Freed In Hort Absher Is Freed In Second Trial For Murder Hort Absher, local man charged with slaying his brother - in - law, Leonard Lankford, two years ago, was acquitted in Wilkes court today, Lankford died of knife wounds in the neck, alleged ly inflicted by Absher at the home of Lankford’s father, Zeck Lankford, near this city. Absher was tried last year, con victed of second degree murder end received a long prison sen tence. A new trial was granted | l;>y the North Carolina supreme' court. In the trials Absher did not deny inflicting the fatal wounds, but claimed self defense. He said that members of the Lankford I family were attacking him at the time. Earlier this week a Jury con- viettJ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young of assault with deadly weapon on an Blledge youth, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Elledge, two years ago in the Hays coramunitv- ndge J. H. Clement, who Is pre- u over court, has not passed iJkiCe. JoHDi V. Foster was convicted Bf rec^vlBg stolen lumber, being charged with refusal to .surrender limber which w'as washed from local yards by the flood of Aug ust. 1940. and which he kept in hla possession. Notice of appeal was given from a sentence of four months on the roads. Cases against Clyde Settle. Ed ward Watson and Luther Burton Billings were nol pressed. A divorce was granted in th.’^ case of Hcace Russell versus Pearlie Bentley Russell. Several minor oases remain ‘o )^^jed diir'ng the term. f V Industries And JOINS WAAC m EmployeesBoost Red Cross Fund IN CALIFORNIA M1.S.S Rowena Bumgarner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Bumgarner, of Slillers Ciu'ek, is one of the first Wilke's county girls to be accepted a.s a niwnber of the W.^VES. MIs.s Bumgarner took lier indoctrina tion at Cedar Fall.s, Iowa, where she received the rating of Sec ond Seaman, and is now statiouesl at Norman, Oklaho ma. County War Board To Assist In New Meat Control Plan > _ I Workers In County Are Reporting IN NORTH AFRICA $10,000 Goal May Be Reached Here By Hard Work OURBOVS 1 WITH THE COiORS\ Ralph Bowman Is Aviation Cadet Ralph Bowman. «on of Mrs. R. Bowman, of this city, has been tiled to training as an aviation idet. He wa.s accepted some me ago and had been awaiting II at Los Angeles. California, are he has been working for ■1>ast two years. Miller Brother* Begin Air Corp* Training Mack Miller and Dwight Miller, ons of Mr. and Mrs. G. Met Miller, rbo enlisted in the army air corps everal months ago. have been ailed to begin training as avia- lon cadets. Mack, who was a Indent at State College, has re- orted to Miami Beach, Florida, nd Dwight, who was employed t Portsmeutb, Va., is stationed t Richmond. Va. Bruce Hall Returns To Navy Post Bruce Hall has returned to the iaval station at Bainbridge, Md.. fter visiting his parents, Mr. and IrMk. V. Hall, of Halls Mills. He nl«ted in the navy in December. 942. pvt. Vaughn Jennings Returns To Post Pvt. Vaughn Jennings on Thurs- [Sy returned to Fort Collins, iolorado, after a visit with his stlter and mother, Mr. and Mrs. V, A. Jennings, of Pores Knob. The Wilkes County USDA War Board has been charged with two responsibiiUies under new orders issued by Secretary of Agricultural Wickard in a move to stamp out black market activities, according to H. C. Roberts, chairman of the board. The three orders issued by See retary Wickard p'-^'ide: (1) that ail glsughti?rara- including.tifajjma ers slaughtering for sale and butchers, must operate under a slaughter permit system; (2) th.’t livestock dealers must obtain per mits to buy and sell animals for slaughter; and (3) that all fed erally inspected meat packers set aside for war uses whatever per centage of production is required from time to time by the Food Distribution Administration for military and Leiid-I.ea.oe needs. The first and second orders are effective at midnight on Marcli :!1. and the third order became ef fective March -5. he said. "The County W«ir Board will be j responsible for i.ssning under the first and second or ders," the chairman said, ‘‘Farm ers wlu) siauglner for sale, local .slaughterers ,-nui butchers will ob tain llieir pi'rmits for the War Board, a.s will livestock dealers who Iniy and -sell animals tor slaughter purposes." He emphasized that farnu'i's who slaughter for home use are not required to obtain permits, neither are they required to ob tain permits to sell live animals. He said that the orders also pro vide that farmers, butchers, and packers who go over their quota within the next three weeks, be fore the order becomes effective will have these quotas reduced for later periods. Livestock Dealers will be required to estanlish in ventories and keep complete rec ords of purchases and sales. "These orders are not designed to work a hardship on these per sons who buy and sell and slaugh ter animals for me>it purposes,” Chairmrn Roberts said. “They are being put into effect to eli minate black market activities and to insure a fair distribution to civilians prior to the time when rationing of meat is started. He said a check on amount of slaughtering will be maintained through the requirement that all wholesale cuts of meat must be stamped with the slaughter’s per mit numt)er. ■V Pvt. .lames .Arlyss Minton, who entered the army Septem ber 14, lf)42, is now statlonetl at Camp ,San Lul.s, Obispo, Cal., Pvt. Minton is a son of Mr. and Airs. Wiley Alinton, of Congo. Officers In FBI Course Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., Red Cross •war fund chairman, today listed re sults of the Red Cross war fund campaign in local In dustries which were not in cluded in previous reports. The list shows that response to the call for Red Cross war funds has been encouraging from the companies and their employees, and represents a big boost for the fund. A tabulation of results today was not conclusive due to the fact that many workers have not com pleted canvass of their terrltorle.s. Rut preliminary reports Indicated that the goal of $10,000 can be reached if all people of the coun ty respond to the call according War Bond Quota Is Sgt. Wilford W. Bumgarner Is somewhere in North .-ifrlca and is getting along tine, ac cording to recent lettCTS receiv- eai by his wife. Sgt. Bumgarner is a son of tlie late Mr. and Ml’S. John W. Bumgarner. He entered the service with the National Guard company here September 16, 1940, and train ed at Port Jackson and Myrtle Beach, S. O. Miss Eula Vannoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. It. Vannoy, of the Daylo community, on Tuesday left for Daytona Beach, Florida, to begin train ing in the Women’s .Auxiliary Army (N>rps. Miss Vannoy ®n- listetl at diTlotte .two weeks ago. Miss Vannoy is weU known here. She graduated trom Mae’s School of Beauty Culture here in 19.19 and held posi tions in Asheville, 'Taylorsville and Cliarlotte. She is also a former proprietor of Wilkes Beauty Shoppe in Wllkesboro. First Baptist Plans Meeting April 5 to 16th $62,945 War Bond Chairman Asked Increase Purchases Dr. R. Paul Caudill Will Be The Guest Minister For Series Wilkes county’s war bond quota for March is $62,945, J. R. Hix, war bond chair man for the county, said to day. Mr. Hix said that sale of war bonds during the first ten days of March has been lagging and urged greater activity during the remain der of the month in order that the quota may be met. C. H. Robertson, collector of revenue for the federal govern ment in North Carolina, informed Mr. Hix by letter of the amount of the March quota. Comment ing on war bond sales in the state, Mr. Robertson said: “This Is not time for slacking our ef forts, but rather for a re-dedlca- tion and re-inaplratlon to the pa triotic and truly noble task we have undertaken.” Mr. Hix said that war bond sales during February in Wilkes was satisfactory, and although he had not received the official treasury department report he be lieved that the quota of $57,222 set for February had been reach ed. V- FBI Agenl. In ClceJ Session Instruct Officers not be contacted by a work er. Those who are not call ed on mav bring or mail Prayer 12th evangelistic services , which the First Baptist church Is planning for the period during April .5-lfi. Formerly from Wilkes county. Dr. Caudill is well known by the people here. His visit to North Wilkesboro is anticipated with in- their contributions to vemon^ ^ n 11 i i Law enforcement officers treasurer of the Red, ScrvlCC Will Be Held of several northwestern' ” • North Carolina counties at-1 Bsmk, or to Red tended a short course given headquarters over i here today by Federal Bu- Tomlinson’s department! store. reau of Investigation Agents. Edward Scheidt. agent in charge permits' of the Charlotte office of the FBI, conducted the school, a.ssist- ed l)y Donald S. Hostetter, speci;;] FBI agent. Sheriffs, police officers, high way patrolmen and other law' en forcement officers were present from the counties in this part of the state. Closed sessions were held this afternoon at Hotel Wilkes. The nature of the instructions given were not disclosed. At Town Hall at 1 o’clock In addition to contributions from the Wilkes Hosiery Mill and the Furniture company, which have already been publish ed. the following reports have Many services are plan ned In observance of World I Day of Prayer Friday in this I community, I Prayer services will be held Friday morning, ten terest by many friends. Dr. Caudill is pastor of one of the larger churches in Georgia. The Southern Baptist Convention is to meet at his church for the observance of its hundredth An niversary in 1945. V Ijecn secured from other factories ; o’clock in several homes of and industries. (Some of the fol'1 the city. A short service will be conduct- LL S, T. ColT«rd At S«lt L«lw City U. 8. T. Colvard, who recently Mired Ids eommlsalon in the (Oontinaed on page five) Officers Of State Guard to Camp Officers of the local company of the North Carolina State Guard will leave Sunday foi; Fort Bragg, where they will have ten days of intensified training. Officers to be in training with those of other companies in the state will be Captain Harry Pear son, 1st Lt. John Wells, 2nd Lt. John V. Wallace and 1st Sgt. Isaac Eller. The training they will receive will he of mnch benefit to the State Qnard companies. service the American Legion and Auxi liary. I The closing service will he at Relative Received A Notice From War Department Ira Wrj’croft, member of IT. S. army forces in North Africa, i.s officially li.sted by the War Department as missing since February 14. His sister, 5Iiss Billie Wry- croft, of North Wilkesboro route one, received official no tice from the War Department Wednesday. Date of his reported being “missing” corresponds with the short-lived offensive carried out against American forces by Itonunel’s axis troops In mid- Fobmarj'. V- lowing amounts have been report-1 _ed. in part by the Special Gifts i city at ronimiltee^: t , _ , , , j American Furniture Co., fcom-ithe town hall at one o clock, end pany. officers, and employees'), at that time stores and business $4.38.50. j houses have planned to be closed Tinner-White Co.. (A. R. .Tohn-! go that employees may attend. .«ton $2.'>. company and employees . That service is sponsored by .$169.50). $194.50. International Shoe Co., tcom- panv and employees). $92.00. Key City Furniture Co. (com pany and employees). $225.75. I the North Wilkesboro Presby- Corolin? Mirror Co., (comnany., terian church at 2:30 and the officers, and employees). $756.84. public Is invited to attend. Lineberry Foundry, (company^ In Wilkesboro a service will bs and employees). $115.00. held at the Methodist church st I Home Chair Co., (company, of-. 2:30. ficers, and employees), $250.00. Following are listed the homes Crier Cotton Mills, (company and leaders for the prayer ser- and employees), $150.00. , vices Friday at ten a m.: Gordon Cotton Mills, (company j The F. C. Forester home on 7>. and employees). $152.50. street, leader, Mrs. Myrtle Free- ■Among the workers in the resi- land; Gordon Hackett home on E dentia! district of North Wilkes- street, with Mrs. Gordon Finley boro, the following have complet- as the leader; R. M. Brame. Sr., ed their canvasses: Miss Lucille home on Ninth street, leader. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens, Mrs., J. p. Fletcher: Emmett C. John- Guy Lillard. Mrs. C. C. Paw, Mrs. j son home in Finley Park, leader, J. D. Moore, Sr.. Mrs. Cecil' Mrs. Edd F. Gardner, and the P. Hauss. Mrs. Carl Coffey, Mrs.‘j, Brame home on E street with Glenn McNiel. Mrs. William Mar- Mrs. W. F. Jones as leader, low. Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Mrs. W, | People attending these services E. Jones, Mrs. W. F. Gaddy, Mrs. are c.sked to go to the one nearest C. Forester. Mrs. Lewis Vick- them. Plan Nutrition Committee For Civilian Defense Plans Being Developed To Reach Every Family With Nutrition Data .V meeting was lield in tlie Nortli M ilkes.boro Town Hall on Monday afternoon, .Marclj H. Hi complete tlie oi^mizalion of tlie Nutrition Committee of the GIvilian Defense. Tlie entire comity program o( food pi'oductioii, food conser- atioii and utilization i.s being sponsored by this committee. Plans are being developed for reaching every family in both town and county. V I • of Discarded Hose Is Sent From Here J. C. Penney Company Store Is Local Collection Depot For Vital Material R, E. Gibbs, manager of the lo cal J. C. Penney company store, said today that he had made the second shipment of discarded ny lon and silk diosiery whirh ladies of this section have coniriltuted to the war program. The Penney store here wm made collection depot and a large box was placed in the front of the store for depositing the old hose. The material from the old hosiery is used for making powder bags and the need for more ma terial of this kind is urgent. All are asked to give their discarded silk and nylon hosiery : s early as po.ssible. The materials collected are shipiied to the Defense Supplies Corporation. Sheriff Poindexter Renorts Good Tax Collection Year NOW OVERSEAS Ed Brookshire Loses Part of Left Hand BUY MORE WAR BONDS Ed Brookshire, well known citizen of the Cricket community west of this city, lost the thumb and two middle fingers of his left hand in an accident Tuesday while working at a machine at Ameri can Furniture company. In addition to the loss of the thumb and fingers, there were other severe Injuries to his hand. Mr. Brookshire Is now a patient at the WQkes hospital. ery. and Mrs. 15'. H. Duhllng. The reports from the residential dis- j trict have been encouraging. I Workers who have not completed ^ their solicitation ere urged to | complete the work this week. Story Returns From Legislative Session T E Story, Wilkes’ representa- COmpiete tne wont tms wees., , Mrs. Gordon Finley is chairman of the North Wilkesboro canvas-, ad sers for the residential district. '“>e 1943 legislature ad- Toe McCoy, chairman for the busi- itess district of North Wilkesboro, reports that his solicitors have al most completed their work. A large number of business houses have given to the Red Cross 100 percent. Among those who ere Joumed yesterday after being session two months. V- In Minton Infant Dies Funeral service was held Wed nesday at Triplett oeinetery for are Pat Williams, R. M.‘ Brame, Jr., Andrew Kilby, Bid RnBlams, (Ckmtinaed on past eiiht) Hinton, of BUt .towneidil^? ehfld The Pfb. Jarrie WWW*, so* of Mrs. Bertha MaUils and the late Myrth Mathis, pf Roartai^ Bh- er, roato two, ha* atrlved at ' OTsewiaa Si»etiistlwii ’wMeh was ant disdoasd ha leeent leMen ' boeaa,> Fte. Matlits said be wap . liliSgaioSi Sheriff C. G. Poindex ter’s office today report ed splendid coUeri^ions or 1942 countv taxes for the period including Decem ber 7th, 1942, up to and including March IDth, 1943. The total amount paid by Wilkes taxpayers for the above-mentioned peri od ■which includes Janu ary, (the month just be fore the 1 per cent penal ty is added to all unpaid county taxes), amounted to the huge sum of $93,- 945.98. WhUe no definite fig ure* were available this i^temoon of tax collec tions for Jneara prior to 1942, the via ..tioB* far the

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