^,M- ■» ■A-- 1'J^^RHAL-PATRIOT HAS BLAZED THE TRAIL OF PHO;^] I j - - ' »»ttt«l. adTuitag* IffiiW in Nortti [yUkesboro, the growing P^iBf center of North MU North Carolina ImiKBXF' VOL.. XXXV, No. 85 Publuhed Monday* arid Thursdays. Law Officers Will Report Names Of Pleasure Drivers NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C.. THURSOAT^4AN.*14, 1943 ■BWfrfT fiHUlii/S- Out ^ Sbdili NUTRITION CLASS GRADUATES t Rationing Boardt Here Request All Law En forcement Officers to Enforce Ban On Pleasure Driving of Cars ! Rationin 7 boards of Wilkes county in meeting Tuesday asked all law en forcement officers in Wilkes county to enforce the pleas except necessary driving and to report the violators to the rationing boards. The pleasure driving ban forbids the use of automo- ure driving ban as ordered j biles for going to places of j by the federal government. 1 amusement or for pleasure} The boards sent a forma! ^ riding of any kind, including request to all policemen,' sight seeing. Autmnobiles highway patrolmen, sheriff i ^ “»ed for ROing to and . , S J ,, ., from work, to church ser- and deputies and all ether essential shopping, law enforcement agencies to ^ j f^,. business purposes. record the number of auto-1 V mobiles used for anything! BUY MORE WAR BONDS Cimniiigliam To WILL SPEAK HERE Meet Davidson Aliunni In City Davidson College President To Add.'vss Meeting Of Alumni Here Tonight IN SUB SERVICE RegionalWar Bond Meet Is HeldTuesday These members of the Advent Nutrition Class of Mil ler’s Creek are to receive Red Cross certificates. Front row, left to right—Mrs. Quincy Kilby, Mrs. Tom Wel- bome, Mrs. Esther Elledge, and Miss Vertie Rayburn, instructor; back row—Mrs. Kermit Greene, Mrs. Paul Deip, Mrs. date Bumgarner and Mrs. Oscar Faw. Women of Number Of Counties at Meet Held In City CMa.M3I Herman Wallaw, now In sahinnrlni* “Oi’vlre some where aith U. S. naval foiws, Ls a navj- vet n n of 1*» year> scmlce. Prioi to enteiing the navj' ho was in the army for one year, A greater part of liis time in the navy has been in snl>- marlnc service, Inclndlng seiven years in the Hawaiian Islands. He Is a ■'*on of Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Wallace, of North AVHkes- boro route one. 1 —■ ■ Old Landmark Is Being Tom Away In Wilkesboro The Dr. James Callowoy resi dence In Wilkesboro. part erected in 175S, is bfcine torn sway and this building wltich has stood in the center of the town for so many years, will soon pass Into history. The old €allowu.y home was purchased several years ego by Pr. Fred C. Hubbard, and it wa.s the birthplace of his mother. Mrs. J, T. Hubbard, who now reside-s in Wilkesboro. and whose age i.^ Women’s division of the war bond sale organization in region three, which con sists of several northwest North Carolina counties, met - ^psm-rlwsIh-Tmssdsiy '• for more intensive organiza tion and exchange of ideas. Mrs. Ed Anderson, of West Jefferson. regional chairman, opened the meeting and the principal addresses were by Mrs. Carl Bishopric, of Spray.' state chairman, and Mrs. Nancy C. Rob inson. of Jacksot., Miss., director of the southeastern region. One of the- slogans being used I by women in tup promotion of war bonds is ‘‘A half filled stemp liook is like a b.ilf equipped sol dier." the aim being to encourage the filling of stamps and exchange for bonds. The meeting here was describ ed by the state chairman rs being one of the most interesting held during the series. Present for the meeting were county chairmen from a number of counties. Mrs. R. G. Finley, Wilkes chalrmnn. headed the lo cal dele.gation. which consisted of representatives from several wo men’s organizations in the Wilkesboros. V Northwestern now in Africa Bank’s Annual Meeting Is Held Directors Elected In Meet ing Tuesday; Officers Re elected For The Year Dr. John R. Cunningham, president of Davidson College, will .-ddresr a group of alumni and friends of Davidson college at Hotel Wilkes Thursday evening at seven o’clock. Announcement of the meeting , was made here by R. G. Finley, chairman of the local group. In addition to alumni of Davidson In Wilkes, eorae have been Invit ed from Elkin, Sparta, Glade 'Val ley and Boone. ’The meeting to be held here will be one of 98 group meetings being held from Miami, Florida to New York City In the interes' of raising the remainder of the $250,000 needed for the Alumn! gymnasium planned for Davidson College. V U. i. Planes In Victories Over Enemy NOW IN AFRICA 84 years During the past few years the building hes been used by Gray Brothers for -storing fur- -jfUure. The front of the building, 'known as the Dodge House, was pu.-chased by Dr. Calloway, who later built the back part of the structure. The lumber in the old structure has been purchased by former Sheriff W. B. Somers who is planning to erect a building on his farm near Wilkesboro. -t_V- Awnings and garden umbrellrsl can be protected from mildew by a new colorless paint developed for this purpose^ | The Midwest is almost entirely aelf-snfficient as an economic^ mnlt having a surplus of both ag- ^cuUural and industrial products export. Stockholders of the North western Bsmk in annua’ meeting here Tuesday heard a splendid report of the year’s business from R. A ^ktqn, suing year. The stockholders of the ban ;, which has home offices here ond branches at Sparta, Boone. Burns- vlllo. Browing Rock, Spruce Pine, Bakersville, Jefferson, Taylors ville ond 'Valdese. learned In the report that the resources of the bank ha.s greatly Increased during the past few years. The increase tor the lest six months of 1942 w'as over $2,000,000. reaching a total on December 21 of $9,073,- 108.53. All directors except two were reelected. 'Those named for ono ther year were: N. B. Smlthey. Ralph Dunern and J, T. Prevette, of North Wilkesboro: Harry Bail ey, of Penland; W, C. Berry, rf Bakersville; J. D. Brinkley, cf Valdese: R. L. Donghton. of Laurel Springs: W. D. Farthing, of Boone: M. A. Higgins, of En- nlce; W. M’. Most, of Valle Crueis, •md M. E. Reeves, of Laurel Springs. Gordon Winkler was elected to succeed W. B. Collins, of Boone, and G. W. Greene, of Toeerne, succeeds W. F. Hughes. Directors In meeting following the stockhoiders meeting reelect ed. officers as follows: R. A. Poughton. president; Edwin Dun can, executive vice-president; John C. McBee, Sr., vice-president: D. V. Deal, secretary. Board of managers for the North Wilkesboro branch were named as follows: Ralph Dun- con, J. T. Prevette, C. O. McNiel, C. A. Lowe, R. L. Doughton, Joe H. Pearson and George Forester. The report of President Dough- ton to the stockholders follows; (Continued On Page Three) V 1-?. '"S'*-. - Wilkes Men In Service Court Honor Meeting Will Gil Continued successes of the Russian armies against the axis forces on the eastern front highlighted the war news todiy. Reds in the Caucasus made big gains yesterday, capturing many enemy troops and taking vast amounts of war materials. A Dew development was enoth- er Russian offensive, which (s carrying forward on the central front in the direction of Smolensk. 'The Russian troops have already regained many miles of territory and have taken sev eral populated pJacea. Germans today reported ano ther' Russian offensive on the northern end of the long front near Leningrad; In North Africa allied planes destroyed 23 axis planes, many of which were destroyed on ths ground at an, eneny airport. whlA ' Mrs. G. M. N. Parker Growing Tomatoes In Home to Help Effort tVord lius been received that Pfc. Hilary T. Osborne has land ed In .Africa. Pfc. OsbiMTie left North WUkftsboro in 1940 with the local National Guard coin- piiny. .Pfc. Osborne Is a son of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Osborne, of North WllkesbOTo route one. He says that the people In Afri ca really go for .American ciga rette* and chewing gam. Little Damage In Fire Here Monday Firemen experienced little dif ficulty Monday in extinguishing IfiStwiw* * a small fire In the holler room at putiiMg 10% Teague’s Presslog Club. Little svsiy dsmage was done snd the bnsisess operations oonthmed ss nsnst Mrs. G. M. N. Parker is do ing her part In raising food to help the war effort. Recently, Mrs. Parker planted some seed In a box In her kitchen, and now she ha.s three tomatoes on the vine, one of which is be ginning to have considerable size. Before long, .Mrs. Pm-ker will be enjoj-ing ripe tomotoes, and they won’t be ones that have been trucked in from tropical climate*, either. -V. Dokies Will Meet On Friday Night Ladles* Night which hed been planned by the North Wllkeeboro Dokies Club has been postponed because of travel ditflcnlties, of ficials of the club announced to- sevtRi o’eiock. Cafe here. St ths Prlnesas rm Cpl. Raymond Minton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,S. Minton, of thl.s city, is with V. 8. force* In North .Africa. Cpl. Minton en tered the enny In 1940 with the National Guard company here and was In training.at several points before sailing. Hi.s let ter from North Africa to his family Is in the “Wilkes Men In the Service’’ column elsewhere in this new'spaper. Big Load Of LiquorTaken Liauor Truck And Driver Seized In Ashe Last Friday SetlTOan^Ollberi Is stationed et Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days with hls par- 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morri I son, near Wilkesboro. Pfc. Joseph C. Miller In Solomons Writes Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller have received the following letter from their son, Pfc. Joseph C. Miller, a U. S. marine on Guadnlcanal in the Solomons: "Haven’t been able to write un til now due to censorship, etc., but now that I have the oppor tunity will “edge out” a few lines, letting you know I am feel ing O. K. and enjoying myself. ‘‘I received Fred's letter No vember 14 and I am thsnkfu; to hear that everyone Is prosperous and happy.. "The U. S. forces are winning victories right and left here in the South Pacific, so It shouldn’t be very long until Japan is out of the way and 1 can come back to civilization.’’ The letter was transmitted means of 'V-Mail. Tom Nelson Will Get Eagle Award At Meet 'We^l .IrfFerson. — Ashe county deputies and federal officers cap- cured a o.'f' and one-half ton truck loaded with bottled whiskey Friday night in Jefferson and arrested the driver, Murray Whittington. Whittinprton and the liquor were being held in jail at Jefferson yes terday pending further investiga tion. Officers said the truck came f’om Virginia and was headed to ward Wilkes county. They said the truck was owned by Phillip Yates of Purlear, Wilke* county. The whisky was valued at $6,- 000. officers reported and they said Whittington is being held for investigation because he had bills of purchase. ■Y by pfc. Wm. F. Roberson In Pacific Area Mr. and Mrs. Cama Roberson, of Oakwoods, have received news that their son. Pfc. Wm. F. Rob erson, hfs arrived safely at an un disclosed Pacific destination. He Is a member of the marine corps. Bov Scout court of honor for the Wilkes district will meet in the religious educa tion building of the North Wilkesboro Presbyterian church Thursday evening, January 21, eight p. m. A special feature of the meet ing will be the presentation of the Eagle Scout award to Tom Nel son, a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nelson. Tom is u member of troop 36. All Scouts and prospective Scouts are urged to attend the meeting and parents and friends of Scouts will find it very inter esting. Membership of the Court of Honor is as follows; T. E. Story. P. W- Eshelman; t^yrus McNeill. |J. B. McCoy, A. O. Finley. C J. {swofford, R. T. McNiel and J .M. Anderson. Men‘who took the Scoulnias ters' course will meet at seven o'clock ot the. srme place to re ceive their certificates and awards and will enjoy a social the past feV d^,' adVhlng doi- ens of Japanese planes at ths- usnal rate of four Jep planes te^ one of ours lost. General MacArthur’s headquar ters reported successful borahlng raids on the Japanese held Island of Timor. In Burma the 'British offensir* ag.-lnst the Japs, which hiid been rolling' along rapidly, is now meeting with stiffened resistance from the Japs but continues to moke some progress. British planes have been very effective In paving the way for the ground troops in their Burma orrapalgn. During the past few daVs Brit ish planes have heavily bombed German war industries in the Ruhr valiey. making seven raids in nine days. With but very few exceptions., the wor news this week has been a series of encouraging develop ments for the Allied Nations. Vance McGhimiis Taken By Death taln“ o..nl..«4 hi. In]her prtor ,o th. oo.rt ot honor f meeting. Rationing Officials Will Attend Meet day.. However, the club will have it* ———= - monthly meeting Friday evening, purpose of ootHnto* price co^- Several rationing officials in Wilkes county will attend a dis trict meeting to he held In Win ston-Salem Friday. Thoge planning to attend the meeting are: C. P. Walter, chair man of board 2; C. H. Cowles, chairman of board 1; Paul S. Cragah, community service mem ber; Attorney J. H. 'Whicker, Sr., W. J. Csroon and W. IJ. H. Waugh, memhera of price control panels; Msek Moore, chief chwk; Mre.'IUlph Bowmsa'snd Mr*. 'Al bert Onrtiwd, Tic* elsrks.. Th# meeting irtil he for the^ trol enforcement end other rati oning sdmtaisfentlvo proeaednra. June, 1941 Pvt. Arlie BulU* Home Pvt. Arlie Bullls, of Camp Hood, Texas, was called to hls | home at Boomer this week be-' cause of the death of hls mother, Mrs. Creola C. Bullls. He will re turn Sunday. (Continued on page six) ■V NOW IN AFRICA Mr. H. P. Eller Returns To Home, Mr H. P. Eller, who has been i a patient of The Wilkes Hospital | for the past ten days, was able to return to hls home Tuesday, hls | many friends will be glad to learn. i Mr. Eller has been quite 111 with a severe attack of Influenza, i and for a short while was threatened with an attack of pneumtmla. Brown Child Dies Funeral service was held Sun day at Rock Springs church fori James Luther Brown, Infant son of Mrs. PMnnle Brown, of Hays. The child died Saturday.*;:,.' ■V ' • .Perry Child Ehes - Last ritaa were held Friday at Dnion chapel for Ldutoe Perry, age two months, daughter of Oeorg* nod Grace Nelson Perry, tie child died Tinnday. Sgt. Paul H. Haynes la now with the anned forces in North .Africa, according to a cablegram reeetred by 1^ parawts, Mr. ■Bd »». L N- Mayoe, of Win- ston-SalesD. Sgt. .Hayae* ft a brother of Mn. M. li. Wyatt and Mrs. B. 6. Bantesi, of Morariaa .Fslls. Vance McGhtnnls, one of Wllkea . county’s best known citizens, died at 12:30 a. ra. Wedne.sday at hls home at Boomer. Mr. McGhinnls, age 82, had been in declining health for the past several years rnd seriously 111 for a month. A native of Wilkes county, he was 0 son of the late Ephrlam and Susan Swanson McGhinnls. In early life he took advrntage of all educational opportunities available and for many years was a school lercher of excellent ability. Mr. McGhinnls was also a capable surveyor. Mr. McGhinnls was an ardent echolor and throughout his life continued his search for know ledge. With thousrnds of vol umes, hls home library was d*-' dared by many to he outstanding in the state. Mr. McGhinnls was a leader In the Baptist church and over a long period bf years was clerk of the Brushy Mountain Baptist as sociation. He also showed much Interest In community and clvie affairs. SuiTlvlng mem'bers of hl% Im mediate family include one broth er, T. C. McGhinnls, of Boomer, and two slsteni,' Mrs. J. 8. Jen nings, of Pores Knob, and Mrs. Lejara Payne, of Millers Creek. Fufilral serrlce will be held to-, day; n- a„ m. 'at Bittle Rock Bav- tiat' Boomer with Rev. Altfed *ud Rev. 0$to ' C Jekoodn tv wUl be In the femlly cemetezy. ■ ■ BUT MORE WAR BCNDft .. • } 'h