% K 4^y •»e .-:V Ife -■ '-vl t IP- U No. Tt; Pt^lkished l^otidi^Wi V^ Ks^-v -t'J % ^ed l^lksM Selective Service Boards List Men to !l^ Indluicted This Month; Board Numhei* ' Two Calls Several Married Men r ; „ Both' Wilkes Selective* boards have notified men to re port for induction within the next several davs, Wilkes hoar»^ »>uinber 1 did not incinde any men who married before December 8, 1941, in H* li*t of men for m* dnction, havini; almost enough sniffle men to reach the nomber asked by state headquarters. Wilkes board number two mclnded some married matt in this call. It u expected that January and February calls will be composed mainly of men age 18 and 19. December Hat* follow: . iwn^icss I^ARD XO. 1 »■ Monroe Tates. >WiOJiuu Segfmypa, ll W. Miner. ^acob OnuiAiit Given. Melvin Isaac Greene. Franklin Odell Faw. Tlioinaa Wilson Triplett. Charlie Edward Marley. Lonnie Davis. James Odell Watt.s. Zcb Clifton Walsh. Rheuben Homer Davis. Stonewall .lackson Transenu. Lero}- 1/ove. Ernest Moore. Robert Ernest Cimton, Dsner Johnson. fienMe Oead Hendrix. Ambrose Monroe Handy. James Coffee Smith. Sampson Mastin. Mack Griffin. Mansfield Taylor. Ernest James Marlow. Sewell Davis Rttssell. Ivory Mahaffey. Georpo Finley Hendrix. Martls Marlow. Dav»3 Ercd Fortner. Dave Marshal Blankenship. Ernest Mansfield Yates, ‘niomas Amos Laws. Hobson Wren Cooper. James Monroe Church. Hafter Clay Combs. Jhn Boyden John.son. Green Lee Hendrix, Albert Glenn Prlvette. Herman George Henderson. Homer Rnfns Transeau. Charlie Istwrs. Richard Warrm Triplett. Warren Harding Anderson, daade Preston Ladd. Andrew Toy Greene. Comer GUllam Davis. William Jaidtkson Massagee. Lonnie Lee Moore. Realy Griffin. William Gordon Johnson. WIlUam Presley Curry. Morris James SummorUn. Panl Jarvis. Robert Lee Johnson. Dwight Prevette. Posey Cothren. Gene Walter Randlemaii. Ralph Gardner Miller. ArvU Finley Churdi. M. O. Nicholson. Maxnhall Willis EUer. Rodcford Green. Atmns Carl Foster. Morris Hamby. Parks Robert Ray. WQUam Darven Greene, ins Vefuon Mahaffey. ramm StMaan. rjnlins Bdipr Moore. rM Dancy. Page ;^B]ifar%*hiIUps. RiH>s^I WfUNhn McLain. Pkwtegtck Chrt McLean. ..Duilel PMta TeMtr. V, Ckdtber Lee Mathis. gfi^kmr Oocien McNeill. I XtevOW NvmM- r (Coatttued on page eight) WnJCF-9 BOARD NO. 2 John Arthur $eirastlan HowM’d Lewis' Morton t^hurch thpWilki!^^ , most mo^j!|^4w^ ^ V t. 'r ■ state, wM qyp^o gwrvices, IWiMlllbOT 7, ‘i V't, -pf E»0e^edy^ I ; JiBchH«re. ed vWwwrigr' war hmj iales^ato iu nwonb*. JTvF ■ war bond] for the‘ tfounty; WmW- VlVv'$^ 4 ' J -V'"^ A^MFbrcei^AsMMiit Bizerte and . /Other Points __ of tbe Allied ff*- Mlddhiy contiinied tfieir olfAniiidg a'ff«h»t the axis \ irlP iogf »fmw 'dtj-'fiipnir irmjt* and with luMurten^g resnlts. tr.i Wew iwt^;' ^ forces m Tomsia "A I |gji^ prlth greater re^a* formerly. kMI- ‘ “ #»y' ;cQibpTete Ihat^al^s . of the S88.t$ ible the Charies Btagiihara Day Oliver Harrison Myers Carvin Venette Harrold Otto James Wyatt Raleigh Eiirl Duncan Green Grover Johnson Hancel Clint Poster John Wren Hincher Geoige Elisha Combs Ovid Boll John Thnrmon Hincher Robert Calvin Wyatt George tVesley Myers Dewey Prevette Roosevelt Church Charlie Wayne Elledge Elbert Walter Holbrook Oscar WTll’s Tucker Monroe Spencer Jennings Herman .Alden Wyatt WUIfam Jarvis Bell Ira Harding Smoot Albert Harvey Spicer Grant C. Shumate Waj-ne Robert Sprinkle Robert Glenn Sidden Royal Vernon Johnson Rom Roscoe Ellet^fe An Blalr.s Cockerham Hal Edwin Church .Abraham Lincoln Hanks Robert, Ford Adams Arthur Harrison McCann Charlie Claude .Alexaadtw Rockford Smoot W^arren G. Johnson Anderson Somerfleld Stone Mack Bowws Major John Carrico M^lllle Conway Holbrook Ctdon Clark Tucker Gny Ijeeter Hall Woodrow Walter Neely Ivory Spicer ■Rohert. Vaughn Casey Warte Harden Handy Herman Hobert Lockhart W'llUam Felton Myers Posey Alexander Ross Paul Bowers Jnstas Odell Richardson Panl Norman Howard Geter Royal WUliam Ralph Bowers Robert Bruce Poplin Elmer James Porter Elie Glenn Wood WIlUam Edward Welsh Dewey, Hampton Wclbom Honda Sheets Fred Bowers Curley Pmltt Estel Ray Love Girtha Cnuny Robert CUfiton Adams WlUinm Walker Carter Connie Shepherd Wintfred Clayton MOkr Max porter Canter RvMett Wyatt Howard Roope Oamie Jacknon Pruitt BtUiert Oaifyle Dowell Keikr N. Bller Jamee Wfdter Alton Tktea (Continued on png* eight) Winter arrived in full force Wednesday. Heavy rains Tuesday night ceased almost suddenly and west winds began blowing. By Wednesday morning the temperature was falling rapidly and continued to fall during the day as the winds reached a speed of 60 tnlles per hour. Much damage was done by the wind throughout this section of the state. Principal damage was In uprooted trees and parts of roofs blown from buildings. Early today the temperature had reached a new low for this winter. Thermometer readings were reported as low as 12 and up to 18 above. ' Snow began falling here this evening and after one hour had reached a depth of one inch. Snow to a depth of two ineJes fell in mountain counties north and west of here. er^in^ lOltficer (qk for PUttoon Pi|i4»Mce of the navy’s re- cruiiin#' “cruiser” in North Wilkbsboro this week has at tracted much interest. The “cruiser” is not a c»p- Gasoline And FuelOilAreln Ration News The deadline for buying fuel oil without coupons has been postponed until December 10, 1942. Any person who has not received fuel oil or kerosene cou pons may purchase either fuel oil or kerosene without coupons through December 10, 1942. Any person buying oil this way must surrender the coupons to the dealer immediately on receipt of coupons from the Rationing Board. Rationing Board Offices will remain closed until Monday, De cember 6, 1942. All “8" coupons for trucks aje now out of date. “T” coupons may be ofitained any day this week at tbe Federal Court Room in Wllkeshoro. Trucks and taxi cabs are the only vehicles eligible of "T" cospons. ' Persons apply ing for eouiona,mu8t sur render all "8", coupons "In their possession. Rationing Board oCfidals are aaklng that pegple do not call at the otfbws t^.lW.outtt their «p- plicatlona )i^ bfisn prqeMped: All applicants will he notifi^ ^ mall. ital ship of Uncle Sam’s navy which came up the Yadkin river, but is a motor trailer made into a complete re cruiting office. The ‘‘cruiser’’, under command of Chief Petty Officer W. R. ! Bradley and accompanied by Chief Petty Officer C. R. Rhodes and Yoeman R. W. Ayscue, ar rived Tuesday evening and has been ^stationed on Main street near ^be town hall, where Chief Petty Officer J. C. Friar does na vy recruiting on Tuesdays, Wed nesdays and Thursdays. The "cruiser” Is well con structed and Is equipped with comfortable furniture for inter viewing men Interested in enlist ing and for giving preliminary physical examinations and tests.. While here the personnel of the 1 ‘‘cruiser” have been assisting Chief Friar in securing enlist ments for the Admiral Foote pla toon being recruited in Wilkes this month in honor of Admiral , Percy W. Foote, native of Wilkes (Who has gone back to active dnty In the navy after six years retire j ment. I Already many men have had In terviews with the recruiting offi cers stating their Intention of en listing in the platoon honoring Wilkes’ hero In the navy and to day six had enlisted. They are JuIiuB Ray Anderson, Gilbert Pruitt Anderson, Roby John Parrish, Bryce Eugene Sebastlon, Glenn Roten and Barney Roten. The Admiral Foote platoon will be sworn In as a unit about Janu ary 1 and will be sent to a>iiaVBl etatlon with the request that they be trained together. The navy ‘‘cruiser” will remain In this city until Friday after noon. •V But all the rejblblng' la not among Republicans, because a majority on the county board of ccOTmtssioners will go to the Democrats when the commlssion- ers-elect take office Monday. F. D. Forester, of North Wllkesboro, and Ridl J. Vestal, of Moravian Falls, won over Re publican opponents In districts 1 and 2, while M. F. Ahsher, Re publican Incumbent and present board chairman, won in district , t>ot the monfha I campaism over in a bijr way. Quota for December had not been received today. V dlerk of Court C. C. Hayes, Re publican, was re elected for a four-year term without opposi tion. Coroner I. M. Myers defeat ed Paul Cashion, Democrat, for coroner and will take office for another four-yaar term. The of fice of register of deeds, now held by C. C. Sidden, Republican, was not voted on in the 1942 election and Hr. Sidden is in the mldat of a four-year term. Representative T. E. Story, Re publican, was re-elected and will be sworn In when the legislature meets In January. V 'Jehovah's Witnesses' Tried Again Joint Dance And '' Recital On Friday Night At School Mrs. RlS4r4 Finley aad Andrew KU^ «re hariiig « Jotht dance and nWM^/vscttqt at (be high seluKri %i4tUhltnai «r . j ‘l»# inriied. Stores Here To . Be Closed Two Days Chistmas Stores and Business Houses Plan To Be Closed Fri day, Saturday, 25-26 North Wllkesboro mer chants plan to be closed two days for Christmas. Christmas this year will be on Friday, December 25, and practically all of the stores today had agreed to be closed on Friday, Decem- bm- 25, and SatuHay, De cember 26. The stores, nat urally, will bo closed on Sun day, December 27, and that will moan that tho porsoniiol of tho storos and businoss houses will have three days wall aamed respho from their work. Adwu^ jnentkNi is being tnadk^ the two-day cliqdk^g, hi or^ that an may know k ihat po kieoiiva^auce mar"t4oli ' •V* Oottoa ismaip ! B> net tilt to oa tla enjUwk. rttwaadnm Oehlings and Yeatts File .\ppeal Bond $1,000 Af ter Fourth Conviction Three members of ‘‘Jehovah’s Witnesses”, a religions sect, for the third and fourth times were convicted In city court here this week of violating a town ordin ance against soliciting and peddl ing without a city Wmit and again they appealed to the su perior court. Henry Oehllng, Edward Oehllng and Andrew Yeatts entered pleas of not guilty. Idayor R. T. Mc- Nlel, presiding over city court, found them guilty of violating the ordinance and sentenced each lo 30 days on the rodds. Each de fendant appealed and posted bond of $1,000. The ordinance passed to Janu ary, 1940, makes it a misde meanor for any person to •®'*®**|i8oj«ted patrols. or sell on the strepU, without flri^;‘ obtaining a permit from'the cll^' clerk. The defendants admitted dlstrlbnUng “Watchtowpr". .. a, publication of their organisation, and receiving contributions They (Continued on page elijtttT^ -^-p. -,-^rjir* night’ to'sl^ in reinforcements at Tunis and other points. Sev eral transport^ and supply ships were sent to the bot tom amd the British later lost two destroyers of the focce, which were hit by Axis planes. * Rl'SSIAN DRIVES Raeslan offensives continue to roll along with telling results. Yesterday Russians captured sa air base across the Don river and they;' have tlghtenefi the pincers on the axis seige aimy west 0 Stalingrad. Meanwhile, the Rus sians drive westward on the Mas- cow front and near Leningrad. R. A. E\ AGAIN ACTIVE Brttisb planes last night ea tensively bombed Gertoan citit in the Rhineland. Six bombea were lost. IN NEW 4HT.VE.4 General Macitrthur’s force la New Guinea today were closing ia on Japanese at Buna aud were lightiBg fiercely on the outskirts of the town. Japanese efforts t* land reinforcements have beea frustrated and daring the past 24 hours 28 Japanese planes have been shot down In New Guinea. SOLOMONS FRONT Ltttfc activity was reported to day’from the Solomons. Earlier It wea reported that American marine patrols had killed 61 Jape in mopping up operations of ind Wingler Diet isnd Wingler, age 82, died SSy” at the Wilkes county home. Funeral service was held Sunday. Presentiiis^Holiday ShoppUi^ Edition Today’s 24-page editioo of Tho Joumal-PutrhM k your Chriilmas hoIUbj shopping edition.' y-u It u the largest h^da^ edition of ai»y uewiimper here in over teayk«fr, Mm on the reguier. tkw "^Ikt of ~Hie'"i>MruiV 'P4itriet‘‘'wa^- repift - naldPatriot wish to ex- pvem appreciation to the ■peny merchants and busl- a«M koiuea whose advei^ .tkentetili make this hoU- 4uf edkkm possible. • Wi^shoro mer^ ■ dMBtb are well prepared ’’ke wM^oinntDdate a reeori -4^ h^d»y trade 1 of «eedea«.is •I Wt ell perikoBgMsl of He t .i«i .Ail.

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