Moa4«y»^ili4 » - NOiWU.WILKfiS* >AY. to|rro^j • -^v ''f W Driv^^ la /Ofi^ttYa At ; Stklingritd iiy*t war ndws was a lation of Alfied sac* on many fronts. ^,^,-jsians, who have taken toll of a^ troops in fisjs:\»aeks, continue to diwe wesiMnrd from near "Stalin* • trad, cutting off German troops in the Caucasus as walTas in the lower Don and Mkidle Don river valleys. In Korth Africa the situation had Auged but little. ' Rommers flselng forces apparently are try- make a stand about 100 miles arat of Tripoli and the axis forcea at Tunis and Blserte hare bean reinforced with dire bomb- era. In New Guinea General MacAr- thnr described the position of Japs stdl holding out at Buna as hopeless and ultimate success of American and Australian forces there U expected soon. American torpedo boats near the Solomons sank one and dam aged three other Jap destroyers. R. A. P. bombers last night raided Industrial tergeU In the German Ruhr waltey. Girl ^ts For Part ' • 'i'?*- * - - wakes Selectire Service,Bo«i _ Mails Notices of Inou 140 Refflstrants^ Wiikea Selectiye Servicu’ board numl large number of men to report for anny^^ itified a soon. U. 8. marine, cor^ private George i B. HoUe, above was sent back lo| Us Ean Claire, Wis., home after it, came to BgM that in qtito of his, Ux-foot*eno-iDch height,- George k enly U years eld. Tong Helle en-' listed in the marine coips IS months j age l^en he was but IS, and after, compleUnf recmlt«tralntng last Do- , ember he was sent to a Sooth Pa-. cite base. Here, after more than! six moBths at this base, his age was discovered. Calendar Of Ration Coupons SUGAR—Stamp No. 10 good for three pounds until January 81. • COFFEE — Stamp No. 28 good for one pound until Feb ruary 7. FUEL OIL—Coupons mark ed Period 8 now good for 9 gnUonsi. Goepooe marlccU Period Have Just Com- A Victory Fund in Wilkesboros Harriet Elliott, director of the Woman’s Division of the Treasury Pepe'Hment’s War Saving Staff, landr the Girl Scouts for their services in two wars and calls up on them for continued effort In 1 the praaent war, In a stptemeni received today by Mrs. T. A. Fin ley, Cammlssloner of the Wilkes- boAM Gouncil. Mflm Secretaly of the Treas ury ham deUnitely recognized the Oirl Beauts as the Minute Maids OC lid*." Miss Elliott stated. “He baa confidence In them because he haa faith In their patriotism. In their cooperation, in their en- thuaiaatic energy. ‘‘Thrift has long been an im portant Scout law. Today the na- tton niittln to learn this law; needs to practice it as the Girl Bhooto practice it, quietly end per- ^tently, week In and week out. ^ ....— for .the G1 Goonta to meet an emergency bmuak' snd wisely. In the last vnr tbe apg.»nlxatlon—then not jrery o« — played an extremely slptnl part in the Liberty Ix>an 'pslgn. In this war, the or- h WtM with the same devp- ■ ‘ dnty but with larger op- for service—Is per- ,p{dendid Job to contec- the War Saving mpv.v ■t ‘ EllioU praised the Girl I HMUts for their recently com- (flBatlnued on page four) Achievement Report Local Club Is Given Annual Achievement report of the North Wllkesboro Klwanls Olub for 1942 was the topic of the New Years day jfrogram at the riub’s meeting Friday noon. , The report, which details the >*Illa ho new thing for .the Girl achievements and progress of the diarile Qnlncy Lyon. James Ray Shomaker. Orville Lnffman. Wrath Evan Tomlinson. Walter Anthony Thome. Charlie Blaine Brooks. Georgy Washington Palmer. Joseph Daniel Fitz. James Edgar Alexander. Fred Bowers. Allie Evan Anderson. Walter Van Bidden. Fred Monroe Hayes. Isaac Hojte Haynes. Edgar Clyde Carter. Joe Daniel McLean. Cryslal Syler WilUama. Isaac Claude Privette. Arvlll Gentry Hayes. John Buffner Higgins. Nnmle Arvll WlniJIer. Floyd James Goss, Jr. Elbert Walter Holbrook. Prank Cevon Jarvis. Robert Glenn Bidden. Glenn Roten. Harveratte Edgar Shepherd. Powell Combs. Ihomas Ward CSarter. Clate Eugene Wyatt. Ray McNeill Foster. Major Turner BnUis. Ivory Burette Pruitt. Charlie Leomon Hawkins. Warren G. Adams. Howard Cicero Miller. James B. Bsrrd, Jr. Marshall Childress. Isaac Hardin Dancy. Ivory Lee Felts. Henry Ptord Stanley. ,-'r.^‘-.A:ifterIgur years of arduous ser- rjSked P^4od 'i expired De- • American College her 26. . I ^ ® GABOLINE—Coupon No. 8 In A boolcs good for three gallons until January 22. Value of B and C coupons now set at three gallons. T-J and T-2 coupons good for five gallons. XniE8—On trucks, ta.xlcabe and other commercial vehicles must be inspected by OPA by January 15. On passenger au tomobiles In' January 81. wr % Philip Wt Bradford William Lestot Robert Glenn Grover Ray Robert Fletcher A^cr. Walter Ronald Johnsie ifeliyiabil. Clyde Reece/fe^ Elton John JdVyI Carl Clair Hinso* Julios Jay Jobs Lonnie Colbert.- Bamie Alleo Carley Royal. Willard Warren’ WUIlam Ross John Wn.soB John Ralph Everette Ray Roy Don Royal. ^ Joseph Benjainln O^bs. Tolbert Hall. John B. Wood. Walter Elledgp Jr.‘ ' Garven Griffin. Jack Manley Hadl#.. Claude Ray Shnniato. Chal Monroe OTrealh. William Mon«)p ftir^m. Oliver James Clarence Browi^ >*; > Herman Tracy William Watz Vauglin Marcus'.Rrydnt. Tom Sam Haudgj; ^ , Walter Buie Ernest Willhun Davis Combs. Ernest Calvin Hot toHirii It JbrB Girls ,1 _ Fdp War Indi »j/-: :U Mrs. Maude 8. Miller, NTA per sonnel interviewer for ihls. dto- trtrt, said today tjutt many hem ,16. to 2F are n^- At the new nircralf carttoA!! whfeh, training war wo (Continued on PgSlwhur) and Ith'^' BeDean Weed, takes to the wav«H^' Camdta,K,J, Tha tUp was taaiMf I^eUon ft Utot ^-wee^s cou^, after the ttmena battle In France Mrs. Miller sald^ aijd .traiwporta- dnring World War L Below; Aa-ltlion fa paid to training centers, other great oirrierv the Banker BHB, | 'I^tiose interested are asked to ae^ Is UiuKdied at Fore Uwr, Mass;, | Sirs. Miller at the employment U months after laying of the kert. service- office on Priduys from njne to five and at the NTA Of fice in the Wilkes courthouso On Saturdays from nine a. m. until H^oon. ’ ^ Some of the most recent NTA training center placemen^ from Wilkes listed by "Mrs. Milter, foT- lowsr Wilmington—Carl W.'An derson, WUkestoro route two; James, Dwight’ Barker,. Roaring River;* Van Bowers, Moxley; Bil ly Church, North Wilkeeboro; Hansford T. Church, Wllkesboro route one; Mintor Cleary, North Wllkesiboro route one; Roy Qmy Crater,' „KoBda; Lynn , Joines, ■I® Court to Begm.On Monday Monung Judge Zeb V. Nettles Will Preside Over Three Weeks Of Wilkes Court Jrnuary term of Wilkes su perior court for trial of civil cases Win open In Wllkesboro on Monday, January 11. Judge Zeb V. Nettlos, of vi |LWlckar4f'Wbo ,ls; e ^■feEp^iwHgJJtT'df' . - ^ - K foo4;!|B’TrodndeC-vlh If it, comb'l^iad tfihrtfl of - AgrtcnRi^ Ancles fo. help rekeh the 1o«€ goftla, whfeh hdvg be«& sgt^lip lot. 1943. -.tV, . -V. 8.' D. -A.' State' and CobMT,. War Boards. whl6S are rtmpdtei*'^ of state and qountp' AgrtooUttral,:, leaders, are going, to assist thib;., farffl^ lB,.aTety way poaalbto to ^ y, .. aee produced t* •; aid opr‘firmed fOro*^ «■ well •• thy,.eivtltaa'p(>pid»ll«m. Provide ; • - tug" food and clotting, tor sncr\ amed &Stees and clvlHana, is oris- ■ ,i (d.tte tjireo hH[, froots; which compotes the war effort. In ott* ■>; er word#, xmless sufficient food and dotting is provided for the pe^s who .-are manufacturing waf matorlals, Whteh is the seeond front, msd o»'ali>.odJtec«9. ISui^eons Approve jWilkes Hospital Men May Ifo^ Join Ma^ es Despite depleted staffs, cur-' tailed supplies, increased expen- ^ ses, and heavy demand for service,' hospltials of the United States and | Canado, have accepted war eondl- ^ tlons as a challenge and are as a , whole maintaining high stand- erds, declared Dr. Irvin Abell of Louisville, Chairman of the Board I A 0| U— f« of Regents of the American Col-j-^S® Dial rie ^18 lege of Surgeons, in announcing ! Col. JoHll D. HllieS that the twenty-fifth annual list of hospitals approved by the or- | Selective Service board kflcials here have received notl^ that men from 18 to 60 may nqw en list In the marine corps .thtongh their local Selective Service boords. * So far no authorization been received to enlist any men ,18 to 38 In the navy or coast ' guard during Jrnuary. V BKr'nssdrtMdba m recent meeting made a calender of about 75 cases for trial during the term. V R. L. Little, of Ashe, Is Now Improving In the U. S. Army gunization Includes 2,989 Institu , tlons, an Increiase of 116 over | Mrs. John D. Hines received a 1941. The Wilkes Hospital here i crblegram New Year’s Day from was fully approved. The an- her husband, stating that he was nouncement wa.s made pt the re-|On that date promoted from Lt cent annual meeting of the Board Col. to Colonel. Colonel Hines, a Mr. R. L. Little, resident of Nathans Creek, Ashe county, la recovering at The Wilkes Hospi- has tal from Injuries received during the had sleet storm which visited thia section two weeks ago. Mr. Little was enroute to North Wllkesboro on Highway 16 when the car he was riding in suddenly slid on the Ice-covered highway. In addition to broken ribs, Mr. Litille suffered severe bruises about the body. V Building and Loan Annual Meet 2$th The regular Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the North §|ryicelkn . For [i» AMunint fbikloaiing giperiiiten4*ii^ art Ufim ;;boartl Club for the pest year, was pre pared by Secretory T. E. Story and read to the club Friday. Following the reading of the report, Retiring President J. B. WlJllamB complimented the mem bershtp of the club for the fine work during the year, and thank ed the board of directors and committee chairman for excellent coopenation. Mr. WUliams then presented the president’s hu'ttoh to J. R- Hix and assured him of the clubs loyal support during the coming year. J. R. Finley pre sented the past president’s button to Mr. Williams with compliments for the fine work as president of the club during the past year. Rev, Howard Ford, who has en tered upon his duties as pastor of I the Wllkesboro Baptist church, was received as a new member of the club and the membership but ton was presented by J. B.-McCoy (■Continued on page eight) ^ ■ V Bryain Higgins Takes Job In Richmond, Va. Mr., a Bryan HlgglnB. who has been making his home in this eUy tor the yast nine years,,bsa ac cepted n poettton in Richmond. Va. wHh; tb« Addresso'greph «•, MoltigraiPh Co- Mr. a&d. Mn. Biggins came.toi’’* the ettr ntofr-FiarB ago It'can; .Air.. ■ etiiMii.' SetlAttoly aet. ^00urm-1^' Dr. mitive of Winston-Salem, is only , Wllkesboro Building & Loan As- 31 years of age and Is one of the soclatlon will be held In the Town youngest officers of th.-t rank In iHall here on Monday night, Jo.n. , -wnen » the army. Mrs. Hines is the for- 25th, 1943, at 7:00 o clock, iof,gQyei-eji in the basement of the of Regents held in Chicago Abpll said further: ‘‘The 19S2 survey disclosed' that a few hospitals previously mo oimj. -- .. . approved are not meeting the' mer Miss Ftern Barnard and she the purpose of electing dlrectora Minimum Standard today. Con- and daughter. Beth, are making for the ensuing year and the sequently approval was withheld their home with her parents, Mr. transacting of such otMf us - or a provisional rating given, end Mrs. L. T. Barnard, of ness as may come before the (Continued on page four) Cricket. ■ meeting. ' Getting Ready for Action Aboard U. S. Carrier . C&ktililim and OoiA C. McNeUl, Jr., were sent to Nor folk. Va. V Local Bremen Answer 2 Fire Calls Saturday Local firemen had a busy day answering fire alarms Saturday, but In each case damage was very slight. In the morning an alarm was turned in and the firemen went to Tenth street where an auto mobile had been reported on fire. But when the truck arrived Paul Casbion, local service stctlon op erator, had extinguished the small blaze. The car was parked on Tenth street across from the Tal J. Pearson Grocery Go. The second abprm'answered by the firemen was Saturday after- ! noon when a small fire was dls- beglB ^■rm •4 a Commercial Barber Snop where rubbish was burning. Prompt ac tion on the part of the lt>catjlre- men soon extinguished the blaze, and only damage done waecaused by smoke. Soon after the fire was put out. the Commercial Barber Shop, .of which B. J.' RoblMph- > prletor, continued . bttsihess as usual. Boyilto Reiser tlieir *«» ** yrodnte all'tte food and feed pee- stble in 1943. ■ We rtellte that they will bo^hfudicapped, due-te the shortads rt labor, farm ma chinery and fertilizer, and the lack of balanced fertilizer. How ever, we are sura that- the farm- ers pre going to utilize to the hate of their advantage oil the facili ties which they have to mtset tho food goals. We are being called on to pro duce more poultry and eggt, beef, veal and prak, mutton, milk and milk products, victory' gar dens, fruits, beeus and soyibeans and peanuts for oil. The agricul tural agencies have had goals te np for each county in the nation to work toward. ’The goals set np for Wilkes ooantjr ere w |«rtlow»i Wheat, 6.052 acres). Rjte 3A14 (Contlnned’on page dfht) .. -T ^ Rei^veHng Aftw ^ Both‘Lcfgi Broken "Robert, twelve-year-old ten, of Mr. and Mrs. J. R- HaU. of the- Halls Mills eommunlty, is recov ering at The Wilkes Hospital af ter h>vln|i.4>ott «f baa legs broken when he D^meAgifi^t in the Une shafting and -belt'etr * grist mffl near his home. Robert’s left leg was broken twloe a^ ^his ri|M once. ■ ■J • — -i New boards" call entloa''to the fact ttsit Irfp that young :.,ineo ■ Seiectlro Service attont thelt reejjiiWfrp.^.efi^a,^ ■■■ ‘ toHdap^tJUtirai ti-v ^yo»hj|j!r-;yte^ ¥W?et pte-ane*' '■v:- dapv. I rji

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