Organization of War Loan Campaign Is Ready i \ Fifty million wage earners are expected to participate in t)ie huge third War Loan drive which will be conduct ed throughout the nation for a three-week period begin ning September 9, according to Clarence T. Leinbach, Winston-Salem, State Chair man • of the War Finance Committee. W. D. Halfacre is Wilkes coun ty chairman. The gigantic drive has two ma jor phases. Leinbach stated. One phase is the big business and in dustry purchase of bonds and other government securities through personal solicitation, and the other phase is the volume purchased of E. F and G bonds to reach 50,000,000 wage earners. At the present time there are 32,000,000 workers in the United Sta^s on the Payroll Savings P-lith, their combined purchases of War Bonds totaling $400,000,000 per month. Du-ing the third War Loan campaign it will be neces sary for these 32.000.u00 workers to buy War Bonds in addition to those purchased regularly through the Pa’Vroll Savings Plan. These extra bonds they may purchase with the extra money they are earning or by setting aside a special budget which will enable them to buy additional bonds. “I feel confident of the suc cess of the third War Loan drive as the public realizes the urgent need for the $15,000,000,000 set a.s goal. When we are w'inning we cannot afford to let up." be emphasized. “For as long as there are men dying we cannot rfford ti' stop buying. Once this message is gotten across to the woge earn ing public, that public will not hesitate to do its full share in putting over the third War Loan drive," Leinbach stated that he expects to complete shortly his state or ganization for the War Finance Committee. He and W. H. .-An drews. Jr., Greensborr, StUe Vice- Chairman, ore now in process of holding area meetings in each of the 10 state areas lor purpose qf completing the organization. He expects very soon to have the state quota of the $15,000,000,000 national quota which will be broken down into county quotas. son of Hgt. Albert D. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wood, of Koaring River, who Is, In the air corps, has been stationed overseas since June, 1942. He is engaged in guaging calibrat ing and rei>alring airplane parts and rndtes that he thinks that branch of the .service is “tops.” in a reent letter he adds a post script saying, “Don't let this floor you, but I've been prpmot- el to sergeant. Surprised? Me, too!” Besides his work,. 8gt. Wood is doing ids best to “Keep 'em Flying” by buying war bonds each month. Mop-Up In Sicily; Russians Drive Westward Holloway Is Freed Court American and British troops today were engaged in mopping up remaining enemy forces in Sicily. As the Allies were near ing the northern tip of the large island, Nazi troo^is were hurrying to escape across the narrow straits into Italy and were running a guantlet of fire from planes and naval vessels. Pvt. Gaither Mathis, son of Mr, and Mrs. M. G. Mathis, of Xortli WUkesboro route three, arrived in England k few weeks ago and is getting along fine, ax-cording to his letters home. Pvt. Mathis entered the army in December, 1042, and was sta tioned at Camp^Haan, Calif., be- IT>re sailing for overseas ser- vice. In BERLIN BOMBED—. British bombers for the third straight day attacked Berlin, Germany’s capital, and Milan, large industrial city in northern Itcly. The city of Milan was re ported pmctically in ruins from three heavy bombings. British and American forces to day bombed airdromes in north ern France and in Italy military objectives near the city of Rome were d't^astdtingly hit. Jack Reynolds Gives Manslaughter Plea Cops Crack Down Here On Speeders A verdict of not guilty was returned in Wilkes court last week in the case of Jack Holloway, who was tried for the fatal shooting of Willie Gwyn, negro, in Rock Creek township sev eral months ago. iloilov.i y claimed self de- .ensp. The shooting was said to ■lave occured during an affray which started over the purchase )f some liquor. Jack Reynolds, charged with the murder of Robert Nicholson, during the process of trial enter ed a pleas of manslaughter, which was jiccepted by the state. Judgment has not been passed by Judge J. Tv'ill Pless, Jr., who s presidiu.g oyer the two-weeks term. Grant Holbrook was convicted -r larceny and receiving and sen tenced to from 12 to 18 months on the road. Notice of appeal to the supreme court was given. '"onrt bbgan the second week i today. V REDJ5 MAKE GAINS— In Russia the Red offensive .gained speed today and Russian ttack forces were only 20 miles from Bry>jns. Large numbers of Germans have been killed in the past three days. Army Worms Play Havoc InTheCounty County Agent Tells How to Destroy The Worms SOUTH PACIFIC— American flyers in the South Pacific area over the week-end shot down 45 Jap planes while losing only five. There were no major developments in land, fighting In an area on the South Pacific. Earlier reports said .■\merlcans continued to advance on Jap bases in the Solomons. V Army worms have hit Wilkes county and are doing extensive damage, to pastij^'es %nd some growing crops, J. B. Snipes', coun ty agent, said today. Army worms are usually small and of black or grey’sh color, Mr. Snipes said. When a pasture becomes infest ed, the worm can ruin the grass in a few hours. One Wilkes farmer said Saturday that his pasture, beautifully green only a few days • On Visit By Governor Coble Plant And Cham^ Poultry Farm Are Visited Visit of Governor Brongii- ton to Wilkes Friday afternoon was nnnsual in that it was nn- hmilded. His Excellency arrived here about 1:30 and h^d luncheon et Hotel Wilkes with J. B. Williams, J. B. Snipes, George Coble and others. Reportedly, Bid Williams had two luncheons Friday, but did not seem to be any the worse for doubling up. Wliii tile (iovemor were his clmrming wife, and son, Bobby, nie Governor has two other sons, one being in the mariike corps. A Lexington photographer snapped a picture of the Governor packing egg dust in a barrel at the Coble plant. At Champion Poultry- Farm Dwight Hftehols; of The JoormJW Patriot, took a picture of Gov ernor Broughton and T. O. Min ton, owner of the farm. The Governor said he was going to pat a picture of that on his desk. Mrs. Minton end daughter, Elolse, grow pretty roses. They pinned one on the Governor’s Governor J. M. Broughton on Friday afternoon visited two of Wilkes county’s most interesting and thriving en terprises, Coble Dairy Products company plsmt in Wilkes- boro and Champion Poultry Fann IS miles west of North Wilkesboro. before, looked like It had been burned over, the destruction was James Rash Is Victim Of Auto Mishap Young Man Is Killed When Automobile Overturns Softball Games otopped By tvain|jj^y afternoon when the Both softball games in the Churches’ League were rained out Thursday af,ternoon and the standing remains the same as published in this newspap-* Thursday. .V. Traffic Violators To Be Hailed Into City Court , Reckless drivers, speeders, drunken drivers and others who violate traffic laws in North WUkesboro may as wall gat ready to face the judge. Police Chief J. E* -Cr Walker said today. W Chief Walker said that four were Jn conrt today on speeding ^ and reckless driving charges and , ftAiiMi'will make a determin-; ttkt police’ will make cd effort to get all such violators before the'odart^ i There haa kicreaslog amount of reckless end i driving which Is unquestion- | ibie daaiWonB. Chief Walker sr ld , today to dlscnstto* toe traffic sit- j ^^e*alao pointed oat that motor. James Elmer Rash, age 18, a youth' of the Congo community, was killed Sun- car which he was driving over turned about three miles west of Wilkesboro near Brown’s Ford. The youth was alone at the time of the accident and he was found soon after the car over turned by some girls who were walking along the road. He was pinned benetth the overturned car and when help ar rived to turn the car oft his body he was dead. The youn.g man was a son of D. W. and Mae Church Rash, of Congo. Surviving are his par- ■nts. two slstSrs, Mrs. Mary Lee Billings and Annie Pauline Rash, I nd one brother, Bryant Rrsh. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, 11 a. m., at Harmony Baotlst church five miles west of this city on highway 421. . V Chauffeur of the governor's car was impressed with diam- plon Poultry Farm, as well as the others in the party. He said lie hoped to own a chicken farm .some day. • IncldentiTly, .Mrs. Minton saves The worms will also attack growing corn and other green foli age b'ut do greater damage to grass, often feeding on lawns. j The best remedy for grass on 'ond markets cracked eggs. She level land is tq roll a heavy roller told the party that she made over the gras, which kills enough enough each month to purchase of the worms to reduce damage to a war bond. a minimum. ' j Governor Broughton said But on rough land where a ; tlmt in visiting; the inte.-csting roller cannot be used, Mr. Snipes places in Wilkes he was doing MissSanford (■ Is Secretary Of Red Cross ' The state’s chief executive said that he came to Wilkes Friday be cause he wanted especially to sea the Coble plant and Mr. Minton's poultry/ farm. He stated that he read with much interest the ar ticles about the two enterprises in The Journal-Patriot’s "Food For Freedom” edition issued on May 6 and that he had also heard much talk about the dehydrating plant and the south’s largest poultry j farm. Governor Broughton, who watched with intense interest the ! proces.s of dehydrating eggs at the ! Coble plant, was genuinely im pressed with what he saw. At the Dairy Products company Plant he ..first -to? co.'d storage warehouse, where he was shown large quantities of eggs awaiting manufacture into preci ous egg dust for shipment to arip- ed forces overseas, from there he was shown through the candling room, where girls looked at eggs before lights to see they were o. k. Then he watched women in white break eggs in small cups and hold them before their noses just for an instant to check for odors undesirable. Next was the mixing vat where the eggs are recommends poison bait. This is composed of 100 pounds of wheat bran, five pounds of Paris green, eight gallons of water and one gallon of molasses. Mix well in a leak proof container, wliat he wanted to do^ .some- tiling lie planned himself, and that he was not brought into the county or urged to come by anvhodv. Succeeds Mrs. Taylor As Executive Secretary changed into liquid, and then the I interesting drying room, j Governor Broughton was shown the room where the liquid eggs go I through small jets under 2,500 pounds of pressure at high tem- I perature and he watched through a small window rs the golden dust settled on the drying room floor. Below he saw the dust being pack ed into barrels, which in a few days will reach an overseas des tination and soldiers will have Miss Kathrin Sanford, of their scrambled eggs. Ripley, Tenn., has been em-j S. Coble, president and . ’general manrger of the now vast _ , .At Champion Poultry farm he ployed as executive seci^tary products company, preferably cement, and spread at j found the hills steep and express- gf Wilkes chapter of the'told the governor that 7,200 eggs the rate of 40 pounds per acre in ed the desire for a jeep to g^ American Red Cross I were required to make a 2000- the late afternoon. [around with. Mr. Minton said if ^ Sanford who arrived last'pou''^ barrel of dehydrated eggs, Worms which have reached a he would come back after the wrr * _ . , ’ , enough to provide " •■■■" a-" length of one to one and one-halt,be would try to have one on hand. (Continued on page eight. inches will soon pass into the pupa i ..i i i . i... j u i i ,j stage and will do little more dam age, Mr. Snipes said. V- ELLEDGE BROTHERS IN SERVICE Schools CpL BM G. Woo4 Mr,^ and mA. W. D. 9t North WOkwhoto roike tws, .entercNt the oervioe Decemher 44, 1942, and is BOW statfonedi gt. VoH l^t Faculty iity Schools With exception of Mulber ry school, all schools of the Wilkes county system open ed this morning. More than 9,000 children in Wilkes today began the 1943-44. term, which will be their first of nine-months school. C. B. Eller, county superin tendent of school^ said that j practically idl ^cher va cancies went filial *®m- porary'teachers' were found for the few vaeimies'which ( remained today. Mulberry ^school will not .open until - August 30( be- ' cause of httmioefcing trim* ^ portatkm system with North to provide a two-egg breakfast for 3,600 men some where in Africa, Sicily, New Guin ea or some other place so far away that fresh eggs could not reach them- A tablespoon full of egg dust, about two and one-half times that much water or milk, piix well (Oontinued on page eight) v-T Rations schools, Wilkesboro open on aanonneed*^ today on ]Mg«' eightl Monday, August Si),' wns. *M>t opea'^td ftal dete. 4*^today by Paul & ■ ' auT BLUE .STAMPS— (For canned, frozen snd M taJu deliydrated food.») illue stamps R, S, and T, he came valid Augtist 1 and will b»‘ good tlirougli September "■ GASOLINE— “A” book coupons No. 8 good for three gallons each and must last till Novemter 21. REDSTAMPS— (For meat products, cannei ftsh, most edlMo oils and cbeen* es). Red stamps T, B, V, and W, ^ uilt wnu^ vaBd through Aug- . lu War Rartou’i epL Clifford EHedfoi^^left, and Wajmu ElMge, sea man, 2-c,' tens'^(^ Mr. and Mrs. S. C. ElMge,'of Hays, are seizing in'* the respecthra branches W the army and naval air furccU Clifford entered the army'ur corps Jan-ir Since ha bar fotfB through se^rat pbaseji cf tw^'i»|p.^^iiid is now statioiaed at Field, Washwgton.^^^ yo^yast of the two, Wayne, was ducted Into thie naval air corps ]May, 11, 1943, bn- m^hUaly nftav. graduaUny'frpin Mouatain View hifh^; schboL He want through hoof Minip^at -the haval nhr^ ttetioa'at Jadn^viUe, ga!.'^'Wayna'liin Iha^valS air techm^ trafatinf cantor ttf JadcsemviBa, stedj^g ih 1im avintiMi onfiaancwiDaii and an aatial fuonar. SUGAR fit SUSP No. 14, good tor live pufssds, beoMBe.Tulld tadngr ua4 te gM through Novanner l. shu- 'iB-WMHtrai Ww Ratiua Bgtif Ous raiM tor 5 ektA, tar usa'la

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