R«7 Nlehotton^d lUjr, Jr., h»w>'^ returned to Ntew- port etter n visit In the citf irti& Mrs. Nlebolson’s perents, Mr. end Mra. M. ES. BangUM/ . - Miss Merl Watts and little Miss Mary Jo Miller were guests of HtetetJo^P oPd Carol Caldwell, «flS|rol!^r, Friday afternoon. _ ir R. th Hler.eraon, of Ron- Ida,''was a buslnesB vlsUor to this eRy today. Mr. Avery Whittington was in tte city from Elkin today looking after biulnesB. affairs. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Candill and |.Mrs. Thomas L. Caudill, of this I city , motored to Johnson City, Tenn., yesterday to meet 3gt. Candill who is here Tisltlng Mrs. Caudill and his parents. Mr. Bruce Brooks has arrived home from Bermuda, where be has*been employed for several months. 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Chadwick, IMra. Cyrus Wiles, Mrs, Julian Guthrie, Mrs. Calloway Johnston I and Miss Mary Frances Pardue j-were visitors in Charlotte Tues day. SHINN, 4 .^;«ehool, 16:60 p. |h.^F. LSile, aapei^Btendeni , ,(.11:60 ©’dock I :h tejir ]|ljw Be :4» loyrshlp, f:60 p. m.— idwp.fssident. ^ Evening worship at S:00 o’clock —'Sermon'; “Looking Unto Jesus’’. ' C^urek Conference to be held at the close of the morning service. Every member urged to be pres ent. R. Jft. -Day, wlR ‘ ^asHfwl Vy Itov.' Jisne'’*Al]«g, ^ dangbtw ^ Mr. D. A. Roten, a well known citizen of the Sherman community In Union township, was a visitor In North. Wllkesboro l^ednesday. Messrs. Paul Shoaf, Paul Cau dill, Carl Pierce end George Mil ler, who have' .been engaged In war work on Bermuda island for the past several months, have re turned to their homes. Mrs. Margaret Parlier end Mrs. R. C. Jennings, of Pores Knob, were visitors to Charlotte Tues day. Mrs. J. E. Fowler, of Flushing. N. Y.. arrived here Tuesday for a viait with her mother, Mrs. O. C. Holcomb. i.iiss Elaine Bowman, of Mori on. !.: spending a few days in this city with her sister, Mr.s. Vernon Kizer. Miss Mildred Williams has re turned to Charlotte after spend ing Saturday here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Williams. Miss Williams holds a clerical po sition at the quartermaster depot in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sheets and son. Glories Dean, of Balti more. JId.. are here for a week’s visit with Mr. Sheets’ mother. Mrs. Lydia Sheet.s, of 'Wilkesboro. and Mrs. Sheet’s parents, Mr. and •Mrs. F. J. Pendry, of Laurel ; Springs. North Wilkesboro Pres- ' byterian Rev. Louts J. Telanjlan will preach at the 11 o’clock service on the subject, ‘‘Spiritual Inven tory." Vespers and senior young people services will 'be at 7:15 p. m Dr. Joe H. Carter, of Anderson, S. C.., will fill the pulpit on Sun day, Mry 30. Wilkesboro Baptist Rev. HOW.IRD .1. PORI), Pastor “Building A Spiritual Church”, will be Sunday morning's sermon subject at the Wilkesboro Baptist church. Sunday evening ot S p. m. the pastor will speak 'on the subject, “Lessons In Soul Win ning." Visitors are al-vrys wel come at our church. Mr. Smith Hagaman At First Baptist Dr. .lOH.N \V. KIMTIELOE, Jr. Mrs. W. T. Sneed has returned to Bristol, Va.. after spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Bentley ct Pores Knob. s. Juliii Nichols, of Purlear, has been spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Dewey MinSpn. near this city. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Harrold! of Granite Falls, were visitors in this city Tuesday while enroute to Winston-Salem and Greensboro. They are former residents of this community. Mr. Harrold is now engaged in the mercantile busi ness in Granite Falla. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Hurcham and children. Judith, James. Den ny and Harold, of Roaring River, were visitors in this city today. Mrs. Dock Wiles and little son, I David, are spending this week in the home of Mrs. Wiles’ mother- ! in-law, Mrs. D. G. Wiles, before I going to Boone to make their j home. Mr. Wiles reported to Fort Jackson Wednesday to begin ar- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phillips, of my service Baltimore, are spending several days at tlieir home nt Moravian Falls. Min.s Evelyn Smithey has re turned to Washington. 1). C.. af ter spending a month at Roaring Rivii^ with her parent-^. Mr. and W. Smithey. John W. Rolihin.-!, wi ll | Flfn reside'U of Somers town-^ ramp, was among those attending i [federal court in Wilkeslioro this; [week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bentley and children, of tliis city, .attended the funeral and burial services held for Mr. Craig Hollar in Boone to- da. Mr. Hollar, the son of .Mr. and .Mrs. L. H. Hollar, -was well known here where he formerly held a position in Moore’s Market which is owned by his father. • Mr. June Watts. Mr. and M'” James Wrtls and children, oi Kann’pnlis. visited Mr. James Watts’ pnri'ttls. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Watts, of Boomer, Sunday. Singers to Meet Sunday, May 30 Pastor In the absence of the pastor this Sunday, the pulpit of the First Baptist church will be sup plied this Sunday morning by Mr. Smith Hagaman, superintendent of the Baptist Ho.spital in Win ston-Salem. .Mr. Hagaman is well known to North Carolina B.tp- tists, and is frequently heard on Association and Convention pro grams. The Sunday morning wor ship service begins at 11 o’clock. An Invitation is extended to the public to attend. The annuel high school bac calaureate sermon will be preach ed at the evening service which begins at 8 p. m. The preacher this year will be Rev. E. K. Mc- Larty, Sr., pastor of the First lifethodist church in Boone. A large a'ttendance is expected at this special high school service. First Metbodist Church Rev. C. WAGGONER Pastor Continuing the theme of evan- g“lism leading to the revival be- g. ning Sunday, May 30, through June 9th, the minister will speak Sunday morning at eleven o’clock on Roomy Religion.’’ Mr. Ivan D. ,\nderson. manager of the Liberty Theatre, was a bu.s- Ines.s visitor to Charlottii Tuesday. IHb we.s accompanied on ihe trip by Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Kent Tbomos. of Wood- haveftjXong Island. N. Y.. is here on a^mit with her mother. Mrs. M. L.' Gilreath and other rela tives. Southside Singing association will convene with Zion Hill Bap tist church at Boomer on Sunday. May 30, beginning at 11:30 a. in. Attorney F. J. McDuffie, chair- nirn of the ossocialion. said that singin.g will constitute the main part of the morning and afternoon programs. Dinner will be served picnic style on the church grounds. All singers are invited to at tend and take part. Iredell F. Adams Funeral Is Today Dr. and Mrs. J. L.. Bentley, of Pores Knob, and ne.r guest. .Mrs. W. T. Sneed, of Bristol. Va.. were visitors in 'WinstoB-Salem Mon day. Mr. T. H. Deil. who has bepti working in a war plant at Balti- aore, is spending the week in the onnty with relatives and friends. Irs. Deal recently viisted him .'t altimore for a week, but return- to her home here several days go Singers Convention At Central School The Iredell County Singers con vention will be held at Central school on Sunday, May 23, at 2:30 p. m. We cordially invite any and all groups of singers to come and be with us and help in the program. If you don’t have a large group, bring what you have and the Lord will bless your effort if you come in His name. C. E. MADISON, Pres. S. C. JOHNSON, Sec.-Treas. ? i Funeral service was held today at Bethel church for Iredell F. Adams, who died Tuesday at his home ne' r this city. Mr. Adams, age 51. operated a jewelry shop here for several years and more recently at his home near here. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams, and the following brothers and sisters: Press Adams, Halls Mills; R. A. and Ruth Adams, North Wilkesboro route three; Mrs. Minnie Ballard. '. Pocahontas, Va., Mattie and Ethel Adams, at home: and Mrs. Ch,"rity Crawford. of North Wilkesboro route three. Rev. A. B. Hayes was in charge of the funeral service, assisted by Rev. S. L. Blevins, Rev. Carl Bumgarner and Rev. J. M. Owens. Gea, Dtrlghl (“Ike”) Elzenliower (•TeTte«B cap) shakes hands with Bri^ General Bernard Montgom ery, commander of the Eighth army which chased Rommel from Egypt halfway up Tunisia. General E«sen. hower flew to General Montgom ery’s headquarters to congratnlate. him and his men for cracking Nazi resistance. U Kbe eleettoo held at BondirD^vW “If" Inry AUen. A'tWtduhto .olffi'^*’ 4*. yriiiUsboro ilgh ' drjif day* ago and ISE call. BUY KSSrwAjTibNiw^* Mm* ssa, OMren wrilE«P*K., or wnOhoard, -.with 'i. miM , te owe howr. RiTOMart, new eolora. :Rir^M|MI«Rca4[l CABI^ ... V ■ SOCIETY-: Miss Call, Mrs. Carrington Entertain Ai uricige An outstanding social event of the week was the dessert bridge given by Miss Wilma Rose Cali and Mrs. William Carrington at the home of Miss Call on E street Tuesday evening. Nine tablss were arranged for bridge in a colorful setting of mixed spring flowers. Mrs. William Prevette scored high, -Mrs. W. F. Absber second high, and Mrs. David S. Gray, Jr., low. each receiving attractive .awards. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Edwin Duncan, of Sparta, and her house guest, Mrs. Marsh, of Chi cago, 111., the former Miss Percy Rudd Foote, of North Wilkesboro. They were remembered with gifts. Current Topic CIuId Met Wednesday Afternoon Mrs. C. G. Poindexter and .Mrs. E. E. Eller combined hospitality to the members of the. Current Topic club at the Poindexter home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Eller, the president, presided for current events and a short business ses sion, after which rook was played at three fables. Mrs. C. D. Cof fey, Sr., and Mrs. Eugene Tri- vette tied for high score, and each received awards. The low score prize went to Mrs. J. M. Crawford. The guests, upon arrival, were served a dessert course. Books of the club were exchanged dur ing the afternoon. The club will not meet again until fall. 1,ET I S LEND YOU the world’s largest, most beautiful collection of home and room photos In full color. Hundreds of ideas for paint- ing and decorating your house. No cost of obligation. Just phono 109. CARLTON’S. Men and women peat cutters in Eire arc receiving $6 to $7 a v^eek. Inemy,Weapons Compared at Aberdeen, Md. // ' /•> * A,. \ I m 'I icT’ • 4 ■it- . ■A material braack of the ordBaace departmeat of the U. & army hat « Us pessetzion many Aey have brought to thi* eomitry for compariMm purposeu with our own weapons. Al holds n shell at the breech of the “mystery” »-mm. aatl-aircraft and antMank gni I* *^iSa^hont se much in the beginning of the war in Africa. Eight: CsJonel Jarrett bolds a mortal ^"^J^clrmiril-nun. mortar, which almost cwpares with tl|* teerican msirtar in dmign. jHHt,15tfc'il G*t H. H Yoh D»h’t Watch Ootl You’d belter buy shoes, men, Rildii NOW, sod not liter. Or bow to tbit gremlin, A lierin-wsifer! 1 Your ttsmp seventeen is Wbst be hss bit eye on.* Aud thsi’s the one yos hire To use now to buy on! ’ *If you don’t use it by June 15th, hell get it— and use it for Penney shoes hiniself. He knows tlwy’re as hardwearitig as they’re handsome! Utl STAMf ir NOWI IT nriRfS JUNI IITHt For Busy Days Ahead Slack Suits ,‘3.98 Bright jacket , -with contrasting slacks. In crisp rayon faille! Pitted jacket type blouse with converti ble c o 1 1 a r, saddle pockets. For women —sizes 12 to 20. For Work or Play! Slack Suits Cool, Ventilated Models! Solar Straw Hats 1.98 ©Fibre meshes, rayon fibres, hopsacking meshes, cocoanuts and Pandans, precisely shaped! Straw Hats Light-as-a-feather fibre meshes and Hopokas with sum mery colored bands. Many other novel types! Straw Hats Air Spun mesh weaves, fibre braids and new mixture braids! Thrift values! Sleek rayon poplin— jacket with tucks and belt to insure fit. Two pockets. Smartly tailored, in solid col ors. Sizes 12 to 20, Styled For Comfort! M^n’s Sport Set 4.98 Cool, at - absolute - ease models in superb rayons! Short sleeves, converti ble collar, casual fit! For men who believe in action whether at play or at work. Serviceable. Boys’ Practical Styles! Sport Sets 2.98 • . Sanforized cotton weaves in action free mbdels. Some ■with smart stitching. Sizes 6 to 18. Action Togs for Girls! Slack Suits 2.98 Sturdy cotton twill with belted jacket that ties in front. Two patch pockets. Sizes 8 to 12. MEN’S FELT HATS 2-98 ' Light or Regular Weight JUST RECEIVED—NEW SHIPMENT NATION-WIDE ( AND PENCO oniR I SHEETS Na.tion-Wide, 81x99, each $1.19 Penco, 81x108 $1.69 Penco Cases, 42x36 -__37c Sorry—No Lay-Aways; Limit 'd to a Customer USE YOUR NO. 17 STAMP NOW TO BUY SHOES FOR — ALL THE FAMILY! — White Dress P ’n.p 2.49 Soft, white leather AII Sizes Smart Open-Toe Oxford 4.49 - .Steel Arch White Crushed Kid Leather I - CYNTHIA DRESS SANDALS. BLACK O AQ CRUSH KID OR _■% OR WHITE V P.ATENT Open Toe Dress Pump 3.49 White Crushed Kid Covered Heel BIG SISTER STYLES IN DRE€S PUMPS 2-49 3.49 White, Black, or Tan ■ White Sport Oxford 2.49 ^ Crepe Soles iFor I/ong Wear Childcraft Styles For Children 1.98 Models F5Y Boys, Girls! Perfect five-point foundation fit for correct, H^LMY growth! Sanitized fear foot hygiene. For Marching Men! MILITARY Oxfords 4.79 Lace Or Strap Men’s Styles for Spring! Oxfords 4.79

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