J*fc. Willii'm t'. Hoinmn, who wih( ineliirtefl into the ser^-ice June », had hia basic training at Oanip Rucker, Ala bama, and is now at Nashville, Tenneesee on Maneuvers. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. 1). B. Hol man, of North M ilfcesboro route one. at a a. m. mm > Is SetUed For Is Observed ByLionsClub Consent Judgment Is Reached In Court Transferred Case of the town of North Wilkesboro versus the coun ty of Wilkes, in which the town sought to have the county assume payment of approximately $60,000 in I school bonds, ended Thurs day in a compromise judg ment with agreement by both sides in the action, i Tha trial h/:)d started in Mon day and imich evidence had been j put before the court before the rgreemer.t wa.s reached and the jury was withdrawn. The followin,? excerpt from the judgment of the court gives the liTiticipal tacts in the settlement: ‘‘The pteintift, Town of North Wilkesboro, having paid the |10,- 000 bonds with interest, dated Mav 1. 1912, 4nd the $8,000 bonus, with Interest, dated May t, (Continued on page eight) -V—rsrr—?r Former Members Of Club In Service Hbi&>red North Wilkesboro Lions Club observed Ladies Night Friday evening with one of the most delightful occasions in the history of the club. With about 150 in atten dance, a most interesting and inspiring program was car ried out at the Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse. The program wes on a patrio tic theme throughout, with special honor being paid members of the club now in the service. Paul Cashion, club president, was toaatHMister, at; The following men were for warded to the Induction Station by local board number 2: Brartipy Evan Dancy. Carrls Glenn Curtis. Claude Harley McGrady. Ku.ssel .tirthur Tucker. Maurice Elledge Walsh. French .‘tiiibrose.Hudler. Wilford Jones Bowles. Arnold Bay OllreHtli. Ray C'oekerham; Kenneth Monroe Isenhour. Emory Golden ^'Boten. Trank Dean PaHkh. Kehiper Hampton Walker. Isaac Claude Prlvett. Sylvan Kllh>'. Clarence Doctoa Wiles. Eeeniaii BronsdjP,Walls. .Ale.v Reece CtnUC^Vi fJamis Freema^Roop. Rol)crt Oomelhjjl^oiTow'. Oiarles CliittomTSrayson. .Albert Brovut;^|^ Iy»stcr Joseph ®hich. Thomas AVjUJei Viifin Eugftie Richard James Hansl Manuel W War Band Qiota Now $42,945.00 Need More People To Buy War Bonds In Wilkes With the Second War Fin ance Campaign out of the way in a big way, efforts are now being concentrated on sale of small war bonds to many people. The quota for Wilkes county in .sale of .small bonds (up to J5,- COO) for the month of May is $,.‘2,945, J. R. Hix, war bond ehalisnan for the county, said to day. • Efforts-are being mode to have a large number of people buy war bonds tegular!^ which Is the on- ,ari Last Axis Forces Ar« Being Driven Out North Africa Allies in North Africa, af-i ter taking Tunis and Bixerta during the week-end, today captured ah additional 25,- 000 axis prisoners, brmgin»|j^;*»“e *0^ ““s; >«»« ' Master Sergleant and Mrs.", L ti. Valentine today ceteferated tfaelr 20th wedding anniversary at Camp Claiborne, L where Sgt. Valentine is now In service. On September 30th, this year,. Sgt. Valentine will complete 30 years service. They made their the total in captured to 75,- 000 during the past few days. Thus has ended the axis dream of dominion in North Africa and the way is paved for invasion of Europe by Al lied forces. Since the fall of the last re maining axis ports in Tunisia, the war of nerves in Europe is in full sway and this time the Allied Na-- tions are supplying the inspira tion tor axis fears. Axis leaders are wandering where the Allies will strike next, and when. All that remains of axis .torces In the whole of Africa- are plan to return to North Caro lina when Sgt. Valentine retires from active service. Aviation Cadet iiroprac^t State Auxiliary I’vt. Howanl W. Kilb.v, son of Mr. and .Mrs. (Tell Kilby, has been transferred from l-angley Field, Va.. to Jackson, .Miss. I’vl. Kilby entered the army September I, 1&42. Wife of Local Chiropractor I Receives Highest Honor At Raleigh Convention In Oregon Mr.s. E. S. Cooper, of this city, was elected president of the North Carolina Chiropractors’ Associa tion .Auxiliary, which held Its con vention in Raleigh Wednesday and Thursday simultaneously with the Chiropractors' Association annual convention. Dr, and Mrs. Cooper attended the convention which was held et .Sir Walter Hotel. Dr. McKinley H. Dollar, of Raleigh, was elected president of the Chiropracto.-s .Association, and was installed at the final session. Dr. .A. -A. Heh. of Oistonia, was elected vice-president a'nd Dr. S. D. Coleman, of Durham, secre tary-! rersurer. Mrs. Copper succeeds Mrs. S. (Continued on page eight) I’vt, .Marvin Alathis, .son of •Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathis, of A\'ilke-slH>ro route two, luts re turn ctl t) Camp .Adair, Oregon, after a visit home. Pvt. Mathis, a graduate of Wilkesboro liigh sehool last year, 'entered the aiTiiy November 17, 1942. He is in the Infantry. MILLER BROTHERS IN SERVICE oTtoe club welcomed the guests, with response being given by Mrs. Pgul Cashiot(j The club and guestp»joined in singing “Gok®less America.” L. h. Carpenter called the names of members of the ciu!) now in the servic? as follows: Cpl. Wm. P. Allen. Champlain James C. .Stokes, I,t. Robert W. Finley. Capt. I. H. McNeill, Jr.. AC William C. Cray, Pvt. T. Rich ard Deans. Capt. Edward S. Fin- le.v, Lt. Richard W. Gwyn. Phar- (Continned on page eight) RaymoJaiS Crat ^ Johnnie H'arrdli Johnston. Rex Mtonte Handj\. Roy j^est AATtittlngton. Clyde Luther Draughn. Radford Harold Blankenship. Barney Ta’c Biackbum. Irvin •Tliomas Johnson. Ed watt! Darwin Dancy, Jr. Quint^ Bland Sidden. •Sam William Soots. James .All>ert Ilincher. Werth Darnell. (Continued on page eight) afld, til greater atnbtiifttT'fl ble, and those who have not been buying bonds are urgently re- Lions Club Offering $50.00 In Cash Prizes For Best Victory Gardens; Get a Card And Enroll In Contest Interest is picking up in the North Wilkesboro Lion’s ^Club Victory Gar den contest which is noW being sponsored to en courage more Victory gar dens in the Wilkesboros. Already a number of con testants have enrolled for the $50.00 in cash prizes to be awarded by the club. If you reside within the corporate limits of the Wilkesboros, you are eli gible to enter the contest, and even if you don’t win one of the three cash prizes you’ll win anyway by having a good Victory garden and produce more food for family consump tion. Get a card from drug stores and mail it to L. L. Carpenter, local Lions Club Victory Garden Con test chairman, at once. Names of Victory Gar den contest entrants will be published within the nei$t few days. quested to begin now. Flames Damage Building Here Fire On Thursday Morning Threatened Block In Busi ness Section Main St. for European Invasion. Some of the other highlights of I today's war news follow: THREE JAP SHIPS HIT— I Three Japanese destroyers damaged, one pos-sibly put out of action, in dive-bombing attack on flotilla in Solomons. At same time, heavy-bombers raid Jap anese po.sitlons on Kahili, Fauro island ond Ballali island in Short- lands area. Fire of undetermined origin Thursday did considenable dam age to the upper story of the hiiilding on Main street occupied by the Little Grill. City Florists and Commercial Barber Shop, The flames in a third-story hallway had evidently made much headway when the fire wrs dis covered. However. firemen promptly extinguished the fire, which charred a number of unoc cupied rooms. Water caused some damage to the business establishments on the street floor and to second story rooms. The building is the property of Mrs. W. R. Newton. RUSSIANS ADVANCE— Russians doggedly drive to ward all objectives in German bridgehead in the Kuban sector of the western Causacus, exerting fresh pressuure on the enemy in Novorossisk. IKmald .Augmstii.s Elliott, who is ill training a-s an .Aviation (ii- det at Miami, Fid., is a son of Mr. and .Mrs. dia.'-. H. Eliott, of WHkeslioro route one, and is making a good rreord. In Persia SWEDEN READY— Sweden’s nrmed forces appear primed and ready for any even tuality as war swirls around her borders. AXIS JITTERY— Stockholm reports Germany rushing modern weapons to bo! (Continued on page eight) “BOMBING” SOLDfFRS TO WARD OFF INSECTS A fine-fog method of dividing and spreading insecticides has ''een discovered rnd ‘‘bombs” con- tainlrtg the mixture are being sent to the fighting fronts to help protect men against mosquitoes, files and other insects. At Camp Swift .A letter was i-ei-elved by Mr. and Mr.s, E. W. Billings that their son, I’ld. Luther Billings, Is in I’ersia. I’vt. Billlng.s took his training at Camp Clulbome. La., and sailed for overseas in October, 1042. Pvt. Billings was Inducted In the army May. 1042. He w-riu* be Is ok and to tell all of his friends “hello.” Pvt. Billings Is witli an engineer Deta^dunent. WATSON BROTHERS IN SERVICE Thtfle' two Boaa of Mr. and Mrs. Otar^ RlSer, of Cricket, ai» in aervice outaide of the country. Pfc. Clarence W. Mil!«-,’l«ft. who Mitered the armr in Mav. 1940. is stationed in the Panasaa C«Bal aaaa. Sgt JauMa & Miller, riajit is in North Africa. He left vfith Itg, National Guard company here for Port Jackson in Septeoiber, *|M0, and haa been everseaa since Septeoiber, 1942. Hr. and Mrs. ^imln reeeetJy caceived letters from both sons, who said they were iiiillhg aloBg right but wuuld be hapgy whoi the Japa and Ger- ' get what% rrr*~r 4e tkam and they ean ratam to the goad M v\ a: Pfc. Roscoe Winiams enter ed the army Jairaary 16, 1948, and is BOW stationed at FV>rt Sheridan, Illinois. Be is the •oo ot Hr. and Mnt - Charles WIlliaaM of North Wilkenbora ronte three. > Pfc. John W. Dyer is station* ed with a military pidloe do- tachment at Oaoip Oordou, Oa. Pfc. JDyer, aoa of A. IT. ,Oyer, of nMmd the Mmy in ^tMa'year. , ihrt WUbar cmnmnnHy, ^Jhaen in the army ainoo 7aoaa#y IS ^ la atariooad at.Oamv SwiiC; Teac- aa. Sfe Writee Ida that ^ il^ptfng alohl ttih'Md to' MB'aH kiia Meada “heBo." ^ ... . Emcet Wataon, left, haa se«» ptertf « actio# oa a enriaer with.; the Pacific fleet. Hia ahip was at PM Hatbor darii« the attaak# , 0# December 7. 1941, and waa in the JMaao# lalanda haCtMa laak : fan. Bmeat. a second dan nman'lto ben «'tln merj ate J#ly, 1949. M right is Bi»ar b ^ latii«_aiM#|. ^ van^ coarse ia the army e%id hi CUsage. Bj# - Faint T%ar are nS^Hr. aad Ufa. O. a. Tfht- ' ^ the faraier nm pedthnk aa#, ef SbbmbH. Vv

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