>AY, 'H WILKESI Wftaaen’s Church, Civic and Social Activities * MISS MAMIE SOCKWELL, EDITOR %• Ei^view of Cominy Events ,TELEPHONE 21B A*!f First Baptist W. M. S. ^Met On Tuesday Afternoon Tlie general meeting ot the Wo- 4 man's 'Missionary Society of the ^ North Wllkesboro First Baptist church was held at the church ‘ Tuesday afternoon with the presi* dent. Mrs. C. B. Jenkins. In charge. "Individual Witness'^ was the theme for program presented by Circle No. 4 of which Mrs. E. S. Cooper is chairman. The openifig hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”, this being the hymn for the year, was followed by the Bible study given by Mrs. Cooper. The program r KI as follows: ‘‘The Individual hurch’’ by Mr.s. Jay Johnson; ■'My Home, An Influence”. Mrs. C. G. Poindexter: a vocal solo, ‘■•Whtching. Waiting, and Pray ing" by Mrs. 0. S. Sink: *‘My Com munity Christian" by Mrs. Rufus Church: . "Some Faithful Chris- tion Witnesses.” Mrs. J. Q. Adams: The hymn "I Love to Tell the Story” and prayer by Mrs. Jenkins closed the program. Mrs. Jenkins was in the chair for the business session which preceded the program. Civic and Social Club Met On Monday Afternoon The monthly meeting of the Cl'fic and Social club, 'a depart ment of the North Wiikesboro Woiri|n’s club, was held at Red CrosJ headquarters Monday after jnoon. Following a period of work !%he chairman of th^ Hib, Mrs. N. S. Forester, Jr., pre for a short huusiness Session. *It was decided to begin the meetings at 3:30 instead of at four o’clock as heretofore, and the meeting fo' May will be the last one until the fall season. five visitors present. The topic for the month was "The Individual Witness.” The Bible study* was given by Miss Nora Laws and the minutes i4ere read by the secretary, Mrs. Glen Anderson. Reports were giv en by the Stewtardship and Per sonal Servife chairmen, Mrs. J. Jd. Canter and Mrs. R. T-. Jones. Those taking part on the pro gram were Mrs. R. B. Jones, Mrs. J. M. Canter, Mrs. Fred Blevins. Mrs. Haxel Stroud, Miss Nora I>aws and Mrs. Glen Anderson. Duet. "Watching You” was sung by Mrs. Carl Canter and Mrs. Abe Jones. Closing prayer was led by Mrs. R. S. Jones. Delicious refreshments were served he hostes.s. kl Legion Auxiliary In Monthly Meeting The members of the Legion Auxilirry met at the Red Cross headquarters Monday evening for nheir moiAhly meeting and spent sometime in makfng surgical dressings. During the evening Mr. L. M. Nelson made a most in structive talk on the treeitment ot poison gases. Miss Toby Turner, the presi dent. presided for the business session during which time plans were made for Poppy Day the last week in May. Workers are urgently needed in making surgi cal dressings and Miss Turner is urging ihe members of the Auxi liary to give all their time possi ble to do ;his w'^k. Mrs. Joe Barber Is Auxiliary Hostess Oakwoods W. M. S. Holds Monthly Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Oakwoods W. M. S. was held with Mrs. Hazel Stroud on i’rl/le'-’ night, April 9lh. rhere were nine members and t/ta sum 4ehCawtiitm The April meeting of the Epis copal Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Barber Thiesday afternoon, having been postponed from last Tuesday. Mr.s. Barber, the president, was in charge, and Mrs. Joe E. John son led the devotionals. A volun teer Easter offering was taken, the proceeds to be used on repairs for the church. A large number of the members were present and i were served refreshments during the social hour. Miss Alta Ramsey, a member of the Wiikesboro school faculty, was a visitor at the meeting. The Champion Home Demon stration club met on Friday, April 2nd. at the home of Mrs. Velta Harris. There were several members present and the prognnn was most Interesting. Mrs. Greene gave some very helpful suggestions and demonstrations on hoilse cleaning which vlll be very help ful and practical. Our next meet ing will be held with Mrs. Taft Foster. All members have a cor dial invitation to attend. Mr. Franklin Harris had the misfortune of getting his home burned Sunday around two o'clock. The blaze started on the roof and had gained so much headway when discovered that very few things were saved. The loss was total as Mr. Harris did not carry any insurance. The play "Bound to Marry,” given by the seniors at Mount Pleasant high school Thursday night, was a grand success. The auditorium was filled to capacity ond everyone enjoyed the play which had plenty of action from beginning to end. Miss Lucille McGee entertain ed a number of the younger set at her home la.st Thursday night, honoring Miss Ramonia Lee Church’s fourteenth birthday. A number of interesting games were played after which the hos tess serv'ed lovely refreshments. Miss Church received a number of lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Goforth announce the arrival of a fine ba by boy. Mrs. H. I. Shomaker spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Rachel West, who has been on the sick list! for somdlime. Mrs. West is much better now and is well on the road to recovery, we are glad to state. Miss Iris Hamby of Winston- Salem, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hamby. NOW! . ond it is your poirioiic duly to wlp in tho proiont food-shorlogo 3 prostrving oi much of thi* loo- on't fruit and borry crop o» possibU. ^ppiy to your Rotion ^ard for your iHottmont of oxtfo sugar for conning ‘40W! M im Mkl« 1 Miss Elizabeth Finley Entertains Her Club Mis.s Elizabeth Finley was hos tess to the members of her book club and some additional guests at her home on Tenth Street Sat urday evening. Bridge was played at three tables with the top score prize go ing to Mrs, Palmer Horton. >U.ss Rebecca Mosley, a member of the city school f.aciilty and who has joined the WAAC. was remember ed with a gift. Refreshments were served at the beginning of play. The home was attractively decorated in spring flowers. Emma JaneCai’penter Given Birthday Party C!XIE CRYSTALS , >00 Pu.f; Cane Sugar T ISN T PRACTICAL J) drop EVERYTNIRfi TO iiSWER THE TELEPHOIE I»lephon« (acilitiei »'« bu-Jw>«d te capacity iliese days Uncoir.p!el«d calls lie . up lines and ecjoion'ani lh« same as comploled calls So, yi«* (o' ai leas! Sevan . {(p , signals before you up Give your party ^ time 10 answer and you will 1 complete many calls on iKe Un attempt Try it next tune On Friday afternoon et 4 o’clock. .April 9. Emma Jane Car- renter was given a birthday party by hei* parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Carpenter, ot their home in Fin ley Park, in celebration of her eighth birthday anniversary. Miss Sallie Outlaw, Emma Jane's schoolteacher. led the chil dren in outdoor gomes, after which they were invited into the living room for opening of the many nice gifts and lighting the beautiful birthday cake decorated in pink, white and green, topped with eight pink candles. When the candles were lighted ali the children sang “Happy Birthday.” Then strawberry milk sherbet and cup cakes decorated in^j^'iite and eight tiny , pink roseh^s were served by Mrs. CarpenterT assist ed by Mrs. Ethel James. The most exciting game’follow ed when Emma Jsne and Miss Outlaw took the children on a fishing party upon the deck porch. Each one fished over tlie porch edge with a real Hshing pole and line tied to a small basket. Each time the Taasket was filled with a gift for the fisher. Those present were Margaret Eller, Barbara Foster, Jo Ann Somers, Nancy Sturdiv; nt, Ned Wooten. Billy Sue Bush. Jimmie Blair, Sandra Fanner, Anne Smith, Celia Carter, Bettte Ch\t>« P?yne. Sylvia Kenerly. Virginia Brame, Joan Hendricks, Christine Godby. Betty Brown Faw, Nancy Ann Carpenter, Betsy Yvonne Car penter, Mrs. Ethel James. among niE COLORED FOiXS Church — Society — Personals Central Electric & Telephone Co. By BFJ.LE THOMAS The Ladies Home Mission Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. Lanra Crite Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Bibie lesson was giv en by Mrs. 0. Sales from Matthew 2.‘)th. The business was discuss ed and some n^' plans were ;^ade. The hostess assisted by Mrs. K. Dewey served a sweets course. The AVar .Mothers Praise Ser vice was held with Mrs. T.illey My ers Frid>ay evening at 8 p. m. The Garden Block program was arranged by Mrs. Gardner for the Woodlawn and Fairpla'ns section, with Mrs. Isabel Brown for Fair- plains; Mrs. Belle Thomas, Wood- lawn. and Mrs. Nina Harris. East B street. This is a very helpful project and let us all work. The Pastors Aid Circle met with Mrs. Fred Harris Tuesday even ing with Mrs. N. Rhodes in charge. After the topics were discussed the plans for the Passion Week service were made and other bus iness of this circle was discussed. All members were present. Miss Mary Horton, of Roanoke. Va.. is visiting her relatives and friends this week. Visiting here over the week-end from Fort Bragg were: Pvt. James Ave Thomas. Pvt. Lester Carson, Pvt. Charles Petty. Pvt. V C. Burns and Pvt. LowSRiith. DEATHS John Burnett, one of Wilkes county's best known rockmasons. who has been ill for sometime, passed away Sunday morning at his home on East B Street. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2:00 o'clock at First Baptist church. Mrs. Pansy Waugh Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Waugh, died In Gray, W. Va.. Thursday afternoon. The rites were held ?t the Beulah Presby terian church Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. CHVRCH NEWS Sunday school First Baptist church 9:45. Please come. The second Sunday morning in April was Young People’s D.ay Rev. William Turner spo'ke on “A Compassionate Christ.’’ The Home Coming service tor the young men’s social club was postponed. . PERIODIC CULLING PAYS THE FARMERS Yates Norris of Route one. Clayton, culled his flock of 809 laying hens and took out only 75 birds. t’Periodic culling pays,” says Charlie C. Clark, Jr., assis tant farm agent. RECORD CANNING SEASON PREDICTED The outlook is for a record- smashing home canning season. Three billion new metal type tops for containers are being made, and it is estimated that two bil lion old tbps need only new jar rings. BUY WHAT YOU NEED! [Chattpion News Items Reported! We don’t advocate extra' 1ce€[plng the ho^ attractive*:' helps 08 .keep gea^ to oar the Axis. 'Work h«nl,tsave Bonds. inveot iiifaat y •-r'siss'' v*' ■ '■ or..aBeless spending, liptj ;ie build 'morale, and tti#^ task ahead—defeatfisg. j-jigUHiey, and invest in W|sr” j&buld for home comfort, which.youTl find itt our h«n0 itttnlsbings, still at very a*» tractive prices! Come id isK ^vlook. New itomd amvinVi, every fra^days—maylte niBt ,t you’ve been waiting forV \ LIVING ROOM SUITES A Wide Variety Most Pleasing Styles! One 3-piece Suite, covered in tapestry. ‘ You’ll $g0.5O like this one at One large 3-piece Suite, cov ered in high grade $52-50 tapestry at One 3-piece Suite, in velour, in large size. Plenty $Q7.50 of room in this. v i One 3-pc. Suite, artistic in de sign, upholstered in $155 fine material at _ also SEVER.AL OTHER ATTRACnVE SUITES FROM WHICH TO MAKE SELECTION n BED ROOM SUITES One four-piece Suite in walnut fin ish, poster lied. A real value in this outfit at $49.50 One four-piece Suite in walnut finish, poster bed. Investigate— vou’ll like this one sure! $59.85 One four-piece Suite, walnut ve neer. poster bed. A better Suite value for you! $84.50 One three-piece solid maple Suite that you should not overlook. It may be ju.st what you want! $92.50 OTHER SUITES IN A WIDE RANGE OF PRICES! FIBRE SUITES For Your PORCH Beautiful fibre Suites, closely woven in colors of green, white^and red « $34-50 Also we have a few Porch and Lawn Sets at, each . $15.00 The Famous SeBers Kitchen Cabinets • THE FAMOUS SELLERS. IN BEAU’TIPJJL COLOR WMBINATIONS OF WHITE AND BLACK, AND \raiTB AND RED. HAS PATENT FEATURES OF TILT-AW AY SHELF! $39.50 up PORCH ROCKERS Porch Rockers are always good buys. Can be ^ed inside or out. Quality construction throughout. Fine for enjoying outside summer breezes! ®.25 up GOLD SEAL LINOLEUM RUGS 6x9., _il,®|9xl0‘/2 »5-25 9x12 $6.50 Rhodes^Day FURNITURE^ COMPANY “Always Outstanding Furniture^ Vames ^ NINTH STREET • J MCTURES Nke selection of pictures in -sdl sixes and .many attrac tive segues. - See them! & to $4.50 Mgiisiiaiii li K ' . i’-. ■ k : i', I" Odd Dressers Odd Dressers that will fill your need for extra storage space. Several styles. $22.50 to $24.50 CARD TABLES A new card table will add joy to the game. Come see our offering! $2.25 to $4.00 ONLY ONE BRIDGE SET $14.75 WOOL RUGS One lot 27x4S Wool Rugs, in a beiutiful scloction ct pat- tern-i. Each— $3.25 9x12 WOOL RUGS $28.75 to $61.75 How about that rug cushion for that rug you now have '•n your floor? MIRRORS North Wiikesboro; N. C. Good .selection, in many de signs. Several sizes to suit your need.s. $5.75 to $22.50 HIGH CHAIRS Baby High Chairs in white and black, ivory and green, and maple. Baby needs it- $3.95 M