TOK^ libom;:thei >lfe ■■•IS. -> #.s • A-.»>>-# I M Wtf 111 ' is.-'. .Wy ; -rf [Events Planned For Sunday, Tuesday and Friday WHkes Council of Boy is planninc appro- _..ate observance of Boy Scout Week February 6-12. .n>e first evont of the week’s ^France will be a special Scout ce Sundry morning at the ,8t Methodist chnrch In North Wtlkesboro. Plans ate to have ijaH Scouts In the district present /and seated in a body for the ser- f Tice. One featore will be dedica- , Mon by the Scoots of the Amerl- han Flag and the Christian to [ teen in the service. Ob Tuesday evening .all' Scouts Jli' gnesta of Liberty threatre tet Aowlng of "Ice Capedes.” 6eout leaders are now laying for Civic Day on Friday nary 12. which will climax . Boy Scout Week. If preliminary plans mateialize. Scoots will baJce over the city gov ernment, Including the office of mayor and all other executive city , Offices, for a few hours in order j .ifthat they may receive citizenship knowledge and training. Further’ l^uis for Civic Day will he an- j Md later. ^ Ashwill, assistant Scout I for the Old Hickory j t vuabinunt in n PnK> for KILLED IN ACnOfI aas(SBBiBe9BSBSseanMip«» m 8gt.-Sh»ftey Robert (Bob) I.,aws, Jr., who was killed in ac tion against the Japanese In the _ .South Pacific area of war op erations On Decemher 9. HO was a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Laws, formerly of Moravian Fall.s and who now live in Washingfton, Dtidp.. and a grand son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Don Lows, of Moravian Falls. Sgt. Laws, a well known young man who had many friends tn Wilkes, voluntoMed for strvlce In the marine corps over two years ago and had a splmidid service record. 'Hie above pic ture was made on his last visit home, whldi was In the spring of 1942. ’■‘rji HI: "h.'M i\. ■ Cfo, Out Dr.Kinctieloe To Head Red iIk Now Mobiliziiig For Victory In 1943 .Dr. John W. Kincbeloe, pastor of the First Baptist church in this city, has ac cepted appointment as Chairman of Red Cross War Fund Drive for Wilkes Coun ty- In making this appointment. Rev. A. C. W'aggoner, chairman -r _ of the executive committee of the K county extension workers, j^g^j cross Chapter, said. Annie H. Greene, . home jj^ppy ^ave Dr. Klncheloe accept this Job. U Is a tremendous responsibility he has accepted but he is admirably suited for the job and we feel thfit. every patriotic citizen of Wilkes will rally behind him and put the campaign across in a fine manner." , A meeting was held Tuesday afternoon In the Red Cross office In the Tomlinson building at which time G. E. Jones, special field representative from National Red Cross headquarters, assisted local leaders In making plans for the forthcoming drive. March 1 was set as the date for beginning the general War Fund Campaign in Wilkes county. Captains and solicitors will be appointed to cover all towns and communities In the county. An- nonneement of these workers will be made by Dr. Klncheloe in a few days. A meeting of officials of the 1 Wilkes County Chapter of the I American Red Cross was held on j Friday afternoon. January 29. At this Rev. A. C. Waggoner, local ch-'-irman, presided. Reports of I the various committee chairmen 1 were heard and plans were out lined for coming activities of the Chapter. S. T. Taylor was. elected vice- I chairman to succeed Rev. Watt M. Cooper, who left recently to ’ I become a chaplain In the United rsdnctlon in the . States Navy, was announced Committee Chairmen now scrv- aSBt gon ^ f Wilkes Chapter In addl- All Boys and Girls Who Will Carrv Out The Projects Will Be Enrolled - county extension workers, Annie H. Greene, , home '•geat; J. B. Snipes, farm agent; H. C. Colvard and James E. Rol- ^llns, assistant agents, are going to pot on a special campaign to enroll as many boys and girls of club age as will agree to carry out a victor;,' project. This is a nation-wide program and the Extension Service of North Carolina hopes to enroll at lasst 150.000 boys and girls in 4- H Club work, and several hundred, 4 .thousand for special Victory Pro- //jects. U., These Victory Projects consist '* of poultry, dairy cows 'and calves, baby beef calves, pfgs, gardens, com. food preservation projects. All of these projects will go to ^eet the food goals which been set up in every county Eie state. textenslon workers are go- inaslst all'' farm boys and rls"' as much aa possible. In J^ching these goals. They will be gjad to furnisn ron say agrlcnttMal Information ,,whleh you might need In carrying f out these projects on the farm. fee jUtkm ^: In Tkkrt % ono-sixth f I VS^ll Open On March 1 ation. -* jras made necessary, Sncy erfPs hytodoced coffee ^rios in »h* lu»* 0* whole- :^|ta w»f ration book No. l, ^ «oo4 tha is.'dterrear dC tlon to Rev. Mr. Waggoner and Mr. Taylor follow: secretary, W. C. Grier; treasarer. D. V. DeaU members executive committee, P. W. Eshelman and A. F. Kilby; publicity, Paul S. Cregan; war fund. Dr. John W. Klncheloe; Ju nior Red Croes, Miss Rebecca lae !««•«» Moseley: first aid. H. F. Bank- in: Ae'trai* dlt j night; home service, Mrs. W. D, rsp; TlffW ' • -ri*' Five Men L%«- Federal Alcohol Ta* Uftit Investigators stationed in Wilkeshoro raided four s^k suid destroyed large ciuaa^ ties* of liquor making ma terials this Week. At Ferguson Monday.the officers arrested Vaden Eh' ler and Jesse Clay Shepherd at a 50-gallon still. There they destroyed 375 gallons of mash and 27ili gallons of liquor. in the Call community the of ficers found a 150-gallon still and 1,200 gailoBs of mash, which were destroyed. Ths,!.'#w was ready to Wsgln o;leraj|!il|lt/A^ no liquor had been faadh,^. warmnt was Issued for one PWsoh, .,-who has not been taken. "v- ■ Also oh February ( the. fed eral officers raided s-iitUl near the home of Ranse SNiISt,' It wes a-150-gaUon still witli^ 60a,jpl- lons of mash. Cpy Sl^ey^^San ford Call and Rob Sfertln, the latter a colored men, wire placed under arrest the Adk'jig W Ttt«ed«y iff Shop eomhmaity'la'the weetiirn pert^of the ednn^ a. 160-^galIon stlli with .29 barrels^ qf pnmtee :Sras destroyed. Th« stUl was be- liV QbM. to nmke ap^Ie brandy.' 'All persons arrested heve made bend for trial in the Hay term of federal coart at Wl'ikesboro. dicers taking part, in the raids were Roy Reese. G. S. Felts, _J. S. Cabe, Robeyt M. OambUl, 'Felix O'Reilly and H. H. Dotson lU^r ttllCOL- A zssa^ w Awosaay «oaaaa aj.. j.*. On Wednesday in tha Denny- The officers reported that some vine community'the tc^ral offl- sugar was being used at the still cers destroyed a still Bllh; 1,600 gallons of mash and t(^r gallons of liquor. They arrssM -Alex Jarvis niid John C. Btosm. , taken at Ferguson bnt gralq mash whs used at all the others except the brandy still in the Adkins Shop community. AT HONDO, TEXAS 'in north AFRICA Issuing Ageniftk Have Bis^st Month In Bonds - 7b — V;-, mz) OpL WUHam D.’'MlBtOB, son Of Mr. and Mrs. V. L WOnton, of Wllkeeboro route one, has beMi in army servloe since September, 1940. He Is now in North Africa, wtieee he has the beet of health and is liking It fine, according to his letters home. He was promoted to the rank of ■corporal before he sail ed with the African invasitm forcee. ri' Pvt. Raymohd W. Dancy, who was inducted Into the army in October, has been assigned to {the navigation school at Hondo,. Texas, and is liking fine. Pvt. Dancy is a son of Mrs. J. F, Dancy, of Wilbar. Gets Car and 50 GailonsBntMan Makes Escape *9** Halftcrs; volunteer serflcss, Mrs. need'for J. A. Ronsseau; home nnning and ' nnrses aides, Mrs. Palmer Hor- tOBi baby cjlsle. Mrs. 6. Mitchell; pellagra, ‘ Mrs. Berthia MBfed *oi eoffee Ben; tnbsrenlar children,. Sfn- I eg -witf hacoiain Tcild “■ - Wteod for ttio ’llliiili' Moore, 8r.; ^iBance, State Highway Patrol Ser geant Carlyle Ingle captured a car and 50 gallons of white Uqnor .Sunday ni^t but no man. ■When the ofWcer stopped G»e car on old highway flO east of Wilkesboro the driver jumped out Mid took off. The officer did not see him very well as he sped away and conid not iden tify him. Neither can the officer very well. establish the identity of the owner of the car or his ad- cbvss, because the person tn whose name the car was regls- .tered Is dead. uv ' Egg With “C * Mrs. Rhoda Richardson, of North Wilkesboro route one, on Monday brought to The Journal- Patriot office, a freak egg. -,it was a long egg with a letter "C” plainly formed on one end. The qliotq for sales in Wilkes loir lai^iiiT was set at $75,292^25, WM a racord higb fw t'ttto county. V 7 Ho'wever, partial rsporte today indicated that the quota m;zy have been reached. v The North Wilkesboro ’ pos flee experienced its beav month in bond sales, cash m> Seipts for bonds being over .flSi- 600. 'Th^ Bank of North 'Wllkel- boro reported $39,375 in sales series E bonds and $55,000' In F and 6 series bonds. Reports from other _;lssnlng agents had not been received to day. J. R. Hlx, war bond sale chair man for 'Whlkes, said today the quote for Wilkes for February had been set. by the treasury de partment at $57,222, and that he was confident the county would continue to maintain Its splendid record in meeting bond sale quotas. • No Bill On Ronda Municipal Matter Through an error by spme clerical employe In the general assembly, the name of Represen tative T. E. Story was placed on a bill Introduced by Representative Price, of Rutherford county, rela- aive to- oleetttih of a mayor and mun^ipal officers of Rntherford- ton; and another error was made in the name, of the town, which was published ak RondA Repre sentative Story has not Introduc ed any till rttotive to Ronda mun icipal matters. Cpl. Ralph’Gitfealh, wiio be gan army service with the Nat ional GuaM here on Sep^mber 18. 1940, is now in Nosth Af- "rtn, according to letters receiv ed by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W-" M, Gilreath, of North ^M^Ukesboro route one. Cpl. Gil- seaUi was In training at Fort Jkdtson, Carolina B^ch, Fort ^b^nKric and Camp Pickett be- *1tore he sailed for overseas ser vice in the African invasion forces. Man Voluntarily Walks Into Jail With Pint Bottle eddlerSy^ MttstO^ FemM ass- City Couucil jn-r-— ; » ""E! Sh’dets and S4ljBlti^ North Wilkesboro city’ conneit, Hams was iijcSrtlj todnetbd Into rriQQ+lTttr ft\T Vnhriii-ir$r nnotaAtli t.llA llArvtAA. wbVsHMH4—nk. Last week Willie Foster, of Ferguson, wrote a letter to Tlie JonrnaJ-Patrlot telling that he had been in jail many times and that Blaine Sparks was the best jailor he had ever been with at Wilkesboro. He further stated that Sparks' wife was the best cocjk ever. Jailor Sparks and wife appre elated the compliments, bat were surprised that the old Wilkes jail was good enough for someone to break Into. Sparks, Sheriff C. G. Poindex ter, Deputy H. C. Kilby ancj Mag- isti^te C. J. Jones were seated In the Jail lobby when a man walked In who said hla name was Roosevelt Parsons, that he was sleepy and wanted a place to He down. After a brief pause he sald:>‘^I have , some liquor here and 1 don’t want you to take It off ,of me.” V? Jailor Sparks took him in charge, removed a pint of .Uflsor from his pocket and lock- '5a him np. Persons became so Worried that he did not sleep. ;He was charged with drunkeness and possession ..of llijuor and was ,lat» eit released under bond. . — Cwrectifm ' In meeting for flebmory passed two town ordinances. ' One of the ordidances prohibits peddling or selling on. the streets without first ohti^ng. a ijeiindt: nrottoted opera- st|s ratsedf jzr from the cltj'oleiC'j • V The other prolilbits begging of asking glms witliout" first obtain ing a permit. , \ The ordinances are pn'iUidi^ elsewbere la this newspaper.' riie board tnntsd .Ao’^Oi^--,.^ W. D. jmiuams, aasialast gflMt ssjjMrliif ^ sJkr Wfttac; the serslcs. ' Gilbert iltht aaaiste toe and hU aal*^ . -t- -y. $96 per mobh'.' '•''r '- Austta Lowtt^'Vas .promoted to sergeant on naUos/nroe rad hM salaw > rij* lnwrased. to two per'moB|lL.''iy^‘ V All of th« «Rr couaci cfaiposed of *. * ’ttbd i. R. a.' American, Japanese Battle May Be Under Way WiUi tile German army at Stalingnui :|)letotr wip^ out by IciBiair'^ and by caqiture, the siaiia^ todar Were adnuaciB(| » qik'^inb koy city of Rootqv, wd 'wrera aa near aa 30 in a aontbeaat direeliaai;; wbern md forcea have advamcbig; aftmr succeaaaa the Caueamut. The German govemms baa admitted tiiat their aixtif^ aAny, whjch attacked Statta* q glad for months, bag InI||ik^'^ smnifailated and three 'dql^ mourning in Germany' proclaimed in ka honor. iieanwhila, the Russian oftsir'. sive is gaining momentum on ^ middle sector of the front as t as near Rostov. FiamiNG IN AFBJOA In Africa today a British captured 4 strategic hmght Tunis and beat off the counterattack aJOr BrttMi aiulE. A#^iMA‘Sir mpply depots and til axis supply forte in Sicily. Yesterday. American troops cap tured'Sened, an important point which may lead to cutting off the path of retreat for Rommel's Crer- man forces which are still hotly pursued by tjie British eighth ar my. Howe'^er, American forces were not as successful in the vi cinity of Fald pass, where fierce fighting bus raged. SEA BATTI,E BEGI.NNINO During the past few days Jap anese have made big claims of success tn a naval battle against Aiperioan forces on the sea nerr the Solomon Islands. These re ports have been denied by Secre-" tary of the Navy Knox, who said that American and -Japanese for ces heve been sparring for posi tions in the South Piacific but that no major battle ha,s developed. It was Intimated that a big naval battle m: y' develop at eny mo ment. R. A. F. STR1KF.S British filers yesterday and to day raided German submarine bases on German’s west coast with large numbers of bombers. ^ V-- Dog Vaednators Named by Board j One For Each PrecincT Ap- I pointed By Commissioners j In February Meeting ! Wilkes county t'O-rd of com- I ralssioners In session this week j named rabies iaspectors for all , j townships In the county as fol- jlows: I Antioch, Loniile Oakley, Brushy I Mountain, Loimle Moore: Bd- ;wards No. 1, .Tohn W. Hurt; Ed- i wards No. 2. Sam Dirks; Ed wards No. 3. J. C. Newman: Elk jNo. 1, S. H. Jones; Elk No. 2, jCleve Hall; Jobs Crbln No. 1 and No. 2, Odell' Beshears; Lovelace. Andrew Johnson;; Morarlao Falls, Paul Sloopf Mnlherry No. R. J. Hall: Mulberry No. 2. R. ' A Ayps«l»pW«*I cnosed the' lUnae of Mrs. Gladys S- ChwTh jta.the-Msh^ .u* P«ra«* pwsihied ,br vfc»la*lofc.of the ‘thm- thdi ■ nirai6i>|E ,b-W4i!eaidt ■Tjrr—f. ... Collecti|on Of County Taxes HuOi $151,9^.59 of Taxe* Qf County Collected A'total of $151,940.59 was received by Wilkes county in payment of 1942 taxes be fore the fivat penalty w'aa applied on Febnmry 2, it was learned today from the office of C. G. Poindexter, sheriff ud tax collector. During the month of December the tax collections totaled $21,- 820.50 and for the month of January collections soared to $65,235.09. I* The first penalty as provided by law was e^ded to unpaid taxes on February 2. The penalty will increase each month that taxes remain' unpaid. V Grpundhog Must Have Seen His Shadow Monday Tueeday, February 2, was groundhog day, and unless the groundhog was totally bUnd he could not have miss^ seeing his shadow. The snn was not behind a ‘ cloud all day, and that makes it certain that it was a good day for the groundhog to have seen hJs shadow, regardless of what time he emerged. According to the old adage, if the groundhog saw his shad ow on Feibmaiy 2 ho went back into his den to stay during six weeks more of winter weather certain to foRow fair weather on F^Mvary 2. -V Ration Banking Well Undef Way Banks are now ready to open 11 accounts for any wholesale or,!-- Watson; ^New Castle, Worth retail dealer In sugar or coffee,, Sale; Reddles River. J. F. Pierce; and for gasoline dlstrlbators. jRock Creek, James Shew; Sten- All merchanta who did as much .ton, J. W- Hoffman; Traphlll No. as $5 600.00 la trade during De-jl. Vester ftoftam; traphlU No. $. eember are compelled to ' openlJ. F, Jenson; Walnat Grove,No. ration accounts. Opening acconnts | li‘ Ony Thwtt; VAtoat Grove No. is optional with merctonts whol*. Van Gaofhflp;.. Wilkesboro 1. J' fe did. leas them 16,000.09 wortt bmpihssr in Decern^, 'iMit 'aiecoanls,' ■'oilitjopvabuemiM; 'l^swry j.. . a aev air ■ ■'4-

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