Womea'5 Church, v,.,~ — ^ Ml^ MAMIE SOCKWELL. EDItOirf TT PJNwiew- " TELEPK^ 215 ^ ' p‘.ii.li.iiii.‘.-|iSi;jVnnTiiil is* thelT MtMenptlOlU to Thfc amww, onnu«7 >nu u In odvoMa uni Pir«rf»«d * tint utrmon n»- uv.r.1 new reaCm he*« ‘W m * text tlio word*: '*That SJrs, Hant Pear^ ^f"Eiitertains At Bridlre -fe ||T»i Harry P»ir»on ww hoa- tMjl to both o(- her bridge clubs at hell home on Kensington Drive entertaining Monday and Tues4ay OTenlngs. For both occpslons the home was attractively decorated carrying out the patriotic motif. On Monday evening ehe had as gnests members of the Young Ma trons Contract club and a few extra, visitors. Three tables were arranged for play and during the evening the hostess served a des- sert course. Mrs. Edward Podre- barac won the cinb-prise and the Tlaltor’s prise went to Mrs, Ray Hoover. The Sans Soucl club and some Qt additional guests met with Mrs. Pearson Tuesday evening. The > bridge game, which was played at ^ three tables, was followed by a r salad course. Winners of the high L and low score prises were Mrs. M. ^ B. McNeil and Mrs. L. B. Waites, t Jr. V Baptist Young People Attending B.T.U. ‘Conference - , Mako vour dollars fight, BUY MORE WAR BONDS A large number of young peo ple from the First Baptist church of this city left Wednesdiay by bus for Ridgecrest where they will spend a week attending the North Carolina Baptist Training Dnlon Conference. Among , those going were Dan Hudson, Jr., Mrs. John W. Klnche- ioe. Jr., and Miss LundsTHendren, both leaders of the Intermediate groups in the local B. T, U., and Misses Annie Eller,' Betty Gray Church, Nancy Long. Betty Lou Foster. Betty Campbell, Peggy Nichols. Pauline Billings, Annie Ruth Blankenship and Edlyn Freei’ks. Mrs. Rosa Reeves Is Bible Class Hostess WAR WORK •A representative from a shell loading plant will be at the Em ployment Office over the Duke Power Company building on i The Woman’s Bible class of the First Methodist church held Its business and social Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Rosa Reeves, having nine members and one visitor present. Mrs. J. D. Moore. Sr., the president, was in charge of the business session. Mrs. R. M. Brame. Sr., was devo tional leader end prayers were of fered by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. W. E. Shuford. During the social hour the hostess was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Harold Riley, in serving light refreshments. Mrs. Joe Barber Honors Mrs. Elliott Mrs.- Joa Bnrbar was hMtew at a party ather home in Wllkmiboro Tuesday afternoon honoring Mm, Marion Elliott, whose. marriage was recently announced. Mm. Elliott is the former Carol Vir ginia Hayes, daughter of Jndge and Mrs. Johnson J. Kayes; Thie guests, composed mostly of the younger set, camevSt five o’clock. The occasion served as e fare well courtesy as well as « bridal cotTrtesy, as Mrs. Epllott left In the evening to join Pvt. Elliott, her‘husband, who Is stationed at Camp Hulen, Texas. The ,hoooi'66 remembered with a lovely gift by Mm. Barber. Mixed garden flowers were at tractively arranged about the home. lusDi tmirt got Oft the safe ftfSO' h# «P* their enbaeriptlons to 8nnde|r and as Pleasant Home W. M. U. Meets JULY 5 AND 6 FROM 8:3« TO 4:30 ! McNeill-Green Vows Announced to interview men and women in terested in essential war work. The ^work is light. Pleasant working conditions. Housing the marriage facilities available for families. .Mva Lee to y'’est Jefferson. June 26.—'Mr. and Mrs. Ivery C. Green announce of their daughter, Cpl.^ Robert Davis Room and board available at McNeil! at Bennettsville. S. C.. reasonable rates. Transporta- jjgy 99. at the courthouse, with tion to plant paid by employer, p Finney officiating. Proof of citizenship necessary. Persons who apply should be able to pass physical examination which is not rigid. WORKERS NOW EMPLOYED FULL TIME ON WAR WORK AT THEIR HIGHEST LEVEL f OF SKILL WILL NOT BE ' ^NSIDERED. u Mrs. McNeill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Green of Deep Gap. at tended West Jefferson and Ap- priachian High schools. CpI. McNeill, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,r. n. McNeill of Jefferson, attended West Jefferson high ehool. He entered service Jan. 4 and is now stationed at Laurin- hurg Maxton Array Air Base. One of the most interesting meetings of the year was held at the home of the president, Mrs. 0. O. Lovette, Sunday evening. Mrs. Lovette was in charge of the meeting and was Cssisted in her program by Mesdames A. T. Nichols, Luther Nichols. Clate Bumgarner, Rcy Bumgarner, Misses Cora McNeil, Minnie Mc Neil and Lillian Kilby. The hostess served ref: 3sh ments during the social hour. The July meeting will be held on the third Sunday evening with Mrs. Gilbert Fo.ster and a large crowd is expected to attend as the public is invited. Reginald Moore Is Honored On Birthday North Carolina’s Own . . . • TENNESEERAMBLERS In Their New Picture —ON THE SCREEN . . . AND— 9np£Mon ON OUR STAGE ,^Aose%mous \Siars- DIRECT .iron HOLLYWOOD 1 fENNESSEE RAMBLERS , Reginald Moore, young son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Moore, cele brated his sixth birthday anniver sary Friday afternoon with a pic nic supper at the Smoot park. Around a dozen guests were pres ent to help him celebnate the oc casion, and spent sometime in the pool and other forms of enter tainment. Assisting Mrs. Moore with the children was .Miss Sal- lie Outlaw, a member of the city school faculty and. who is here teaching in summer school. Lemonade was served along with the supper. Reginald receiv ed lots ot nice gifts. Women Launch “Buy a Bomber” Bond Campaign to the United the individual Ci.F.W.C.” will "^taiurinq Ym’v* S«m TbeMi m Hm Movim wM 6«m Aafry, Tex RM«r„ Maity Opfcaw CXAUOC CASCY JACK GILUTTC CECIL CAMPNIX DOM >YHITf YeeSe Heaed TImm Over Yew Kadie Iveai Slatwae WfT, KDKA, WOK, elc. Qiv(ft Ofv the ScKttex^' THE TENNESSEE IN RAMBLERS ■-V ’SCREEN SHOWS AT 1-4—7:45—9:45 stage SHOWS AT 2:30—4:30—7:15 ADMISSION Matinee — 30; Night Cluldren under 12 years ..40c lie MONDAY ONLY Washington. — A powerful bomber fleet, capable of blasting a pathway to victory in conquer ed Europe in the invasion Clean up, is the goal of the General Kederalion of Woman's Clubs in its “Buy a Bomber" campaign, which was launched today by its president. Mrs. John L. White hurst, from Feden.ilion headquar ters, here. Fifty huge, four-motored l)at- tleships of the skies, costing $1S,- 000.000 will be the nucleus for the Federation's “Fleet of Bom bers" to be bought by the 2.000,- 000 club women and their frlehds in the 4S State Federations. Alas ka and the District of Columbia through purchase of war bonds, and turned over States .Air Force. The name ot “Stale Federation be painted on the nose of the bomber, as soon as the State Fed eration has raised its Iqiio'a of $300,000. This is the first women’s or ganization to undertake such a gi gantic war project. Mrs. John D. Robinson, ot Wal lace, N. C., cheirman of the U. .S. Bond and Stamp committee, and Mrs. Gustav Ketterer, of PhiladeL, phia. chairman of the Vv’ar Ser vice department, are assisting in the campaign. Mrs. Whitehurst said: "■Wlien this initial fleet of 50 bombers has been luunched and named, individual clubs or groups of clubs within a city or county ‘ nid set them.selves bomber goals. These bombers may bear, the name of the individual cluh which hrs sold enough bonds to finance their purchase, or where • -verai clubs have worked togeth er, they may name their bomber for the city or county in which the group of cooperating clubs is located. ‘‘All friends >and relatives of club women will be urged to buy bonds in this campagin. Arrange ments must be made with each State War Finance Chairman, who will set a time limit and explain how certifications of bonds sold for this campaign may be obtain ed from banks, po.stoff.ices, or other issuing agencies. The soon er the campaign Is under wag: the; nearer,,we wiRW to- fieterjf.'t.,’,,""';.' uvaral new reader* have been added to the conatofttiy g;9hivtw list. " ‘ , Names of new and renewgl cab- Bcrlhera In the two-weeka iinrlod from 14 to Jane IE tollowa: n; 0, Snyder. - Pie. Roy Shepherd. S, 'A,. Jones. Mrs. James Lowe. Rev. c. M. candiii. A. T. FalTphllds. Mrs. Goldaton; Smith. Mrs. B. H. Dlnkle. Mrs. C, H. Fowler. Hrs. Paul Richardson. 8. T. Bessie SalM.-^ ''t ' ■ . * Sgt. T. W. Barp. Pfc. Nodh-P. Reynolds. J. H. Rector. .* Pvt. Elton M. McGlamery. A. B. Pardue. Mrs. Annie Anderson. Ira T. Johnston. Grace Cuthbertson! Arlle West. A. H. Melzer. Miss Florence B. Miller. L. S. Parker. J. D. Taylor. . ' ^ J. E. Rhodes. L. C. Swanson. Pfc, Charlie Everett. J. W. Yale. J. M. Rhodes. D. L. Porter. R. Shepherd. J. L. Shepherd. T. M. Brown. Pvt. Wilton Beshears. Mrs. W. M. DeBerry. Oscar Adams. Mrs. Lou Williams. Pfc. G. B. Dearman. G. D. Hinson, Ben Dula. Pvt. Fred M. Mahaffey. Chiarles C. Staley. Pfc. Bruce C. Felts. A. E. Moore. J. R. Finley. W. J. Anderson. J. A. Johnson. Mrs. Frederick Hankerson. E. F. Haynes. N. W. Bumgarner. Gerald McGee. C. R. Reynolds. Edward M. Freas. G. C. Gray. J. C. Wheeling. T. H. Deal. John Wyatt. M. A. Blackburn. Nannie Bauguss. Carrie L. Ro'blnson. V 4lhed reeratly. ] Lawreaeo glut*-, mid' Mn. Hoamv of visited U- Strrlt Of/'. I t Hr. BBii Mr*. R. L. Jurrt* and R«t. JB. V. Bu^raw of T*y. Mary Lob. attended •That Toar Prayers Be Net IfIndetBC.** Rev. 8.1. watts tilted hit teg»> lar appointments at Gosl^n,i|ad iw Hojw Sundayv~-v Mrs. A. T. Oreftr^^uid Jtea^tei-s Jewell and MiSj. Rath vere business visiton to tftylorsrllle Tnesday. ^ ^ ■ Mr, and,,, Mrs. Cecil Earp, of Newbern, are speB^va few daye with Mr. Harp’s >ant, Mrs. T- G. Davis. 4 i- ‘ \ - J Miss Dora Howell, who ,haa a position In the Wilkes Hosiery Mills company, spent the week end at home idth her parents, Mr.- and Mrs. 'T. P. Howell. Pvt. Jim HoweU is somewhere in Australia, big parents were no- cbarch at Qoahai S«|idBy. Mr. and Mfi. S, D. PhWipa, of Lenoir, vUrited My*. Julia Itsa afew^dayaaco.^ >1^4 Hasel Porter, boni,' haa retarned' to her hCaw' after speadint'a few day*' with her father, Mr. Prad Phllilpe. My. Bruce Lagton, who had an operation.-at the Bap^ hoqiRai in Winston-Salem,.> is iinproviBg. we are ^ad to note. *• Crop* la the sdiUoB ara-look- "teg good, afjter the jecehl rain*. Many people foftnd it in their hearts to attend chnreh and Sun day school maday.' 'B^at abo,ut you? ' — V— Amplification of - design has greatly increased the output of baby buggies in Bribaln. Boomer- met ‘with Mrs. Jo an aadiiews, slateea members preeeat. Mrs. hanie- H. Oreeae, heaat .>^ wisBt; demoBstiwtad prasaaii «pb|^ caaains aid dehrdrsdta^i^ fratta and vefetablea. Tr/’* /The ciab drew ler a qnllt they - had made for Red Cross world'^'^ Amotmt 91ME. A stork Miower imm preeeati ’ to one’of the members after tha dab-aieetiat^ F- % S - Sale of ased ears la Haiti haa • beea placed' under government cdatrol. t «7mvs ■J-ddd ’ Uqsid for Malarial SymptooMk FOB 1HE Not Fireworks— The " Torth of Freedom The 4th of July is the birthday of our homeland ... it is the symbol of all we are fighting for —of all we are and all we hope to be! TIO Keep Yon Cool This Sommer! SHANTUNG FROCKS Classic Summer Stales! Smart Flower Prints! Delightful rayon dresses- with that cool, crisp look you want for summer! Clear, fine colors in gay patterns! Grand se lection popular styles! Sizes 12 tb 20. The WFA has removed sweet potatoes end carrots from the list, of dehydrated vegetables reserved for war needs because prospective supTilles appear sufficient to meet all requirements. WVDMINISTR.ATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra- lor of the estate of W. J. Temple ton. late of Wilkes county, N. C„ lis is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, who.se address is Wilkesboro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 'gth of May. 1044. or this no tice will be plead in bar of their ight to recover. All persons in- lebtcd to said estate will please •^akc immediate settlement. 'Thi.s 26ih dav of May, 1943. AUDREY TEMPLETON, Administratrix of the estate of W. J. Templeton, dec’d. 7-l-6tT NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, made in the special proceeding entitled Johnson Sand ers, Administrator of Louis F. M Smith, dec’d., vs. Joe Smith, Rich ard (Dick) Smith, MoHie Smith Carrigan, Bertha S. Fox, Dock Smith, Zora S. Mishak and hus band, Charlie Mishak. Julius S. Mishak and husband. Prank Mi shak, defendants,, the same being No. — upon the special pro- .ceding docket of said court, the •undersigned Commissioner will, on the 17th day of July, 1943, at, 11 o’clock, a. m., at the court house | door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer ^ for sale to the highest bidder fori cash that certain tract of land Iv-.' ing and being in Moravian Palls township, Wilkes county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. P. Lowe, Mack Bentley, and oth ers, and more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning on a beach belovi' a steep rock and run ning a south course about 126 poles to a sourwood; thence ea.st 30 poles to a dogwood: thence north about 125 poles to a maple or stake; thence west course _61 poles to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less. red recorded ;n Book 66 at Page 14U. Second Tract: Beginning on a Doplar. J. F. Lowe’s and Kaleb Lowe’s comer at the creek and running an eastwardly course with Kaleb Lowe’s line 60 poles to Ka leb Lowe’s comer; thence a west course 61 poles to a stake, Louis Smith’s comer; thence a south course about 126 poles, an agreed line between Lowe and R. M. Ed-_ sil to a dogwood; thence .30 Doles' an east course to a rock, J. F. Lowe’s comer; thence a north course about 80 poles to a stake on the bapk of the creek, J. F. Lowe’s comer; thence un creek and with J. P, Lowe’s line to the beginning, containing 19 acres, more or less. Deed record ed in Bx>k 66, at Pi ' This l7th ‘ RAYON JUMPER SKIRT A pleated skirt, with the addition $0.98 of a surplice top! Spun rayon ^ Women’s Clever SLACKS Sleek rayon faille, with tucks and $0.98 adjustable belt! Sizes 12 to 29 “ Women’s Slack SUITS $398 Fashioned of cool, cotton twill with jacket style blouse! Sizes 12 to 20- COTTON SKIRTS Big floral patterns! pleats! See them! Plenty of Topflight SHIRTS $1.19 For the Sand Pile! Girls’ Play Suits $1.98 Crisp novelty cotton play suits with button_on pleated skirts! Summer prints in gay colors— in sizes 7 to 14. ’ Let Her Play in Comfort! RAYON SLACKS S1.49 Precisely tailored rayon faille . . . with fitted waistband! But ton side closing! Sizes 7 to 14. FANCY OR WHITE Aristocratic Patterns! Perfection of Style! Precision of Fit! Quality of Fabrics! For .An Informal Summer! SPORT SHIRTS 49c to 98= Cool For Dress or Action! SPORT SLACKS $3.98 Cool striped cotton knit. Crew- neck. short sleeve styles! Crisp patterns in rayon poplins -.nd smooth gaberdine. C-wl Heads of Fashion! SOLAR STRAWS $1.98 Ventilated models in rayon fi bres, meshes, hopsacks.- Comfort All Suiaaier Long! , SPORT SHIRTS $1.85 Sanforized Cottons For Service SPORT SETS $2-98 Cool, neat—and tough - enough fa? ALL his'antics! ‘Gay sum- me' colors with open collar shirt, pleated pants. Sixes 6-18. Boys’ St>ort Sets

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