Qn Friday Several Services Are Planned Here Friday Thfl churches of North Wilkesboro will unite Fri day, March 12, in observing the World Day of Prayer with a number of servicae being held during the day. At ten o’clock In the morning, prayer services will be held In several homes throughout the city, the homes end leaders being as follows: The F. C. Forester home on D. Street, leader, Mrs. Myrtle Freeland: Gordon Hackett home on E Street, with Mrs. Gor don Finley as the leader; R. M. Brrme, Sr., home on Ninth street, leader, Mrs. J. F. Fletcher; Em mett C. Johnson home in Finley Park, leader, Mrs. Edd F, Gard ner. and the P. J. Rrame. home on E Street wich Mrs. W. F. Jones as leader. People attending these services are asked to go to the one nerrest them. A short service conducted by the ministers will be held in the city hall at one o’clock, and at this time t.ores and other places of business are closing so that their employes may attend. The closing service will be at the Pres- byterl"n church at 2:30 o clock. The people of the town are urged to attend as many aS these ser vices as they can. jln keeping with the day one ser- be held in Wilkesboro af •church PVT. ROY PKNNEUj Pvt. Roy P. Pennell is listed ae ’’missing” in North Afrtca, according to official message received by his mother, Mrs. Roby Pennell, of Wilkesboro route two. 'Rio telegram re ceived by Mrs. Pennell from the .Idjntant General in the War Department said: “The Secre tary of War desires me to ex press his deep r^ret that your son. Pvt. Roy P. Pennell, field artillery, has been reported missing in action In North Af rica since Pobmary 14. Addi tional Information will be sent you when received.” The date of his reported be ing missing corresponds with the drive Rommel’s German forces made In the middle of Pebmary. Since then American and British troops have retaken tlie territoi7 when the Germans advanced. Cpl. Blair Gwyn, Former Treasurer Red Cross Here, Finds Soldiers Are Most Willing to Give to the Red Cross theme that will be used that day around the world ‘‘Fath er 1 pray that they all may be one” will be the basis for the local program here. World Day of Prryer has been observed here for a number of ye-~rs with all the churches uniting in the services. The offering to be taken will be divided equally among some fields of service at home and abroad -V Cpl. Blair Gwyn, who was treasurer of the Wilkes chap ter of the American Red Cross for several yeai-s before he en tered the army, last week found himself l>ack in Red Cross work, temporarily at least. (S>1. Gwyn, who was a.‘«i.s- tant cashier of the Bank of North Wilk«'sl,oro before his in duction, wrote Paul 8. Gragan, Red Cross publicity cliairman, that he wa-s requested by his conunanding officer at Port George G. Meade, Md., to so licit Red Cross war fund con tributions from the men In his company. ,r.i „ij . .. "*V “That was the easiest Red Cross soliciting I ever did,” Cpl. Gwyn said, “every man in tile company contributed and the task of soliciting the com pany was completed in a few minutes.” That rer-ponse from Soldiers shows what the men of the arm ed forces think of the American Red Cross, local chapter offi cials said, and pointed out that if soldiers are willing to con tribute. people on the home front should lie eager to take advantage of the opportunity to lielp in raising the fund. XT Large Vehicle Is ! Found to Have Whiskey Cargo Educators 5 Counties Meet Here Clu School Heads Talk War Occupation Studies A five-county educational con- j fercuce was held Wednesday at i North Wilkesboro school. Driver, Accosted, Says It Is, Marion Justice, of the state do- Cylinder Oil But State partment of public Instruction conducted the conference, which Offices S^ptical Activities as They Charlotte.—The truck driver ffget High School Students.” said he had aboi-rd a load of | superintendents and Principals cylinder oil consigned to the from Alexander, Alleghany, Standard Oil company i in Pine-| wilke.s, Wo.tauga and Ashe coun- vtlle. I ties were present for the confer- The officer found the load to ence. which was described as be- be approximately 400 cases of, ing very successful, whiskey. ! Paul S. Cragan, local school Enjoy Movies Interesting Program Given Friday Noon Before Lo cal Kiwanis Club A. F. Kilby WHS program chairman at the Friday noon meeting of the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club. He presented Paul S. Cragan, who put on two movies, "The Silver Rainbow” and “Slow Motion Quail.” which were well received end very much enjoyed by all present. Prior to the prog.um President J. R. Hix Informed the club that the 1943 budget had been adopted and that the club’s finances were In good condition. Guests were as follows: Lt. Hen ry bandon with J. B. Carter; Dr. E. A. Branch and Dr. A. D. Un derwood with C. B. Eller; Rev. A. C. Waggoner with R. G. Fin ley; Dr. R. M. Brame with V/. G. G«.ibriel: Jerry Aahwill with R. B, Gibbs; Robert Morehouse with H. H. Morehouse. ■V The episode occurred one mile superintendent, in commenting on west of Statesville Saturd.iy at the subject of the conference said 10:30 p. m. on U. S. highway 70. |that much attention has been glv- "nie truck was headed towards en war occupation study in North Asheville. The whiskey was from wilkesboro high school and that Baltimore. j policies now used coincide with J Cpl. C. A. Beard of Charlotte the aims of the state department ®nd Patrolman Cloy Felts, also of relative to the subject. -V- SOVIET DRIVE SEIZES MANY SMALL TOWNS Charlotte, are the officers who mad© the arrest. The driver w.is Wniard Williams. 28, of Boomer, Wilkes county. The truck, a trac tor with a 30-foot trailer. w?s registered by the Queen Trucking company, of North Wilkesboro. i Morning —- Capturing Corporal Beard said last night, j guji villages at the rate of Capt.. L,. R. Fisher, command-; against st»uhnrn log the State highway patrol in, resistance. Red western North CrroHna., said hlsL,._^ office hrd received word some weeks ago that a truck carrying | contraband was wandering around ^ In this section. A definite | Moscow, Russia reported today, the vehicle was in the vicinity of | ^ second powerful stjlkli Statesville w?s received Saturday stubborn Army i shock troops are sweeping on to ward Vyazma, last bastion of the great German offensive line which for 17- months had threatened Corporal Beard and Patrolman Felts went to Statesville, and at 10:30 o’clock Saturday nlgat tiflpmade the arrest. Hanor, Corporal Beard said. Is being held at the Iredell county jail at Stoteevllle, and the driver Is being held in Jail ^Iso pending a preliminary hearing. ■V up For AAA ’^PaymPiit Bofore First Day Apnl U ««x«tlve officer liii WUMf ‘Tripla A, nM to- that the dasdllne for signing .ppUoetloa for Triple A payment kid boon aatendad March A second powerful striking force advanced southward from the Rzhev-Velikie Lukl railroad, slashing into the Germans relent lessly, headed for the Moscow- Vyaxma-Smolensk railroad In e threat to cut off the German line of retreat. \ Russia’s Sunday midnight com munique reported the capture of 74 Inhabited places in the drlvo on Vyazma from captured Gzhat- isk, 88 miles to the northeast, against determined German stands. A clergyman and two members of the Woman’s Auxiliary Ahf Force have jnst completed a fall coarse in air gunnery with the Flying l^iner Comnaiid in ^ OPA DROPS GAS BOOK FINES ON BANNED DRIVER New York—Motorists who have violated the Office of Price Ad ministration's “no pleasure driv ing” ban, hut who have not yet paid “fines” in the form of g?s coupons, will not be obliged to do so. it was disclosed today. ■s SpeSil Gifts To Red Cross Liste^oday Total In Large Gifts As Reported Increased The Special Gift Committee on the Red Cross War Pond Campaign, who are R, G, Fin ley, P. W. Rshelman and J. R. Hix, reported the following contribution.s ap to noqp Mon day: Previou.sly Published $3,485.00 Bclk’s Dept. Store 100.00 Spainhours’ 100.00 The Northwestern Bunk 200.00 ,). T. IbrcTCtl© 50.00 Home Chair Co 50.00 .Jenkins Hdw. Co 100.00 North Wilkesboro Ice & Fuel Company .... 2.5.00 Tal Pearson Wholesale Grocery Company. 50.00 Forester Reveragfe Co.. 100.04) International Shoe Co.. 25.00 fih.'impion Poultry Farm 100.00 J. C. Penney Go 50.00 Insurance Service & Credit Corp. ^.00 Paxtarttv Tilb^y ^ Jeans’ Sliop -- - 50.00 J. R. Finley . 285.00 Red Cross Phamuwi'— 60.00 Mr. and 5Irs. B. M. Brame, Jr 25.00 B. G. Finley’ 100.00 Total $.5,14.5.00 Blackout Planned Response To Appeal Red Cross Good Workers Are Urged To Complete Canvass Wilkes county Civilian De fense officials are making plans for the county’s parti cipation in test blackouts to be observed in the near fu ture. It has been announced that the next test blackout for this district will be on March 18 and officials are busily engaged in arranging a system of signals and in forming the people of what the signals mean so there will be no confusion. Failure of the recent test black out here was due entirely to mis understanding of the signals and not for lack of cooperation by air (Continued on page eight) cently promoted by the R.O.T.C. at Davidson College- From left to right they are: E. M. Sutton, of Fayetteville, cadet captain, Company F; M. G. Sandifer, of Lowrys, S. C., cadet major, 2nd battalion; J. B. McCoy, Jr., of North Wilkesboro, cadet major, 1st battalion; J. D. Phillips, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., captain adjutant, 1st bat talion. Absent from the group was B. R. Lacy, III, of Richmond, Va., cadet captain. Company B. Excellent progress is be ing made in reusing the Red Cross War fund in Wilkes county, but contributions from thousands of people are necessary to raise the goal of $10,000, Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., Fled Cross war fund chairman, said to- day. The Special Gifts com mittee, composed of P. W. Eshelman, H. G. Finley and J. R. Hix, has made gqod progress in securing for the fund the large contributions from corporations and other business firms. Meanwhile, the canvass ot in- not conclusive enough for taho- RATION DEADLINES FUEL OIU- I>ast day for nse of Fourth Period conpons—.\pril 6. COFFEE— I,a.5t diiy f> V u-se of No. 2,5 stamp in War Ration Book No. 1—March 21. SUGAR— Ijast day for us© of No. 11 stamp in W’ar Ration Book No. 1—Maxell 15. GASOLINE— I,ast day for o-so of • No. 4 gitsol'n© rationing coupons— midnight of March 21. TIRES— last day for first tire In spection—“.A” card.s, March 81; last, day for second in spection of “B” cards, June 80; for “C” cards, May 81. SHOES— „ _ last day for n.*"© of No. 17 stamp in War Ration Book No. 1—June 15. Four Farm Meets Are Scheduled Management of Stock Will Be Theme Of Meetings Tood For Freedom’ Edition Of The Journal-Patriot Endorsed North of Eagtand. I The special “Food For Freedom’’ edition of The Journal-Patriot which wilK make its appearanoe ^ in the near future is being heartily endorsed by peo ple on _Ae Home Front, ^is edition, which will be dedicated to those ;)vho are engaged in producing more food for Victory and those who are busily en gaged in war e^prt of eirery kind on the home fremt. As well as to . om cottntrjr*s fighting forces in many lands, is iMing . wnh; atm m mind to bring r sent the maximian producAioii' of' food to feed .Amr soV diars out mWmt, end to prmnote a greater wav effort,on the part of the people back home. Here’s what a few of the many local people iriio are enthusiastic about the edition, say a^ut the Special farm edition which we will publish m die nesu* future: J. B. Snipes, Wilkes County Farm Agent r— “PnUication of Th«-Joi|r> nsJ-Patriot SpOCiAl ,re|bn Edition to proa^ vjbrp- dnetkm-bf fo^ fa n splen did jmdiBrtekhNto Wd Meed tane#^ fSeMerTodd dro- dnetion to «Mpet war time AmmI* Lmm H. Greene, Wilkes Home Demonstration Agent — “The special “Food For Victory” edftion planned 1^ -The Journal-Patriot should make the people more conscious of the necessity of producing Md eonserring more food. H. C. Colvard, Assis tant WUkes County Farm Agent—f*The people are j«t heghMUMf to jN»Iwe ed food prododtMBu Four important frrm meetings liave been announced for tills week by J. B. Snipes. Wilkes county agent. , A. C. KJmrey, extension dalry specialist, will be in charge of the meetings and the topic for discus sion will be “Care and Manage ment of Oittle end livestock.” Slides will be shown and tlie meetings are designed to be of practical benefit to farmers at tending. On Tliursday afternoon. March 11, the first meeting will be held at the home of James Pardne ft 2:30 p. ra. On the wme date eight p. m., a meeting will be held at Roaring River school. On Friday afternoon, March 12, the 2:30 meeting will be at the home of Clarence Hendren » the GUrerth community. At 8:00 p. m. the last of the series of meet ings will be held at Benham school. Ictlon. Local industrial employes are responding well to the call. Lost week employes of Wilkes Hosiery Mills company contributed $1,500 Today another very splendid report was received. A total of $843.50 was contri buted at Forest Furniture coui- prny. Of that amount the com pany don,;ted $200 through the Special Gifts committee. Em ployes contributed $299.50 and J R. Finley, secty-treas. of the firm, matched that amount with a per- ■sonal contribution of $299.60. In addition, the office personnel .gave $44.50, making the total contributed ft Forest Furniture comp.;ny $843.50. Red Cross officials today said the canvass was near completion in other local industries and that good records in number giving and r mounts contributed ore an ticipated. Some reports have been receiv ed from residential canvassers in North Wilkesboro under direction of Mrs. Gordon Finley, chairman. J. B. McCoy, business district can vass chairman, rsks all workers to complete their canvass early. Preliminary reports from Wilkes boro. where Rev. Howard J. Ford, is chairraisn. indicate excellent re sponse. Rev, Fred H. Shinn is business district chairman end Mrs. G. T. Mitchell residential. Some of the rural township chairmen have called for addi tional supplies, Indiicating that the Red Cross war fund fppeal is being well received ’ay the rural people of the county. T* haa been repeatedly eniphasizeil that In ol der to reach '.he goal, all person.s who can should contribute as llh-' erally as possi’.iie to the fund, which will be u.=ed prineiprlly for the benefit of men in the armed service. Every resident of the county has some relative or frieiid in the fighting forces. Dr. Kincheloe today e.vpre8.sed his appreciation for the fine work being done by Red Crosj workers March Term Court — 1 e o e A U/' L- throughout the organization, and Starts Second WeeKij^,, every contribuf.on made to Wilkes superior court today be gan the second week of the March term with Judge J. H. Clement, of Winston-Salem, presiding and Solicitor Avalon B. Hall, oi Tad- klnvllle, prosecuting the docket, only two days ot court were held last week and sfreral oum yet yettaln to he triad. : l -' for every the fund. Information About State Income Tax • J. R. Rousseau, collector of revenne tor the state In 'Wilket eoin^tyv tAi Tsxptalnntf a anegtlo* ■ ahaut atateYfamaw 7K»a whieh

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