Not All Bloom Was Frozen, Snipes Reports. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe 8huma*e. of WUkesboro route one, Is now in North Africa.. I*fc. Shu mate hasrbeen in the army for one yeitr. He was in training at Gamp Claiihome, La., before learing for orerseas service. Orcharduta of the Brushy Mountain fruit growing area are surprised to leam that they may have as much as fifty per cent, crop of apples this year. J. B. Snipes. Wilkes county agent, and Carl B. VanDeman, apple research specialist, have ex amined the bloom in several or chards, along with the orchard men. and have found that there yet may be from 40 to 60 per cent of a crop. A severe freeze two weeks ego made It appear that the entire" crop might have been wiped out and for some time an accurate forecast of crop prospects was im possible. The county agent reported that many instances they found Wilkesboro To Have An Election felustef of a dozen or more is cient. he said, and the per centage of bloom frozen does not ’ necessarily indicate the percent of (apple crop. -V Mayor H. A. Cranor and All Members Of Boaird Un opposed for Re-Election Senior Class Play The town of Wilkesboro will have an election on Tuesday. May 4. Unlike some elections in the town of Wilkesboro. It will be just a matter of form, because those who hold elective office have no opposition and the time for can didates to file has passed. Mayor H. A. Cranor and the present members of the town board of commissioners, compos ed of W. B. Smlthey, James Liowe. borne, have all filed for re-elec tion. Mr. Osborne was appointed on the board several months ago to fill the unexplred term of lA. 5. T. C(jlvard. who enlisted in the army. The election will be held at the town hall. •V Ranks Of The Local . Company Must Be Filled Here Friday Night I Town and County Case Is Postponed Captain Harry H. Pearson, commanding officer of the State Guard company here, said today that the local company is badly in need of at least 20 men to fill the ranks and keep the company up to required strength. The company is now receiving equipment, but it is imperative that there be more men to replace those who have gone into the arm ed forces or away to war jobs. North Wilkesboro is one of the fortunate towns to be selected to have a company of the guard, and it may be that if the company cannot have a sufficient number of men that the privilege of hav ing a military organisation will go to one of the many towns who are asking for a company. Men up to fifty years pf age 'lOfe^uajf-.hegiBnUaliif. and anyone Interested should Con tact Capt. Pearson, L#t. John L Wells or Lt. John V. Wallace. Drills are carried out each Monday night. Captain Pearson hos been noti fied to attend an officers’ train ing school course at Fort Ben- ning. Ga.. ne.xt month. He and other officers recently rttended a short course at Fort Bnagg. Garden Hints By J. B. 8NIPE.S, County Agent Mr. H. R. Niswonger, Extension Horticulturist, Raleigh, states that a victory garden is to be grown primarily for the purpose of pro viding a supply of vegetables to meet the family needs. He says the surplus should not be grown unless it can be disposed of at a good advantage. In other words, I would suggest to the people not to plant more than they can conveniently take care of, if so, seed and fertilizer would be wasted. The weather is warming up now and the people are doing a lot of gardening and they should plant whatever is nqpeaaary for homo use,- prevdht some.other famiS’ fihm getting enough seed or ffertillzer. As the vegetables come up and grow, they should be examined from time to time to see that they are free of diseases and insects. Should you find any Insects end need any Information for controll ing them, the county agent’s of fice will be glad to furnish this in formation to anyone who m; y call for it. Planes Bomb Bases Campaign In Tunisia Now Progressing Favorably American forces today were continuing their ad vance toward Tunis and Bi- zerte, the two strong points in the northern tip of Tuni sia now held by axis forces. .Meanwhile, the attack by the British first army near Tunis was stalled by German counter attacks, the first of which was' repulsed with heavy German losses. However, the general allied sit uation In ’Tunisia has improved this week ond the axis may be driven out of Africa during the offensive now on and which has progressed favorably for the American, British and French forces participating. C^l. Hugh Kilby has recently been promoted to his preeent rank at thr camp where he Is stationed in loulsiana. He has been in the army for 18 months. Pvt. KUby married Miss RnOi Claudlli, of Hays, who now makes her home with his par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Qnlncy Kil by, of Millers Creek. Total Now Is About $675,000' In Sales FDR Delivers Ultiinatuin To John L. Lewis President Says Miners Must Be On Job Or He Will Exercise His Power President Roosevelt today sent a strongly worded telegnam to John L. Lewis that mine workers must return to their jobs Satur day morning or he will exercise his powers as commander In chief to-'prevent hindrance to the war dropped many tons oY ex, op military objectives in northern France, The erect scope of the raids were not made known today but it was considered large be cause of the fact that 23 British planes were lost in the night’s op erations. AIR FIGHTS IN RUSSIA There was little ground ectivi- (Continued on page five) Senior cl; s.s play of North | Wilkesboro high school will be j presented on Fridav night, eight | o’clock. “Myster,'- -At Midnialu' is the | wfie of the three-act comedy-mys tery which promises to furnish ex-‘ cellent entertainment. | Admission will he l.'i and cents and all who attend are as sured an enjoyable performance Members of the c."st are as fj) lows: Jimmie Moore. Jack .\nder-1 son. J'Tances Kennedy. Frances The c(sp of North Wilkeslmro vesus Wilkes county, which in volves payment of bonds isisned hy the town of North WilkesboiM for school building purposes, has been postponed in Wilkes court until Mondav, Court was scheduled to convene on Monday of this week lint was postponed until Tuesday because of illness of .ludge .) H. Clement, of Winston-Salem, who is presid- Rousseau. Lewis Hill Jenkins. I. Peggy Finle.v, Lucille tVsey. Kern. docketed Church. Evelyn Rhodes and Tom- two-weeks mie Whicker. _y (term. ■ Horton Elected Poddy Horton was elected president of the Student Council of North Wilkesboro school in a spirited election Tuesday. Bill Gabriel nan second and Mar garet Jones, third. Half Holiday To Begin May 5 ' FARMERS SET OUT , BLACK WALNUT j Twenty Madison county grow ers have set the new Thomas variety of black walnut on their forms to demonstrate that wal nuts can be produced on a com- mercial basis, reports Assistant j NORTH AFRICA I Farm Agent J. E. Walker. | CALIFORNIA .\ grejit. nia.iority of the (!«*- IKirtmeiit .stor»'.s anJ grooert stor»>s in North tVilke.sboro will begin on Wcdne.slay, Ma.v o, closing at one p. in. on Wednes- da.v. Tlie half holiday will con tinue through Mjiy, -lune, .liily and .lugnst. in additioii, fumitui-e .stores anil Jtrj- (-leaning nients will l>e ail day on Wednesday. The Wetlne.sday holiday and luilf-holiday is planned to give .store employes time for work in the victory garden and other activities on behalf of the wai- effort, and time, for recreation. The list of stores to be clos ed all day Wednesday is as fol lows; Mark Down Furniture Company. Rhodes-Day. Better Homes Furniture Company. Wilkes furniture Ex change. Gray Brothers Furni ture Company. All Dry Cleaners. The list Of stores which will close at one p. m. on Wednes days follows: Harris Brothers. Belk's Dept. Store. Tomlinson’s Dept. Store. J. C. Penney Co. G. P. Store and Market. Prevette’s Stores. Deans. Rose’s. ADAMS BROTHERS IN SERVICE Steele’s. Payne Clothing Co.* Marlow’s Men’s Shop. Jean’s Dress Shop. Spainhour’s. Bare’s Dept. Store. Hackney’s Dept. Store. Dixie Home Store. . Miller-Long. Southern Bargain Store. City Grocery Store. 1. H. McNeill & Sons. R. & O. Grocery Store. Reins Market. Kash & Karry Grocery. Moore’s Market. Davis A Co. /mirers uhloo, prevlonsiy said that if the miners’ demand for tan increase of two dollars per day in wages was not met by FWday night that 60B.000 coal workers would go on strike. Already 60.- 000 miners are idle in wbot is called ‘‘wildcat” strikes. V F. C. X. Board In Meeting Here A much greater number of people must purdhaae war bonds if the second War Finance Csunpaign sxhievee its purpose, W. D. Halfacre, Wilkes chairman, said to day. Mr. Halfacre announced that sales to date are approximately $675,000 as compared to a quota of $374,100 for the county but that the greater part was purchas ed by heavy Investors and that ths campaign did not have sufficient response in number of buyers. In order to give a greeter num ber opportunity to take paH, the campaign has been extended throughout the country through the first week of May tor the se ries B bonds. 'The cipipatsA .hM * The quiarterly meeting of the Advisory Board of the Wilkes PCX Service was held at North Wilkesboro, April 20. The follow ing members were present T. W. Ferguson. Ferguson: T. J. Mc Neil. Roaring River: W’. M, .4h- sher. Halls Mills; W. H. H. Waugh. North Wilkesboro.’ and E. F. Edwards. Ronda. C. F. Jones, manager of the- lo cal PCX Service, reported o con tinued increase in volume for both the local store rnd for the State PCX. His report showed that the local volume for March was al most as much as for .Icnuary and February combined, rnd that to tal volume^ for the first three months was nearly $30,000. Commenting on the record np'wir* ^luB mondyr Ivhlch will tend to create Inflation unless Invested. A recent boost for the Wilkes amount was" the allocation ny state purchase of $85,000 In bonds to Wilkes.- Mr. Halfacre today urged early action on the part of those who have any money from $18.75 up to invest it in war bonds. This I will prevent inflation and will I take care of wrr financing, --it the ,same time placing the money in isafe investment at the iu-st rale of interest now available. -V- Warlick Not To Be A Candidate Dr. McDonald and Gregg Cherry Are Two Candi dates For Governor The announrement this week hv .Iiidge Wilson Warlick, of Newton, that he will not be a can didate for the Democratic nomina tion for governor next yoir leaves the field to Dr. Ralph Mc- Dansld and Gregg Cherry. Judge W’arlick previously had announced his intention to be a q[ candidate for the nomination in the State PCX, Mr. Jones said. "The PCX has a volume of well over three million dollars for the first three months in^l943 which (Continued on page five) the June primary next ymr. IN TEXAS IN AUSTRALIA P ; 'A.. r -’1, V’ Tn>r K. Caudill is with jw anti-aircraft detaeJunent in North Africa. Ho has been In the anny for one year and sail ed toe overseas in October. Pvt. a son of the late Mr. •fra. Bfartin Claadlll, of lg a brother of L. V'OMdai, otntn. Pvt. Robert Glenn Cothren. son of Mr. and Mrs. Brett Coth- ren of Tn^lll, entered the service Jan. 32. 1943, and Is serving in the U. 8. Air Force in OMnp Kolhler, Saeramento, OUtf. Pvt. Clyde K Adams is attached with a Si^al Service R^ment somewhere in North Africa. He v/as-inducted into the .Army in Sep tember, 1942, and received his training at Fort McClellan, Ala^ and Camp Butner, N. C. In a recent letter home he said he wan well and doing fine. Pvt. Beechel Adams, right, inducted into the aerrte in January, 1943, is now, stationed at Ciunp Pined^, Qaltfornia. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Adams, of Hans Mills. Cpl. Buren Barlow has' re turned to Camp Maxey, Texas, after spending a foriougb with his wife, the former Miss Bw- Bioe Faw. Qpl, Bartow Ix- dneted teto the service Novam- ber 7, 1»48. . -V- -■ Pfe.'Winfield RacM is now In AnstraUa,.accordihg to news received here. Pfc. Riwhel he- gnn army servloe in October, IMl. He ia a aoit of 0.of North WflBehF rente one. OpL Walter Buel Harrold, son Of Mr. and Mra. V. M. Harrold, of Ha^', -wms inducted into the service at FiMt Adjctoii,. 8. C-. - on Jhpreury' fl» thta oritred .his baaie --He-tiWi^rented to rmA ef atattonad «t. wMrh’lmialtilwbaMKninrtP- Md oposalorKh ibh |If cwvm- ./

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