KVm j!> i!tt*‘pnW*« J'**'^’* IWs fd^tBt toct. A^nt th* It' d6i**'W-W*y W:too late—*>a k) and oar Alllaa ewted" popolatlorajK ?^™^*®® M|a '>irtt! be "Wtic ehort- ■- 2' AwSwBi^tii** J'®"*** ral^t^er pay a few eeiita more for a popad of bam or a dosea am haTe BO hara'aad ene *t all, WllSi that iB mlhd, • tolb^th M a letter to the peppte you e« to COBgress lerduM- oot be" out of •*11110 JimaalBit Amerfca," the. "iay motlo* pletum. pj^t r-g" promote bue traral. {ejS™ ' eer^ng a aew asd Importrnc adrawilBf the coub-^ l^’i ibtfcraatlonat rflal^OM. ..i*;'-” ' piffee pf'Way lafettoatlon pOUepa a‘*rhit coauuerelal. Amir Oo adreea iBeinde Sontbmm'California. - ^ «}add add tki bay bHdgea, alb'e Redwood kichway. Office pf way ^ Khtloddl Park. tW ?* seta Uke conatry. the DS , gripping ' eyery and, bacon, trom lea and more ftome hr Ai .^prtter gro-j to the food woblern oat” erery eleeted pjttteSmt - ffbo do^sd*! follow Jta rebeck dp- aanda. .Only the - public as a .•■Mb’ewv r*. 5T* "'’rrr- .t" '^pM^aut, H^.ohdajned prints,of the film tor dtatHbojtion la RBg*> .eia,’ ihiltlat 'abowlage are plapndd (dy the An^ii^B Elhbasay In |f^ seta lake, couatey. th« Oh* mfy St HoQaiid, Mi^. P , wfla. Now Tork City, Bdetto Msiarle: NMP Riftlaad, the*;!ttt "COW, •> Brldfe: of ¥lrglala, he 0: bui.niiUke the films pro oewsjufc^*Wfri — -—(uaww to the food problem tlint me. _v> Bd decide I lies in'the hfijds of ’the wm-ncw m.aw?ng>— utai ^icrv »wi—ua more to. they tell their __ ^worry about o« the poitd front Coggrdeamen end Senators, now, .^e r^tef Ja ow^ Wntpavary, due receeslag along the highways “d, *Aak A*’-' RLmAAhe ARLsk m m I h rt w .imwarf ■«. sl;-a i ;tD,a'4b*aak In -the. weather 'and^y^sy,, what they want—In the jotftaln .aulrkejbc our *^p|i|Bned’’7end ..they’re pretty sure to get It. ecoactey which .will torce esttla",if they’^demaad lews that Will -Aod bogs on thw market in disor- miy. wanea > After you’re eaten rather hand aomely through the late summer wnd tall, the real pinch of all-out yrar whl catch up to your dinner 'lable. That's the belief of agri^ eultuml obserrers . across the aonntry — and of the Executire Committee of the National 'Crange, which Is meeting here •is week. f'^elp rather than hinder the pro-' • jductlon (ilHiteefateaks awf* toma toes, wheat and lamb chops, they’ll ket such laws. If thpy fall to make their wants known, they’ll get goremment by political ex- (pedlency and organised labor. lABOR DECLARES WAR— I Judging from the latest decla- [rations of the CIO and AF of L, the headmen of the Union front jintend to wage a political bettle Hntend to Following is a summary of the [over food prices. Cheap ^tatoes situation as seen by a prominent may sound well In speeches, and farm leader: It is still, hoped on party posters. But you caul that the worst results of the rig- Mt spoken words or printed H price ceilings, subsidy, roll-back words—nor do they grow pota- program pan be avoided if changes toes or .anything else, are mode for the ’44 season. A farmer knows. Unhappily, the r. 11 !/ w\ UP TO 50* «i ME ON EOELT -Writ* Ashley Owners SHLEl 1C Mfite IMS Mimlws IMir ll’s PsiesUd Tiffle-Teiled Proted This Ma.velous Heater Burns Wood . . . offers 24-bour heat •with minimum refueling. A.shley users ?ay, no fires to build on cold mornings, no ashes to take up daily, saves up to 50 per cent and more on fuel. No other has Ashley’s down-draft thermostatic system except as licensed by Ashley. You will make no mistake when you buy an ASHLEY. Get Controlled, 24-Hour Heat With Less Soot... With An ASHLEY DOWNDRAFT! 12 New Ranges Just Received! See these Ranges, designed to burn coal or wood ... in several sizes ' and styles! THEY MAY BE RATIONED SOON! Priced From $45.01) to $69-1^ r.. - Furniture Company MOiiu’d Rhoade», Mgr. ^'^NCmTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Prior to the'opehlBg of the ln- Conterei^ »t Hot Springe, Va.. last May, 'this column, through an exclusWe aouree. ohutted intormatlon as to thc^jeei agenda brfng up^r the meeting.: • "In our Iccne of April Hf- we seld: “There are'mahy who be- llere that a grandoise scheme to have America teed-the world Is being brought to a boll, while others are sure that the food la bel is a subterfuge for the plan ning of another League of Na tions.” . , Now that the Conference’s In terim Committee hss organized here in Washington, the wheels are rolling fast to put Into effect the Inside program agreed to at Hot Springs (***1^ by dennan eonnselor offl elsls, the jrtctnre'will shtiw . the . aeenle Wranders of America rhther I, .than, the rnthlAss Invasion of hen- tri|l cBpntries.' . i It tlOe revised to ,■ "North by Boa,” the film hss sJ- ti .. ii. fhpwBrto more ttmn e .11I'I I '-'-a-- I'W*'. iia. i>o(tnd ahimsf* are “enpported’’ as corn and Ittpedeik . hay in tl^ against 240-270 at present. The Tadkln Valley is excellent. / new impport order becomes effec- Mr. John Payne, who together tlve' September 1. w|th Mrs. P^yne have been resld- A Federal licensing systera will •“* Baltimore for some time, la replace the current permit system recuperating In a Wlnston-^tem on August J6. Only farmers kill- bosplbjl after a rather serious lag for home consumption will operation^ be exempt from the license regu-, Mrs. Elolse Alexander hrs re lations ‘ i Chester, S. C., where J,,,. spk»nsafthtp-§1“; thw' Of- r-df the Cooi’dinAtbr sdf’jBter- AmMlosn Afliili*. thos*Ksliow- Ti^ • i.1 . Smoky ''‘‘''IfOBalklm. beschM, Now emoui and IlfsamitppL^'PKEas and th« and the Onuid CAnyon. Slnee itsi^B'etloB three ft ago. the Aim Iws been andlencM' totnltag oevea persons lil thl»*o«lltry.• Y- libi gas irtlf thrscite a Buwfh. nsing' pr one ton of ••91 W' she has been visiting her hns- ■am agreeu lo at graL ^r^fef •mdlrt^kL‘’'rs’' *®'’ This amounts to another attempt to cut down cornd wUh h^r (1) ,i postwar facsimile of the League of Nations; (2) a post war world-wide trade control. This program will be conducted through a body to be called the United NKtictns Relief, pnd Rehabilitation Administration. This Administra tion is scheduled to, handle every thing from cabbage and sealing wax to kings. Our State Department has sub mitted for signature to the 32 United Nations a document to implement the Relief and Reha bilitation Administration. Regard less of who signs, really controll ing the show would be America, Brkain, Russia and China. Sen. Vandenberg (R. Mich.) hog feeding and divert corn Into the dslry-poultry feed marke-:. Opinion here la that It will have the reverse effect. With the gov ernment supporting the big mark et at fia.TS.'thlB Is equivalent to approximately 21.37 for corn. Ou such a basis It still pays better to feed the carbohydrate, rather than to sell it at the J1.07 celling. Also, there is the chance that up a dollar before McDowell and lives with her mother, Mrs. Ella McDowell, near Grandin. Mis* Cora Greer, of GrandHi, passed through our village one day last week on her w«y to Deep Gap f nd Watauga county. Misses Addle Casey, Beatrice Sebastian, and Bessie Brock, teachers in the local school, were pleasant visitors in thef communi ty last week. They will agiiin hogs may go up a dollar oerore here this year, bumping the $14.75 roof, equal to ^ q Wheeling former approximately $1.45 for corn. ' (,f ^,,g ggctlon. This ihakes It a sure-thing-bet to employed in Lenoir, going keep Btnfing corn into pork. jQ^th erch day to his Hog growers maintain, however, that the cost of other feed is ex-1 g y Tomlinson, promln- Sen. Vandenoerg (k. Micn.t tremely high. They point tp !ent merchant and farmer of North got wind of the play. He smelled tankage. Here the price has risen. ' wnkggboro. visited friends here an al.temnt to skin the Constitu-1 while the protein content has been o.,..ao,. on,i xiraa Innlfintv ftvpr hi.;i an attempt to skip the Constitu tional power which provides that the Senate shall pass on all treaties. He queried State Secre tary Cordell Hull. Mr. Hull wrote in reply: ‘Tt h,is been decided . . . that the United States participate in the establishment of this United Nations administration should be through executive agreement.” Apparently Congress ^ is once more to be by-passed by the Exe cutive. IS (•HA.NGEI)— .41! ironic twist developed in the first meetings of the Food Con ference’s Interim Committee here last week. Government friends of T'nder Secretary of Agriculture Paul Appleby h?d that gentleman all groomed to become permanent chairman of the Committee. From an inside source, this column is informed that the for eign delegates wouldn’t have any part of the Apppleby play. Their objection was on the ground that the Under Secretary was too bound up with the prese’it gov ernment. They pointed out that in erse a different Administration should win at the next election, •Appleby would “not be useful’’ in position which would call for k-: ' ' • U. S»'War Bonds and Stainps ‘ ■•■. «v*. - V ''k •lose collaboration between him self and any new group in power. A compromise was reached:, Aprleby was made temporary '•hairman—for a day. Then a Crnadlan was elected permanent chairman in his stead. Tl RREV CROP MARKED— Some time ago the Army-Navy •>eople informed WPA that 10 million pounds of turkey must bo assured for the armed forces. Ac cent was on the word ‘“must.” WFA took the matter up with the industry, told the toys that it was up to them to get industry com pliance. Otherwise there would be an order issued stopping all sale of turks to clvillars until the cmount needed for the troops was obtained. Last Friday the order was Issued. 'nUTK SHORTAGE IX)OMS— drastically reduced. This raake.s hogs at $13.75 none too profita ble, say the growers. Reports from the middle west indicate that there is not the supply of corn on the farms which many have been led to believe. In ^ When a dog recently snatched a tact, the situation is so tough that 'four-pound beef joint from a Sunday and was looking over his farming Interests. _V The population of In^ia is 389.- 000,000—three times Irrger than that of the United States. •V last week an Illinois hog grower bet a neighbor $500 that he would not sell corn ; t the ceiling price. The neighbor winked, took the bet, 'sold' the corn*'af’ ceiling—and collected the $500 wager. Added up, this resulted in the corn cost ing the purchaser $1.07 per bushel, plus $500, equal to $1.50 a bushel for corn. ■V' I butcher’s basket in Kent village in England, a woman chased the thief down the street and recov ered the meat. ji'llRAMA Of ' UNDYING lOVE • NOW • SHOWING LIBERTY (cRCTmMIG) RAOUL WALSH-DIREaOR with CLAIRI JOHN WALTit TREVOR WAYNE PIDGEON Ferguson News Items In Brief Ferguson, July 26.—Mrs. Cur tis Edens and daughter. Edith, of Dalzell, S. C., are visiting their Ruqt. Miss Janie Spicer, for a week of more. Mrs. Edens is the former Miss Nelle Moore. Mrs. Joe Cowles, who has been ill for some time, is much improv ed and is now at home after spending some time in the Wilkes hospital. A baptismal service was held at the Elk Bridge Sunday after noon, conducted by Rev. R. L- label, pastor of the A. C. church. He also conducted services Sun day morning. Rev. Shober Phillip.s. recently ordained Baptist minister, con ducted a service Sunday afternoo' at the Beaver Creek Baptist church. Mr. Phillips is a former resident of this community end his many friends and former neighbors here congratulate him on his entry into the mplsterial work. We are advised, that Rev. Grover Walsh will preach here next Sunday afternoon. John Edmund Foster, ex-rural mail 'ojrrier and prominent citi zen of Ferguson village, has been Special Sale • Of Beautiful • MIRRORS! ©OVALS AND A FEW ROUNDS With Mahogany and Maple Frames II Plate Glass; Desirable Sizes Responsible executives in WFAfsomewhet indisposed for several are badly worried over the pick Up and medium truck situation. Both these T^pes are essehtial in the farm-to-market system, and sife the farmer’s stand-bys for all around use. Under Army orders, truck man ufacturing has been on a 76 peV cent heavy duty basis. 25 per cent for all other types. Result will be a desperate'shortage of t!ie light er varieties only a few months whence. While the figures are con- ifidentlil. It Is not revealing a military secret to say that r larve percentage qf farm trucks bought by farmers during the past two vei?rs have been second or fbird hand, ’lliese are on their last 'egs. not 'to'mention their last tires. / •' V It ix felt here that unleis some quick shifts in the tru^k produc tion program can be made,'a se- :'rlou8 bottleneck will develop In (the vital work of food production -nd food d^lrery. MYTi HOe CEIUNO SET— As forecMt by this column, the government' finally announced a price ceBUg on liTe hogs at $14.75 to become elfeetlve eprly in Au^ gust. Also rearranged was the 113.75 •>>«r‘j;80v|li*t ►m-llBt days due to a fall which he re ceived. A physician has been at tending him and his many friends will look forward to his early re- covety. Mr. L. Clyde Ferguson, of Dal las, Texas, who Iws been visiting relatives here and _ at North Wilkesboro for the last week, re turned to Dellas via. Chicago and Omaha, Neb., Friday. Mr. Fergu son is a leading manufacturer In PiTlas. and is now supnlylng the covemment with a highway rol ler of his own Invention which he is shipping overseas along with many olher highway supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. Carlton ’"ve been spending a week with thdr daughter, Mrs. Tom Crowell. In Roanoke, Va. Mrs. Hill Cot- tress, of Lenoir, has been visiting the Carlton family during the ab sence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oarltop. The Orange met Tuesday nlsnt t" e social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8.- F. Miller. A goodly .number' was present end “iiibyed 'thc hospitality of the Mil ler*,vi i ' Everyone is glna I® *ee t4g dry weather slteY a thiw« seswoB. Oops *» doUw/ttnp^h* pl^pecUxfer ’ A very lucky purcha'^o makes it possible for us to offer you these high grade mirrors at such low prices . . . every one is plate glass with a beautiful carved wood frame in mahogany and maple . . . and you have a choice of either an oval or round . . . these mirrors are ideal for hall, livingroom or to be hung over odd dresser. Specially priced at s3.:o to $5.50 !• Y (See Window Display) - • J U S t» R E C E I V E D • ' You know how difficult it is to get ranges . . . well, we have just received a shipment of ten medium size ranges for burning eith er'coal or wood. These, as well as heaters, may be rationed soon. Better get your range or "heater now and be on the safe side for the duration,

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