visits Home Sgt. Wayne Church, who Is sta- ■ ttoned at Camp Butner near Dnr- Rcv. A. C. Waggoner was re turned to North Wilkesboro Methodist church by the annual Western North Carolina Metho dist Conference in Charlotte last week. Rev P. H. Shinn, formerly at Waxhaw. was assigned to Wilkes boro and Union Methodist churches. He will succeed Rev. C E .Shannon, who had filled the unexpired conference year of Dr. J C Stokes. Dr. Stokes a few months ago enlisted as a chaplain in the U. S. Navy. Rev J. L. Bumgarner was returned to the Millers Creek charge and Rev. J. M. Greene to Moravian Falls charge. Rev. W. M Roberts was named supply pastor of the Traphill charge. Rev A. C. Gibbs remains sup- jermtendent of the Elkin district. Appointments for the entire dis trict were as follows: Advance. J. C. Gentry. Ararat, Caleb Ashburn, supply. Boone, E. K. McLarty. Bryant Memorial. T. W. Bryant. Cooieemee. F. J. Stough. Creston, J. R. Short. Davie, G. W. Fink. Dobs#n, J. W. Parker. East Bend. G. A, Hovis. Elkin, H. F. Dunoan. (Continued on page eight) Fuel Oily Kerosene Rations Wilkes rationing offi cials said today that con sumer registration for fuel oil and kerosene rationing will not he held in V^ilkes courty until after Novem ber 1, regardless of what date is used in other coun ties or in other parts of the country. Rationing boards in this county have not received the registration forms nor complete instructions on the registration. The con sumer registration will not be attempted until the forms are received. ■Al! distributorK and dealers in fuel oil or keiosene in Wilke.s must register at their respective ra tioning board offices on Tuesday and VVednesday of this week, Oc tober 27 and 28. The consumer registration, date of which will be announced in a few days, will be held at the schools. Consumers are reminded to keep a record of all kerosene and fuel oil purchased since Octo ber 1. Every person who uses fuel oil or kerosene for any purpose must register. Persons who register foi' fuel oil rationing must first ascertain the exact size of rooms to be heated and report the floor space of each room at the time of registration. -V- Representative W. 0. Burgin To Speak Here 28th To Deliver Political Address at North Wilkesboro In Town Hall Wednesday Representative W. O. Burgin. of Lexington, will speak at the North Wilkesboro town hall on Wednesday night, October 2S, eight o’clock. Announcement of the speaking was made today by W. A. McNlel, chairman of the W'llkes Q^mo- cratic Executive committee, who issued a cordial Invitation for all to attend the speaking and hear the issues discussed by Represen tative Burgin, who Is a candidate for another term es representa tive in congress from the Eighth District. Ensign Jack Spainhour, who w-cently received hts conuuis- •sion upon completion of the naval officers training coarse at Northwestern University, i.s now stationed at a naval base, in Maryland. Ensign Spain- hour, a graduate of North Car olina State Collej^e, is a son of >Ir. and Mrs. J. E. Spainhour, of this dty. Rationing Of Coffee Will BeginNov.28 Coffee rationing will be gin on November 28, it was 'suinqunced today in Washington. « The ration will be one pound for five weeks for each adult, according to present plans. V ‘ Allied Nations forces were hanun«ring the enemy on many fronts early today. IN EGYPT Allied forces conUnned their assault on Germaa and Italian forces in North Africa. The big offeBsive, which began two days ago, today was- contlnning with great force and had penetrated German positions. Allies hold control of the air and were re ported to be gaining in the battle. A total of 1,400 German prison ers had been carried back from ) the front. IN RUSSIA* Gev Sian forces made slight gains inskle a factory district of the besieged city of Stalingrad but at a point northwest of the city Rnssina forces had advaiifssl into German' defense positions with considerable success. Pvt. William P. Ingram, of Fort Knox, Ky.. who is spending his ten day leave at his home in Tay lorsville, and Mrs. Ingram were here for the week-end with Mrs. Ingram’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame. IN THE SOLOMONS The big battle for control of Guadalcanal island in the Solo mons between U. 8. Marines and Japanese ' forces Is well under way. Five Japanese assaults have been hurled back by the valiant SAMPLE BALLOT Official Baltot for Solicitor, State Senator, House of Representatives and County Officers INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote a straight party ticket, make a crops (X) mark in the circle of the party you desire to vote for. „ 2 To voie a mixed ticket, or in other words for candidates of different ’ parties, either omit making a cross (X) mark in the party circle at the top ?nd mark in the voting square opposite the name of each candidate on the ballot for whom you wish to vote; or, make a cross (X) mark in the party circle above the name of the party for some of whose candidates you wish to vote, and then mark in the voting squares opposite the names of any candidtte of any other party for whom you wish to vote. „ 3. If you'"ar or drface or wrongly mark this ballot, uetum it anc^jiet^ anothei^.' * DEMOCRATIC FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE □ For Solicitor, 17th Judicial District □ For State Senate, 24th Senatorial District: □ W. A. (LON) McNEIL □ For House of Representatives: □ J. H. WHICKER, JR, □ For Sheriff: □ CLAUDE T. DOUGHTON □ For Clerk of Superior Court: □ For County Surveyor: D □ For Coroner: □ PAUL L CASHION □ V For County Commissioner: Division No. One • □ F. D. FORESTER □ REPUBLICAN FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For Solicitor, 17th Judicial District □ AVALON E. HALL □ For State Senate, 24th Senatorial District: □ B. C. BROCK □ For House of Representatives: □ T. E. STORY □ For Sheriff: □ C. G. POINDEXTER □ For Clerk of Superior Conrt: □ C. C. HAYES □ For County Surveyor: □ EARL S. CAUDILL □ - - For Coroner: □ I. M. MYERS □ V - For County Commissioner: Division No. One □ MAX FOSTER □ - Election November 3, 1942. Chairman Elections. Vilkes County Board of The ticket shown above contains the candidates for county, commis sioner in district number 1, which is composed of Antidch, New* Castle, North Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro 1 and 2, and Somers preemets. District number 2 is composed of Beaver Creek, Bctomer, Brushy Mountain, Elk l>nd 2, Uwis Fork, Lovelace, Moravian Falls, and Sta ton precincts. The Democratic cand'date is Paul J. Vestal and the Re- publicstn candidate is J. E- Pardue. » » r* u* i District number 3 is composed of Edwards 1, 2 and 3, Jobs Cabm 1 and 2, Traphill 1 and 2, Union, Walnut GroveTl and 2, Mulberry 1 2, Reddies River, and Rock Creek precincts. M. F. Absber is Ae Re publican candidatc^and F. C. Johnsdn is the Democmtic candidate. marines. Meanwhile, Ameriesn airmen severely damaged aevecal cmisere and other nntts of- tbe enemy fleet near the Solomons. IN CHINA American airmen in China hanunered at Hong Kong In Jap anese occupied China in prepara tion for an offensive by Chinese land troops. Now In The Navy Apprentice Seaman Harrison Johnson, who recently volun teered his .services to the Unit ed States Navy, left Tuesday for the naval training station at N«M-fo!k, Va., after spend ing six days leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis John son, of Boaring River. Harri son has completed his basic training and returned to his Mss for ausignment to'’dnty.'~'' Must Turn In Idle Tires By November 12 Railway Express Offices Giving Receipts for Tires As They are Turned In Coy Garris Is Victim Of An Auto Wreck Wilkes Citizen Is Instantly Killed When His Pickup Left Highway No. 268 Coy C. Garrts, citizen of the Sliepherd Cross road.s com munity of Wilkes county, was instantly killed at one a. m- 'Snnday wiien his plchnp truck left highway 26S one mile west of Ronda and overturned. Wilkes Coroner I. M. Myers investigated the accident. The coroner concluded that Garris may have f.iilen asleep while driving. His head was crushed between the pickup door and the door frame. Garris, who Is survived by his widow and three children, had been working at Radford, Va. On Saturday he had quit his Job there and was returning home to stay with his family. Go.rrls had stopped at a service station at Elkin, about seven miles from the scene of the acci dent, and service station atten dants there said that he apparent ly was all right physically and was not intoxicated. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, two o’clock, at the Rachel church. Hoey to ~ On Ladi^Pngkt Former Governor Will Ad dress Ladies Night Ban- ^ quet of Kiwanis 19th .\ll passenger car owners must turn in to the government all tires in excess of five per car. According to a bulletin from OPA, all idle tires must be turned in by November 12. Railway express companies are accepting the tires for the government and arc giving the owners receipts. Payments will be made by government check after the tires are shipped to a government warehouse and ap praised. The expre.ss office of the South ern Railway company is the local receiving agent. They will pick up tires on call only in the city limits of North Wilkesboro. Persons outside of town must carry their tires to the express office at the depot. V- Former Governor Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, will be the fea ture speaker at the North Wilkes boro Kiwanis club's annual i,a- dies Nigbt program on Thnrsday evening, November 19. Announcement that the f.imous speaker had been obtained for the Ladies Night program was made today by A. H. Casey, permanent program chairman for the club. The I*"dies Night meeting will bo at Hotel WilKes and in .addition to the address of Former Gover nor Hoey. there will he other in teresting features. V- Snipes Elected Head Citizens Service Corps Curbstone opinions frequently land you in the gutter. I District meeting under aus- I pices of the Office of Civilian IDefen.se was held at the town hall here Fiiday to explain j organization of Citizens Ser vice Corps. Counties represented at the meeting were Wilkes, Yadkin (Continued on page eight i NAVY DAY PROCLAIMED Whereas, October 27 has for the past several years been designated as Navy Day, and Whereas, Ae United States navy is our first line of defense and is taking such a great part in the early of fensives of the present world-wide struggle for freedom and justice. It is hereby proclaimed that North Wilkesboro join with other cities and towns of our nation in observance of Navy Day on October 27. Let us pause on this occasion and consider the pro tection afforded our nation by the navy and its correlat ed branches of service—the U. S. Marine Corps-and the Coast Guard. Because Ae navy depends entirely on volunteers for recruits, we Aould encourage young men who are inter ested to enlist in Ais branch rf Ae service. A naval recruiting officer will be at the North Wilkesboro tosvn hall on Navy Day to inl«Tfiew men intmsted in service : in Ae navy and to accept a|>ppUcations fori enlistment.' ' fh f. McNlEL Mayor of NorA Wilkesboro