; is^lLtall kinds, let maximum help poultry- ihors. Consult satisfied tusto- iends. We’ve \ lirk from it. ^ Our efend our freedom. In offering our belt their blood? I -. i '■T It!:' f: P&M [C'- '\R4-W 't OlVe YOUR HENi AND 6ET MORE. And Get Greater PROFFTS! Poultry should be fed pfoper .starter ^ed, and then mature on well-balanced Vitam^ mix tures. With our broad expeipence in tW poultry busine.ss. we know what is l^est for jJoiiltry . . . from baby chicks to tho.se r|ady the market. If you want feed for fa.st |gro\idh and healthy bird.s, .see as for your needs.* * GET Ouf PRICES / Always 'BS. PATRlOTia JSE A FLOCK OF- POULTRY AND mm MONEY. TOO! Whether a few or a th^and, raise chickens for food aflid help the nation “come through\the production crisis. It’s yAir patriotic duty to produce food, an^poultry and eggs will do m|fch to feed our people. In addition, itT|^ cash crop for quick mohfty, enabling you to have funds for the tfibgs you can’t produce, ^^et our price.s on baby chicks, in any quanS^, and start as big a ^ock as you can care for. Raise at least a fw for your own ne#ds— that will help So others may share in marl^ offerings. p fw Si S3 m- >- ,v.eV / EEP IT [isrh: / Vi Chicb Shiiqied By np...or Direct From Hatjtl lion iOOO^ QUALin CHICKS! Nflirdi Caidina •-v>> vi.’tV'r* ■ • v^. I.... ' J lt> I t'T I y.-J