JltTERllJC;** COMtNG^TO ALLEl fr w6»r^ >^Uam G. Giiiil^ I«. GteMrjr CnOoMXm , V . 8t- WUliani 0! ^GfiilSibtQ. ^ ^ Hn. t S. OteMU- H wa« last pnmtotel ta |1I» rank nd raceiVed the SUvar oi % c«naejrji.teohtUT '•lUI Mrgdant at HarliitsiMt Anar i^BaarjE aehoel^ at jparliacw, ilhBataA 'Pgt. OaaiblU alao qua^- ■»|4 Jtf hh expert. aerial trlKcr- . ppyuk 'Sh will leare withla a abort ^Haia to join a combat crew aboard bomber. '' ‘ ► - t ftit, Qambill Is a nephew ol Ita. C. Jf* MoKrtl ol North Wllkep- :toro route one,* and also. Mrs. 6. IJ*. Blerlns, of Wllkesboro. 4^ . w w ^ WflkaONWo'' R«e» nowAiub jr. FOpua, “Tim Plaoe of-the Chr£rtlm la hit Chmh’S will be the anbjem dlichhaajt tar .the pM- tor at the ..Wilkeel^ro Baptlat pht^ "■■'V.ereinbg a. ietloa'.of moieegiii, wfu’bo aondar jiphbdl ,«#lRiQblPf/i ht 9:d$ a. mj Tr»lfilafL^i!0h at^ p!'m. \ ’ , X, cordial inviti^on ,lB eztea^^ to the public to wbr^p ttiQk.V*-. t Ir’’ , *R«buUdmw Hw Werkl*! bent, for^.a adal rodt it* hs^ b«^ St. Sfk. Lewie Brdyhill In North Africa ^ St. Spt. Lewis E. Broyhtll has arrived aafelr in North Africa, ac cording to letters received by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bi8ho|>, of Purlear, with whom he made his home be fore entering service. St., Sgt. Broyhill was In training at Ciunp Croft, S. C., before going overseas. His wife Is the former Hiss Wanda Barnett, of Stony Fork. ta h Pfc. Owens Promoted Pfc. Paul J. Owens has recent ly been promoted to his preseat rank. Pfc. Owens is stationed at Port Leonard Wood, Mo. 1i« Ik Woods Brothers In Army Service Pvt. Troy Woods is in Xc«’th Africa and his brother, Cpl. Woodrow B. Woods, was ready to sail when he wroth home recently Just a couple of hepeate definitely off the of room under those root hats to «mk Laurel and Hardy are solkh-from the neA up! takes to make you scream wilh Joy at i*»‘T 20th Century-Fox’s xingy, swingy laugh not, Jitterta^, wh« opens today at the Allen Theatre. Pretty, blonde Vivun Maine is featured wi^ the two comics. Odell and Lorenzo Jones of i Pvt. Marsh Returns Jackin,* W. Va., formerly of pvt. Odell Marsh, son of Mr. Wlkesboro and grandson of Jim {and Mrs. W. M. Marsh, has re- Williams of Wilkesboro, N. C.— | turned to Nashville, Tenn., after Reported. spending a ten-day furlough here Pfc. Wade J. Howard Returns To Camp' Pfc. Wafe J. Howard, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howard, of North Wilkesboro route three, has returned to Camp White, Oregon, after spending his fur lough with parents. He has been in the service nine months. b Ik n Major Theodore Antonakos Gets Promotion Major Theodore Antonakos, son with his parents. He has been In The Woods brothers have been in Pete ^\ntonal^s. of this city, the army three years and are tons of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Woqd, who live near Wilkesboro. Ik Ik A Pvt. Raymond Pearson Hon^e On Furlough Pvt. Raymond Pearson, of Daniel Field, Augusta, Ga.. is spending a few days at Millers Creek with his mother. Mrs. Rose Pearson Holcomb. Pvt. Pearson was accompanied home by his wife, who before her marriage on Jnly 21 was Miss .Sibyl Carter, of Angusta, Ga. Ik m Ik Sgt. Jones At Fort Bragg Staff Sgt. William H. Jones, who entered the army .\pril 14th, 1941, has done well with the training he received at Camp Liv- He Is now sta- wes recently promoted from rank of captain to major in the army medical corps. Major Antonakos is stationed at a camp in Louisi ana. m Ik Ik Brantford Brooks Is Warrant Officer Master Sergeant Brantford Brooks was recently promoted to the rrnk of. warrant officer at Camp 1/hite. Oregon. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W’iley Brooks, of this city, and entered service in September, 194U, ingstone. La. He Is now tioned at Fort Bragg where he is doing great work training his fel- by his sister, -Mrs. . . B. lew soldiers to meet the enemies M. Sgt. Gilliam is a son Harlon GilUani Now Master Sergeant M. Sgt. Harlon Gilliam, who is with V. S. forces in England, has been promoted from technical sergeant to master sergeant, ac cording to a letter received here Moore, of Mr. the army since October 28, 1942 Cpl. Church Returns 'To Camp Cpl. Beryl Church has returned to Fort Dlx, N. J., where he is now stationed, after spending a week with his mother, Mrs. Chas. O. Bumgarner and many friends around the city. Cpl. Church has been with the army since 1940. Ik Ik A Petty Officer Chr-rles Leckie Home Petty Officer (Second Class) Charles Leckie arrived home Sun day and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leckie, in Wllkesboro. Petty Officer Leckie recently returned from Bermuda where he spent sometime, hut is now besed at Newport News, Va. Ik Ik Ik Pvt. James A. Jennings In North Africa Pvt. James A. Jennings, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jennings, of Bru-shy .Mountain township, is now in North Africa with Ameri can engineering forces. His par- ' ents recently .' received a , lettec. ■from him, and he states that he was getting along fine. lew soiuiers lu mcci luc c.v....... —■ on all fronts. He is the son of and Mrs. J. -4. Gilliom. of Hays. The AIXEN5!5 Clifford Smith Here Clifford Smith, a first class petty officer in the navy, returned today to Williamsburg, Va., after spending a few days here with his purents, Mr. and Mrs. Goldston Smith. V RcbuUdmg Hw Worlil^ First Subjact ^ , Dr. jrOHN W. KINOHKLOH, ft.. , ; Pastor At the 11:00 a. m. VortolP service, in the Flrat Baptist church this Sunday, the pastor will speak on “RebuUdlng The World”. Sun day.lohool asaembles at 9:46 a. m., and the Training Union at 7 p. m. The 8 p. m. aervlce will be a union worship service at the Pres byterian church.-“/The Methodist minister will deliver the sermon for the occasion. London--lfo)rh titan »,«0g Mbs fell Ike slngglu IlniP «MT Winy advaahiag |trF|ra Qref toddjr deaplte fourtle^Oiii^ at- ^otpptg to plug the enMuant-ebap- efl with tired fcdeftw. kill. ;T The Bnaf>|sas jMbiiir 'Of two ud'a half tp tbnr and the of^ture of oyer W lilted plneea—Ineludtug. ^ fitir UaUhn of Si»nev«y^o]o^L.-. l^gutles joiitfaei^t^'ef Orel, the nerve center creman re^- tance.-..',-;, aelt-lifacted^ , j qomjdeite* >4 liuitfneshte *t IBIby, who was reported to have Hoa^tal, University of Wlsv^ 4n ^ •AskMin.tfWMUf .fk ■ ... m. r "—sni.-w braak^; * I .*Sfa jfis eobttKion tt Jki o-Meai, Keying Mt tha sidd' of hI»,b9sd.Jc £li^ Rei^aI-wfvlceB''W«l“ Prowew tirig Veeit At-Lewis fork In The WAVES ■> —J. '.w . Is By; jAntty. Christian %nreh. Rev, i/f. L. RUdn,—iieurenant WtilTh’m H. I Trtvetta, of Boone, is eondnctlng Weahoni('«n^''son of Mrs. W. K.;the renyal and alt, are hivlfed to We»i^ And the late Mr. Wens the day and night aervUsee. First Methodist Church Rev. A. O. WAGGONER, Pastor 9:45 — Churclv-school. J. B- Snipes, superintendent. 11:00 —Morning worship. The theme: “Walking With God." 7:15 — Youth Fellowship — Capt. Richard B. Johnston, guest speaker. 8:00—Union service at Presby terian church. y There will be no mid-week prayer service during the month of August. ■■ .Sy-: Miss Rowena Bumgarner, S 2>c, waa graduated Jnly 10 for the NATK school at -Nomiani Qkla;, ea an evlatlon machlsist’a mate, and will be stalldned at the Navy base, Jacksonville, Fla. She re ceived her indoctrination as a WAVES at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Al- thongh a native of Wilkes county, she has made her home for sev eral years with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Churcli at Rock Hill, S. C. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bumgarner of Mil lers Creek. -V W. T. Whittington* To Damascus, Va. Wilkesboro Methodist Rev. FRED H. SHINN, Pastor No preaching services will be held Sunday at Wilkesboro or Union, due to the fact that the pastor will be at Yadklnvllle as_- sistlng Rev. Jack Honeycutt In a revival. Church school, will he held at the usual time. Rev. Walter T. Whittington, lor the pest eight years pastor of the First Baptist church at West Jefferson, has resigned there to accept a call to Damascus. Va. Rev. Mr. Whittington is a na tive of the Reddles River com munlty of Wilkes county and has many relatives and friends in Wilkes. Twin Sons MONDAY - TUESDAY Highlights From Roosevelt’s Talk Washington. — Following are highlights of President Roose velt’s speech to the nation; • Our terms to Italy are still the same as our terms to Germany and Japan —“unconditional sur render.” The first crack In the Axis has come. The criminal, corrupt Fas cist regime in Italy is going to pieces. But he (Mussolini) and his Fascist gang will he brought to (nok ... no criminal will he alltrwed to escape by the expe dient of “resignation Presbyterian Church Rev. SIDNEY CRANE, Pastor As the Vacation Bible school for the church begins on Monday, August 1st, registration for it will be held at Sunday schoo'. All the children and young people of the Presbyterian church families are urged to come: others will be cordially welcomed; and those whe- are without any regular church or who do not regu larly attend any other Sunday school are especially invited. The Bible school will last for ten days, meeting even on Saturday at the same time as on other days, and on Sunday at the Sunday .school hour. The theme of the morning ser vice will be the almighty power end Majesty of God; and the study will be taken from the gre.ut fortieth chapter of Isaiah, where the prophet cries out to hie peo ple in their captivity and distress, “Behold, your God!” Union services oi the Metho dist. the Presbvterian, and the First Baptist churches will be held at 8:00 o'clock in the Pres byterian church. Rev. A. C. Waggoner, pastor of the Metho- diut church, will preach. •V Twin sons were born at the Wilkes hospital Tuesday night to Pvt. and Mrs. Rex Bumgarner. Pvt. Bumgarner, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bumgarner, of Wllkes boro route one, is stationed at Portsmouth, Va. .Mrs. Bumgarner is the former Miss Alma Dillard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dillard, former residents of Wllkesboro now making their home at Brooks Cross Roads. JULY .:AT » ^J m Friday and Sabnnday FRESH — DELICIOUS Home of Englisli Style! THREE POUND GIFT BOXED 29 Box For the first time w« are presenting these fresh, delicious boxed Cookies in Gift Box, ready to mail anywhere in the United States. The family also will enjoy them. BIG thre;e-pound box Friday and Saturday At Penney’s 9 N. Wilkesboro Offices of Parkway Bus Co. Are Moved Offices of Parkway Bus com pany were moved this week from the corner of Tenth and A streets to the second floor of the Park way Bus company garage- on high- across the Yadkin from STAJ laurel OLIVER HARDY LAST-MINUTE WAR NEWS DAILY HIIL Ul I COI&***-way 115 vv. It is our determination to re- eastern part of this city, store these conquered peo-ples lO Hardister To Goldsboro the dignity of human beings. jj Hardister, office mana- masters of their own fate, enticl- gg,. since organization of the ed to freedom of speech.-freedom company, has been transferred to .. — from want. 'Goldsboro, where he will he in of religion, freedom freedom from fear. Ahead of us are many bigger fights. We and our Allies will go into them as we went into ^cily —^togethpr. And we shall oirry on together. One tangible result of our great increase in merchant ship ping—which will be good news to civilirns at home—is that tonight jwe are able to terminate the ra tioning of coffee. We also ex pect that within a short time we (shall ereatly Incr&ase allowances yof sugar. be in charge of the bus system there, which is also owned by E. O. Woodle. of West Jefferson, pro prietor of the Parkway Bus com pany. Vr CUT FIVE FEET LONG From 8” to 30” in Diameter • DELIVER TO THE • Mrs. Wiffiams Factory 1 Vi'Mila# WW «# »«»1« 3>ail Highway ” ~ iiii- -I WCOMPAN i^ilfeSiftboro's^N. C. ^ Has Freak Corn Mrs. J, B. CVinrrf:, of Boar- Insf River, brougdit to The Jour nal-Patriot office Saturday at) unusual ear of com gathered from her victory garden. There were one large and six small ears,'all from tlie .same dioot. V Church Pays Honor | To Rev. Mr. Sprinkle Salisbury.—^Dr. H.; C. Sprinkle, pastor of Coburn Memorial Metho dist church, was honored Sunday In celebration of his 50 years in the ministry. Special services were held both morning and even- Ing. ! Dr. Sprinkle served the First church , here for two years and was later presiding elder ob toe Salisbury district. He retired a i few years ago and moved to Mocksville to make hla home but, was recalled to the active minis^/ j some months ago when Rev. W, O. M’Farland, pastor at Coburn entered the army aa a-'chaplain. Homes for Americans of Tomorrow not Yes, lUtU baby, that future forest is filled with baby trees much bigger Aan you. They are growing as certainly as you are growing. By the tiine you are in grammar sdiool, somefc^ diosi^p:^ will be re^y for thmuing. ThoM that are tbinoi^ ma/ serve #* fuel to keep you warm in winter, or as pulp-wood to provide the papw for your school books. , ' , trees By the time you ate,gcown ^f jwijp* th^ ees will also have "children” oi th^'emrs, coo-^fi^ die time y&a - Three Join Navy Rev. A. C. Waggoner, pastor of the First Methodist church here Huff- end vbo oame to. North Wilm- are 40 or 50, many of diose trees wUl ^ («mmerciidIy n^ .. ■hie enough to build millions of fine-homes.- v>v ■ . ° ■'-f.^v-i/-' - i-, 'Jfl Almost a^tbhrdOf dll the Umd of f^low, is ' x, grovring of many km^ ^ rive'of die forest Indii^m lejc^ r Navy ■ RMruUer Joseph . ^ man yesterday sent to Raleigh'for from ,the Cphurii Memorial vexf-minatlpn eight-, 17-year-old ^ethodtst church-to Sall*^ meii from*Wilkes and'Wataiuga/jtury Sunday aftenuJon to atte"- 'counties. the special evenlqC aervlce.^He Those sent from Wilkes were: was acconppanied Mr*. Gale Charlea Bafker, of North goner and children, Gilbert an WilireBboro: Raleigh Key, of-Patsy, . . . / - ^Mertie;' and Lloyd •Wlngler. of Eev. Mr.. Bpri#^ iReddla* River, . * '' - and This serve yOu, and duldreii, s. . growing to Space Is a C^trftw*»n"'Fw. t|i •. Pro^^ J Km -ii " itevh-V