rGo#rt *.. From Peofitb^You Know Who More Aho$it"" '^ iMr. Pardee wu eurted] a StatemrUld luMptUl ^iin. init Ifaurtbi and daughtor. ' oi 'Wlaston-Salem. are aov. Bg their swamer cottage i-the Broahiea. Itlm Soena.BnIUs, of WUkes- and Min Fajre Ellis, of Iftfiotte, left today to vislc Ida in New TofTk City. : Eir. Jack Swofford, manfiger of ! Wilkes Tires Store, was a bns- 'risitor to Charlotte yester- ;Slr. J. D. Edminaten, resident .Bonny postoffica, was a pleas- ' ^llor at The Joarnai-Patriot A, A. (Dick) Caahion was [t l,is homo in the city a few lays thU week, due'to extraotioB, teeth. N ' Captain Mortimer Morehouse, »ho was recently transferred from JVlorida to a camp in Michigan, is iTisiting his family, who have a .Mn. P. 'J. Bra&o.la it pattont at the Wilkes Hospital. Mrs. S. J. Nichols, of PsHEi^r was in this city Ttissday loeki^ after bnsiness matters. - Mlss Jennie McNeill, of the Wllkesboro rohte one community near Purlear, was a risltor in this Tuesday. • ' > j* , Mrs. Dossie Sldden, Mrs. Vance Warren and daughter, Eva, of Traphlll, were North Wllkesboro Tlsltors Tuesday. ■ Mrs. Josle 'Huffman returned Saturday from Greenvilles, Pe., when} they visited her son, Capt. Domer J. Huffman. . i.' Mrs. Q. S. Winters and little son, Gene, of Laurlnburg,, are spending this week with Mrs,' Winter’s mother, Mrs. D. G. Wiles. Mrs. L. P. Mitchell, of Deaks- ville, is here this week, visiting with her sister, Mrs.'^-Eugene Trivette. Miss Alma Horton is spending the week In Norfolk, Va., as guest of Mrs. J. C. Wallace and Miss u POSTHl If A:" AT ’*^1 ..■V • Itev..^ Goprghi,^'tloopsr, radio vangeilst cdwidtlng a tai^ myl' sron' the lot-nkxt-vto tbd^totMi an ha^ has 'announdad tbat'on^ j^n^ay hl^'hdb will, spank' on end ^ Ih'Wldtim-Cda Bi Hm-* ittMd.% Snn«i^ nf^t's silSltetij rni he dShonW ChristlanS.TPigh^ mtr’* .3lau»«r'-‘'grt>wd& nttM' tee-'SorSidsnM-M^ ^.. 1»«B8^kVa,‘^fondhst^- ttthwair ihWMiyft.hfl— 'Msigldrs of the . |hi4 they «nJoyi8"tSl« tnuchJltfl' . fcapu dfiwry. >lBg OttUm or in tW9*»8f ■ aaa *«*a***,y, w aav aaca • w *• U*. AWIH. «S. V ’’ reummer cottage on the Brushles. Pauline Wallace, r- Miss Ora Vannoy returned Miss Nellie Blair Price, of I Tuesday to her home at Reddles Mooresvllle, is here visiting In the River from Devis hospital in Statesville, where she had been for treatment. Mr. C. Frank Sides, Jr., of Al bemarle, visited his sisters, Mrs. Fred H. Shinn, and Miss Ann Sides in Wllkesboro the past week-end. His nephew, Gerald Shinn, returned to Albemarle for a few days' vlsit.^ Miss Margie Gabriel, daughter .qf Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gabriel, ink accepted a position as teacher w^health and physical education home of Mrs. J. L. Clements and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawferfd and, daughter, Emma Jean, of Baltimore, Md., are spending a few days .with relatives and friends here. v Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spainhour plan to go up on the Brushy Mountains the last of the week to spend a while there in their cot tage. Mrs. H. O. Parsons has been quite ill at her home at Purlear wongh ‘'Ftlflay'^* s .v-' tday at licit p. ja «»4 «:•» pf .y^i . jU.the tent. & teyiTal y _ At Weicoi^/rHoitee Prhm Woodwork to War iWork! In the new^or^ “Postmai^ u. S. A.”, at the Allen Theatre on Monday and Tue^y, a ywng American aviator's dad writes him how and why plants back home have changed from civilian goods production to war work. U Mrs. R.'M. Pound and two sons. Mr end Mrs. J. S. Zimmerman Carey and Jimmy, of Charlotte, daughter and son, Billy Jo and are wending a few weeks with Sammy, have returned home from Mrs. Pound’s mother, Mrs. J. C. a-visit with Mrs. Zimmerman’s Bmoot, on the Brushy Mountain, people at Jonesboro, Tenn. Sam- Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Casey and'"’;- had been there for several daughter. Miss Bobble Casey,. weeks. spent a few days last week visit-1 ’ ' ’ Ing at Shatley Springs and at “er residents of this city now ! making their home in Lexington, ■ 'passed through this city Sunday on their way to spend a few days at Shatley Springs in Ashe coun- Revival Krvfceg are id.progn^ ils week at:Welcomq Home Bap- jtlst chUrcb near-iCrfcket. Rev,. A, W. Eticr, pkptor, ^ting fh the revival by Rey. B. C. Ashley, of Bina. Berylcefl are' {held at fen e, m. and eight p. m. ; uad a cordial inviution Is extend ed* all'to attend, i. t-J,; . 'll' ;-»5Si jS. In Durham city schools. Miss Ga-1 suffering from a stroke. She Is brlel graduated this year at W, C. the mother of Mrs. M. B. Mc- U. N. C. In Greensboro. Neil, of this city. LUMBER WANTED! WHITE AND YELLOW PINE Will Pay Ceiling Prices. Will Come to Your Yard and Pay Cash TPhone Smithey Hotel or Write Box 423 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. David Jacobson IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! To My Friends and Customers; It is with regret that 1 will have to announce that I will not servie meals to outside gue.sts on Sun- . day until further notice. I have come to this de- V cision bv reason of food rationing and scarcity of help. We will in the future try to take care of all who come during the week days, but until further notice no meals will be served on Sun days to other than regular boarders. I WISH TO THANK MY MANY FRIENDS FOR THHR patronage during the past several years. AND I HOPE THAT CONDITIONS WILL SO()N change whereby I CAN AGAIN TAKE CARE OF ALL GUESTS -AS I HAVE IN THE PAST FOR SUNDAY DINNERS. Very sincerely yours, ' MRS. J. W. POWELL, Prop., WILLIAMS BOARDING HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mitchell spent the week-end in Sbateaville visiting In the home of .M*"- Mrs. R. L. Cash. Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Cash are sisters. Misses Doris and Elsie Foster spent last week at While Lake n eastern part of the state as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neaves, of High Point. Mrs. Fred L. Shomuker, of Mi ami, Fla., Is In Wilkes for an ex tended visit with relatives, hav ing arrived from her Florida home several days ago. Mrs. W. S. Surratt, of Brent wood, Md., is spending the week visiting relatives in Wllkesboro and Moravian Falls. Mrs. Sur ratt expects to return to her home tomorrow. Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Bauguss, of Baltimore, are here visiting .Mr. Bauguss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. .M. E. Bauguss. They will also visit' relatives in Morganton before re turning to Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eshelman spent the week-end in High Point. ty. Mr. Basil Jands returned Sun day to Harriman, Tenn., after spending the week-end here with his family In Wllkesboro. Mrs. Jervis and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Marsh accompanied him ,to Mor- ganton, where he went hy train. Mr. J. W. Leyshon has returned to the city from a business trip to IjCinc.nnati. While in that city Mr. Leyshon attended a sales' meeting of the Tuxedo Feed Com pany. Mr. Leyshon is manager of the Tuxedo Feed Store located two miles east of the city on highway 421. Mrs. Albert Jennings returned Sunday to her home in Kannapolis after spending i week with Mr. Jennings’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jennings, at their home in Brushy Mountain township Mrs. Jennings was accompenied to Wilkes by her friend. Miss Bertha Harvel. — = Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Gentry end Ou. Saturday night they attended ' children, B, Gr., Jr.,^and^ Otbo ’tl5eMil11s*DWFen3aI~'wedding at ^ Louis, spent last night here in the Wesley Memorial Methodist home of Mrs. W. R. Absher. They church. [were on their way home to Knox- Rev. Fred H. Shinn, pastor of' ville, Tenn., after visiting rela the Wilkesboro and Union Metho-^ tlves at Reid^ville. Mr. Gentry is dist churches, is assisting Rev. a former manager of the employ- jack Honeycutt, pastor' of the ment service Tiffice here. Yadkinville Methodist church, in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson a revivol this week. and daughter, of -Ann Arbor, Miss Eloise Minton has return-, Michigan, Pvt. William B. Tom- ed to her home at Champion af-jiinson, of Fort Custer, Mich., and ter undergoing treatment at The Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sullivan, of ■Wllke.s Hospital for several days. ’ -Wilmington, Del., were guests last Miss Minton is the daughter of ! week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tom- iMr. and Mrs. T. O. Minton. |linson, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Tom- ! Mr. D. F. Sebastian, of North jinson, and Mr. John Tomlinson Important TAX NOTICE One and one-half per cent discount will be allowed on 1943 Town 1 axes if paid on or before August 1, 1943. Taxpayers who owe Town Taxes for the year 1942 will please take »otice that the time for Advertisement and Sale of Property And Garnishment of Wages is drawing near, and the penalty is to «oK««t delinquent Uxe ''{■creasing each month. -those who owe 1942 TAXES ARE URGED TO PAY ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 1, 1943, AND AVOID additional PENALTIES. K^Y. Tax CoUWfc*or,For ^;Jown of NorA Wilkesboro route two, and Mr. R. 0. Wyatt, of Laurel Springs, Al leghany county, were among those rpending .several hours in No?th Wllkesboro Tuesday on business. Mr. Edwin Jennings, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jennings, well known residents of Brushy Moun tain township, is working in a war job in Illinois. He likes his new work fine, his'father stated while in the city on business this week. Miss Geraldine Gaddy, has re turned here to the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Gad- Lt. Albert Stevens, Jr., who is here this week from Texas where he is stationed at Laredo army air field, spent Monday and Tuesday visiting relatives in the western part of the state. His father ac companied him on the trip which included Laurel Springs, where he saw his grandparents. Rep. and Mrs. Robert L, Doughton, who are just home from Washington. Tn North Wllkesboro they were with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Doughton and in Sparta with Mr, and Mrs. John H. Doughton. Lieut. Ster- WMur Dwbij' . Uoub t^agli wU]:00ifdacttM4errlcM; com- auhioif «i^d ^ ? A >«Tlti|LWlIl 'staH.Sdadkr add cqatiiiqer 'Dttoagh Aanp^t 'ltd at Rotiii^ Novntids ■ eharat, Rffr. AfCb Sjddaa. add oHiftl^tatslera, wjiH'w^ddet •dmeea •frlilcli .will be ..beM- each night'«t iwcldck. Tie revival wHF dloae with odmmpnio& and foot-washing. ■ f- =' ■ • , - ■ -v?'* , i r- Gp^lii^Stwe jjgl 1 CU 1,0 f »»a i • «*»• dy, after a months visit in Con-,gng^ ^ pilot in the gunnery school, cord, Wadesboro, and Albemarle, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phillips have returned from Baltimore to their home at Moravian Falls. Mrs. Phillipb. the former Miss Rachel 'Njchols, has accepted a position In the office of the Park way Bus Company. Mrs. Burt Savage and two sons, Billie and Tom, will return to their home in Knoxville, Tenn.. tomorrow after spending four weeks In Wilkesboro with Mrs. Savage’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patton. Mrs. M. D. Phillips and Mr. A, R. Phillips and children, of Dal ton, were gufests Sunday of Dr. G. T. Mitchell and family and Dr. E. N. Phillips and famili^. Mrs. M. D. Phillips is the mother of Dr. Phillips and Mrs. Mitchell. • . • Mr. W. H. DuhMng has sold his attractive residence In Finley Park to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Par due. The Duhlings, residents of the city during the past several years, left today to make their home In Hickory. Mrs. N. W. Walker, of WHkes- boro route one, underwent an op^ eration Monday at The Wilkes HospitsI, and was reported today •;s getting along fine. Mr.- Walker was called home Friday from Wil mington on account of her illness. Mrs. Genlo Cardwell was called to .Morrlsvllle Tueeday on account of 'the death of her -brother, Mr. E. W, Clemehts, who died that morning from a heart attack. She -WHS aeceinpanied there hy Mr. and Mra.' J. B. Clements, of Greensboro, -who had ari^ved hefe day before to visit %itb the rdwplla ahd Mrs. J. L^ Clem- wi!l be with his parents on North Eugene street until Monday. His wife had been hoping to join him but has found reservations from Texas impossible. — Greensboro Dally News, July 28. ■V- Evangelist Keys Conducts Services _,arge crowds hear the once known ‘‘Boy Preacher” Evangelist Charles Andrew Keys, Jr., In an old fashioned John Wesley open air evangelistic services, which he has been conducting every week end since July 3, across from Smlthey’s store under a big tree. Many people come from miles around traveling and walking from Wilkes county and through out the Bine Ridge to Ilbten to his dynmatlc soul stirring messages amd hear his testimony as “Soldier of the Cross" who began preaching in the hills of Virginia at five years of age. The evangelist would r^her hold open air street services than to conduct services in churches or, other places of worship, as he gets a greater joy out of these ser-' vices because he began his service on a street at 10 yehre of age - and has since -delivered,,, hundreds of soul stirring throughout the nation in air meetings and on the; and byways, where gvea^ gather and listen to the God, many accepting Chr: many going ew4^ ■with live a bitter Coffee Now Unrationed! y**Pe^ Red Stsunps— P, Q, R suid S are good through July 31st. Blue Stamps—'N, 1^ and Q are valid through August 7th. Sugar—Stamp 13, good for 5 pounds through August 15. Nos. 15 and 16, now good for can ning purposes. NBC RITZ Pound Size Wheaties, pkg. 11 c 2lc Gerber’s Strained BABY FOOD 3 Cans 21c Libby’s Yellow MUSTARD 9-oz. Jar Kellogg’s CORNFLAKES Large Size Grandee Stuffed— 30^ OLIVES, 41/2 ozs Silver Nip GRAPEFRUIT—-4 points JUICE, 46 Dzs. 29c Wegner’s 3 points TOMATO JUICE, 20 ozs. IJc JELLY GLASSES, doz. 35*^ JarRiRgs,5 doz. 25c SURE-JELL, 2 for 25^ FLITpmt 21c Large Size SUPER SUDS I HONEYDEW MELONS « CALIFORNIA ORANGES e YELLOW ONIONS e Large Size IDXSOAP •ifijiiiiiiiiitiiniiillt* , Westem E^ref “AA” Grade 1^1^ Steak, lb. lU—A—

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