'- -f- .■ i'■ ‘^iss illizabeth Black ?Is ]^de of Mr. Jon^ f oaten*! Cborelt, Chrk and 8odnl j ^ . litti iiaitm Prevlew.irf Cortfcir.Bveni! telephone 115 r-'^.v?«i — iBtiaMwth CotUir" tMar of Mr. aad Mrs. Wsl^a -k. ot Itale^^ WM asrrtsd to Rotwrt Boyd iooM, too ot jte. 1^. W. V. 7»es, of North WOkisboro, oh FHdsy attornooii, ♦, St four-thtrty o’oloek. The etreisOBy iMM performed on the front Iswn of the home of Dr. and Mrs. iR. O. AiMerson, of Montreat, •teld a aettinc of summer flowers •nd' monafaln' shrubbery with awnntelns tormio! a magnificent baektrouad. Dr. Anderson, pres- Moat ot Moatroat College, offi* dated. Prior to the ceremony Miss BH- aabetb Woodhouse, choir director •t Moatroat College, gare a pro- >aas ot anptial mnsic, and dor* tag fbe ceremony softly played *1Uefaetraam”. The traditional 'Weddlag marches were played for the proeesalonal and recessional. Itie bride, who was glren in aMrriage by her father, wore a white suit of rough crepe with gowder bine blouse and hat, with which she used white accessories. At her shoulder Was a corsage of Btak rose buds. Miss Beth Jones, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. She wore & yellow and green jersey drees and her flowers were gar- dealaa. Among those attending 'the wedding were the mothers of the bride and bride-groom; Miss Mar garet Spencer, Miss Margaret Wade, and Miss Lucille Gardner, of Montreet; and Lieut.-Col. Ralph Reins, of Moore ,General Hospital, at Swanannoa. Following the wedding trip the couple will be at home at 402 D Street, North Wllkesboro. Pearson Entertains At Bridge '&torading party of' the Trtis. fbe: one giren by Mrti Rdctoll' PWfson at the home of her J^Mti, Mr. and Mrs. Roby drarcbV iBi Watesboro, Thursday eTenlng." * Four tables were ar ranged fprj bridge In a colorful setiiag’bt ibsea and snapdragots, and'at'the close of play the hos tess served a salad course with punch. ..v.Tho ’hlgh and low score prises if^'the game were won by Mrs. fflAiw Ldwe and Mrs. Albert Gar- wbod. Honor gifts were present ed,to Mrs. Tom Story, the former atomi Rntfa iHulcher. apd to Mrs KiUian, of Lincolnton, a stator- In-law. of' the hostess and wlto we^ bere visiting with her pajiients, ,Mr.'' and Mrs. Rom H. Peianon. . ' Mrs. Hill Carlton Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. Hill Carlton was hostess to the members of the Friday bridge elnb at her home on Sixth Street Friday afternoon. The Uble prises in the game, which were war stamps, went to Mrs. L. M. Nel son and Mrs. W. F. Blair. Light refreshments were served. -V- Mekitoes Stout, G^son, Give T^o Pkrties Boyd Stout and Mrs. C. L. Gibson joined as hostesses in giv ing two lovely parties, entertain ing Frt^sgr and Saturday after noons at the home of Mrs. Stout on D Street. For each event bridge wgsiiplayed at four tables, apd was ■■ followed by a salad courts. Wl..ners of the high and low score prizes Friday afternoon ware MfA Harry Pearson and Mrs. Hoyto Hutchens. Mrs. Ray Wall, who has recently moVed to the city from pillsboro, was remem- beif^ with a gift. For . Saturday afternoon Mrs. Htldley Hayes' scored high, and Mrs. Russell Gray low, each re- SocUlC^eaw Xhc'asoBttay meettat of toe Kins Haptist MtseBrnwy So ciety. of North WOkeeboro wUl be held at the charch Tneadey alteraooB at three o’clock. The program, whi1i la to feature the Fannie B. F. Hock Mesno- rial, will be given by memberi of Mrs, Tal Bamos circle. A memorial offering is to bo tak en. The Wesleyaa Service Guild of the North WUkeeboro First Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening at the church In the Pbllathea classroom im mediately following the evening serrioe. ceivlng a.wards, .. ' Summer flpwevs with roses pre- dbminatlng ipade colorful decora tions for the home. V Police of KngUnd recently pre- sented their own •'vuudevaie-showa tjhJtll liwwmii Blalock to Preach 3 Times Sunday HJlder T. L. Blaclock will speek ali Pisgah Baptist church on Sunday, June 13, at 11 a. m. and eight p.“ nr. On the same dote he will speak at Lewis church at three p- m.. The public is invited Important Annpuncemrat — for — Of Wilkes County We are pleased to announce fo yo!i that we are going to work with you this summer; we are going to try and help you, too. M e want you to do lots—probably moi*6 than vou have ever done—or 'tried ■ to do before. But this is a different day from what we have seen as yet. There is much for us to and we .should get busy about it. Thera wUl be two group meetings of the Spiritual Life group of the I’ln't Methodist church on Tuesday morning, one will meet: at the home of Rev. J. P. Fietrfier at nine- thirty, and one at the home of Mrs. P. 3. Brame, at ten-thirty. Rev. Charles Bowles, the guest minister at the church for the series of services, will lead the one at Mrs. Brame’s. The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Wllkes boro Methodist church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. W. White. Ihe Wesleyan Service GnlM of the Wllkesboro Methodist church will meet 'iwesday evening at eight o'dock at the home of Mrs. Boh Johnson. Circle No. 2 of the .Wllkes boro Baptist Missionary Society will meet Tuesday evening at ei^t o’clock at the home of .Mrs. O. K. Whittington. The Nurses Aide Class for this month will meet Monday ni^t, June 14, with the First Aid class in Mrs. W, C. Grier’s Re- creation room at 7:00 o'clock. Aerial Gunner Sgt. Elroy Alfred Wendland on May 29, successfully completed the flexible aerial gunnery course et the army air forces flexible gunnery school, Laredo Army Air Field, Laredo, Texas. Upon graduation, he was pro moted to his present rank and re ceived the coveted aerial gunnery wings. He is now eligible to take his Important position as a mem ber of an army air forces combat crew. Sgt. Wendland is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wendland, of this city. Sprii^eld News itelits Of hterest Miss Thelma Blevins, Spring- field news reporter, is in the Wilkes Hospital following an ap pendectomy performed June 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown, of Pasadena, Md., visited Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Handy, of Springfield, for a few days last week. Little Larry _Handy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Handy, spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pruitt. Friends of Mrs. Samantha Pruitt Adams, af Springfield, wish for her a speedy recovery from her Illness. Mr. end Mrs. Clyde Handy had as a guest last we.pk Mrs. L. A. Brown, of Boonville. ' V do Our brothers, cousins and uncles are on the front doing their best. They are doing their best for US. Let’s let them know that we back at home are doing our best to grow food, that they can carry on and continue do ing the good job they- ar? dping. you. one We hope this annoattcemtetrt vrill please We are going to give'ohC $100 bond, $50 bond, one $25 bond, and ten $10 War Stamps, making a total of $275.00 worth of war material now and money for your schooling, or to help you get started out in life tomorrow. Whic^ pr^e'i-g® you pick? Just now the way tfeto'PUto* be handed out is not knovrii-L-thal is ^ng left up to the leaders of each group. They have been a'.ked to express their opinion, on We hope we will be able to tell you Revival Under Way At The Penticostal Holiness Church The interest in the revival now being conducted at the Pentecos tal Holiness church by Evangelist Phillip A. Genetti. ot Leaksville, has been increasing, and the pas tor, Rev. Woodrow Smith, invites this. sobn. Let us suggest that you gel busy in your garden, and make it shine and do no less than your best. Don’t put off until tomor row the job you should do today. You will have another one then. We want you 16.000 boys and girls of the 4-H Club to enjoy this drive throughout. To do this you will have-to beooine (» part ctf it. Can we count on yoiji in this pi-oject? And if we get the co-operalion of all con cerned we vrill make this ,a wonderful suc cess-full of lasting joy and pride. es us as a traffic signal does to the driving motorists. He said that if we did not get to heaven it would be our own personal fail ure to heed the word of Goff that caused us to lose this wonderful opportunity. Rev. Mr. Smith end Respectfully yours, ■ J. Roby McNeil Rex LOCAL REPRtSENTATTVW OCCIDENTAL UFE INS. CO. ’Phofie 312 North Wilkesboro, N. C. they are both graduates. Rev. Genetti is a very forceful and in spiring speaker. V- .will -}owph BBTBl reerqit- Ipg ome'^r Rho towtlon^d We#- n«^ys,'Tajtnaay« and Fridays . at Itoto Wllkssbpro postot- [' rspohj^ todar-/^'that';|i)mt, r ^wtlkss ,mth','Wpre,'oee^tdd Intb^ so*’ oC o^' l««M!y B. isirowa, bL Kflgtll , ■ ’-^4 y' kbr Ifito' Bow 0B Isave and vfll and be assigned,to Ibv BBi^'^lBIiig station at B&ll- dfi^ ot Waltttrt Swe who died Bandar at his bonw. ^ AJ ing JIp.-B^itb sto Wis^f^^ I, Nora Porfar tbaB^Rina! aoBS and d*Bfh-^tr f ; 'tetKl Mfs. ieiMN ihiiaphngr, W|b- ' -atoB-MeBi;\fll|nt' Andfey, Millar,J and'i&K Miles. of,^B*lti- mrnx.^. T.'U,' .. • •... . Bwinii'' «Bi Rsflt.,- '.. .. „ ,...4^. condttct ttax ^ fB)iie^;M^i^ J ~ „ '*>5; • .ivyer Of Gmn Park . -K- : A-■ . r'y.ri- Sherlock Holmes ^la crime in America fv the firet Mme ia Vni- versaPs “Sherlock Hatoira to Washington”. Geoige Zsm (LL Marjorte Lord snd Basil Rathbonc, who portrays Sherlock, share drataiatic honors in many' exciting eeqaences of the film, coming to The‘Allen Theatre Tharsday. EB Sgt. Elrov Wendiand oy ¥ alGr Pfc. Wm. F. Richardson Now Overseas Pfc. Wm. F. Richardson, who has been stationed in Cuba, has been transferred to overseas ser vice, according to news received by his parents, Mr. end Mrs. R. M. Richardson, of North Wllkes boro route one. m ‘ Joe Hunt Graduate Of Aviation Coiu*e Joe Hunt, who enlisted in the navy a few months ago, graduat ed May 29 from the aviation or dnance school et Memphis, Tenn., and was assigned to a bomb sight school at Jacksonville. Fla. His mother, Mrs. Murphy Hunt, broth er, Pat Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams end Mrs. Claude Johnson visited him at Memphis last week. R. Glenn Anderson Enjoys Paper Royal Glenn Anderson, who is „ carpenter’s mate in the Pacific area of war operetlon. writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. P- Ander son, of Wllkesboro, that he truly appreciates receiving The Journal- Patriot. He entered the navy in December lost year. Pvt, Hag^ Faw Now In Texas Pvt. Haggle Faw, who was re cently inducted into the army, is stationed at Camp Hulen. Texas. Pvt. Faw, whose home is near Millers Creek, held a position at the public to attend these ser- ° HosleTy Mills company be- vices. Thursday night there will ^Hkes Hosjery^.^ be a special service conducted in behoir of the’nien and women who are fighting in the armed forces of our country. Last night Evan gelist Genetti said in substance. fore liis Induction. m life Cpl. Cyrus To Mather Field, Calif. geiisi ueueui bhiu hi ouuoiaucc, Cpl. CyrUS FaW left that the ten commandments serv- his return to Mather Field, a i .. 1. wr4t>« IMR Pvt. Rajunond S. Pearson’ Home On Furlough Pvt. Raymond S. Pearson, of Daniel Plelf. Ga., arrived Friday to spend a tew days with his mother, Mrs. Rosa Pearson Hol comb, and other relatives in 'the Millers Creek community. Ho re turned Sunday. M M Pvt. Gurn'e Faw Is Now On Maneuvers Pvt. Gurnle Fay, son of Mrs. Etta Faw, of North Wllkesboro route one, is on maneuvers in Tennessee. He received his train ing in Alabama and at Camp Blanding, Florida. m m ta Pfc. Royal Warren Is In Hospital Pfc. Royal ■Warren, who has been in North Africa, is now a pa tient at Valley Forge General hospital in Pennsylvania. His wife is Mrs. Matoka Paw Warren, of North Wilkesboro route one. M m M Pfc. Archie McNeill Goes Overseas Pfc. Archie McNeill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus McNeill, of this cily, has sailed for an overseas destination. He received his training at Fort McClellan, Ala bama, and during the past several weeks was stationed in Pennsyl vania. Ito Mi-lto .. Cpl. Raymond Mintm Writes Parents Here May 13, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Minton, North Wilkesboro. N. C. Dear Mother and Deddy: I am very plersed with the mail 1 have just received, eight letters from you all. I’m thinking of the place I used to call home. I am getting along fine, but I hiave been kinda down and out. Daddy I have been operrted on. But as I said 1 am getting along fine. I hope you all are enjoying good health. Well pop I have been'in the army three years, tomorrow, but saying I’m proud that I am In the army. But glad to say that I am well and still eble to eat. Still in North Africa, everything is go ing good. Hope you all have the news. Daddy please tell the Journal-Patriot to print my letter in their paper that I like so well. 80 that all my friends will know that I am thinking of them and am getting along fine, and still in North Africa. .4nd tell all the employees of The Journal-Patriot “hello.’’ 1 will close for this time. May God bless you all. Hoping to hear from you all soon with a long letter. Love, your son, RAYMOND. V 'Mr. R. H. Gore, Fort. Lauder dale, Fla., capltaliilt and hotel man was the nceessfni bidder tde the Omn' Park Hotel property Monday, when the property was foreeloMd at public auction by the Jefferson Standard Life In surance , Cpmjmny. — Watauga Democrat, Jane 3rd. —UP.—" OFFICE AT BESIliBNOE 310 5TH sraEirr "‘-'t V] W I L L Serve Public as J. P; Special Attention To COLLECTIONS Death Claims R. O. Banner, Banner Elk Banner Elk.—R. O. Banner. 62, USB vw - prominent Banner Elk merchant. after spending a week 'with his j unexpectedly et the hospital after speromg » ^ lOieo unexpecieuiy parents. Mr. and "Mrs. Oscar Tuesday afternoon a short at Millers Creek. ^ SR Pfc. Williams Graduate Of Radio Television Cour^ Pfc. Crystol Williams has grad *. ouisi.il xtuu riG. *f Evangelist Genetti were fellow uated from the Radio Televisio students at the Holmes Bible Col- institute’s engineer signal schoo lege in Greenville, S. C.. of which ' ” ' Nephew Mrs Sherman And Mrs. Johnson Completes His Course John Harvey Bingham, U. S. N., son of Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Bing ham. of Boone, has finished bis course in the U. B. N. Hospital CorpB'school in bridge, Md., anS.'has been-erred to the 94aval Hospital lidi^rfolk, Si*; >atli(g is now Hos^al Apprentice;' first class,*' He Jauduat^ wltlr honors, making an average of more than 98 in school.—^Watau ga Democrat, June 3rd. John Harvey is a nephew of Mu. A* R. Sherman and Mrs. La^fa Johnson, of Wllkeafaoro. in New York City. Pfc- Williams, before entering the service was assistant streets and erlntendent for the town of North Wilkesboro. Upon completion 01 the course. Pfc. Williams receiv ed the following diploma: Radio Television Institute. Inc. Engineer Signal School New York City, N. Y. This is to certify that C. s. Williams, Pfc., engineer corps. United States army, has satisfac torily, completed the course of study in electricity as prescribed by the facility and has met the re quirements for graduation at Radio Television InstUttte, Inc. In teetimony whereof'we have hereunto set onr signatures and affixed the seal of the institute, on the 29th day of May, 1943. ^ i WM. R. MaaDONALD, President ' ' MILTON S. TAFFET, . Chief Instructor. time after he collapsed at his home. Mr. Banner had been in ill health for some time hut his passing was unexpected; He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Banner of Banner Elk and was born here May 31, 1881. He was educated in the Watauga county schools in the section of the county from which later Avery 'Was formed. Mr. Banner was a brother of Mr. R. B. Banner, of Galax, Va., who is well known here, being the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hubbard, of Wilkesboro. •V> DO YOUR OWN CANNING THIS TSAR! . Help prevent a possible food, shortege this yeax by putting-up your fruiia and ' vegetables fof Home use.. You’ll find, easy-to-' follow canHlng recipes A big help in' prw*jTiIng ‘ iHIckftH, string btoni ;ahd,other itbmk'for the pantry* shoit," Look tm- -wi timely feeinre" In the June 20tH iMue of The American W!eekly; the big magntlne dietrthnted 'Vito the Bettlmore Sunday Amerteaii on eele at *11 newsataifd*,'* IS THE DAY, MA’AM! LEARN HOW to SAVE FOOD! . Uncle Sam Needs It! -- ■.Ti.i ^ iT 1 JOIM ¥HE HOMS FRONT ATTEND THE FOOD PRESERVATION WORKSHOP : •: — at — LIBERTY THEATRE Tuesdi&iy, Wednesday, Thursday F«6m 9:^ JO 11:30 A. M. S e I a n d Hear... Miss Addie Malone and Mrs. Annie H. Greene, . home economy specialists, as they tell you by ■ ‘.p practical demonstration how to do pressure cooker canning, hot water bath canning, and d^- ing of foods. You surely can’t afford to mis* 4'* this! Free information that will be worth many ’ dollars to you through economies effected by ! V' KNOWING HOW to save the food you are pror, ' ducing. Don’t take chances . . .. take ‘‘time off”" ' and attend! rTi Sponsored by Wilkes County Civilian >;"pCorpse of Civilian Defense • ■’ii ‘ J I’t-.r .1:* M’ CbiboiEBtidn ••• r' -.r . . .

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