Wi'i •dvMtaff _ M , the grewbis e«Bler of North- Nor^ Carolina. Published Mondays and Thursdays Dies Suddenly for Food rograni ^lan To Reach All Homes With The Campaign North Carolina has taken the lead, among all other states, in its plans for Food Conservation for l943. A oMnmittee from the Nutri tion Division of the Office of North Carolina Civilian De fense worked out a plan that -will result in the most far reaching food conservation program the state has ever had. A state meeting, in the nature of a two-day Food Conservation Workshop for training workers, was held in Raleigh on March 5 ^nd 6. This group was composed representatives of College Home Economics Staffs, Home Economics Education Staff, FVirm Security Staff. Extension Horae Demonstration Staff, and Home Economists in Commercial Fields. Studies were made of the latest method.s. equipment, etc., to be used in food conservation and plans were outlined of ways and means whereby this training could reach all North Carolina homes, both riir»H and urban. Similar to the meeting in Ral- • eigh, a two-day Food Oonserva- Workshop for Wilkes county In th^ assembly hall of Committee Appointed To Investigate The Proposal J. T. PREVETTE JJ.Prevette Succumbs to Heart Attack P25 and 26th. The demon strations in food conservfition were conducted by Miss Willie Hunter, extension specialist of State Col lege. Raleigh, assisted by Mrs. Annie H. Greene. Wilkes county home demonstration agent, and Mrs, Mary H. Gale, home supervi sor, Farm Security Administra tion. The Food Conservation Work shop was opened by Judge J. A. Rousseau. Chairman of Wilkes County Civilian Defense. Present and pledging their full coopera tion and support of this program -w|W Mr. C. B. Eller, county su- penntendent of schools. Mr. J. B. Snipes, county farm agent. Rev. A. C. Waggoner, chairman of Red Cross and representative of the Ministerial -Association: Mr. John S. Boyles, farm supervisor. Farm Security Administration, and Mr. Paul Vestal, chairmnii of Wilkes Couuiy Hoard of Commissioners. Receiving training the first day w?.s a group composed of all of Wilkes county high school home economics teachers, one commercial home economist, and all of the college home economics trained hou.sewives in the county; Miss Ghita Tuttle. Wilkesboro, home economics teacher: Miss Reba McNeill. Champion home ec onomics teacher, Mt. Pleasant school: Miss Jewel Graham. Roar ing River home economic teacher: 'ijfcrs. Annie H. Cragan, North ^Hkesboro. home' economics teacher: Miss Vertle Rayburn. Millers Creek, home economics teacher: Mrs. Rachel K. Felts, Ronda. home economics Teacher; Mise Rena McNeill. Traphill, home economics teacher: Miss Haz^l Jenkins, Hays, home economics teacher. Mtn. View school; Miss Addle Malone, Duke Power com pany home economist, Winston- Salem; Mrs. Ora El Taylor, North Wilkesboro, teacher, Mt. Pleas ant school; Mrs. Flora P. Foster. North Wilkesboro. teacher; Mrs. K. G. Hodges, North Wilkesboro, (Continued on page eight) Associational i§i S. Convention Baptiat To Gatber Wednes day Niarht Ai Wilkes boro Baptist Church Bntsby Mountain Baptist Sun- r achool association -will con ic Weidnesday night. 7:30, at IkesbtHv Basest church. Mias Ruth Keller, representa- s'of the State Baptist Conven ts will be leader tor tbe ses- n and every ebnreb In tbe as- ilation Is asked to be well rep Funeral Tuesday 3:00 o’clock at Church In Wilkesboro Joseph Talmadge Pre- vette, 58, one of northwes tern North Carolina’s most prominent citizens, died Sat- North Wilkesboro Ki- wanis Club has appointed a committee to make investiga tions into the possibility of erecting a Y. M. C. A. for North Wilkesboro after the end of the war. The matter was first brought to the attention of the club several days ago by I Dr. A. C. Chamberlain, who suggested that work begin on raising a fund for use in I construction of a Y. M. C. A. when such construction is possible. At the directors’ meeting Thurs day night C. A. /Witherspoon, field secretary of the Charlotte Y. M. C. A., -a-as a guest of Dr. Chamberlain and gave some inter esting figures on the cost of a Y. M. C. A. Mr. Witherspoon told the club that the minimum requirements for a Y. M. C. A. plant here would involve an expenditure of about $50,000 for a tw-o-story building and that if dormitory room.s were added for a third story the cost would be about $75,000. Such a urday night, ten o’clock, at building would have the rooms. his home in Wilkesboro. space and facilities for a modem d f. ill, but during the pasi few months had suffered heart attacks. He had retired Sat urday night and was sleep ing when the fatal attack occurred. Funenal service will be held Tuesday afternoon, three o’clock, at Wilkesboro Baptist church. The body will lie in state from one until throe o’clock. Burial will be in the family plot in Moun tain Park cemetery. Rev. Howard J. Ford, pastor, will conduct the service. Stores and barber shops in North Wilkesboro will be closed for the funeral hour Tuesday, three until four p. m. Mr. Prevette was born March 10, 1SS5, 0 son of the late Rev. Iredell T. Prevette end Mrs. Alice A. Call Prevette. He was born and reared in Wilkesboro and at (Continued on page five) V — The committee named to investi gate the matter is composed of J. 'drstiilp J ■ ■■ MAJOR F, C Y: BBARD VISITING MINISTER FOR SERVICES Medical Corps Major Getting Honorable Dischai^e Major Fred C. Hubbard, .who has been in the army medical corps since July 17, 1942, will receiv* an honor able discharge and will re turn to civilian life In the very near future, it was learned here today. M?jor Hubbard befojje he was accepted into, the., Service was chief ^ ^ i - WQ U. S. Forces Also Gain In North Africa Indications of Majbr Battle In Pacific Is Noted British Eighth Army t«- day made important advan ces in the Mareth line in Tunisia, occupied the town of Mareth and took 6,000 Wilkesboro, which position 'will retuni to when he receives axis prisoners. The British were more successful during the past 24 hours than at any time since the big assault |began last week. At the same time Americaa troops were advancing toward ths sea In a big piish to cut off the possible line of retreat for Rom mel’s axis forces, and In another sector were advancing toward the naval port of BIzerte. BERLIN BLASTED Last night hundreds of British bombers laid waste to parts of R. Hix, J. R. Finley, R. G. Finley, P. W. Eshelman, John E. Justice and J. B. Williams. Reports of [he committee’s findings will be made later. Concensus of opinioi, as ex- (Continued on page eight) V Receive Message From Staley; Is German Prisoner his discharge from the army’s medical corps. Major Hubbard is now station ed at Springfield, Mo. He enter ed the army at Charleston, S. C.. was sent to Camp Atterbury, Ind.. and later to Camp Crowder, Mo., before he was assigned to the generar hospitial at Springfield, Mo. V New Jersey Man Picked Up Message Over Berlin Short. Wave Radio, Mar. 25 Holbrook^ls Now Facing Two Charges Two Auto Thefts Are Charged to J. W. Holbrook ar- James W. Holbrook, rested here a week ago for the theft of an automobile here belonging to H. L. El ler, was turned over to Win ston-Salem police this morn ing for the theft of another car in Winston-Salem on February 17 B. P. Staley, of Wilbar, has received a message from his son, Pfc. W. Thornton Staley, who wa.H listed by the AVar De partment as missing in action in North Africa .since February 14 and who is now a prisoner in Germany, according to the report. Mr. Staley receivetl a mes- .sagp from George E. Blffler, of (’amden, N. .T., that the German radio on March 3.5 listed Pfc. W. 'Thornton Staley as a prison er now in Germany and the ra dio was quoterl as saying for him “Being prisoner not hai. Good health. Will write you. Love—Thornton." ’Tlie mes- siige dircetwl that packages or letters might lie addressed to him at German prison ramp. Care of the Red Ooss. INc. Staley had been in the army for one year. Prior to his induction he was principal of Cricket school near North Wilkesboro. Red Cross Fund Is $15,008.61 Exceeds $10,000 Goal By Over 50 Per Cent Uofl Cross war fund in Wilkes today lias passcsl the $15,000 mark, the goal of $10,000 be ing exceeded by more than 50 per cent. Dr. John W. KJneheloe, Jr., war fund chairman for the chapter, said deposits with Ver non Deal, chapter treasurer, tills morning tiitahsl $1.5,- 008.61. Tills was perhaps the mosjt successful campaign ever car- Vled out in the county and thousands of people contribut ed to Its success. 'The campaign will officially close Wednesday and any who have not contribut ed are asked to send their con tributions to the fund to the treasurer now. Dr. R. Paul Caudill, formerly of this city and now pastor of the Fips,t Baptist church in Augusta, Ga„ will be guest minister for a series of evangelistic services to be held at the First Ba/ptist church in North Wilkesboro April 5-16. _ Hens Do Patriotic Duty and Decorate With Victory Sign .A. flock of hens on the farm of Dock Walsh in the Lejivls Fork community are not only doing their patriotic duty by producing about 500 cf^gs dally, but sometimes they pot the “V” for victor,' sign on them. Jlr. Walsh today brouglit to The Jonmal-Patriot office an ep(g whicli was laid witli a ver,' noticeable “V" sign on the large end. V Man Is Found In His Home Shot In Head w. Dogs Are Dying In North Wilkesboro L. Anderson Dies Of Gunshot Wound Eight Found Dead and Three Others Had To Be Shot, Police Chief Says W. L. Anderson was found dead in bed at his home near Moravian Falls early this morning. Anderson, who lived alone in a farm house, died from a pistol bullet wound in the center of his forehead. Johnnie Brown was appolntefl acting coroner by C. C. Hayes, of bombs were rained on the Ger man city by three wavee of bomb ers in what was described as the biggest raid of the war on Berlin, and even .bigger than the worst Germany was ever able to hand London. Later American bomber.s aided by British fighters bla.sted sub marine bases on the French coast with devastating attacks. RUSSIANS ADVANCE Russian forces advanced a short distance in their drive on Smolensk, but spring thaw's were slowing down war operations for Russians and Germans. JAP FLEET FLEES Yesterday American naval ves sels drove off a Japanese naval task force west of the Aleutian islands after a duel with nav.sl guns. BATTLE SHAPING UP American and Japanese forces in the South Paclftc today '.vere reported e.s getting ready 'or a big hatlle, nr series of sea battles, "'hich may decide the mastery of the South Pacific area for a long time. Holbrook, who lives in the Traphill community, was arrest ed on March 20 by State High way Patrol Sergeant Carlyle In gle after the officer chased him over several roads in eastern Wilkes. Holbrook was driving the car belonging to Eller, and which had been stolen here the night before. Holbrook was released under bond, but at the time of the In vestigation Sergeant Ingle found that Holbrook had another car In his possession. It was learned that the car had been stolen in ■Winston-Salem on February 17 and that the car’s body had heen switched to the chains of a ear which Holbroolf had prerionsly pnrehased and wrecked. Piedmont Mountain Fre^ht Lines Buys Blizzard Motor Express Co. Now In Position To Give Pa trons Fast Service To and I From Greensboro I The 8t?te utilities commission i at Raleigh has given Its approval j to the purchase of the Blizzard j Motor Express by the Piedmont Mountain Freight Lines which has its home office in this city. The deal, which involved e considera ble amount of money, was con summated several days ago. The acquisition of the Blizzard franchise for hauling express be tween Wlnston^alem and Greens boro gives tbe local freight line a direct connection between this city and Greensboro via Elkin and Wldston-Balem and will ebable the firm to give a quicker service between North Wilkesboro and Greensboro and points beyond. The Piedmont Mountain Freight Lines now operates between 52 points, and keeps a fleet of 1$ units moving almost continuously over its numerous lines. The company’s home office Is located in this city, with a branch office In Charlotte. Since its organization here last' year, the Piedmont Monntaln Freight Unee has grown rapidly until it now'nambBra among Its customers tboneands of hastness in Piedmont North Carolina and hanlB monthly a vast arnddht of freight between the many eerved dally iy Its fleet of -rhere is an epidemic of disease _ _ or poisoning among the dogs ^liderk of court, because Coroner I, North Wilkesboro, Police Chief J-jjj Myers was in Chisrlotte today B. Walker said today. |and a jury was empanelled by During the week-end eight dogs j Brown, were found dead in the city and | ^ physician who examined the three others with running fits or grated that Anderson had worse had to be shot. j jead for several hours. The police chief urged that all j pyQi,a|,iy since some time Sunday dog owners keep their dogs ■ or ’early Sunday night. His body fined until the epidemic of wluit- ever It is passes. Red Cross Meet Tuesday Annual Public Meeting Of Chapter To Be At Town Hall Tuesday, 4:30 Wilkes County chapter of the American Red Cross will have its annual organization meeting Tuesday afternoon. 4:.30, at the town hall. Officers will be elected and re- Jesse McNeill Is Taken by Death porta of the past year will be glv- waa found today by a neighbor g„ j,y Rev. A. C. Waggoner. at bis who called at the house. 'The pistol was fofind right hand near his head. The jury late today had not re turned a verdict on the case as to whether Anderson killed himself during the coming year. or was murdered. •y The robbery motive was dis-I counted when It was found that and other of- chapter chairman, flclals. , It will be a public meeting and e large attendance Is urged. Plans will be laid for local actlvltlei Jesse McNeill, former resident of Wilkes £nd a member of one of Anderson’s pocketbook with about the county’s best known families, died early today at his home In Winston-Salem. He was a son of the late Rev. end Mrs. MlUon McNeill, of Wilkesboro, apd was a brother of Attorney Robert H. MqNeiU, of Washington, D: C., Mrs. M^le Holbropl^ of Traphill, Mrs,'. "bim'ffiette, of Washbiftoni Di aoA'^tt. Ainertea W«it. of Ban ’ He'was » brother of fhe fohn R. $35 In cash had not been taken. It was reported that he had sold timber with e value of about $1.- 300 recently but that he had in vested past of the mop^^ in w’ar bonds and had defioelted thf re mainder In a bank. None of the reports were officially confirmed. , Hielatlvesr-* of ^Mr. . A$ide^h. fiij^nded BOBs snd^ fere et veve^^iBlBts,'I rlvsd V' Cant. Bumsrarner Officially Listed Prisoner of Japs Capt: John R. Bumgarner, ar my medical corps officer who was In serrice In the Philippines, was listed officfidly by the War D*-^; partment -totey a» w prisoner w' the'Japaneea^j^rarioaely hie par- ' ents, Rev.'^Md;j|f«.v2i, jp. A. Bnm- of:*l[|nnib4%a;,j’h«4 noUe»!]fimin Oe iTaf

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